Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 80 Birth of a New Art Part 1

Back to the present time.

In Sokolniki Park in Moskva, a large event is being held. The Ruthenian National Exhibition is where people and companies can show off or showcase their inventions or products to a hundred thousand visitors.

Clouds of smoke hang above the crowd from how many smokers are there in the crowd, many of them disposed of their butts and ash in personal ashtrays so as not to litter. Still, many squashed butts and ash are found on the ground.

Ranging from automobiles, home appliances, fashions, cosmetics, model houses, and everything with value. Including the useless junk like a gun hat, a personal swimsuit that looks like a fish submarine, isolation helmets, and smoking pipe radiators. And a dark room that contains a talking skeleton with red glowing eyes that makes criminals confess their crimes.

Purportedly. It works on children mostly.

This is a good opportunity for those who are starting up their companies to let the world know of their inventions. It is unfortunate however that the Imperial Dynamic Systems were focused on building sophisticated military technologies that couldn’t be made public as it could jeopardize national security.

However, Imperial Dynamic Systems has a card up in its sleeves.


The test run of the television was a complete success. In just a few months, the people of this world will realize the power of television and would certainly do whatever it takes for them to have one in their homes.

He remembered in his original world that the first television sets produced by the RCA were expensive and only the middle class or the elite could afford them. After all, television was overengineered and the CEO of the RCA at that time, David Sarnoff invested two million dollars to successfully build one working television.

Since the research and development cost them a lot of money, to get it back they have to increase the unit cost of the television set. However, Alexander prevented that by having the knowledge of the television, leading to him not committing a huge amount of resources to produce one. Hence, compared to his original world, his television is far more cheaper and affordable.

Instead of using intricate wood as the body of the television, Alexander opted for plastics; bakelite.-.

Bakelite has been around in this world since it was already introduced, the Imperial Dynamic Systems has to get a license from the Bakelite Corporation to make their own bakelite, which was approved easily with a reasonable price.

Now, Imperial Dynamic Systems is ready to take the first step towards modernization, this is just the beginning.

To make the most out of the event, the Imperial Dynamic System rented a huge space in the venue to accommodate hundreds of visitors. And since most of the visitors here are middle class or in the elite class who treat this exhibition as entertainment, Alexander plans to use them by attracting them using the features of the television and impressing them to the point they’ll love it and will be eager to buy it. And once they do, they’ll share it with their friends, and with that friend’s friends. That way, the television will become the main topic among the populace where they’ll end up curious, hence would like to get one for themselves, which will yield more profit and recognition.

In the makeshift broadcasting room in the venue, Alexander was preparing himself for the big stage. Getting makeup and having his hair done, while straightening the collar of his three-piece suit. Today, he doesn’t want to look like an Emperor but like a businessman.

“Sir, the people keep coming and coming into our stall and are eager to see how it works,” Philip informed, after checking with Alexander every minute. “I think they’re starting to grow impatient.”

“It shouldn’t take too much longer now,” Alexander replied calmly, before going into the studio where two chairs are arranged for him and Philip.

“Have you memorized your lines?” Alexander asked as he sat down on the chair and looked at the television camera.

“I’m fine, sir,” Philip said respectfully before sitting down as well. He had already memorized what line Alexander told him and he knows that it’ll work out okay if things went smoothly.

“Okay…then let’s start the show,” the corners of Alexander’s lips curled into a smile.

Meanwhile, 703.5 kilometers away from Moskva is the Winter Palace.

In Christina’s bedroom, a television set was placed by the wall. She sat on her bed with Anastasia sitting on her lap. She looked at the clock mounted on the wall and saw the time. It was one in the afternoon.

“Sister…why did you call me here?” Anastasia gazed up at her and asked.

Christina ruffled her little sister’s hair affectionately and answered. “Because…dear brother said he has something important to show to us,”

“Is that what he’s talking about?” Anastasia pointed at the television that was producing white noise.

“That would be a yes,” Christina giggled.

While having a brief conversation with one another, a knock on the door was heard.

“I’m coming in,” a lovely voice sounded from behind the door. They turned to the source, Tiffania’s silhouette was visible.

“Sister Tiffa!” Anastasia exclaimed as she jumped off her sister’s lap and hugged Tiffania enthusiastically.

