Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 119 – Invitation

Chapter 119 – Invitation

"This better be something important old man, you understand I was trying to keep your existence secretive and yet you've just turned up out of the blue like this?"

Now that he's landed, father gives me a rolled-up scroll before even responding to my irritation. Like the old dinosaur he is, couldn't he have done this some other way? Pretty much the entire crowd is still here looking terrified, Petra has facepalmed and Marcus... surprisingly looks calm. Huh, I guess he's a lot more confident than Nathan on this sort of thing, that first time stutter he had after witnessing the dragon fight me and father did is gone but he did get to witness mother as well in her full glory so maybe it was just surprise rather than fear.

<Apologies little one but you can read that later, have no patience to wait around until while you and the little mortals are done playing your games whatever this is you're doing. Your mother wanted me to give you the invitation quickly so here I am... I'm under orders to return as soon as it's completed otherwise I'm in right trouble>

By the sounds of it, he's pissed off mother again so that curfew maybe even stricter, now he might even be grounded. What has he done this time? I guess it's not exactly serious then but if mother is making him hurry it up, then I can understand why he'd show up like this.

"Please don't tell me you've had another affair old lizard, you're better than this"

<Not this time little one. Take this advice to the grave, NEVER mention a female's weight or you'll be paying for it for a while, it wasn't even meant in a bad way but apparently she's been watching how many goats she's been eating recently...>

Oh for fuck's sake, I swear he likes mother 'bigness' anyways but it's obviously sounded like he's insulted her or called mother fat. It doesn't take a genius to realize she's probably in the right to be pissed at him especially how he normally is. Can't help but facepalm at the old dinosaur.

<...I'd recommend you don't go to this but I'm assuming this is something you'd be interested on regardless. I'm leaving now, make sure you bring the dark bird along with you too since she's makes things better all-around>

"Heh, thanks Dermakvar"

"Yeah yeah dinosaur, stop trying to win favour with Petra and just leave already"

<Hmph, disrespectful daughter...>

And just like that, father flies in viewed by a crowd of people, gives me an invitation scroll, then pisses off! I'm obviously a little annoyed because is this really the way the settlement needs to find out about my dragon parents? I was saving it for a rainy day like when we're under attack or something and it could give people hope but now it just seems like something dumb. This invitation better be something interesting since I'm going to have a right go at them both if this turns out to be them just wanting to hang out or taking a quick vacation over here.

Oh yeah, I should probably address the crowd that just witnessed that, it's not like Marcus and Petra are going to help me out in this situation. I love Petra and all but she's got a right sly smile on her face, clearly she's found this a little funny.

"Right... erm... what to say... erm... okay, listen up everyone! There may be a dragon or two visiting time to time, try and keep it a secret if possible, alright?"


Of course, no reaction from the crowd other than complete silence. I honestly can't see this staying a secret now but it's not like I'm purposely going to silence them about it. Huh, should just look at the positives, maybe this might make people like me and Petra further, I did just speak to a supposedly extinct mythical creature like it meant next to nothing nothing.

"Heh, if that's how you want to handle this Ikarus... want to go read that scroll together then?"

"Sureee... I want a hug while reading it for that betrayal of yours though"

"What betrayal?"

"That sly smile of yours when father was leaving, don't think I didn't see that"

"Heh, no idea what you're on about"

Righttt... she's such a liar, a loveable liar but still...


"Well... this is kinda interesting"

"Heh, didn't think something like this even happens"

Reading the scroll at a cosy café hugged up to Petra with some sweet food to enjoy the experience too, we've read the scroll multiple times presumably written my mother and it's actually something completely new and unheard off. We've been 'invited' to my parents' cave for something pretty strange.

Basically, we've been invited to a dragon meetup. I'm not actually sure what it is about but by the sounds of it, this is something dragons do every few hundred years or so and my parents are hosting the thing. I'm guessing we've been invited since I'm technically the child of a dragon and Petra is the same? I'll ask if Ariza and Zeki want to go but this sounds like something they might want to avoid. Ariza still gets slight shyness around new people and Zeki... it wouldn't surprise me if he'd only come to have a look at the jugs on display so I might not invite him.

"This makes me think though, it says all dragons get invited to this but I'm unsure just how many would show up. Someone like Esmerelda for example, she never leaves Desmond's side so that's one down. You have any idea even how many dragons remain living Ikarus?"

I'm pretty sure Petra asks that rhetorically but seriously though, both of us don't have a clue on this. If you include my family and Esmerelda, there's a few but their can't be that many more skulking about, right?

"Well... we know at least four but there would've been five if that trip to that northern island didn't happen"

"Heh, your trip with the priestess and the knight, correct?"

"Yeah, that white one died by Charlotte's power... or would it be Dionysus since he lends her that flashbang attack? It doesn't really matter though"

It does say in the scroll every dragon young or old gets invited to the meetups held by the most powerful one which just so happens to be mother. Even if the majority turn up, how many actually are there? Dragons are basically close to being extinct in this world so this really just feels like it will be it'll be a small get together which honestly, I'm looking forward to. I'm always down for meeting other mythical creatures but it would kinda spoil it a little if it turned into a party of a hundred dragons all slagging off wyverns and moaning about mortals' non stop. Gods, imagine there being more than one version of father.

