Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 127 Budget Hearing

Six days later, at the capital of the Ruthenian Empire.

Alexander is in the “Bukavac”, being driven along on the asphalt road. He peered through the window and watched as cars drove past. They were a mix of vintage cars of the 1930s and 70s and the modern type from the early 90s. Their peachy designs look so nostalgic to the point he almost felt like he never transmigrated.

Still, travelers and tourists still could not stop watching the anachronistic mix of cars moving around them.

His beast of transport makes even the locals rubberneck when they pass by him, ignoring the black escort vehicle behind it.

“Sir, we’re arriving at the Imperial Council Building,” Rolan informed, him being the driver for today.

“Okay,” Alexander replied, taking one last glance out the window, and there he saw the neoclassical building coming into view.

Today is the justification of the budget of the Ministry of Defense. Ever since he took over as the head of state of the Ruthenia Empire, the military budget grew year by year under the justification that the Ruthenia Empire should modernize its military in order to catch up to the powers in the western hemisphere and to avoid getting humiliated again from getting defeated by a smaller Asian country.

And thus they did, Ruthenia Empire has used hundreds of billions of rubles investing in research and development, acquisition of new battle tanks, military vehicles, warships, aircraft, weapons, ammunitions, building military bases, naval bases, military airbases, rehabilitation of the current military bases, and seminars and programs.

The Ruthenian Armed Forces were on a spending spree and the Imperial Dynamic Systems, which is the main partner for producing military hardware and software is getting copious amounts of money.

One could say it’s worth it. That the military has been modernizing itself, making it a force to be reckoned with. However, the Imperial Council is getting apprehensive about the military spending so much that he received word that they won’t be increasing the budget of the military. Simply because of how much of the budget is being used by the military was classified. Resulting in large portions being listed as “black budgets”.

The prevention of additional funding must not happen. Because if it did, the Imperial Dynamic Systems will carry the burden of funding the space program, which by the way costs an enormous amount of money.

He needed to get approval from the government, which he created years ago, to allow increases in the military budget for the coming years, that’s why he needs to attend the budget hearing to persuade them and adjust some of the budgets if needed.-.

Digressing those thoughts, the car stopped and the Imperial Guards quickly took their positions along the perimeter.

Rolan exited the car to open the door for him. He stepped out of the car and stood straight. His posture was very rigid, but his mind was relaxed. He can do it, he had been in a lot of budget hearings before. This will just be a walk in the park.

The portico of the Imperial Council Building loomed before him as he climbed up the marbled stairs to the entrance door. There, the two Imperial Guards saluted him and opened as he passed by them. As always, he gave them a short nod in return and proceeded inside.

Upon entering, he found himself face to face with the Minister of Defense, Alexei Lavrov, who was standing by the reception desk.

“Your Majesty, you’ve arrived,” Alexei bowed his head slightly and greeted his majesty respectfully.

“Good morning, Alexei,” He nodded curtly, walking towards the center of the hall and over to him. “When will the hearing start?”

“In thirty minutes,” Alexei responded as he reached for his briefcase. “Anyways, Your Majesty, this is the finalized budget of the Ministry of Defense for the year 1928.”

It was a very thick file, making Alexander gape ever so slightly. Fortunately, he had already received a copy and had read all of it.

“Can I see it one last time?” Alexander asked, making sure that there’ll be no mistakes or errors in redacting certain sentences or paragraphs.

“Of course,” Alexei handed the file to him and Alexander flipped through the pages carefully.

Twenty-five minutes later.  A small smile formed on Alexander’s lips when he saw the detailed report of the budget of the ministry. “Okay good job, this will do.”

“I hope the Imperial Council approves the budget. Ever since the military has been presented with new technology that does fascinating things that other countries don’t have, I’ve been supportive of your military policy,”

“What we are about to do next year will make your brain explode!” Alexander laughed and took a glance at his wristwatch. “We should get moving, the hearing will start in five minutes.”

The moment he said that, the officials from the Ruthenian Senate Committee on Armed Services stridden across the hall in a haste towards the staircase which leads to the Ruthenian Senate Committee on Armed Services chamber, where the meeting will be held.

“Would you look at that,” Alexander grinned as he watched them disappear from his sight. “They can’t wait to grill us up there.”

“You think so? Your Majesty?” Alexei tilted his head to the side.

“We should hurry now, being late will earn us a bad impression. Especially when we will ask them to allow us around 50 billion more rubles to add to the annually provided titanic budget of 56 billion rubles!” Alexander winked goofily at Alexei as he walked towards the staircase. Alexei followed behind him.

Even with as many efficiencies, cheats, and using robotic manufacturing in his private industries. Alexander still could not keep the rising costs down as materials and ever-growing amounts of projects gobbled up the money.