Tiffania laughed happily as she hugged her little sister tightly, “Ana…”

Christina got off the bed and stood in front of Tiffania.

Tiffania’s eyes narrowed slightly “So? What does our brother want from us this time?”

“He said that we should watch together,” Christina explained as she showed the television. She then turned to Tifannia.

“Television? What’s that?” Tiffania frowned as she squinted her eyes.

“I don’t know either, but my brother said it’s like a film but without the phantoscope,” Christina explained based on her understanding of Alexander’s explanation of the workings of television.

“Without a phantoscope?” Tiffania tilted her head, confused. “How does he expect us to watch something without an external source? Is he an imbecile or something?”

“Tiffa,” Christina scolded lightly. “Don’t say that to your brother,”

“Brother’s not stupid! He saved me and my Princess Diana with his magic medicine! He’s a genius!” Anastasia cutely argued.

Tiffania rolled her eyes, there it was again, the “genius” word. Every time Christina or Anastasia utters that word, it irritates her. Though she acknowledged his feats of synthesizing a medicine, she still finds it hard to imagine that an average-minded person like her brother can do such a feat.

She always found it weird when someone whom she used to call stupid was somehow smarter than her? Is that even possible?

Is genius born not made? Tiffania has been exerting efforts to surpass her sister Christina and Natalya by studying harder than them. Yet…was it still not enough?

Or did the bombing on that ill-fated day do something to him?

Tiffania clicked her tongue and crossed her arms over her chest “I was in the middle of writing my thesis, meaning I am busy. But I’ll entertain this one. If this proves to be not worthy of my time, I will leave without hesitation.”

Christina chuckled stiffly, her sister is stubborn at times, “Well…okay.”

After petty bickering, they settled down in the room. Christina and Tiffania sat side by side whereas Anastasia is sitting on Christina’s lap.

Moments later, someone entered the room.

“Sophie!” Christina exclaimed softly, “You’re just in time come on join us,”

“Thank you,” Sophie walked over to them and sat down on the bed, facing the television.

“Look, it’s starting!” Christina announced, prompting the two to shift their attention to the television that seems to be forming an image…no…not an image, rather, a moving picture.

Tiffania gasped softly at the sights before her, there was indeed an image moving on the screen without the phantoscope. She scanned the television’s appearance, trying to figure out what was going on. She only saw two sticks like the antenna of the bee above the television.

On the television screen, the logo of Imperial Dynamic Systems appeared and slowly changed into a room where two people were sitting on a chair across from each other.

“Wait…is that?” Christina uttered.

“That’s brother!” Anastasia exclaimed joyfully, pointing at the screen. “Brother I’m here! I’m here!”

“Will you keep it down, Ana,” Tiffania chided her lightly and pondered…It was indeed Alexander. Despite it being black and white, with just a glance, they recognized him immediately.

Ana’s face turned from cheerful to sullen, and her eyes began to moisten as if she were going to cry.

However, just as she was about to cry, the television spoke with a familiar voice.

“Greetings everyone. Have you been waiting for too long?” Alexander waved his hand at the camera.

“We’re from Imperial Dynamic Systems. At this day’s event, we would like to present to you our new product. A product that was never seen before…” Philip paused for dramatic effect “The television!”

Philip continued, “A fun fact, this is not recorded, the video that you’re seeing right now is broadcasted live. If you don’t know what that means, think of a voice that is speaking from your FM radio. That voice is transmitted in real-time. In radio, you can only hear the speaker’s voice but on television, you can hear and see the speaker,” Philip finished.

“Broadcasted live? Real-time…does it mean that Alexander is facing the camera right now and the video is being transmitted to us?”

“Eh? What are you talking about sister?” Ana asked.

“It means…what Alexander is doing right now is happening right now,” Tiffania answered.

The camera zoomed in on Alexander who was standing up and facing the camera firmly. Afterward, he began a sincere speech.

“Everyone, it is with a very deep sense of humility that I come to this moment of announcing the birth in this country of a new art so important in its implication that it is bound to affect all society. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a technology that will shine like a torch of hope to a troubled world…Television,” Alexander eloquently announced.

“Alexander…looks and sounds cool,” Sophie said with a dreamy sigh.


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