Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 57 Where are They?

The date is January 1, 1923, a new beginning, a new chapter in history. Yet despite it being the first day of the year, Alexander worked as usual and went about his daily work as though it were any other morning. It was just another day at work for him after all. Though his mind had become increasingly weary from the months he had spent living as the future Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire.

In his four months of his rule, Alexander conducted sweeping reforms that transformed the Ruthenia Empire as a whole. From basic rights to nationwide rehabilitation of the Empire. Though there is still much that needs to be accomplished before the Empire is truly fit to take its rightful place as one of the world’s strongest empires in the world.

It may be the largest country in the world that spans two continents, to many, viewed the Ruthenia Empire as a huge paper tiger.

Alexander started his day by eating a heavy breakfast called Full English Breakfast. It consisted of sausages, baked beans, bacon, fried eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, and not but not least, coffee.

Well, the cooks of the palace could’ve made him tea but Alexander preferred coffee.

Today will be a big day for him as he’ll meet the perpetrator, the one responsible for the death of Alexander’s parents and the one who shot him in the chest days ago.

The police who are holding the perpetrator was unsuccessful in getting information out from him. To Alexander, he’s an invaluable asset that could lead them to the hideout of the Black Hand, and hopefully, put an end to a domestic terror that the Ruthenia Empire is suffering from.

Finishing his breakfast with a sip of a coffee, a door opened, causing Alexander to look up.

“Rolan, is the car ready?” Alexander simply asked.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Rolan answered, bowing slightly as he walked towards him.

“Very well,” wiping his lips with a handkerchief, Alexander stood up from his seat and grabbed his black coat off the back of his chair. As he slipped it over his shoulders, he turned to face Rolan, “Let’s go…”

As they exited the palace’s entrance, Alexander felt a cold wind against his neck and he looked up to see dark gray clouds looming above him. The snowflakes fell softly, landing on his hair and face gently. He shivered slightly but tried to remain composed as he made his way to the vehicle with the help of his cane.

Upon entering the vehicle, the car engine came to life and began its drive away from the palace.

Inside the vehicle, Alexander was tapping the butt of his cane along the floorboards rhythmically while looking out of the window, watching the snow drift down and the trees bend ever so slightly to let them pass through.

Rolan, who was in the front seat, struck up a conversation.-.

“Your Majesty, is there a reason for you to go to the police station? I mean it’s still not safe for you to go out after the incident that transpired days ago,” Rolan said.

“I know…that’s why I brought a cavalry,” Alexander said, glancing over his shoulder, where he saw a column of cars following them. He returned his gaze back to Rolan. “I needed to be there in order for my plan to work. I am desperate to find out who concocted this despicable act of terrorism that occurred a few days ago. Besides, this is a surprise visit, so no one would ever know.”

Rolan nodded slowly, fully understanding the reason behind his visit.

“What is your plan anyway if you don’t mind me asking, Your Majesty?”

“You’ll see soon, have you already notified the Dmitri?”

“Yes sir,” Rolan confirmed. “He’ll also visit the police station but I omitted the details about you visiting also,”


In just twenty minutes, Alexander arrived at the station where the perpetrator was being held. Rolan stepped out of the vehicle and opened the door for him. Alexander placed his cane on the ground and leaned on it slightly as he took slow, painful steps forward into the precinct.

But before reaching the entrance, Alexander handed Rolan a pouch.

Rolan cocked his head to the side. “What is this, Your Majesty?”

“It’s a petal from a flower I plucked from the palace’s garden. I want you to grind it, get the sap, and mix it with water,”

“A petal…sap…mix it with water?” Rolan repeated.

Alexander merely nodded his head in response.

Rolan bowed his head once again. “Right away, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Rolan.”

With that, Alexander entered the building and made his way towards the stairs which led to the interrogation room.

Coincidentally, Dmitri was already in the interrogation room, watching one of his men questioning the perpetrator. But as expected, his mouth was shut.

Dmitri clicked his tongue in infuriation, wanting to punch Gabriel in the face for not spitting out information.

“Dmitri!” Alexander called.

Dmitri jolted and turned to look at Alexander, whom he noticed was now standing next to him.

Dmitri yelped, “Ah! Sorry your Highness, I didn’t expect you to come here,” he bowed.

“How is it going?”

“Well…no progress so far, Your Majesty. The man won’t talk,” Dmitri said.

“Is that so?” Alexander mused. “I’d like to question him if it’s all right.”

“Your Majesty? It’s the man who tried to kill you. It’s dangerous.” Dmitri said.


