Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 106: Examiner Viel

Chapter 106: Examiner Viel

"Very well judging people happens to be one of my skills"

Antoinette furrowed her eyebrows as her head was full of doubt. But that was not really important to her, what's important was Viel's towering reputation. If it was known that the newest Gold Rank adventurer was occasionally monitoring the examinations, a lot more people would apply to their guild.

Added to the fact that Viel was abnormally strong, there's no way anyone would be passing the adventurer test. Antoinette started to chuckle mischievously as she counted the amount of silver coins they will have from all the test fees.

"So, when do I start?"

Viel tapped the tranced Antoinette, releasing her from her daydreams.

"Now", Antoinette instantly replied, "The applicants are already waiting outside on the testing arena"

Hearing this, Viel groaned. The sun has not even reached the peak and yet he already had a job to do. He could not help but squint his eyes towards Antoinette as she left this part out.

"Let's go then!", beckoned the guild leader, "I will introduce you to the applicants"

"Don't you have work to do?"

"Of course", Antoinette smiled, "But you are our Burgerstatter's pride, after all. You need a special introduction", said Antoinette as he counted the amount of coins they would be getting once word gets around that Mr. Voice was the one testing the applicants.

"If I am your pride", Viel coughed, "Give me my 100 gold coins!"

"Ugh, not this again", Antoinette hastened her pace to the testing arena, "What do you even need money for? You have the royal family behind you, just ask them and they'll happily give it to you"

"Pft", Viel scoffed instantly as he heard this, "My grandfather said that a man must earn his keep by his own dirty hands"

"Wasn't it also your grandfather who said that a man must use all his resources and grab every opportunity he has to earn some coins?", Antoinette grinned.

"One must not focus on the trivial details, said my grandfather, Antoinette"

"How many sayings does your grandfather have!?"

"Wella lot?", Viel pondered. He doesn't really know. 

In fact, he does not really remember much about his grandparents anymore. What they look like, how their voice sounds. Like a memory chosen to be forgotten, or maybe just the effects of time and a passing childhood, most of his memories were already of this world.

For Viel, this place was already his home.

The two continued their bickering until they finally opened the door to the testing arena.

And as soon as they entered, drowning chatters and screams filled their ears. Some of the applicants were even fighting for a seat.

The testing arena has since been upgraded. It now has a bigger area and 4 platforms, filling the sides with seats so that the applicants will have a place to wait and watch.

But even so, the number of applicants were fighting for a place to sit.

"...This many!?", Viel widened his eyes as he saw the clatter in front of him.

"Fufu. We're famous after all", Antoinette let out a smug chuckle, "We're now only 2nd to the main branch", said Antoinette as she climbed up on the nearest platform.

The hubbub of the crowd instantly died as soon as they saw two people on the stage.

"May I have all of your attention, please!", Antoinette shouted. "The test on whether you have what it takes to be an adventurer will start now!"

Hearing Antoinette's words, only a single clap could be heard, Viel's. Antoinette could not help but clear her throat as she continued her introduction.

"I am the Guild Leader, and beside me is the one who will be testing you today", Antoinette poisely pointed at Viel, "Some of you may know him as Mr. Voice!"


"Mr. Voice!?"

"That girl is Mr. Voice?"

When Viel heard that, his eyes instantly twitched.

"Moron! He's a boy a beautiful and slim young man"

"But isn't he too young!?"

Seeing as the crowd had no intention of quieting down, Antoinette started to walk away, "Well, Mr. Voice. All yours", she said as she stepped down the stage.

With the reins being handed over to him, Viel loudly cleared his throat, once again quieting the busy crowd.

"Greetings, children", Viel bowed in a very dramatic way, causing his hair to smoothly fall from his shoulders. He then looked around him, there really were too many applicants. If he tested them one by one, he will be stuck here until the sun goes down.

And why is it a fighting test anyway? Why not a test on how many flowers one can pick? Since that is mostly the quests the guild receives? Viel thought.

But it is not like he had any choice, he already accepted this task, so he might as well be done with it. So, with a sigh. Viel opened his mouth.

"So, who is the first on-"

But before he could finish his words, he stopped as he noticed someone jumped on the stage.

"Tch. You, the examiner?"

A muscular man spat on the stage as he vigorously approached the center, nearing Viel. The muscular man then looked around the stage, rotating as he stretched out his hand.

"This pretty boy will test us!?", he hollered at the audience, "Do they think we are a joke!?"

Seeing this rowdy man perform at the stage, the other applicants could not help but have a complicated expression on their faces.

But at the same time, they were interested. Most of them has not seen this Mr. Voice in person, and the ones who have, were curious as to whether Mr. Voice really lived up to his reputation.

"What number are you?", Viel casually asked the muscular man, "You should wait for your turn, mister"

"Tch. I am already here", the muscular man cracked his knuckles, "You're not really going to make me go down, are you?", he said in a mocking tone.

Seeing as the man had no intention on going down, Viel sighed. "...Fine, state your name"

"Hehe", the man once again faced the other applicants, "I will be known as the-"

Before he could even finish introducing himself, he felt a pain on his abdomen as his vision went dark.

And when he came to, he was already outside the stage.

"Next!", was the word he heard the next. He wanted to stand up and go back to the stage, but alas, his legs were not following his orders as they felt the excruciating pain on his stomach.

No mercy! That was the collective thought of all the applicants that watched the scenario happen. The others, who unfortunately blinked at the same moment, were in the same state as the muscular man. They had no idea what happened.

"So this is a gold rank adventurer", one of the applicants whispered.

Soon, another applicant hesitantly climbed up the stage. When Viel saw the applicant, he sighed. He then glanced at the countless applicants he still had to test.

This will really take a long time, he thought.

Should I just ask them to step on the stage at the same time?

Viel was about to open his mouth, but another and better idea suddenly came to his mind.

This is brilliant, he thought.

And slowly, a smile crept on his face.


"Miss Antoinette!"


Antoinette was happily busy looking at their financials before a receptionist barged into her office.

The receptionist's face was sweating. It took a few seconds before she could regain her breath and collect herself. "Something is happening in the testing arenas!"

"What!?", Antoinette quickly stood up, a nervous expression slowly building on her face, "D-did Viel I mean Mr. Voice kill someone!?"

"N-no!", the receptionist haphazardly shook her head, "Just come, please! We need your help!"

Hearing the receptionist's obviously panicked tone, Antoinette left all her papers behind and quickly rushed below.

Reaching the mess hall, she instantly noticed the lack of people. No adventurers in sight making noises or spilling their drinks.

Instead, the noise was coming from outside, towards the direction of the testing arenas. The noise was enough to cause the dusts from the ceiling to fall off. What could be happening!? Antoinette thought as she sprinted outside.

Opening the doors to the testing arenas, Antoinette's face was almost ripped off as the deafening howls waved through her face.

"W...what is this"

In Antoinette's sight, endless cheering and shouting.


But a somewhat organized one.

There were people standing on the seats, and the grounds were now also filled with people, completely surrounding the 4 platforms, waving slips of paper in the air.

On each of the platforms, were two people fighting against each other.

And finally, her eyes wandered at the very center of the testing arena, and there right in the middle.

Standing on top of a tall pedestal, was Viel. Holding a huge basket, shouting,

"Bets! Place your bets now!"


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