"The invite seems a little abrupt though Ikarus, looks like we'll have to leave in a day or two if we want to be on time..."

Maybe this is just a dragon thing, give an invite basically last second and see if the person will turn up? Or, it might just be this was forgotten about till last second and they were debating whether to invite me or not, I'm still not a dragon despite hatching from an egg after all.

"...It matters little anyway, you up for meeting some more dragons Ikarus?"

"Of course! The weirder the people we know, the better! Dragons can make me seem normal seeing how odd they can get"

"Heh, you sure about that Ikarus?"

Hang on, does Petra not think I'm normal? I mean, that would be the last word I'd describe myself but at least just pretend I am!

"You saying I'm not normal or something Petra? What part about me isn't normal?"

I'm going to see if I can make her mess up here. Despite me still cuddling into her even now at this café, there will be a day I'm able to make her stutter or fail in that romantic thing she can do without even thinking about it.

"Heh, I'm not saying anything like that Ikarus. If you really want to ask, is this much clinginess normal? I'm pretty sure my arm has gone dead now, might need the dwarf to make me a new one"

Really? Clinginess Petra? You really think I care about something like that anymore? Your teasing is needs to step up a level.

"You say that as if I care! You don't want me to stop and you know it!"

"Heh, fair point Ikarus, wouldn't change any part of you for the world"

"Urgh... love you too... stupid Petra..."

We'll, stay here here a little longer...


"Heh, this is definitely going to be a new experience Ikarus, I'm unsure what I'll even say when it starts"

"You make it out as if I'm used to meeting a bunch of random dragons too, I'm just as clueless as you"

Setting off a couple of days later, we're now not far from arriving and Petra is in her rightful position up on my back once again, it does feel good to return to this position but I'm purposely making it sound weird this time around. We did invite Ariza and Zeki to come alone but both turned down the opportunity, pretty sure Ariza's still enjoying her female body and she's even got a hospital to sort out now. I'll have to give her a visit someday and see how she's getting on but apparently she nearly burst into tears again over hearing that had been built for her, I guess she really gets a little too appreciative. As for Zeki, he could be doing anything for all I care.

As for the invitation itself, there technically was something about a dress code basically saying if you want to switch form, then you better not be nude. I found that pretty funny seeing how blunt mother had written it on the note but I could see the cave getting pretty packed if more than a few visiting dragons were to turn up, the dragons might be forced to use human bodies just so they can all fit but the cave is gigantic though.

Petra did suggest bringing a gift but what do you bring for a bunch of gathering dragons? Other than meat or shiny objects, I doubt dragons have such a tradition. I guess you could open a bottle of alcohol or two but I'm unsure if this will be a serious or not, like a meeting to discuss the fate of dragon kind or something like that. Eh, I've always got stuff in my inventory to lie about being a gift if needed.

"Heh, true but you've always been good at dealing with strangers Ikarus, you make it look effortless"

The way Petra's talking, is she getting a little stage freight from meeting all the big scary dragons or something? Heh, no chance, I think this is Petra's attempt at making small talk riding my back but it does feel a little forced.

"Don't worry about it, it'll be fineee... looks like we're here anyways, I'll be sure to protect you if they fancy some deep fried Petra today"

"Heh... you need to work on your teasing a little if that's how you're going to go about it"

"Says the one who is making me blush less and less everyday now, we should probably put this on hold for later though, is it really the time?"

I mean, we are about to go greet my parents at the cave and deal with a load of new dragons, maybe this little teasing thing we have should wait for another time since I'm basically landing at the cave entrance now.

"Heh, it's always the time for that sort of thing Ikarus but you just focus on landing, my sweet and chubby little orange bird"

"How can I be chubby and little at the sam-... forget it... it's a mystery why I love you so much"


I make a landing back at the good ol'family cave and Petra immediately jumps off my back. Huh, this place is pretty empty right now, where's all the dragons at?

Currently in the cave, there's only two dragons of note. The big red dragon everyone knows and loves being mother and a smaller one comparable in size to father being grey in colour as well as looking pretty old even by dragon standards. Keep in mind, me and Petra are technically early, it's not midday just yet so that was the time to arrive. I wonder where Minos and father are though.

<...How's the other half doing Kell or is he not going to show up? Is he still as grumpy and insufferable as always?>

<Please give it a rest, I suggested he not bother staying since this isn't his sort of thing so he's out hunting with Minos, isn't that good enough?>

<I still can't understand why you put up with him. We've all had hard lives, he just seems to be grumpy towards everyone>

<You never see that other side of him though. Despite his flaws, he still means well at heart and I love him tru-... Oh Ikarus and Petra, you've arrived!>

By the sounds of it, this old grey looking dragon is slagging father off behind his back. Hey, he deserves it but moaning at father is a right reserved only for the family! He need

"Who's this old guy anyways and what's his problem with father? He just sounds bitter and grumpy if I'm being honest"

'Might as well check his status while I'm waiting for a response'

[Name: Aardavar | Species: Dragon | Level: 444]

[Health 21,000/21,000]

[Stamina 39,219/45,000]

[Magicka 45,000/45,000]

'Huh, pretty weird name and stats, I get that he looks old but his health does seem a little low for a dragon'

Despite my somewhat rude outburst to the grey dragon though, he seems to find the whole thing slightly funny. Petra's just alongside my feathery body right now as well, she's always happy to remain quiet even when I'm purposely being rude to a guest.

