Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 48 A Disaster

A day earlier.

In a dim room, the light from a single window and a candle chandelier overhead was the only source of illumination. In the middle was a long rectangular wooden table with chairs surrounding it. In those chairs sat hooded figures. Their heads hung low and their eyes were cast downward.

A door creaked open as another hooded figure entered. From the gait alone, one could say that this is the administrator or a leader. He was dressed in a long black cloak shirt with white trousers. His hands are covered by a pair of thick black gloves.

He walks towards one of the chairs. As he sat down, the figure takes off his dark brown hood, revealing his face.

It was a shaven-headed man, with a large scar running across his face. His right eye has a yellow iris and his left eye has a green one.

The air stiffened as a chill spread throughout the room.

He glances at everyone present in the room before speaking.

“I see that all of you have arrived,” he simply said, yet his voice carried such a power that could cause anyone to tremble. It sent chills down their spines but no one dared move from their seated positions. The room stayed silent as they waited for the next statement. “As for why I called you here…”

Everyone in the room felt the coldness grow deeper than ever before.

“Why is that…the imperial prince is still alive?” he continued, slowly lifting his gaze back to those gathered in the room. Everyone tensed when he lifted his gaze again. Their eyes darted between the three figures who wore different expressions from the others.

One seemed unfazed as if it wasn’t any big deal. Two others held themselves up confidently and remained unmoving.

“Why am I not hearing anything? Have you all gone mute?” he snarled, his voice echoing through the small room. Nobody dared to speak up…until.-.

“My shepherd…” one of the hooded figures stepped up. Everyone turned their attention to him. “The imperial prince has tightened his security and the Minister of Internal Affairs has been on high alert ever since our successful attempt of removing the Emperor and the Empress of Ruthenia Empire…There was simply no opening for us to take…”

“No opening?” The one who was addressed as “Shepherd” glared harshly at the hooded figure. “You had your chance on the First of August but you didn’t take it. The prince was standing there on an open platform but not a single one of you decided that this is the best chance to take him down?”

“It was dangerous…”

“I’m tired of hearing your pathetic excuse…” the Shepherd stood up, towering over the hooded figure. “You failed your mission and I will not forgive your stupidity…”

The Shepherd grabbed the hooded man by the collar of his coat and stabbed him under the chin with a knife. A bright red pool of blood erupted from his mouth before the hooded figure fell limp to the ground.

The Shepherd let go of his cloak and walked over to the body. With each step, he placed more pressure on the body, causing it to squirm in discomfort until it stopped moving entirely.

Those who had just witnessed a cold-blooded murder stared at him wide-eyed. Nobody made any movement or sound. Then they averted their gaze, avoiding a direct look from him.

“You seemed to have forgotten the reason why our organization was founded,” said the Shepherd, walking around the table as he wiped the blood off the knife’s blade with a handkerchief. “Our goal is to eliminate all of Europa’s greedy monarchs who call themselves king and emperor just because they were born into it. To do so, I need loyal animals.”

The Shepherd returned to his seat.

“You know why I liked animals? It’s because they never let me down. They follow my orders blindly. That’s why I hate hearing excuses…animals should do what they are told to do by their masters without fail. Telling me that the assassination of the emperor and empress of Ruthenia Empire was a success, even though their son survived, is something that I cannot accept and I want an immediate correction.”

The shepherd added in a stern tone, his eyes piercing through those gathered in the room.

But no one spoke up.

“Day by day, the influence of that young prince is growing. His progressive and liberal reforms gave Ruthenian people hope and a future. But hidden under those promises are just his ploy to keep himself in power, a tactic that those rotten monarchs have been using. That is why we must depose that prince before our influence across the empire diminishes. The last thing that we want is a happy populace. To do so we must remove the source of their happiness, the symbol himself, Alexander Romanoff.” The Shepherd declared.

“Once their hope dies, others would soon follow. Chaos and disorder will fall upon the Empire and that is where we will rise and take the power to ourselves, just as we are destined to do so.”

