Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 38: Oops...

Chapter 38: Oops...

"Congratulations on your successful reincarnation, Lord God!"


[Successfully eliminated all targets! Congratulations on clearing the Tutorial Dungeon, Viel!]

[Rewards: ERROR Player already has the reward item]

[Portal will be closed in 72 hours. Please exit the dungeon before the portal closes]

Viel was distracted with the sudden announcement by Mr. Voice. To the others, he looked like he was looking in the empty air, like a buffoon.

One of the three winged-men currently kneeling in front of Viel scoffed, "Senior Augustus, are you sure this retarded child is our Lord God?"

"Silence, Kuzon! Anymore slanders and I will extinguish your wings!", Augustus glanced at the young feisty winged-man, Kuzon, with a displeased expression on his face.

Kuzon had no choice but to swallow his remarks. But his eyebrows were knotted, obviously irritated of the fact that he was being forced to kneel to a child.

Viel, who just finished reading Mr. Voice's announcements, placed his attention to the 3 winged-men again.

"Uhm are you talking about me, misters?", Viel's eyes were slightly squinting as he was confused as to why this old winged-man, Augustus, was calling him Lord God.

"Yes, Lord God! We are humbled by your presence!", Augustus kneeled even lower as he raised his palm towards the sky. Completely groveling on the ground.

Seeing the state of Augustus, Viel started to sweat a little bit as he gulped nervously.

Viel remembered his antics earlier on. When he pretended to be a god to the group of soldiers in order to get some sweets from them. Perhaps he might have taken the joke a little too far? He then remembered Xing Cai's lecture, of how religion does crazy things to people. He needed to fix this situation before it gets worse.

"Uhm s-sorry, misters. I am afraid I am not this Lord God you speak of. I just wanted to get somesome sweets teehee?", Viel let out a nervous chuckle as he slightly stuck out his tongue.

"See!? I told you she is not the Lord God!", Kuzon stood up as he glanced mockingly at Viel, "We have wasted our precious time with these pathetic mortals, Elder Augustus"

"Kneel down, Kuzon! I will not say it again!", although still kneeling down, Augustus still exuded a hint of authority.

"This buffoon is not the Lord God, Elder. I will prove it to you!", Kuzon then stretched out his hand. One strand from his wings started to turn into a shape of a sword. The sword made of light glittered as he brandished it with his hand.

And then, he nonchalantly waved it, its tip pointing at Viel.

Immediately, Xing Cai rushed in front of Viel, raising and tightening the shield on her hand.


The golden shield cracked as Xing Cai rolled on the ground and flew a couple of meters, her momentum was only stopped by a large boulder. Blood oozed from her mouth as her back received the full impact from hitting the cold hard stone.

"M-master Xing Cai!", Xianying quickly rushed towards Xing Cai. Seeing the state of Xing Cai, she could not help but gasp. Xing Cai's arms were twisted, the bones on her arms were already sticking out from her flesh, only her skin was preventing her arms from being split in two. Some of the shards from her golden shield were also embedded throughout her whole body.

"Tch. You dare dirty my sword, you filthy mortal!", Kuzon had a twisted expression on his face, clearly expressing disgust as he waved his sword, as if trying to take off the dirt from it. He then turned his head towards Viel, "Now it's your tu-"

But before Kuzon can finish his next words, he felt an ominous breeze aiming at his neck. He quickly raised his sword before this breeze can reach his neck, blocking it. But as he did so, he felt his whole body shift as he was blasted away, like a leaf being blown away by the wind. He flew a distance before he successfully regained his balance by flapping his wings.

"Yo-", once again, Kuzon was interrupted, but not because someone hit him, but because half of his face was being covered by a small hand. He slowly turned his eyes towards the owner of the small hand.

There, he saw Viel, looking at him without even the slightest expression on his face. He tried to move his hand in order to stab the little child with his sword, but as soon as he even tried to lift a finger, the child's grip tightened, threatening to crush his beautiful face.

"No one hurts my family", Viel said as he continued to slowly tighten his grip. Kuzon wriggled in pain as he felt the pressure on his face becoming tighter and tighter.

