Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 120 – Dragon Party

Chapter 120 – Dragon Party

(Yellow Dragon) <Greetings to you once again Kellearzar, it's been way too long>

(Cyan Dragon) <Where's the other half Kellearzar? Where's Dermak?>

(Pink Dragon) <Yeah, you'd think Dermakvar would be here-... hang on, there's phoenixes here?>

(Navy Dragon) <...>

Turns out my worries of the cave been packed filled with dragons was a little unneeded. Out of the four visiting dragons that have now just arrived, all of them are smaller than father except the orangey-yellow guy, he might be even bigger.

'Quite the few dragons of differing colour here... that really doesn't sound great, got to check status real quick'

[Name: Cyclorak | Species: Dragon | Level: 777]

[Health 75,000/75,000]

[Stamina 62,117/75,000]

[Magicka 44,250/44,250]


[Name: Renmary | Species: Dragon | Level: 372]

[Health 31,000/31,000]

[Stamina 28,999/31,000]

[Magicka 31,000/31,000]


[Name: Priscillia | Species: Dragon | Level: 312]

[Health 26,000/26,000]

[Stamina 19,912/26,000]

[Magicka 26,000/26,000]


[Name: Mute | Species: Dragon | Level: 343]

[Health 50,000/50,000]

[Stamina 28,812/30,000]

[Magicka 5,750/5,750]

'Of course, dragon names are purposely irritating to remember so I'll just remember them in order of appearance. Yellow, cyan, dark-pink and navy-blue... hang on, Mute? That doesn't sound very dragon like'

I'm also pretty sure the only male one is orange but the blue Mute hasn't said a word yet, I think it's a female dragon but you can never be too sure. Also, Mute looks pretty similar to Esmerelda thinking about it, the darkish blue is pretty similar to her purple a little. All the others except the pink are pretty bright in colour though.

[<Aesa would like to remind -Ikarus- names can change due to situation. Presumably, target -Mute's- name would've been complicated like every other dragon but circumstances have changed it>]

'Relax Aesa, I already know all that... heck, you're the prime example of it'

[<Giving Aesa the name Aesa is not the same>]

'Heh, not what I was about but it kinda is... I was on about the fact you've changed user into Ikarus AGAIN'


Ha! I've actually made Aesa silent; I should probably focus on the dragons today than focusing on winding my system up... I've basically forgotten their names already.

<Welcome everyone back to home cave! Both Minos and Dermakvar are out right now so it's only going to be us six today>

(Yellow) <Figures, that coward is probably hiding>

(Cyan) <Dermak isn't really a coward though, is he Cyclo?>

(Pink) <Who's Minos?>

(Blue) <...>

This really is a strange group of creatures; this already feels a little awkward since mother seems to be unsure what to say next.

<Erm... I've forgotten something... Oh, Ikarus and Petra, I should probably introduce you two as well. Starting for left to right is->

In mother's defence, she has been stressing out a little cleaning the cave before they turned up and kept refusing help so I can see why she might be stressed. I'll try and make this easier for her though.

"There's no need to do that mother, I can already tell their names and it's basically guaranteed I'll forget them all"

Seriously though, the big yellow guy was Cyclo-something and the dark blue one is Mute. The other two female dragons, completely forgotten and I'm not going to keep opening my status to remember a dragon's name I'll never come across again... I've definitely jinxed that; I wonder who it'll be we meet again someday.

"Heh, you could just leave status open or keep checking it Ikarus"

"Yeah but then what happens if I look at you by accident when doing it? This isn't a lazy thing this time around"

I'm referring to that headache thing that happens when phoenixes status scan each other, that's another reason why keeping status open for a long time is dangerous. I do always have to make sure not to focus on Petra when doing my checks otherwise I will cause us both unnecessary pain. It's easy enough to do most of the time but all it takes is a quick slip up and poof! Splitting migraine inbound...

"Heh, true, forgot about that"

Honestly, the sight of six fully grown dragons sitting down in this cave must be something out of a poorly written joke or a painting, it's probably a good thing Minos and father aren't here otherwise this might get even messier. At least there's enough room in the cave but this really is absurd.

