Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 158: Black Hair

Chapter 158: Black Hair


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As Jiff expected, he wasn't even able to get a wink of sleep as the events of the last 2 days replayed in his mind.

His brothers were killed, and the day after that, the ones that killed his brother were killed brutally, and one was even tortured until his brain could no longer function normally. What was he even supposed to feel?

He has been staring at the ceiling for more than a quarter of a day now. They went on this journey to find their sister, and yet he has already lost too much. He will not even be able to return to his world anymore. He was stuck here, in a world that seemed much crueler than his.

And if there was even an off chance that her sister was already dead, then he would be alone here.

'No!', Jiff quickly shook his head as he sat up. His sister is alive. She should be. They wouldn't go through all that trouble of capturing and abducting them if they were just going to kill her.

'Just wait for me, sister', he let out a deep breath, 'We will rescue you soon!'

As Jiff was gathering his resolution, Xing Cai entered the house, her sighs already filled the room as soon as she closed the door.

"Miss Xing Cai?", Jiff stood up. He was still wary of the woman in front of her, but it would seem that she and sir Viel had a very tight relationship. So he should be able to trust her, right?

"Oh, didn't get to sleep?", Xing Cai let out a breath to stop herself from sighing as she looked at Jiff.

"", Jiff shook his head, "The masked man, where did you take him?"

"I surrendered him to people I can trust in the Explorer's building", Xing Cai said as she sat at the dining table.

"Did you manage to get other details from him there?", Jiff also sat at one side of the table.

"Only the location of a portal that another group is targeting", Xing Cai said, "The group will be disguised as Explorers"

"I see", hearing this, Jiff only let out a slight sigh, "Since we already know who is behind all of this, shouldn't we go straight to the Heaven Bamboo sect?"

"...No", Xing Cai shook her head, "It's not that easy"

"But why!?", hearing Xing Cai rejecting his idea without any hesitation, he could not stop himself as he slammed his fist on the table.

The table quickly shattered into two pieces as a loud cracking noise filled the entire house. Xing Cai's eyes quickly turned hostile as she looked at the broken table beside her.

"What's going on!?", Sofia came barging out of her room as soon as the noise died down, an icicle already floating on top of her hand.

"O Oh no", she murmured as she looked at the table.

And then, a loud creaking noise reverberated in the air as the door to Viel's room slowly opened, "Eeh seriously, this is the second time", a drowsy and obviously tired voice grumbled was seeping through the door.

And soon, Viel's pitched-black eyes were revealed. And those eyes quickly widened as soon as it panned towards the table that was split into two.

Finally, Jiff realized what he had done. This was Viel's house! And the thing that he had just destroyed was Viel's table!

Jiff quickly dropped to the ground and kneeled, "I am sorry, sir Viel!", he shouted as he slammed his forehead onto the floor.

Viel, however, did not even bother with whatever it was he was trying to do. No, he just approached the table, picking up the shards that separated from it.

He then slowly patted the table, lightly caressing it as he released a heavy sigh, "It's alright", he breathed, "I was thinking of buying a new one soon, anyway"

Seeing Viel's response, Sofia could not help but be slightly surprised.

"You will pay for it, though", Viel slightly chuckled.

"N No problem, sir Viel!", Jiff once again slammed his head on the floor, but this time, lighter.

"And a bigger house too", Viel added.

"Y-yes, no problem!", Jiff was going to hit his head on the floor again, but before he could do so, he realized what Viel just said, "A...a new house? That..."

"Let's talk about what to do with the table later", Xing Cai could not help but sigh as she interrupted the two's negotiation. "Since Viel is awake now, I might as well discuss about what we talked about in the Explorer's building"

"As I told Jiff, was it?", she squinted her eyes towards Jiff.


"As I told Jiff earlier, we have found a dungeon that the Heaven Bamboo sect is targeting soon. Their men will be in disguise, pretending to be normal explorers until the right time to strike comes", Xing Cai folded her arms, "We will send someone there to investigate"

"Eeh Why don't we just go directly to the Heaven something sect?", Viel yawned.

"T-that's what I said earlier, sir Viel!", Jiff released a slight smile.

Hearing this, Xing Cai once again repeated her words as she sighed, "I told you, it's not that easy"

"But why?", Jiff also repeated his response.

"War", this time, it was Sofia who answered his question. "Based on what I have gathered in this world so far, a majority of cultivators seem to hold quite the prejudice against Explorers, especially towards Explorers who were previously just normal people. If we just suddenly barged in their sect, they can use that as an excuse to start a war"

"But Miss Xing Cai said that the Heaven Bamboo sect was a dying sect!", Jiff insisted.

"But it was still a famous sect nonetheless", Xing Cai's tone became serious, "They could easily gather other sects that do not tolerate Explorers and form an alliance with them"

"This", Jiff was about to say something, but Xing Cai once again spoke over him.

"Also, if drifters really were being trained to be their disciples, what makes you think that they are not going to send your sister to fight us?"

Hearing this, Jiff could not help but just look to the side as he bit his lip. 

Viel, as well, was about to suggest something, but when he heard Xing Cai's words, he quickly shut his mouth.

"That is why we're sending someone to the portal to investigate, and if he can, infiltrate the Heaven Bamboo sect from within", Xing Cai repeated her words.

"If that's so, then please let me come with you", Jiff stood up as he rolled his fists.

"No", Xing Cai bluntly rejected.

"W-why not!?"

"Because I am not going", Xing Cai shook her head, "If someone like me goes there, the disciples of the Heaven Bamboo sect that are in disguise might retreat"


"And obviously, you can't go as well", before Jiff can even say anything, Xing Cai interrupted him again, "There's a chance that you will be instantly recognized due to your... distinct features"

Jiff had dark-brown skin, if there was anyone that knew of him there, he will be instantly recognized, even if he wore a disguise.

"And so...

We need to send someone inconspicuous", Xing Cai added,

"An explorer with a low rank"

As soon as Xing Cai said that, she, Jiff, and Sofia turned their heads towards Viel all at the same time.


...Ever wondered what you would look like with black hair?"


I have another book called "My Hermes System" which is in a contest. I would very much be glad if you could vote for it if you have the spare powerstone! Please, and thank you! I really hope to win a contest once in my life. lol


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