"L-Lord God! Please forgive me for intruding, but your companion needs healing. We can fully heal her in the palace but we must hurry!", Augustus' voice can suddenly be heard as he appeared out of slightly near Viel.

"R-really!? Then what are we waiting for!?", Viel immediately smashed Kuzon's head on the ground, no longer caring about him as he flew towards the direction where Xing Cai was blown away to check on her.

Augustus respectfully bowed towards the flying Viel. He then looked towards Kuzon, who was lying on the ground, disbelief was painted all over his face.

"Settle yourself, Kuzon. I will make sure you are rightly punished once we arrive in the palace for attempting to harm our Lord God. I would extinguish you here now, but the Lord God's companion takes priority"

Augustus said with a cold voice as he flew away to follow Viel.


"Quickly, bring this guest to the fountain. Make sure all of her wounds are tended to!"

As soon as the group arrived in the palace. Augustus ordered the men that were guarding the gate to assist Xing Cai, who was currently being carried on a floating bed.

Both Xianying and Viel's eyes were wide in awe. The whole place was white and seemed to be filled with smoke. A palace made of clouds, perhaps that was a more fitting name to call the place they arrived in.

Their trip here was, in a word, trippy. Augustus asked them to go inside the flying car, and when they did so, a bubble made of light enclosed it, causing it to float in the air. Xianying was wondering what the bubble was for, but it only took a second for her to be answered. The view outside shifted as she felt her whole body almost being crushed by the force of the speed they were travelling at.

And if she was not mistaken, they were currently in outer space.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud and authoritative voice.

"Elder Augustus, what is the meaning of this!? Even if you are the Grand Elder, have you no shame of bringing mortals to our sanctum!?", an old winged-man with long white beard approached Xianying and the group, his steps clearly expressing his irk.

"Restrain your words, Elder Khan. You are in the presence of the Lord God", Augustus said as he introduced Viel.

"This fledgling is the reincarnation of the Lord God? Elder Augustus, have you gone mad!?", Elder Khan shouted, purposely showing his disdain, "And why is Kuzon injured!?". He then beckoned Kuzon to approach him in order to check on his injuries.

"I am certain. The child used a skill that only Lord God Lu Yi is capable of. Kuzon tried to harm the Lord God, I presume you have no qualms in your protg being punished for that sin?", Elder Augustus said as he stared at Kuzon with his brows knotted.

"Punishment!? Wha-"

"You know of Miss Lu Yi!?"

Elder Khan was unable to finish his words due to being interrupted by a small voice.

"You! How dare you utter the Lord God's name with your filthy tongue!? Elder Augustus, I am sure you have made a mistake, this this half-pint can't possibly be the Lord God!", Elder Khan blatantly expressed his disagreement as he repulsively looked at Viel.

[Lu Yi expresses annoyance]

Viel's eyes twitched as this long bearded repeatedly point at him, "Lu Yi! Lu Yi! Lu Yi! Lu Yi! Lu Yi! Lu Yi!". Viel repeated shouted Lu Yi's name as stomped his foot on the floor.

"Y-you! You are testing my patie-"

"This is enough!", before Elder Khan can rebuke, Elder Augustus' shout reverberated throughout the palace, "Elder Khan, you may leave. And drag your protg with you. I will leave you to it to punish him accordingly. This is an order."

"Tch.", the long-bearded elder could only click his tongue. He pulled Kuzon away, clearly disappointed of the way things have been settled.

Kuzon, who still had visible injuries, continued to stare at Viel with disdain in his eyes.

"What are you people waiting for!? Quick, bring the Lord God's sister to heal!", Elder Augustus waved his hand. The winged men rushed to carry Xing Cai to the fountain of healing. Elder Augustus then respectfully bowed towards Viel. Unlike his previous demeanor, Elder Augustus' tone quickly became gentle as he spoke to Viel, "Lord God, may I suggest visiting your throne while your sister is being healed? Perhaps it will help recover your Lord God's memories."

"Wwait I I will stay with Viel", before the men can completely drag Xing Cai away, she struggled to sit up as she pushed one of the hands that were pushing the bed. Blood still sprawled on her mouth.

"Madame, I assure you. If I were to even accidentally harm a single strand of hair of the Lord God's, I will extinguish my wings right there and then", Elder Augustus looked at Xing Cai in the eyes, his gaze earnest and not a single hesitation can be seen in it.