<So, which one is your daughter then Kellearzar? Regardless, I'll make it easier for the orange phoenix then, I'm Cyclo and my family are the greenish-blue and pink dragons. The darkened blue one is Mute; she should be slightly easier to remember but isn't family though>

The yellow dragon presents his family being the cyan and pink while Mute gives us an acknowledging head nod but I can't help but think about something else now. If father keeps having affairs with other dragons, then three of these could be the culprits turning his attention elsewhere. I mean, father's definitely got varied tastes in size since those female dragons are tiny compared to mother. I'm just hoping it was just one of them because with despicable father can be, it could be all three...

I'm also pretty sure the pink one is his daughter, he did'nt actually say whose who but she does look a bit younger... how am I even able to tell that? I think it's something to do with the scales, the older dragons tend to look a little more brutal looking and scary while the younger one don't. Regardless, I say younger but she should still be hundreds of years old, maybe even a thousand.

<The orange one is my daughter Ikarus and the darkened phoenix is her partner Petra, both were invited since they are family>

<Yes! This is my granddaughter and she'll kick any one of your arses!>

Huh, I nearly forget the grey old dragon was here as well, he doesn't look scary at all so scrap what I just thought about that age thing. I kinda like the vibe or atmosphere this place has right now, that arse kicking comment did get a little smile out of me and Petra though. It's obviously a joke but hey, I reckon I could nuke a dragon or two if I really had to...

(Yellow) <It's a pleasure to meet you all but there is a more immediate issue at hand, is Dermakvar using Minos as an excuse to hide? I'm going to beat his sorry ass to a pulp if he is! Dirty lizard!>

(Cyan) <*Sighhh*... must you do this Cyclo? It was just a one-time thing between us, honest! You used to do the same exact thing a millennium ago!>

(Yellow) <Your betrayal was much worse than mine Renmary, don't think I've forgiven you for that just yet. Give it another hundred years or so and then my opinion may change>

(Pink) <I still don't know who Minos is>


At least that answers my earlier question, it looks like father had a fling with the cyan dragon. I'm starting to think cheating is a normal experience around partnered dragons and mother is the exception to that all. Oh well, I'm not a dragon so there's no worries I'll do something like that.

(Kellearzar) <I wanted a more friendly experience this time around since you and him have been fighting long enough so I asked him to stay out this time around... the thing is, how should I put this? Ah, I'll just be blunt about it... Dermakvar, is dying. It's not immediate but he has started showing signs of ageing>

(Grey) <Kell is right, I noticed signs last time we met and I'm unsure if he'll get another five hundred years or so>


As soon as mother and grandfather announces that, an uncomfortable silence fills the cave. I thought that yellow guy just wanted to hurt father yet even he looks concerned now.

(Yellow) <Well shit Kellearzar... we've always had our problems but I never wished old age upon him. He's barely lived compared to most of us>

(Cyan) <He seemed so full of life when... probably shouldn't bring that up>

(Yellow) <And yet... you just did once again Renmary>

(Pink) <*Yawnnn...*>


I guess finding out a dragon still has a few hundred years left is big news to these lot then, all look concerned except the pink one. She seems very distracted and has turned her attention to me and Petra now.

<Oi, this conversation is boring, can I join the two birds?>

I mean, it's like looking into an obnoxious mirror by how rude the pink one is. This feels like a party where the kids go off to play in the corner or something but I've always loved this nest and Petra so I'm not joining in the conversation about father dying God knows when. I mean, this really isn't something that worrying, right?

(Yellow) <Sure, this really isn't the serious sort of conversation you're suited for>

(Cyan) <Just please Priscillia, just don't be yourself like normal>

(Pink) <No promises>

I'm pretty certain the pink one was the lowest levelled and definitely seems the smallest out of them all, probably the youngest too but that age doesn't equal strength after all. Also, it seems Mute seems more interested in me and Petra and comes over here as well. The thing about father is that it's really not that big of a deal, at least in my eyes because living hundreds of years is really no need for concern.

