Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 159: Rise of the Ling Ling

Chapter 159: Rise of the Ling Ling

"Oi, what's this runt doing here?"

"He's... a D-Rank Explorer"

"What? Are we accepting anyone that breaths now?"

"Oi, kid. This isn't a game, go back to playing cultivator with your friends."

A kid with long black hair wearing a Taizhou Academy uniform was currently being surrounded by several people, and by the looks on their faces, they were not particularly happy with the kid being there. The black-haired kid, though, did not even seem to mind as he completely ignored the snarling and jeerings of the other people.

The black-haired killed just casually looked around, not even sparing a glance towards those that sneer at him. A few meters away from them was a blue portal. A standby unit was doing the final cleaning of any carcasses and mess that the monsters left when the portal opened. After they are done with that, the registered group can finally go inside, which included the black-haired kid, as well as the people that were currently surrounding him.

"This kid doesn't seem to have any respect for his seniors"

"Want to bet he is going to die within the hour?"

"Kakaka, I bet he won't even last an hour before he comes running away"

"Go home brat, no one is going to help you once we are inside!"

The people continued to instigate the black-haired kid, but it was to no avail, it was as if the kid was not hearing them

"You don't belong here, go back to mommy!"

And finally, after that last taunt, the black-haired kid suddenly made a slight movement. He stared at the man that spoke just now. The kid's eyes were pitched black, even darker than his hair. This made the man flinch and slightly back away.

"T...this brat, we are only just trying to warn you", the man then awkwardly walked away, averting from the black-haired kid's eyes.

And soon, the other people started to dissipate as well, clicking their tongues in frustration and spitting on the ground as they looked at the black-haired kid with disdain one last time.

With the group surrounding him gone, the black-haired kid released a huge sigh. He really was back in his world, he thought. Every person he meets is either arrogant or domineering and will treat you like an enemy until you befriend them.

The black-haired kid was Viel. And as per the plan, his hair was dyed black.

He didn't agree to it first, saying that it might destroy his beautiful golden hair, but after a promise from Xing Cai that she will buy him a bigger house, he quickly agreed to it. But he was told that if there were any sign of danger, any sign at all, that he should quickly exit the dungeon.

Once again, Viel sighed. The things he does for love, he thought as he looked at the horizon, imagining what kind of house his sister Xing Cai would buy for him. He requested a lot of rooms since Sofia was with them now.

Will he finally have his own courtyard? Maybe he could put some of the plants that his grandmother had in her backya-

"Excuse me, you're a student from Taizhou Academy?"

Viel's happy thoughts were disrupted as someone tapped his shoulder from behind. It was a young man, probably only a bit older than Diao Mei.

"...Yes?", Viel answered hesitantly. He was about to ignore the young man, but since he was the first one to approach him without a sneer on his face, Viel felt it inappropriate to ignore him.

"I also attended Taizhou Academy, but that was before the appearance of the portals", the young man continued to talk, "My name is Sima Bu"

"My name is Ling Ling", Viel said as he nodded.

"Is this your first time going inside a dungeon? I overheard from the standby unit that you just recently received your badge just as week ago", Sima Bu said as he looked at the badge on Viel's waist, "If you want, we can team up, so just in case the group splits up, we can watch each other's back"

"No", Viel instantly refused. He was here in a very secretive mission, so having someone following him around was a big no-no, he thought.

"I...I see", Sima Bu awkwardly chuckled.

But wait, if he teamed up with someone, wouldn't that make him look more in disguise? Him being alone was already catching the attention of the other people, and they weren't even inside the dungeon yet.

And so, with a deep breath, he called Sima Bu, whose shoulders were dropped down as he walked away, clearly disappointed.

"I changed my mind, mister", Viel said, "Let's team-up"

Hearing Viel's words, Sima Bu quickly turned back and walked towards Viel with a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Ling Ling", Sima Bu said as he bowed.

"Hm", in response, Viel just nodded. He then once again continued to look around. The disciples of the Heaven Bamboo sect should be somewhere around here. There were only about 20 people, so it shouldn't be too hard to find them. But Viel has been looking at the people for quite a while now, and he still could not seem to find someone suspicious.

If anything, this Sima Bu seemed to be the suspicious one. He greeted him too casually, unlike the rest of the people who only knew how to mock him.

Viel then squinted his eyes, looking at Sima Bu directly in the eye.

