Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 47 A Historic Moment

Alexander worked usually for the past three days, fulfilling his roles and obligations as the Ruthenia Empire’s head of state. And now the day has come whether his proposal of Infrastructure Bill will be passed or not.

In the Imperial Council Building, Alexander sauntered towards the far back center of the building, where a gilded throne can be seen. As he walked his way there, his eyes wandered around, seeing the elective representatives of the Imperial Council present in the building.

The atmosphere was tense and the way they looked at Alexander was a bit inquisitive. Yet, Alexander paid no heed as he sat on the throne.

He then glanced once more at them, the ones who will decide the future of the Ruthenia Empire.

Everyone sat in their respective seats as the parliamentary session was about to begin.

The chairman of the Imperial Council, Mikhailov, walked towards the podium to address the audience.

“Honorable Members, Fellow Ruthenians. I now declare that the Imperial Council is now in session. In today’s session, you will cast your vote on a proposed bill, the Infrastructure Bill,” Mikhailov announced.

Alexander could feel the tension in the air. He can almost hear the murmur of the members of the Imperial Councils.

“I will give a brief explanation about the aforementioned bill. The Infrastructure Bill proposed by the member of the Imperial Council pursues rehabilitation and development on a nationwide scale. This includes the construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, railways, power stations, power lines, water plants, pipelines, et cetera. The proposed budget for this bill is 114,477,800,150 Ruthenian Rubles. You can see a detailed breakdown of the budget in your copy,” Mikhailov explained.

The members of the Imperial Council opened the file, reading over it and making notes as the minutes passed by. Some began to discuss among themselves how the funds would be allocated to these projects. A few were discussing the potential use for the proposed funds, while others argued about the costs of the infrastructure projects being funded.-.

At that point, Alexander stood up from his seat and stepped closer to the podium. Everyone’s attention turned towards him as he spoke out loud.

“Chairman, may I intervene for a second? I’d like to have a word with the council members here,” Alexander asked politely.

Mikhailov nodded his head before addressing him again. “Of course Your Majesty, please.”

Alexander took a step forward, looking toward each person present inside.

“Now before we proceed any further, I would like to tell you something about this Bill,” Alexander said, speaking through a microphone.

His tone softened, yet his words still carried an authoritative authority. “This bill is very ambitious and it involves an enormous sum of money to pull off. I had noticed a reluctant gaze the moment you flipped the page but I wonder why it is?” He asked, his voice filled with seriousness.

He continued. “With this bill, we can create a lot of jobs for the people in need, we can build ourselves up, catching up with the world powers. With this bill, we can rise up again after our humiliating defeat to the Yamato Empire. Do you know why we lost against them? It’s because we are too outdated. It’s a shame that an eastern nation we considered weak, pathetic, and inferior, has outpaced us in modernization.” Alexander paused for a moment, allowing his audience to think about what he had said. He could feel everyone watching him, their eyes filled with disbelief. He smiles gently.

“We were repulsive to development, leading to our own humiliation. My father didn’t embrace industrialization because he feared that the social fabric of the Ruthenia Empire might change. Well, if he was still alive, I could’ve called him out, telling him that he is too close-minded. Instead of worrying about his own people, he should’ve focused it on our potential enemy, an enemy that will threaten the sovereignty of the Ruthenia Empire.

“We’ve grown too complacent about our position of power in Europa. We might be the second-largest nation on Earth next to the Britannia Empire but that’s only it. We’re just the largest on the continent. If you voted against this Bill, not only are you jeopardizing the national interest of the nation but you also betrayed it. For once, I ask that you stop thinking about your own interest, and act in the best interests of all our people, the people who voted for you so that you can sit here and represent them. That’s all,”

Alexander finished his speech, giving a warm smile to the members of the Imperial Council before retreating back to his seat. They returned the gesture, some even gave small nods. Alexander returned to his throne and sat himself down again.

The session continued.

“Now we will start the voting. I will call your name one by one, say yes if you agree to pass this bill, and say no if you disagree. Is that understood?” Mikhailov asked as he held onto the gavel.

After a series of affirmatives, Mikhailov started to call names.

One by one, they voted in favor of the bill, and after another round. This tedious process took hours to complete, four hours later. The result was revealed.

“The Infrastructure Bill, as amended, has passed with a majority vote,” he struck the gavel, effectively sealing its passage.

Alexander smiled in delight as if he just witnessed a historic event. They all voted yes, passing the bill with a majority vote. Of course, he has to sign it to make it official but he couldn’t help but imagine how this bill will transform the Ruthenia Empire. He could see top-class infrastructures, urban sprawls, and an increase in quality of life in his head.

A round of applause erupted throughout the chamber as everyone rose from their seats. Mikhailov smiled and turned around to face Alexander.

He walked over to him and handed him the bill.

“Congratulations Your Majesty, this bill has been approved by your Imperial Council. It only requires your signature to make it official,” Mikhailov informed. “Please sign on the line at the bottom of the last section, Thank you for observing this legislative process today,” Mikhailov said.

Alexander nodded in response. He signed his name in the first place and he knew full well that this is exactly what he wanted a long time ago. Now that it’s been passed, he can now focus on improving the Ruthenia Empire’s industry, which he also sought for a long time.

Still, it’ll be a lot of work, as usual.

“Mind if I address the Imperial Council once more before I leave?” Alexander asked.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Mikhailov replied.

Alexander walked again towards the podium to make his last address.

Clearing his throat, the members of the Imperial Council sat down

“Today was the most important legislative session in the history of our nation. I’d like to share my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who voted in favor of the bill. I hope that this will provide a new opportunity for our people and our country.

I can say with confidence that, in the future, we will make great achievements together. I hope that you will join me in this journey to establish a great and united Ruthenia Empire. God is with us!” Alexander exclaimed as he raised his right fist.

Everyone stood up and gave him a standing ovation.

“Long live the Emperor!” They chanted together.

Alexander smiled, basking in all of the positive reactions that the crowd gave him.

Alexander stepped down the stairs and waved his hand as head towards the exit.

His business for today was done and he prepared to go back to the Winter Palace and continue with his duties there. Rolan walked beside him, making a way for him by sweeping his hand to the side.

As they got out of the Imperial Council Palace, Alexander was met with a large crowd chanting for him. Many people were waving the flag of the Ruthenia Empire and the coat of arms of the Romanoff Royal Family as their way of expressing their gratitude for his generosity.

Alexander smiled and waved back at them, causing quite a commotion to occur amongst the crowd.

“People really love me,” Alexander jested.

“They are sir, but for now please hurry and get in the car,” Rolan commanded.

“Nah…let me stay for a minute longer. It’s their first time seeing me in person…and this is quite a good timing for me.”

Rolan sighed. “Okay, sir…just for one minute.”

“Thank you!”

Meanwhile, a hooded figure strides through the room and stops at the window. The view from the window was the Imperial Council Palace and a multitude of people gathered in its front. The hooded figure stared at the scenery with a steely-eyed.

Then the hooded figure reached under the bed and retrieved a luggage bag, and opened it, revealing what was inside.

It was a Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle.

The hooded figure retrieved it and fixed the scope on the barrel then loaded it with a clip.

The hooded figure pulled a table and straightened it in front of the window, then set the rifle atop it. The hooded figure peered through the scope with his left eye closed.

The hooded figure lines up a shot, drawing the bead on Alexander, who was waving his hand at the crowd.

The hooded figure stared behind the scope with a steely determination with Alexander in the crosshair.

Then in the next moment, the hooded figure pulled the trigger.


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