Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 126 Bakeshop

It took Alexander almost one hour to explain the concept of containerization, its pros and cons, the infrastructure required to implement it, and the new type of vessel for transportation.

After that, the two decided to meet each other again in the coming weeks to further discuss the matter in more detail.

“Thank you for hearing me out, Andrei. It was a productive meeting. I hope that we can work on this together for the betterment of the Ruthenian Empire.”

“I’m once again fascinated by your new revolutionary ideas, Your Majesty. Your insights transcend what the rest of us are capable of grasping. I’ll see what I can do on my end.”

“I wouldn’t put it that way…” Alexander smiled sheepishly. “I’m just a man of science who sees things beyond the perception of an average man. You just have to think outside the box and you’ll come up with your own revolutionary ideas.”

Andrei laughed good-naturedly at the comment. “Well, I’ll have to excuse myself now, Your Majesty.”

Both of them stood up from their seats at the same time, exchanging a handshake before Alexander escorted him out of the helicopter.

As Andrei stepped out of the helicopter, he turned around to face Alexander once more and bowed respectfully.

Alexander was pleased by the gesture and returned a simple nod of acknowledgment before Andrei walked off toward his daughter who was waiting for him outside along with Rolan.

“Rolan, we’re leaving.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Rolan dashed over towards the helicopter and entered the cabin. The pilot and the co-pilot in the cockpit, who just came back after Alexander finished his meeting in the cabin, began the preflight procedures.

“Oh I’ve been out for almost three hours, I better start coming up with plausible reasons as to why I left the Winter Palace without informing Anya,” Alexander ran a hand through his hair as he took his seat.

“The struggle of being a father…” Rolan commented casually.

“She’ll hate me for this. Yesterday we didn’t go home together and now I didn’t tell her that I’m attending a ship commissioning ceremony.”

“You’re overthinking, Your Majesty. There’s no way she would hate you for that.”-.

“I think you are right. Maybe I’m overthinking this,” Alexander chuckled slightly as he leaned back into his chair. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt himself drift off slowly into a comfortable nap.

He woke up to the gentle pat on the shoulder, making him open his eyes and look at whoever was responsible.

“I’m sorry to bother you while you’re sleeping…but we arrived at the Palace Square.”

Alexander immediately recognized the voice of Rolan.

Alexander rubbed his eyes as he sat up straight to look at the window. There he saw the edifice of the Winter Palace.

“So we landed in the middle of Palace Square instead of the airport?” Alexander yawned, stretching his arms. He looked again at the mirror and noticed something.

“Why are there no people around?”

“I have tasked the Imperial Guards stationed at the Winter Palace to clear out the palace for your arrival, Your Majesty. It’s a standard procedure. And the reason why I decided to land at the palace instead of the airport is to not disturb your sleep. Imagine I have to wake you up sir so that we can move to the Beast and continue on our journey. That’s inefficient right?”

“I agree,” Alexander rose to his feet and stretched his arms again. “We should do this more often. Traveling in the car and on the helicopter is tiring.”

When Alexander and Rolan exited the helicopter, it flew away from the palace towards the airport where it’ll be parked.

They continued on foot toward the Winter Palace and met his wife and daughter who had been waiting outside the building for their arrival.

Alexander approached Sophie first and greeted her with a hug and kissed her cheek. He then knelt down to carry his daughter on his arm.

“Papa, I saw you on the television!” Anya exclaimed excitedly. Her blue eyes were sparkling like stars. Alexander couldn’t help but smile fondly at the sight.

“Really? Do I look cool on the television?” Alexander asked jokingly, pinching her nose.

“Yes!” Anya giggled happily as she placed her both hands on his, removing them from pinching her small nose.

Alexander turned his attention to Sophie and noticed something different in her clothing. It wasn’t her usual house dress, instead, it was a black blouse paired with a long skirt. She also wore high heels on her feet.

Before Alexander could ask, Sophie spoke.

“Anya decided that we should wait for you before we leave…” Sophie said.

“Leave? Where are you going?”

“To visit the new cakeshop that just opened recently. It’s a ten-minute drive there! They say that the cake there is delicious so we decided to come and try, to see if it’s true.” Sophie replied.

“Why? We have the best pastry chef in the Winter Palace that can bake you anything you like.”

“But I wanted to go out, you know visit some places,” Sophie pouted.

Alexander chuckled lightly, shaking his head affectionately. “I see, so you and Anya are going to visit the cake shop? Is there something I need to know?”