" there something wrong?", Sima Bu quickly touched his face, trying to feel if there was something stuck on it.

No, impossible. The informant said it was a group. So Viel should focus on the people who are sticking to each other.

"I can't seem to detect your cultivation level", Sima Bu said in a cheerful voice, an attempt to strike a conversation with Ling Ling, "What stage are you on?"

Hearing this question, Viel could not help but place his hand on his chin. He doesn't really know the answer to that. It would seem that now that he is back, more and more people will ask him that question. He should probably ask his sister Xing Cai about it once he gets back.

And so, with a heavy breath, he answered, "I am in the Super Godly Fetus stage"

"Super what?", Sima Bu could not help but squint his eyebrows, "I have never heard of tha-"

"Explorers, those who have been registered for this dungeon may go in now!"

But before he could say anymore, the leader of the standby unit called for the Explorers to gather.

"Oh, finally", Sima Bu hummed, "Let's go, Ling Ling"

"...Ling Ling?"

Sima Bu slowly turned his head towards Ling Ling, but alas, he was no longer there.

"...I thought we were a team!?", Sima Bu almost pulled his hair out in frustration.


"You think sir Viel will be alright?"

Back in Viel's house, Xing Cai, Sofia, and Jiff were currently drinking tea.

"He should be. I am more worried about what he might do", Xing Cai said as she let out a sigh of lament, "Now I am somewhat regretting sending him"

"Hm", Sofia nodded in agreement as she elegantly sipped her tea.

"But since he is getting older, he should learn how to do things by himself", Xing Cai crossed her arms. She then turned her eyes towards Sofia, "I didn't ask yet, but what did Viel do when he was in your world?"

"Hmm He did a lot of things", Sofia placed the tea on the brand new table that was bought by Jiff, "He was a prisoner, he became an adventurer, then he fought a god, stopped a war, became the Elves' deity, amongst other things", Sofia casually said as she fixed her spectacles.

"I...I see", Xing Cai's eyes widened in surprise. It would seem that Viel might have learned to do things on his own already. But wait

"Prisoner!?", Xing Cai stood up, "What did he do?"

"...Perhaps it would be better if Vi was the one to ask that", Sofia shook her head.

"You call him Vi, how close are you two?", Xing Cai squinted her eyes.

"Well, I was his fiance, even if it was only for appearance's sake", Sofia once again took a sip of her tea.

"Hmm Do you love him?"

"Pfft", hearing this question, Sofia almost spewed the tea in her mouth.

"No", Sofia shook her head as she covered her mouth, "He has become dear to me, yes. But he is just a child. Any feelings I might have for him are surely platonic at best", Sofia smiled as soon as she recovered.

"Hmm Good, good", Xing Cai nodded her head.

Seeing the conversation suddenly turn into a weird interrogation, Jiff could not help but chuckle.

"How long have you known Sir Viel?", he asked.

"Since he was 5 years old", Xing Cai furrowed her eyebrows, "Why do you ask?"

"5 years old!?", Jiff quickly stood up in shock, "How old is he now!?"

"Around 12. What is going on with you?"

"So sir Viel has been in this world for 7 years!?", Jiff grabbed his hair, "But that can't be. The portal to my world only opened not more than 2 months ago"

"What are you talking about?", Xing Cai was also visibly confused, "Viel was born here"

"What!?", Jiff once again went hysterical, "But he looks like someone from my world!"

"Could it be", Sofia who has been watching the exchange, finally spoke up, "...That in your world, males look like females?"

"Y...yes, that's how it should be, is it not?", Jiff stuttered.

Sofia shook her head, "My world is similar to this one. Interesting", she said as she looked at Jiff with her eyebrows furrowed. She wonders if she opens up Jiff, he would have the same biology as theirs.

"So all this time, you have been calling him sir because you thought he was from your world?", Xing Cai slightly chuckled.

"Y...yes. People with Sir Viel's strength and handsomeness are called Titan Conquerors in my world", Jiff took a deep sigh as he returned to his seat, "When we saw him lift the huge platform with ease during the Explorer test, we were so sure that he was one"

Jiff could not help but shake his head, "How blind could we have been to not be able to see that he was not one of us"

Hearing this, Sofia as well, shook her head, "You do not have to worry, anyone who takes a first glance at Viel usually thinks that she is a girl"

The three all did a collective sigh of agreement.

They also all could not help but wonder what Viel was doing right now.

Surely, he wasn't doing anything troublesome



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