Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 105: A Year Later

Chapter 105: A Year Later

"Look, that's him, on the stairs..."

"A-are you sure he's not a she?"

"Sshh. He might hear you. You don't want to mess with Gold ranks"

"But isn't he too beautiful to be a boy!?"

In a huge and fancy hall, different types of people were loitering around and drinking together. Some were whispering as a golden-haired teenager, about 12 years old, was walking down the stairs.

"I heard a rumor once that he was a god"

"Pft. Why do you believe such nonsense"

"It's true, my brother was there during the parley a year back"

"Just because he has golden hair does not mean he's the same person!"

"Hhmm If only we can see him naked, he'll be able to determine-"

"I will report you to the guards"

Humans and elves, sitting together around a single table and drinking with each other. It has been more than a year since the humans and elves initiated a peace treaty. The elves that were eating humans have been either reformed, or banished. As for the Queen's advisor, nobody knew his fate.

For the first few months, the United Allied Forces prepared their army to fight against the demon race.

Only to find out that the demons have already been subdued by a rogue nation, calling themselves the New Golden Pavilion sect.

And although they were calling themselves a sect, their numbers were not to be dismissed. Already, the New Golden Pavilion has amassed more than tens of thousands of followers and about a thousand members in their inner circle.

Both the Human King and the Queen of the Elves have tried reaching out to the leader of this sect, but it was to no avail. Their leader, the woman they call Matriarch refused to meet them. Instead, she always sent the same reply over and over again- Submit, and we can talk.

They had not yet declared war, or their purpose for that matter. But slowly, they have been creeping themselves inside the United Allied Forces, be it by force or camouflaged diplomacy.

"Sshhh Here he comes"

But those matters were for the leaders to discuss.

Right here in this huge and fancy looking mess hall, gossip and rumors were the only things that mattered.

"Did you know that he is actually secretly betrothed to one of King Leon's daughters?"

"What!? Princess Suzanne?"

"No! Princess Sofia!"

"The Crazy Witch!? What kind of hellspawn will their children be like!?"

"That can't be true, Mr. Voice is too young to be with Princess Sofia"

"Well.. did you know there's actually rumors that he is also with our Princess?"

"What!? With Princess Ilrina!?"


Before the group could continue their incessant gossiping, a paper was slammed on their table.

"Are you adventurers or old women?", a woman's annoyed voice resounded in their ears, "Go take this quest if you have this kind of time in your hands!"

"Ack! Boss Emi! We're just having fun"

"Shouldn't you be taking care of your baby!?"

It was Emi. Finally wearing a full set of clothes that covered her entire body.

"...", Emi's eyes twitched as she watched as this group of people did not seem to even look at the quest pamphlet that she slammed on the table.

"If you guys really want to know the truth", Emi whispered as she leaned closer to the group, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Oi! Mr. Voice! These people have some questions for you!", Emi shouted as he beckoned.

"Madame Emi?"

Hearing someone calling for him, the golden-haired boy, who was currently looking at the quest board, promptly approached Emi and the group.

The gossiping group's eye collectively went wide as they saw Mr. Voice approaching them. As Mr. Voice was only about a few meters away from them, one of the men with the party stood up and immediately grabbed the quest pamphlet.

"T-this is a very interesting quest", the man said, "I-I will take it!"

The man rushed away from the group and towards one of the receptionists.

"O-oi! Wait for us!"

And soon, even before Viel could reach the table, the gossiping party was gone.

"You need me for something, Miss Emi?"

Seeing the golden-haired boy look at her straight in the eye, on the same level, Emi could not help but sigh.

"Only a year and you're almost as tall as me, Viel"

"Hmm...", Viel placed his hand on his chin with a serious expression, "A human did come out of you, maybe you got smaller?"

"That's not how that works!"

"Well Can't be dismissed, right?", Viel shrugged.

"Ugh, if you weren't so weird you'd have many women asking you for marriage by now", Emi sighed.