Sophie simply turned her gaze to Anya as if giving her a signal. Anya nodded her head with a determined expression.

“Papa, can you come with us?” Anya smiled innocently, making his heart flutter a little. He ruffled Anya’s hair gently as he hummed in thought.

As much as he wanted to say yes, there’s still a lot of work to be done in his office. His schedule is packed and he will not have any time to relax today. But if he thinks of it in another way, he hasn’t spent enough time with his family the moment they arrive at the Winter Palace and they deserve this trip too. If he says no, it will make Anya and Sophie sad, but if he agrees, his work will pile up.

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Alexander decided.

“Of course, sweetheart. I will go out with you and your mama to the cake shop,” Alexander decided to come with them. “Rolan, please prepare our transport. A cakeshop is in for a surprise visit.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Rolan said and left to carry out Alexander’s order.

“Thank you, papa!” Anya hugged Alexander tightly. She buried her face against the crook of his neck. Alexander patted his daughter’s back gently before leaning forward, kissing her cheeks. Sophie smiled brightly. Glad that Alexander agreed to go with them.

Alexander grabbed Sophie’s hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. They gazed at one another affectionately.

He just made the right decision. He doesn’t care if his work piles up in his office. What’s important is that he spends his limited time with his family. In his past life, he has never experienced such affection from his parents. They are both busy with their work, causing his relationship with them to become distant.

When Anya asked if it was possible that he could come, those memories abruptly appeared in his mind. And the moment he saw those memories, he instantly knew the answer.

And that is to say yes.

He won’t let Anya experience what he had gone through in his childhood days. Never. Because work is something that he can finish by pulling out an all-nighter, the memories and moments that they’ll create on this trip will be a treasure to him.


Ruthenia. Location Unknown.

Machinery moves around with figures in full concealed special suits.

This is another of Alexander’s secret sites. The men and women here are all people in scientific fields successfully poached by Alexander to work on this special project he requested. Alexander calls it, “Project Bakery”.

Mathematicians, chemists, physicists, and trustworthy people who can keep their mouths shut are all in this facility working to make an enigmatic order from Alexander himself come to fruition.

“Make it get hot.”, were the words. And a large book of notes that seems even more puzzling.

The book contains “Recipes”, lists of “Ingredients” and “Steps” needed to bake a special “Cake”.

Now they are at the final steps of the first “Recipe”, like alchemists of the old times, they moved following the “Rituals” written in the book. They are treading in unknown territory as the “Dough” is finally sealed in the “Oven” of lead blocks and purest graphite bricks.

One of the suits reported to another suit. Telling them the “Cake” is ready to “Bake”.

They nodded and get to a microphone on a podium.

“Everybody. We are about to “Fire” the “Oven”. Please get to your assigned positions. I repeat. The “Oven” is ready to “Fire”.”

The fully concealed figures all moved to their position, they get ready for any problems that might occur when the “Cake” is “Baking”.

“Is everyone in position? We will begin in 20 seconds.” The figures looked at their watches, it might have to be disposed of later.

“5….4….3….2….1….0. Begin.”

Machinery hummed as the “Yeast” stopping rod is slowly pulled from the “Oven”.

More figures watching computers of both analog and digital held their breath as they monitor the insides of the “Oven” with television cameras.

They noticed a wave of blue flashed on the screen for a second.

“The “Dough” is starting to “Rise”….”

They observe the various measuring instruments. The readouts starting to rise slowly except for one.

The person looking at it taps to make sure it is not stuck and reports back.

“Nothing on the power readout.”

“Allow more “Yeast”.”

The rod is pulled further out from the “Oven”.

This time, the power indicator begins rising.

“Hold and stay at the “Cooking” temperature.”

The needles all slowly move across the face and all stop at their own levels.

The people inside the suits are sweating but they dare not take them off when the “Cake” is “Baking”.

They keep monitoring the “Cake” baking in the “Oven” for almost two hours before a warning alarm sounded.

The rods were inserted back, and the “Oven” began to “Cool”.

The was much celebration as the figures congratulate each other on a successful “Baking” operation.

One figure headed to a telephone to report on the progress made.

A person on the other end of the line picked up, speaking in code “Hello?”

“The Italian navigator has landed in the New World.”

“How were the natives?”

“Very friendly.”

And so, a special cake is baked. A cake with a birthday candle as bright as the sun.


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