Seeing the Elder's sincere expression. Xing Cai could only nod, "Lieutenant, do not leave Viel's side", she said before completely passing out.

"Y-yes, Master Xing Cai!", Xianying clumsily saluted as she did not expect suddenly being addressed to. The entire conversation, no. The entire situation was now way beyond what she even dreamed of. It was, literally, way above her paygrade.

Viel and Xianying made sure that Xing Cai was comfortable before following Elder Augustus towards the throne room.

The halls of the throne room, even at its simplicity, was breath taking. It felt like walking on top of the world, literally. As one can see the planet below the steps of the throne.

The two could not help but be amazed of the sight, Viel even more so as this was his first time seeing a planet in its whole entirety.

"It it's round and colorful"

It took a few minutes before he could calm himself down.

"*cough* Lord God, perhaps you may sit on the throne? This might help to recover Lord God's memories", Elder Augustus waved his hand as he presented the throne to Viel.

Unlike the thrones of mortal kings, the throne in front of Viel was simple, and yet it exuded an enigma of authority. An authority unlike any other. The throne was a marble and pearl in color.

"T-this chair?", Viel approached the throne and patted it, "It looks cold".

Viel then proceeded to sit on it. Struggling to climb on the big throne.

And then and there, all of his greatness revealed itself, the lights shone at its brightest. As if it found its long-lost mother or atleast that was what Elder Augustus thought.

Viel's whole body was not even enough to occupy even half of the throne's seat. He wriggled to find a comfortable position, "Yup, it's a bit cold and hard", he said.

Xianying inhaled deeply, trying her best to restrain herself from laughing at Viel's awkward display.

"Miss Lu Yi sat on this chair? Her back must have hurt a lot"

"Y-yes! Are your memories returning to you, Lord God!?", Elder Augustus excitedly crawled towards Viel.

"Uhm No?"

Elder Augustus sighed when he heard Viel's response. However, he quickly shook of his disappointment as he stood up.

"This servant is sure that it will come back to you soon. In the meantime", Elder Augustus raised his hand, "Servants of the Lord God, hear me! The Lord God has returned! We shall prepare a feast to celebrate the Lord God's return!"

All of the winged-people that were in the vicinity turned quiet. But after a few seconds, loud gasps reverberated the whole palace. The place soon became busy as the winged people rushed to prepare a mighty feast.

"Uhm c-can I request sweets?"

"Servants of the Lord God hear me! Prepare the finest sweets we have!"

Elder Augustus was quick to follow Viel's requests.

"Lord God, your mortal vessel must be tired. Please, we have prepared a room for the Lord God and his companion to rest in. Lord God's sister should already be there as well, recuperating"

"Can I roam around first?"

"Please! Lord God does not need permission, everything here is yours, even our wings", Elder Augustus once again bowed.

"Ookay", Viel nodded. Xianying wanted to accompany him, but Viel said that she should check on Xing Cai.

Elder Augustus also offered to guide Viel around the palace, but he refused. Saying that he wanted to go alone.


"Is what you say true, Kuzon!?"

"Yes, Elder Khan."

In a small room, Elder Khan and Kuzon were currently discussing about the earlier events.

"Hmm.. If this little child really is the Lord God's reincarnation, then all of our planning will be for naught.", Elder Khan had a grim expression on his face, "Why now!? It is almost time to carry out our objective."

"It truly is bad timing, Elder. The filthy mortals below are getting stronger. I have seen their newest weapons, it is treacherous. We must eradicate them before they can even concoct a single more"

Elder Khan could not help but flip the table in front of him in frustration. His breathing became erratic as he cursed. However, after a few good seconds, he started to chuckle.

"No No, perhaps this is a good thing. The child, we must kill it"

"B-but, the child is truly strong", Kuzon said as he touched his face,"What if the child really is the Lord Go-"

"It does not matter! We I I must rule!", Elder Khan's expression became cold as his true intentions revealed itself. His voice almost cracking in desperation.


Then suddenly, they heard a small voice greeting them from the corner of the room. The two of them were perplexed as the turned their heads towards the voice.

There, a golden-haired child was staring at the two of them



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