Maybe for the dragons it's more down to the extinction side of things, there's only nine left and losing another is always going to be a big deal to them. I guess our timescales are different too, a few hundred years for them would be like ten or five if compared to human life, I know I'm not human but still. Also, I wonder if they've already heard about that white dragon I played a part in killing, she was apparently a bitch but it might be best not to mention that now...

While us younglings are together, those older four dragons precede to keep talking about father but no point listening into that conversation. The pink one in particular seems really interested in us.

<So... you two phoenixes are partners then? Oh, don't mind Mute, her tongue was cut out years ago and humans gave her a right beating on the head so she doesn't really communicate>


Please don't tell me I'm going to go into detail about our life to the pink one. For some reason, Mute seems to glare at the pink dragon I'm guessing for saying about her past so causally like that but I'm so used to people having troubled pasts at this point, it kinda comes across like it's no big deal. Petra for example, she would've probably experienced pain worse than anyone so it's better to try and leave the past in the past. That sounds like I'm being insensitive as fuck but it's actually the opposite, I just try not bringing it up because of bad memoires and all that.

"Heh, yeah, me and this adorable ball of fluff are partners, lovebirds as Ikarus likes to call it"

Heck, even Petra cuddled up to my feathery body while saying that, I'm always a sucker for a good compliment from her but damn it! Don't be announcing that lovebird thing to others...

"Urgh... you really are too much Petra"

Then, something completely unexpected happens from response from Priscillia, the pink dragon. Turns out, I don't like her. Actually, I really, really don't like her.

<Are you two exclusive partners or are you pretty open? I kinda like the look of you orange Ikarus, human intercourse is always sublime and I'd love to spend a week or so playing with you>


Huh? That doesn't seem like a joke, so why isn't Petra getting pissed at her? Even the dragon Mute looks a little awkward at what was just said. I'm guessing this dragon's thing is sleeping with basically anyone?

"Heh, yeah Ikarus, what's your answer to that?"

What the fuck is going on!? This isn't funny! Petra's always hidden that extreme jealously she has and it's shown itself extremely rarely and yet, she's perfectly fine this time around! Am I having a hallucination or something?

"What the hell is wrong with you Petra!? Have you changed your opinion or something?"

The thing is, me and Petra have always been EXTREMELY exclusive, the thought of even being with someone else makes me sick and even though she's never said anything like that, I thought she was always the same. No, I know she's the same.

"Heh, relax Ikarus, she's not being serious. I think she's just trying to wind you up and it's clearly worked, don't actually find it that funny but I can see what she's doing"

The thing is, Petra's deadly wrong here...

<No, I'm serious, that wasn't a joke. If possible, I'd like to spend a week with your partner, she's pretty cute and I bet in human form she'd be even cuter. You can join us as well if you want but my preference is her>

Oh crap... I forgot Petra doesn't have what basically is a lie detector, is she about to blow?

"Erm... Ikarus would very much be against that if you're serious but we both appreciate the offer... I guess?"

"Yeah... Petra's right... that's a no I'm afraid"

I know my woman too well; she's really struggling right now. Despite the fact her smile and aura seem pretty calm, I know Petra's fuming deep inside and using everything to hide it. I can see why she might see that as a joke, who just comes up to someone basically asking to steal their partner? Dragons really are strange creatures but even she didn't expect one that bold.

<Eh, that's a shame, I thought you two weren't boring but oh well. Mute, you want to go listen in to the elder dragons?>


<I'll take that as a yes>

Then the pink dragon basically pulls a confused looking Mute away to the other side of the cave to join in the conversation about father's inevitable doom that they still are discussing. I'm not listening to that but by the sounds of it, the others are more concerned about the whole thing more than mother and grandfather, it's not like father was against dying I guess... I'm not thinking about that anymore, it'll just get depressing at this rate and I've got something else to deal with.

"Petra... are you alright?"

"Heh... I'm fine Ikarus... say, it would be okay if there were only eight dragons left? Let's say one went missing and never was found... that would be fine, right?"

I know she has extreme inner strength but Petra is clearly trying to mask that anger with humour right now, she's even shaking slightly trying to keep that murderous aura inside. She makes it sound like a joke but that's clearly not one, extreme jealously has always been something most people don't like but I'm not like most people. Point being, she could be completely honest with me and I'd still love her regardless, if anything I like her getting worked up...

