Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 39: T-that's not the Lord God!

Chapter 39: T-that's not the Lord God!

"W-what are you doing here, girl!?"

Elder Khan's whole body turned stiff. He had his hands stretched, ready to summon his weapon and kill this smiling child in front of them right here and now. Kuzon hesitantly also did the same, as the memory of him smashed on the ground was still fresh.

"I'm lost? And I am not a girl!", Viel pouted as he walked around the room, as if he was trying to search for something. His interest was piqued when he saw something shiny sitting on top of a cabinet.

"Lost!? How did you even get in my private quarters!? And don't touch that gem!"

Elder Khan summoned a sword and pointed it towards the little child. Viel, however, just ignored him and proceeded to grab the shiny gem. He then nodded and slowly put it in his pocket, carefully looking behind him a couple of times, as if afraid someone can see him.

"We can clearly see you right here!", Elder Khan was about to wave his sword, but then Viel's expression turned serious all of a sudden as he stared at Kuzon.

"Why did you hit my sister?", said the little child.

"Me? What are you talking about!? She was the one who suddenly went in front of my sword", although Kuzon can still feel the pain of being smashed on the ground, but his disdain overpowered him as his tone carried a mocking tone.

"Hmm, is that so", Viel tilted his head as he smiled and placed his finger on his chin.

"Of course, I would never dare hurt the Lord God's friends. I apologize for my impudence, it will not happen again", Kuzon bowed. His words were flowered with respect, but his tone was nothing but. And it was clearly shown with the wide smirk on his face.

He was no longer worried about the little child being aggressive, as Elder Khan was sure to protect him if ever the child attacks him.

"Do you promise not to hurt any of my friends?"

"I do, Lord God", Kuzon once again bowed, his body almost shaking from preventing himself from chuckling.

"Hm Okay", Viel nodded as he turned back and exited the door.

He left as quickly as he came.

"Tch. That brat really has the nerves. Does he really think she is the Lord God? And that's with her saying claiming she's a boy? Such nonsense", Kuzon clicked his tongue as soon as Viel left the room.

"Damn it! I forgot to ask him for the gem he took! That sly brat No matter, we will get it back once we kill him", Elder Khan stomped his foot as the sword in his hand disappeared.

The two got back to discussing their plans as soon as they were sure no one was eavesdropping. But after a few minutes, the door to their room opened.

Viel once again entered the room.

"W-what are you doing back here!? Are you here to return my gem?", although Elder Khan was perplexed as to why Viel returned, he still scoffed at Viel when he addressed him.

Viel, however, once again ignored Elder Khan and slowly closed the door. A minute sigh could be heard, and although the sigh was almost silent, it felt like it reverberated and filled the whole room. It caused the two winged-men to be still, not uttering a single word. As if their instincts were telling them to shut up.

Elder Khan knew then that he made a very very grave mistake. The little child in front of them, really was the Lord God.

The little boy then smiled and stared at Kuzon and said,

"I thought about it for a minute and I apologize

But I don't believe you"


"Master Xing Cai, you're awake!", Xianying stopped what she was doing when she saw Xing Cai opening her eyes and struggling to sit up from the bed, "Please don't strain yourself, Master Xing Cai. Your wounds have only just been healed!"

"Wwhat happened where, where is Viel?", Xing Cai was already fully healed, but the stress on her mind was still lingering in her, causing her to be weak and feeble. But even so, the first thing she asked for was Viel.

"You don't need to worry about Lord Viel, Master Xing Cai. He is safe and sight seeing", Xianying said with a slight regret on his mind. She also wanted to roam around the palace, but taking care of Xing Cai was the priority.

Hearing this, Xing Cai released a sigh of relief. But after a while, she clicked her tongue in frustration. She gripped her blanket tight and closed her eyes.

"Why why am I so weak", she whispered quietly.

She promised to be there and protect Viel. But it turns out that she was the one that needed protection.

No, she knew. She knew from the start that Viel was a lot stronger than her, and in turn so will the enemies that wish to hurt him. But she wanted to prove herself, to prove that she could protect him. And this was the result, she proved herself to be nothing but a burden. An elder of the wealthiest sect in Eastern continent, a burden to a little boy. Recognizing this fact, she bit her lips, tasting only the bitterness of her weakness.

