Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 58 Prelude of Peace

Alexander successfully completed extracting a crucial piece of information from Gabriel, making the Minister of Internal Affairs execute their duties of flushing the Empire out of insurgents.

However, even though Alexander ordered an immediate creation of a task force to capture or kill the insurgents in Finland, they have no further intel as to where they are exactly.

Yes, they have narrowed it down to Helsinki, but the city has an area of 214 square kilometers. Meaning the Black Hand could be anywhere within the area, or possibly underground.

So, they have to gather intel first before deploying agents there. Thus, the planning has commenced.

In a separate room, Alexander, Rolan, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Dmitri were present inside. And in that room lies a table in the center.

Dmitri sat the map of Helsinki on the table, Alexander glanced at it as memories resurfaced, remembering important details about the city.

Helsinki is the capital of the Grand Duchy of Finland, it is an autonomous state run by the Senate of Finland, the highest governing body composed of the native Finns. Due to it being part of the Ruthenia Empire, the Emperor is the Grand Duke but was represented by the Governor-General assigned by the Emperor.-.

Having enjoyed prosperity and control over their own affairs, and has remained loyal subjects for nearly a century, it changed when Alexander’s father imposed a policy called Ruthenification, forcing the Duchy to be incorporated into the affairs of the Ruthenian Empire. Where the Finns were to adopt Ruthenian as its official language, the Finnish press was subjected to tighter censorship, incorporating the Finnish Army into the Imperial Army of the Ruthenian Empire, and the official offices were held by Ruthenian staff.

Simply put, the Ruthenia Empire is asserting dominance and control over the duchy causing a strained relationship with one another.

Though Alexander remembered that in one of his proclamations, where he ended the Ruthenification Policy, returning the autonomous status they’d once enjoyed.

However, there are rumors that the Finnish are planning to get independence, a subject that Alexander is avoiding as of now, as he considered it to be one of the third-rail issues.

If he were to have it his way, Alexander wouldn’t mind giving them independence, but he is a future emperor who is trying to clean the image of the royal family that was tainted by the idiocracy of his predecessors. He can’t afford a backslash right now. So, Alexander decided to make amends with the Duchy as soon as the Black Hand ceased to exist within the Empire’s borders.

“So, what’s the plan?” Alexander asked.

The Minister of Internal Affairs took a deep breath as if preparing himself for an arduous task.

“Well, for starters, Your Majesty. We will send scouts in the area with a goal of locating every possible hiding place of the Black Hand,” Dmitri answered and continued. “Although we’ve narrowed it down to this city, they could be anywhere. So going in there without prior intel is a huge risk,”

“Your Majesty, if we’re going to do this, we have to do it covertly. Meaning, we have to keep the Finns out of this intel as there could be an insider among their senate,” Dmitri added.

“I agree with the Minister here, Your Majesty,” Rolan commented. “They’ll disappear if they know we’re hunting them. Then there are also practical concerns about tipping them.

Alexander nodded his head. “Which are?”

“First of all, Your Majesty. The Black Hand is an unpredictable adversary with unlimited resources. Meaning they could have a bomb stashed in every major city of the Empire that could set off if they find something’s wrong.”

“What kind of manpower are we talking about to accomplish this?” Alexander asked.

Rolan’s eyes flickered to Dmitri, signaling him to answer.

“About 100 agents would constitute a minimum effective deployment. That’s only for reconnaissance, Your Majesty. Then once we locate the location of the Black Hand, we will send in our finest agents to bring them down, dead or alive.” Dmitri explained and added. “For the strike team, I suggest that we send an elite squad or a platoon, depending on the enemy numbers,”

Alexander placed his hand on his chin, thinking about it. The enemy is within reach, and once Alexander caught the domestic terrorist that is causing violence and terror in his empire, not only it will give him overwhelming support from the people, but stability in an Empire itself.

“Understood, let’s divert all of our resources to this goal. Executing them would be our main priority. Once the scouts of yours find them, I would like Rolan to participate in the operation.” Alexander said, glancing at Rolan who was apparently surprised by his announcement.

“Sir…what are you talking about?” Rolan inquired, seemingly confounded.

“I need a man on the field that I can trust. Don’t worry, once the operation commences, I’ll be staying in the Winter Palace guarded by the Imperial Guards. I will be safe,” Alexander said reassuringly to Rolan.

Rolan sighed as he bowed his head. “Understood, sir. I will make preparations.”

“Excellent!” Alex replied and turned his attention toward the Minister of Internal Affairs.

“Now, Minister, would that be a problem if I were to send one of my men?” Alexander asked.

“No, Your Majesty. It should not. After all, who would want not to work with one of our famous war heroes in the Ruthenia Empire? The Reaper himself?”

Both of them glanced at Rolan, who smiled, humbled by Dmitri’s words.

“Very well then. I want them caught within this week. I’ll be in the palace if you need me Minister, or you can reach me via telephone. Anyways, if there’s nothing else, I’m heading back to the palace,”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Dmitri bowed.

As Alexander and Rolan began to dash away towards the doors, the Minister spoke up again.

“Uhm…Your Majesty.”

Both of them stopped abruptly as they waited to hear what else the Minister had to say.

“What should we do to the criminal who shot you?” Dmitri asked.

Alexander simply glanced over his shoulder and replied. “Well, since he was seen fleeing the scene and had vehemently confessed to his crime, I’d say that you process his case in accordance with the law. At least this way, we can show to them how decent we are in upholding the new constitution.”


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