Although Emi was not sure of Viel's real age, he should be around 12 years old by now. Young men were usually married at the age of 15 at their kingdom, and with Viel's status as a Gold Rank adventurer. The young ladies of the noble houses would tussle over Viel, not adding to the fact that he also had ties with the Royal family and that he would probably grow up to be one of the most handsome men in the country.

If it wasn't for his otherworldly weirdness, and the fact that the young ladies were afraid of Princess Sofia, Emi was so sure that Viel would have the young ladies lining up for him.

But alas, this boy in front of her was

"Pft, marriage", Viel scoffed as he flicked his long golden hair, "My grandfather used to say that marriage is a way to imprison yourself. I for one, madame, have enough shackles in my life, thank you very much"

"...", Emi could not help but twitch her eyes as she watched as Viel repeatedly flick his golden hair for no reason.

Viel's hair was shorter than before. A year ago, it still brushed on the floor. It was not until about 6 months ago that he decided to care for his looks. He wanted someone to style it, but alas, they could not cut his hair. So, he cut it himself.

His hair was now dangling just above his waist.

"So how is little Zachary?", Viel asked, once again flicking his beautiful long golden hair.

Hearing Viel's question, Emi could not help but let out a fatigued sigh, "Hopefully sleeping. I actually just went here to invite you and Antoinette to a party"

"Oh, a party?", Viel's ears perked up, "Will there be cake?"

"...Yes", Emi once again could not help but twitch her eyes, "It's Karl's birthday next month"

"Oh! So, there will be cake!", Viel smiled, "Consider me a guest, madame", he said while shaking his head happily.

"Do bring gifts, okay?", said Emi, "Not for Karl, but for Zachary", Emi laughed sheepishly.

The two talked for a couple more minutes before she excused herself. She has already been gone for an hour and she was sure that her baby was already awake and terrorizing her husband"

With Emi gone, Viel went back to scanning one of the quest boards that were lined up.

Yes. The place they were in was indeed Burgerstatter's adventurer's guild. Except it was now two stories tall and much bigger than before.

Thanks to the reputation that the guild has amassed over the course of a year, they were now one of the most prominent branches of the guild. 

Antoinette was already promoted as the branch's guild leader. 

A lot really has happened.

Viel remained staring at the quest board, but after a few minutes, he groaned as he could not find anything worth while.

Until this day, he still waited for another quest that rewarded 100 gold coins. 

Once, there was someone who posted a quest with a reward of 300 gold coins.

Viel immediately accepted it, only to find out that it was a sham. And quite literally, he destroyed the fake client's house.

So no one ever dared to put up fake postings since.

Is there another God's child out there somewhere trying to find their parents!? Viel wished deep within his mind.

And as he was contemplating on what to do, a voice called for him from behind.

"Mr. Voice, are you busy?"

"Oh, do you need something, Antoinette?", Viel sneered as he turned his head towards the owner of the voice.

"At least call me Miss Antoinette!", Antoinette lifted her fists, wanting to hit this boy in front of her.

"Give me my 100 gold coins first", said Viel.

"Are you still not over that!?", Antoinette's screams could be heard throughout the guild hall. Noticing that almost all the people were looking at her, she cleared her throat and collected herself.

"I have a quest for you", said Antoinette.

Hearing this, Viel squinted his eyes as he slowly backed away.

"The reward is free lodging for 3 months"

Even still, Viel kept backing away.

"Ugh. Fine, I will clear out your tab for you", Antoinette let out a sigh of frustration.

Hearing this, Viel quickly returned to Antoinette with a smile on his face.

"What's the quest then?", Viel as he flicked his hair, "Slay some loose demons? Defeat a drake? ...find someone's mother?"

"Nothing that fancy", Antoinette could not help but chuckle, "I need you to be the examiner for a while"

Ever since Li Xue ran away, the guild has hired numerous people to replace him. But ever since the Burgerstatter branch got famous, the number of people wanting to register grew astronomically.

So, any examiner they hire quits within a month because of fatigue. They even hired two examiners once, but alas, even they gave up.

"...You will clear out my tab for me?", Viel squinted his eyes.

"I already told you, yes"

"Very well

...judging people happens to be one of my skills"


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