"In the military, there is a very notorious test. Almost ritualistic, as a matter of fact", Xianying, seeing Xing Cai's disappointment, started to speak, "An officer stealthily throws a grenade in front of bunch of trainees doing exercises. Now the trainees, they are unaware of course that the grenade is actually a dud. Well, some do know since this kind of test is actually quite common. But when done at the least expected time, it always causes panic. And amidst that panic, there will always be that one trainee that jumps in front of the grenade. Trying to save his friends in instinct"

Xianying then held Xing Cai's hand that was gripping the blanket, "That kind of bravery, Master Xianying, is the greatest strength one can harness"

Xing Cai stared at Xianying for a couple of seconds after her lengthy motivational speech. After a brief silence, Xing Cai started to smile, accompanied by a slight chuckle. "Bravery is only reserved for the competent", Xing Cai said as she released a content sigh.

"Ah! Sister Xing Cai, you are awak- *gasp*", Viel suddenly barged into the room, and as soon as she saw Xing Cai up and about, he quickly approached her. But then he released a loud gasp when he got near the bed.

"S-sister Xing Cai*gasp* so that is why you do not have children. Y-you like women! It all makes sense now", Viel stuttered as his head shook uncontrollably. One hand covering his mouth, the other pointing at Xing Cai's hand, which was currently being held by Xianying.

"E-eh!? No, Lord Viel this is-"

"Ssshh", Xianying was interrupted before she can state her case. "It is alright, big tittied child, Grandma Ling always told me that we never truly choose the people we are attracted to, and that is why she married a disappointment like Grandpa."

Viel then place his hand on top of Xianying and Xing Cai's entwined hands. "You have nothing to hide from me, I am not a bigot. I approve of this, progress will never be achieved if one denies their true natu-"

"Say anymore and I will make you pay for everything that you have destroyed in Taizhou"

"Sister Xing Cai, oh how worried I was for you", Viel instantly changed his demeanor as soon as he heard Xing Cai's words, a slight tear falling from his eye.

"Uhmm..", Xianying was baffled the mystifying exchange between Xing Cai and Viel. So to avoid any more of this eccentric conversation, she opted to change the topic, "S-so Lord Viel, h-how was your sightseeing? Did you enjoy roaming around the palace?"

Viel thought for a second before answering. "Yes, very much so. A little too noisy though", Viel said as he smiled slightly.



Xianying was sceptic, she briefly roamed the place before checking in the room. And as far as she was concerned, the palace was dead quiet. Even the steps of the winged-men do not produce any form of sound. She slightly became curious as to where the noisy part of the palace was, but she was interrupted before she could ask Viel.

"Sister Xing Cai, how are you feeling?", Viel asked Xing Cai. Any previous silliness was gone from his face. Only showing the sincerest concern towards Xing Cai.

"I I am fine now. Viel, I..I was suppose to protect you but", Xing Cai felt disappointed at herself again once she saw Viel's concerned face.

And suddenly, while wallowing, she felt a warm embrace.

"Thank you, sister Xing Cai"

"I-", Xing Cai was surprised by Viel's sudden gratitude. No words were coming out from her mouth, all she could do was return Viel's gesture as she hugged him back.

Xianying, who was watching from beside, could not help but shed a tear from the affection that the two in front of her were exuding.


"Hear me, Servants of the Lord God! May I present to you, our Lord God's new persona, Lord God Viel!"

Elder Augustus waved his hand with excitement as he introduced Viel to the winged-people lined up in the now bountiful throne room.

Seated beside the throne were Xing Cai, with Xianying standing slightly behind her. And seating on the throne, was Viel.

In a very feminine and cute white robe. It almost looked like an elegant party gown. His golden hair was also braided into a knot, causing the remaining strands of hair that were freely flowing to stand out.

However, Viel had a very deadpan expression on his face. To the winged-people that were currently in awe, this expression looked almost divine, as if their Lord God had no care of any earthly possessions.

The truth behind the expression, however, was very far from their imagination.

"Pft", Xing Cai slightly snorted as she released a light chuckle, "The dress suits you, sister Viel. I will make sure to buy you clothes similar to this when we get back"

Xing Cai had a very satisfied expression on her face. Admittedly, she also find Viel cute in his current attire. But this was her chance to get back at Viel and tease him fully. She released a contented sigh as she looked at Viel with her eyes eyebrows slightly raised.