He glanced to his right, watching the hooded figure in the shadows as he moved slightly. “So what say you? Do you agree? Are you ready to give yourselves to this cause and become the tools of our new order or would you rather be free, with a lead on your head?”

The man that the shepherd asked removed his hood, revealing a brown-haired young man with pale skin.

“My loyalty is with the Black Hand, I will faithfully execute what my Shepherd ordered me to do,” the young man said reverently.

A satisfied grin crossed his lips. “Very well, young man. I have just a task for you,” he leaned back in his seat and continued. “My mole in the Ruthenian government informs me that Alexander Romanoff will be attending the voting session in the Imperial Council tomorrow. Now Gabriel, are you ready to make a name for yourself in history?”

Gabriel nodded. “Yes I am my Shepherd, I will not let you down.”

His Shepherd smiled.


Gabriel has Alexander in his line of sight, waiting for the perfect opportunity that will guarantee him of taking down the symbol of hope of the Ruthenia Empire.

In the middle of the scope, Alexander was seen to be descending the stairs, heading straight toward his car. As he got closer, Gabriel readied his finger on the trigger.

On the site, Rolan was observing the crowd, watching for unwanted elements hidden among them. In a time like this, especially on a public display, this serves as a perfect opportunity for those organizations who want to take Alexander out.

As the chief of security, Rolan’s job was to prevent that. He observed the crowd. Watching every movement that might give off a signal. His eyes warily scanned each and one of them.

Beyond the group of people, his sight landed on a building. As his gaze drifted onto the exterior walls, he noticed something unnatural, a rifle barrel peeking from the third floor.

It looked like a sniper.

His face turned pale as realization struck him.

This situation isn’t good at all!

Rolan quickly rushed towards Alexander and pulled his pistol. He opened fire in the direction of the sniper.

The bullets impacted the wall and the window, sending shards of glass to Gabriel.

It disoriented Gabriel, causing him to lose his aim inadvertently, but out of panic, he opened fire as he was sure that Alexander was still in the middle of his scope.

Beyond the window, he watched as another figure tackled the prince away, sending him crashing to the ground.

Gabriel wasn’t sure if he had successfully shot the prince down. But that is the least of his concern as his positions have been exposed. He has to abscond or else risk getting caught.

Panic breaks out in front of the Imperial Council Palace, turning it into pandemonium as the people frantically run in all directions.

Rolan landed on his back. On top of him was Alexander, who was looking at him concerningly.

“Shit…you’ve been hit,” Alexander said, his eyes pointing to his chest.

But Rolan didn’t feel any pain on the red-stained part of his chest, rather he noticed something more terrifying.

“It wasn’t my blood sir…” Rolan said.

“What do you mean…?” Alexander felt something wet in his chest, he looked down to check and saw blood pooling on his left chest.

“Oh my god!” Alexander groaned in anguish as he collapsed to his back.

“Shit sir, stay with me!” Rolan called out, feeling his own heart beat rapidly as he tried to staunch the flow of blood coming out from Alexander’s wound. “I have to stop the bleeding!”

Alexander grimaced in pain. His face paled in horror.

“I need help over here now!” Rolan shouted to the imperial guards who were firing their own bolt action rifles at the assumed location of the sniper.

The Imperial Guards immediately stopped shooting and ran towards Rolan to assist the injured royal.

“We need to get him to the hospital. Help me carry him,” Rolan instructed the guards while Alexander struggled to maintain consciousness.

“Sir please hold still!” One guard said, grabbing Alexander’s shoulders to try and lift him.

“Fuck fuck…my vision is blurring,” Alexander moaned loudly as he tried to concentrate on his blurry vision.

“Hold tight sir! We’re almost there!” Rolan said, attempting to pull him upwards and towards the car. “Just stay with me, sir…”

“I can’t…I’m…” Alexander’s breathing became shallow.

The vision in the prince’s eyes never went clear. He felt his consciousness drifting away while the voices around him rapidly went unheard.

“Sir! Hold on!” Rolan called out to Alexander as the group carefully placed him inside the car.

Then, Rolan immediately ordered the driver to get them to the hospital as soon as possible.


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