Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 81 Birth of a New Art Part 2

Alexander exited the makeshift studio to see the reactions of the crowd in the Imperial Dynamic Systems stall, which by now after the demonstration of the new device, has become the largest one in the venue.

Imperial Guards dressed in formal suits congregated around him with keen eyes, scanning every inch of the exhibition for threats. Alexander, however, was quite content to ignore them and enjoy his time glancing at the stalls showing their inventions and products. He did it out of pity as attention to them diminished greatly, word by mouth pique the curiosity of the visitors infectiously and soon people swarmed to only one stall in the exhibition.

He did not go far as Alexander was met with hundreds…no thousands of people trying to squeeze themselves in just to see the product beyond it!

“It moves! The picture moves!”

“Let me see! Let me see!”

“Oy! Stop pushing around!”

“I can’t get out!”

“OW! You are crushing me!”

Alexander sighed at the unfortunate turn of events. He has seen enough to know a Black Friday-sized stampede. It was a disaster. He did anticipate them flocking to the television but this is too much. He planned to surprise them from behind as part of the demo. But after seeing the present circumstances, he gave up.

“Rolan,” Alexander beckoned Rolan, to get closer to him.

“What is it, sir?” Rolan leaned his head forward, allowing himself to hear over all the commotion.

“Have one of your men alert the security guards of this venue. At this rate, people could get hurt. I don’t want it to happen as it might smear my reputation and my company,”-.

“Understood sir!” Rolan nodded in acknowledgment and beckoned one of the Imperial Guards to relay Alexander’s orders. The Imperial Guard nodded and walked away to carry out his duties.

Rolan returned back to Alexander, and said, “I’ve sent one of my men, sir. Where should we proceed?”

“Let’s take the safer route,” Alexander simply said as he began to walk away from the stage.

In just two minutes, they’d reach backstage. Alexander could still hear the voices of the crowds, but it was gradually fading away and replaced with soft indistinct chatter. Looks like the security guards tasked with maintaining order have arrived.

Alexander fixed his tie and straightened his posture. He glanced back to the cameraman whom he found idly backstage and asked.

“Are we ready to roll again?”

“Yes, Your Majesty…Once you step out, we’ll resume broadcasting,” the cameraman said.

“Okay,” Alexander took a deep breath. “Let’s go,” he opened the door.

The television camera clicked, resuming where it left off. Upon gracing the platform with his presence, the people began cheering loudly.

“Look It’s His Majesty!”

“Your Majesty! Please notice me!”

Alexander raised his hands and waved slightly to acknowledge them while he walked toward the podium.

That was not the end of it when one of the crowds noticed something on the television. On the screen, it showed Alexander standing in front of the podium waving his hand. He looked up only to see Alexander doing the same, he returned to the television once more to confirm.

It was at this moment they realized what live broadcasting is.

“Look! His Majesty is on television!” he shared loudly amongst the other onlookers.

“It sure is!” another man shouted. “And his Majesty is doing the same!”

“Yeah!” another cheered in agreement.

With this revelation, everyone became even more invested and began talking amongst each other.

“It’s like magic! I can see His Majesty on the podium without looking up at the platform,” one of the crowds commented.

Alexander couldn’t help but laugh under his breath upon hearing the comments. They are beginning to understand the workings of television. To make it more impactful, Alexander thought of something.

“Sir…” Alexander flicked his finger, beckoning the cameraman who was carrying a television camera on his shoulder to come near him.

“What is it, Your Majesty?”

Alexander looked straight at the camera lens before speaking “I want you to point the camera to the crowds.

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” the cameraman began turning around to point the television camera to the crowds who were still enthusiastically and engrossingly invested in the television.

Seconds later, they noticed a sudden change on the screen.

“Wait…is that me?!” One of the men noticed and glanced up to see a camera pointing at them. He waved his hand at it while shifting his sights on the television screen. He saw himself waving on it.

“Woah! I’m really inside the television, look!”

The crowds gasped in amazement upon realizing they were truly on the television.

“This television is amazing!”

“I want to buy one!”

“Where can we buy it?”

“How much is it?”

Alexander chuckled at the sights. If television is making them this crazy, he wondered what would happen if he introduced a technology better than it? Like personal computers or cell phones. Though it may take a long time, he is confident that he can bring it out in less than ten years.

Maybe even shorter for videogames consoles if using design specs like the Magnavox Odyssey, which didn’t even have a CPU. Alexander fears the inevitable “PONG Madness” that will spread across the globe.

The plan here is to make Imperial Dynamic Systems known for its advanced technologies and television is the surefire way to start. In fact, he could’ve made it colored if he chose to but he decided to take it slow as he deemed it not efficient. He’ll wait for a year where he’ll release a new version of television that is now colored and better than the first, and then in another year of another innovation until the CRT television is slowly being replaced by LCD and LCD being replaced by LED.

Planned obsolescence and trending consumers’ business model at its finest.

“Everyone, may I have your attention please,” Alexander spoke in front of the microphone in a calm and authoritative tone as he raised his arms to gain their attention. Everyone quieted down immediately.

Alexander continued “Everyone, there are no words that can describe how thrilled I am to be able to show off the first product of my company, Imperial Dynamic Systems. This is a historic moment for myself, my company, and this country. And an important moment must be heralded by an important person,” Alexander said.

He straightened his posture and cleared his throat. He lifted his chin up and turned to face the audience before speaking, “It is with a very deep sense of humility that I come to this moment of announcing the birth in this country of a new art so important in its implication…that it is bound to affect all society,” Alexander paused and continued. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I formally present to you a new art that will shine like a torch of hope to a troubled world…television.”

Alexander extended his arms, showing the television in front of the crowds.

A resounding round of applause sounded throughout the hall

“Thank you! Thank you, everyone! Thank you so much!” Alexander bowed in thanks to everyone who was clapping for him.

He stepped out of the podium and into the center of the arena. He placed his hand on the center of his chest and bent down low.

Meanwhile in the Winter Palace.

Sophie, Tiffania, Christina, and Anastasia all watched in awe after Alexander introduced television.

“Alexander…is…looks so cool and handsome,” Sophie said with a dreamy sigh, showing her proudness of her future husband.

“Brother is awesome!” Anastasia exclaimed.

“Hmmph,” Tiffania harrumphed, “I admit, his ending speech is good. Is it already the end? If that’s the case I must return to my study room now,”

“My my, Tiffania, you can be honest to yourself sometimes,” Christina giggled.

“Ngh…what are you talking about sister? It’s not like I like my dunce brother or anything. I just said that because he sounds cool that’s all…don’t get the wrong idea, dummy.”

“Eh? But remember the time when you are pleading with him to save Ana? When you were hugging?”

“Hah?! Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?” Tiffania panicked.

Christina laughed and shrugged, saying, “Oh nothing, I just recalled an interesting memory where you can be vulnerable and open sometimes,” she teased.

“Ah, moah~! I am leaving!” Tiffania dashed off towards her study room before anyone could react to her outburst.

Sophie, who just witnessed an interesting interaction between her two sisters-in-law, smiled.


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