In the budget hearing chamber, Alexander and Alexei sit at the table, facing the committee of elected officials of the Imperial Council tasked with overseeing military defense policy and military operations.

Member of the Parliament, Witte, of the Ruthenian Senate Committee on Armed Services began the hearing.

“So, Mr. Alexei. you’re asking for a 90% increase in the budget for the Ministry of Defense? That will be used to defend the Ruthenian Empire from military threat? Is that right?”

“Yes indeed, Lord Witte,” Alexei answered firmly.

“You know, every year, the Ministry of Defense keeps asking the Imperial Council to increase their budget under the pretense of protecting the Ruthenian Empire. However, in the last four years, we haven’t seen what’s coming out from that money except for the warships and aircraft carriers that were just commissioned a week ago.”

“That is because the military hardware involves the development and purchase of sophisticated and highly classified technologies, that if leaked to the public, will jeopardize the national security of the Ruthenia Empire, a role of the Ministry that has been doing ever since its inception.”

“Sir Alexei. We already heard that answer one year ago. That the technology is so very sophisticated that it can’t be revealed to the committee who happens to be the one who has the power to decide whether to approve or reject your budget proposal,” Witte pauses to catch his breath before continuing. “Until you provide us with the actual reasons and details. The committee cannot allow uncontrolled expenditures to continue.”

Witte paused, allowing Alexei to speak.

Alexei was silent for a few seconds. “There is something more to the sophisticated technologies than I said earlier.”

“Is that so? Care to give us a specific answer?” Witte asked curiously, leaning closer and looking intently at him.

Alexei glanced at Alexander meaningfully, indicating that he needs help. Alexander sighed as he spoke.

“If you need specifics, I can provide you with that.”

“Your Majesty?” Lord Witte looked at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

“I’m not just the Emperor of Ruthenia Empire but the CEO of the Imperial Dynamic Systems, the sole private contractor of the Ministry of Defense, providing them with weapons, vehicles, computers, and the like. I happen to read the unredacted budget proposal of the Ministry of Defense and the reason why they are asking for another 50 billion rubles is to fund the creation of an agency.”

“An agency? What kind?” Witte asked, raising a brow.

“A Space Agency,” Alexander revealed.

At that, the people present for the budget hearing all murmured to each other.

A ‘Space’ Agency? There is plenty of space in Ruthenia.

Not that ‘space’, the ‘space’ in the sky.

The murmurs of confusion soon died down as Witte raises his hand to stop the excess noises.

“Can your majesty please explain the “Space” agency and why it requires a 90% increase in military spending?”, Witte inquires as he judges the Tsar, wasting money on pet projects and developmental dead ends was not uncommon in the previous Tsar’s rule.

“The Space Agency is a new secret project in aeronautical sciences. We need the 50 billion to build the tools needed for this new endeavor.”  Alexander answered.

“And what are the tools needed for this? Do you have a drawing or blueprint of said tools?” Witte dug deeper, as he was just doing his job.

Alexander took out a scroll tube he brought with him for the meeting and spread it out on the table.

“What you see here is the tools needed.” he gestured as Witte and the committee all come closer to see what is on the drawing.

“Is this…Is this a tower made of metal?” one of the committee asked, trying to understand the strange obelisk on paper.

“It is more than a tower, it is a giant rocket,” Alexander replied.

“And why does the new agency need such a huge rocket? Is this a trick to fool us?”, Witte hardlines, making sure not to be awed by foolish drawings.

“Because the future of war is among the stars. We already have countries trying to dominate the skies. Soon they will start their own rocket programs to wage war from the heavens,” Alexander points up at the ceiling.

“Hmmm..” Witte hums as he thinks about it, the Emperor is not wrong about the ongoings outside Ruthenia, but the amount of money needed and the fantastic idea of flying in rockets sounds incredulous.

“And how will your majesty justify the spending if nothing comes of it?” Witte challenged the Tsar.

Alexander knew this, he needs to provide collateral or a bet that has enough value to pay off the wasted funds.

“If nothing truly comes of it, then the committee can cut military spending back as they see fit and I will personally pay out the wasted funding. Deal?”

Witte contemplated for a while and answered, “The committee will discuss this over lunch, your majesty. This meeting will continue later today. “

Not wanting to force a hasty decision either on an empty stomach. Alexander and Alexei joined the committee during lunch break. Having food brought into the Imperial Council Building by the catering services.

The lunch was much more friendly as the committee relaxed with food as they discuss and talked about the earlier meeting. Bouncing ideas and thoughts on it while they ate.

An hour later, the group returned back to the meeting room.

Witte and the committee finalized their decision and soon the meeting begins.

The second round of the proposal for the budget increase is now in session.


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