“So you know, under any other circumstances, I’d have to say no. For safety reasons,”

“Safety reasons?” Alexander scoffed. “The man’s limbs are tied and there are two guards present in the room. How could he possibly hurt me? Besides…you’re not making progress here. Perhaps I can know…speed things up?”

Dmitri sighed. “Fine, Your Majesty. But please be careful and do not stand near him,”

“Got you,” Alexander said and strode to the room.

Shutting the door behind him, Alexander stepped around the table, noticing the battered face of the perpetrator.

They really did a number on him.

Gabriel’s gaze upward, noticing a familiar figure.

Alexander smiled as he took his seat. “Good morning, surprise to see me?”

“You?!” Gabriel’s voice rose gradually, eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re not dead?”

“Well, I’m sitting in front of you. So it’s obvious that I’m alive. Unless you suffered a subdural hematoma from all the beating you received, which can cause death…”

“What are…you…talking about?”

“I’m just saying that you could be the one who is dead and is just hallucinating all of this and somehow meeting me in this realm…” Alexander chuckled momentarily and then stopped. “Well, enough of this. I’ve come here personally to ask you something,”

“You won’t get anything from me…” Gabriel hissed. “You got lucky that I didn’t hit your heart but it’s okay…my comrades out there will finish the job. As long as you are alive, the Ruthenia Empire will be in constant chaos.”

“Hoh? Is that so?” Alexander smirked playfully. “I heard that my sister visited you here and you threatened her…just like how you did just now,”

“You’re wasting…your…time here,” Gabriel said, breathing raggedly.

“Well I’m trying my chances here,” Alexander said and motioned his hand, signaling Rolan to come over.

Rolan stepped inside the room, carrying a glass of water.

“You must be thirsty…so I brought you water,” Alexander said.

Gabriel’s gaze fell onto the glass of water suspiciously.

Noticing that, Alexander laughed. “Are you worried that there might be poison in the water?”

Gabriel stared at the glass, thinking deeply.

Alexander scoffed. “Look if I wanted you dead, I would’ve done it days ago.”

Alexander tilted his head, giving Rolan a go signal.

Rolan pushed the glass of water to Gabriel’s mouth, forcing him to swallow it. Once he swallowed everything, Rolan stopped.

“See…it’s just ordinary water,” Alexander said as he pulled a map out of his pocket. “Let’s go back to business. I want you to tell me where your comrades are hiding.”

Alexander unfurled the map and set it down on the table.

“Since the Black Hand is an international syndicate, there must be a branch to each nation, right? I mean your comrades here didn’t elude capture for years by being dumb. You must have a hiding place here somewhere, let’s say in Siberia or in the Far East. It’s secluded and far away from our control, a good hiding spot. But that could be a place you’d want us to look into since you know, bad guys hiding in a remote place. So there is also a chance that your hideout is near the capital,” Alexander stared at him in the eye, waiting for a response.

Gabriel reiterated calmly. “I’m not…telling you…anything.”

Alexander stared him right in the eye, reading him.

“But you just told me something…” Alexander said, “When I said Siberia and the Far East, you had no reaction, so I doubt that your goons are hidden anywhere in that region. But when I said ‘near’ your pupils dilated, a marker of recognition. Because you recognize ‘near’ as the answer to my inquiry. So we narrowed it down here in this area. What I want to know is the exact location.”

Alexander started calling out names.

“Vilnius, Riga, Reval, Warsaw, Moskva, Minsk, Kiev, Smolensk, Kharkiv, Helsinki…”

Gabriel blinked at Helsinki, another marker of recognition.

“So your comrades are in Finland huh?” Alexander asked.

Hitting the mark, Gabriel roared. “You! What did you put in that water?!”

“Oh you just gave it away, so they are in Helsinki huh? Very well, since you gave me what I want I shall tell you what’s in the water…”

“The water that you drank earlier was laced with an extract from Ground nightshade petals. They are tasteless so you won’t notice it. The extract is loaded with scopolamine which modulates the nigrostriatal pathways in the brain. Simply put, you’ll mellow out and be more susceptible to suggestion,” Alexander explained in a lofty manner and added. “You can think of it as a truth serum…but there’s no such thing.”

“You bastard! I’m going to kill you!” Gabriel screamed and struggled harder against his restraints.

“It’s futile…” Alexander said, eyes gleaming coldly. “Dmitri!”

Dmitri rushed inside the interrogation room. “Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Set up a task force immediately and locate every insurgent in Helsinki. I’ll place the Grand Duchy of Finland under lockdown and corner them like a trapped rat.”



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