"You can be honest with me Petra; it's not going to make me love you any less"

"Heh... do you really want to hear in explicit detail how much I want to kill that dragon right now Ikarus? Sometimes... it's best to leave things hidden away"

Eh, maybe's she's got a point, I know they say relationships are supposed to be based on honesty but it's also about appearing your best to your partner but those two things can come in conflict despite it not being that healthy. It's just a very good thing we both are pretty similar when it comes to things like that but I'd have been a little 'blunter' to that dragon if she had tried anything with Petra... enough about this though, I'm going to try and help Petra out a little.

"Well regardless... cuddle up into me and that will definitely calm you down! Heck, I'll sit on you refuse, can't be having murderous Petra destroying the last of dragon kind. I'm supposed to be the evil one, remember?"

Would that crush her? No, I could easily position myself to avoid that but she may get smothered by orange feathers though. Someday, I'm definitely going to sleep in Petra feathers when she's able to appear her true self without the pain, that honestly sounds so dope...

"Heh... thanks Ikarus..."


(Yellow) <...Enough about that grumpy ol'guy though, that's enough depressing talk for the next few hundred years. We made sure to bring a few gifts like usual to make this event a little less serious and boring>

(Cyan) <I think I know where this is going>

(Pink) <Yay! We're now onto the good part>

(Mute) <...>

After some of the more boring conversations had ended, the yellow dragon Cyclorak has a slight grin on his face from the gifts they've brought. I was wondering what might be in that huge hide bag they were carrying but forgot about it pretty quickly.

Me and Petra have talked a little to the yellow and cyan one a bit more but both of them aren't really interested in knowing every little detail about our lives thankfully enough. Now, it seems like this little meetup might be about to get interesting especially considering mother and grandfather look a little concerned.

<Oh no, what have you brought this time around Cyclorak?>

<Please don't be as bad as what you brought last time around; I couldn't fly straight for weeks afterwards! I even remember breaking my strict diet and eating a cow! Poor soul...>

By the sounds of it, I know what he's brought...

(Yellow) <Hehe... it's much worse actually... this is a forbidden demonic liquor that can make your scales crawl. It's a good thing Dermakvar isn't around to enjoy this since he deserves no such pleasure... >

The yellow dragon Cyclorak reveals the entire bag filled with types of alcohol I've never seen before. Seriously though, this sack might be the same size as me and it's filled with bottles and bottles of sweet poison! This dragon might have a problem but I don't care...

(Cyan) <Is this starting to become a tradition at this point Cyclo or have we become the dragonkind alcohol providers? We're going to have none left at home at this rate>

(Yellow) <You going to keep moaning or are you going to enjoy yourself? I'm still trying to get over your damning betrayal, remember?>

(Cyan) <I'll stop then... although it might be unfair on the birds over there though, I'm guessing you didn't bring anything a little weaker?>

Wait a second, if the dragons have brought alcohol to share with everyone, then fuck no am I turning that shit down! The stronger, the better.

"Hey! If you've brought booze, don't think you ain't sharing with us too! I'd even bet and say we'd be able to drink loads more than you lot"

"Heh, Ikarus may be getting excited but she does have a point"

Mother immediately facepalms at my insistence to drink. This big yellow guy has literally cracked up at my willingness to get pissed, I didn't expect this could turn into a drinking party especially with a drink I've never had before.

<Ha! Kellearzar, I'm liking your daughter, you've got to get her to visit our place sometime since alcohol is never in short supply where we live>

<Unfortunately Cyclorak, Ikarus will have to pass up that offer for obvious reasons>

I mean, I'm not going to moan at mother for rejecting the invite to drink even more, I have been really good recently apart from my birthday... screw this, I haven't held back and I'm surrounded by a bunch of happy looking dragons who are already about to drink... hey, wait for me and Petra!

"Oi! Before you start though, lemme change form real quickly..."

Tonight's gonna be a blast now, I wonder if I'll get to witness a drunk Petra too but knowing how things normally go, things are about to go blurry...


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