Viel's current appearance was all prepared by Elder Augustus, from his robes and all the way to his hair. But when he realized that he had made a mistake about Viel's gender, he groveled on the ground and offered his wings. Viel, however, did not mind as he just wanted to go to the feast and eat some sweets already. But everything changed when Xing Cai saw Viel.

But alas, it was too late to change. The feast has already started and the winged-people have already offered their gifts and greetings.

Viel could only swallow Xing Cai's teasing in pursuit of the sweets that awaited him.

"Lord God Viel, thank you for gracing us with your presence, truly", Elder Augustus bowed with respect.

"O-okay. Where are the sweets?"

"At once, Lord God.", Elder Augustus then ordered the nearest servants to bring in the sweets.

Seeing the beautiful collection of sweets in front of him, Viel put all the thoughts behind him and proceeded to devour the bounty offered to him.

"If only the departed Elder Chen was here. Surely, he would surely know how to recover Lord God's memories"

[Lu Yi expresses utmost regret]

As soon as Elder Augustus uttered the name Elder Chen. Mr. Voice loud ringing instantly made Viel stop eating, "Elder Chen? The name feels familiar"

"Ah yes! Are you starting to remember, Lord God!? Elder Chen was your most loyal subject. I knew he would somehow help to recover Lord God's memories!", Elder Augustus started to get excited.

"N-no, not really"

"I see. No worries, do not rush, Lord God. The memories will soon return to you", Elder Augustus smiled as he added more food to Viel's table. "Speaking of loyal subjects, where in Lord God's name is Elder Khan? This disrespect shall not be tolerated!", Augustus harrumphed as he failed to search for long-bearded elder amongst the winged-people.

"It is fine, Mister Augustus. I am sure they have better things to do. Also, I wish to explore Miss Xianying's city tomorrow. There is a lot more interesting stuff there, like the tall colorful buildings. There's this thing that I saw"

Viel continued to describe the things he was curious about to Elder Augustus. As Viel finished his stories, Elder Augustus told him that he would arrange their transportation to return to the city of mortals.

The group continued to celebrate and have fun, there was also a performance by a group of winged women. They performed a dance, holding a long white, almost transparent cloth and they waved it in the air, creating an illusion of a vortex.

Viel could not help but clap and join the women dancing. All of the winged-people clap and cheered as Viel brandished the long cloth and spin all around the place.

Elder Augustus was the most excited of the bunch as he held a drum in his hand, clapping it in tune with the music. He was, however, interrupted by a group of winged men in armor.

"What!? Is this true!?", Elder Augustus could not help but stop what he was doing as he stared at the man that reported to him. His eyes wide in shock.

"Yes. We are trying to get him out of the room, but he does not want to go out no matter what we try"

"I I see, seal his quarters for now and do not let anyone near it. We must not let this ruin the celebration of our Lord"

"Yes, Grand Elder!", the winged men saluted as they hastily left.

Elder Augustus' breathing was erratic as he tried to push the guards report away to the back of his mind to focus on the celebration.

He then looked at Viel who was cheerfully dancing with the winged women. His eyes were half closed as he seemed to try to analyze Viel.

Then, he could not help but gulp and release a few sweat on his forehead, as Viel seem to have noticed that he was looking at him.

Viel paused dancing for a few seconds to smile and wave at Elder Augustus.

It has not even been a day since the Lord God's return, and the palace has already experienced a drastic change. Truly, the Lord God works in mysterious ways, Elder Augustus thought.


"Elder Khan, please. You are missing the Lord God's celebration"

"W-what!? No! No Stay away!"

Elder Khan was currently curled up on the floor. His appearance disheveled as his whole body shook, "That's not the Lord God not the Lord God"

His previous domineering aura was nowhere to be found as he fidgeted uncontrollably in place. The numerous strands of light on his back were gone, only one remained, barely making the shape of a wing.

"Then please, Elder Khan, at least step outside so we can clean your room"

"NO! I will not go outside it it is outside no keep it away from me! I am no longer an Elder from now on! Just... just keep it away from me, I beg you!", Elder Khan crawled to the corner of the room, trying to cover the one strand of light left on his back. Truly, there was nothing left of the domineering Elder, what replaced it was a scared, shriveling old man.

The winged man that was trying to assist Elder Khan out of the room could not help but sigh. He no longer knew what to do.

He once again surveyed the whole room, a nauseating expression can be seen on his face as he shook his head.

"What in Lord God's name happened here"

Said the man as he looked at the river of blood that almost flooded the entire floor.


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