<Ha!, I can definitely see some similarities to your father, you must be the little one I've heard so much about! Last time I met with him, he wouldn't stop talking about you and Minos or littlest one as he calls him... it still doesn't excuse how he treats your mother though>

<Enough about that... this here is Aardavar Ikarus. I think in human terms he'd be considered your grandfather? Whatever the case, he's the dragon who raised me and obviously knows about how Dermakvar can be a grumpy old lizard at times>

Hang on, I have a dragon grandfather now!? You'd have thought they would've at least mentioned this once or twice.

"How am I only just finding this out now!? I thought everyone else in the family is dead?"

<There was never a reason to mention it Ikarus and that was only ever your father's side of the family, this old guy as you call him was always a recluse hiding away anywhere he could so his existence has always been a little secretive. You don't end up being the oldest dragon alive without becoming a coward at some point>

<It must've been around seven or eight thousand now, right Kell? I should be annoyed at the coward comment but I don't think I've killed an animal in centuries now, going meat free really does wonders for the body!>

So great, looks like we have more dragon members in the family then, it still doesn't make sense how father is apparently dying yet this old guy is still kicking about but that's dragon age for you... wait, dragons can go without eating meat? Is my dragon grandfather a vegan or vegetarian? Sometimes this world makes me wonder...

I can't help but smile because of this, I'm not exactly sure how to follow this up but thankfully mother realizes I'm not alone. By the looks of it, Petra seems to be enjoying how this is going already.

<Oh, how are you anyways Petra? Nearly forgot you were there for a second, Ikarus didn't force you to come, did she?>

'I'm going to ignore what mother just implied there'

"Heh, nothing like that, thought it would be a fun experience to come along. Pleasure to meet you Aardavar"

<Wow, you even said my name correct first try with no issue! That Ikarus definitely knows how to pick a partner, I'm just hoping she understands what she has rather than sniff around like that father of hers>

The grey dragon Aadavar closes the distance between us and basically pushes his face right in front of Petra, he seems surprisingly interested in her but dragons do seem to like Petra for some reason. Hey, I like her as well but shouldn't he be focusing on me if I'm family though? I've just realized how much of an attention seeking child that makes me sound.

"Heh, Ikarus is completely loyal, no worries there"

<Good good then! At least she's taking Kell's view on that whole thing unlike the disloyal guy>

<*Sigh*... are you done insulting Dermak or are you done yet?>

<Not yet Kell!>

Of course, the entire family seems to love Petra, even the vegan grandfather. I should be happy but this old guy seems a little similar to mother and even though I love her, I do struggle a little with this whole family dynamic we have going on. Let's just try and change the subject a little.

"So then... father and Minos aren't going to be here then if what you said earlier is correct? Who else is supposed to show?"

<No one would dare turn down an invite from your mother Ikarus so we're expecting five more guests at this point, dragons from all over the continents are expected to show!>

<Four Aardavar, not five. Esmerelda has already said she can't come due to being busy. Every dragon alive should've been invited>

Huh, looks like Petra was right about that... hang on, there's only nine dragons in existence remaining!?

"Is that true mother? There's only nine dragons left then?"

<Erm... I guess that's correct Ikarus, I never really thought about how little few there are of us left. That's a pretty morbid feeling>

<Don't worry about it so much Kell, dragons live and dragons die, that's always been the order of thing. We've always been rare and your daughter and her friend have it much worse as well, phoenixes are even rarer!>

Ah, he would know about that if father mentioned me to him before, I wonder if he knows about the four-phoenix thing too but I'd rather move this along now. One new dragon down, only four more to go, let's hope those are weird as well! Heh, a vegan dragon, it really doesn't sound right...

"Anyways... me and Petra are going to rela-... no actually, you need a hand with anything mother before others get here or something?"

<Your daughter is really kind as well! You've gotten really lucky with your children Kell>

Urgh, praise... I kinda like this guy though. Sure, I was only offering since Petra gave me a slight nudge with her elbow while I was speaking but we should probably offer seeing that mother's hosting this thing. Knowing her though, she'd rather do it herself.

<No need for that Ikarus, I'm nearly finished now, relax with Petra in the nest for a bit>

<Ah, that means you can tell me about your life then! Do tell everything you can!>

'Huh, I thought grandfather felt similar, he's as curious as mother...'


<Wow, that's so interesting Ikarus. You and Petra have really done that much? What else have you done?>

Okay... it's definitely safe to say curiosity runs in the family, went through some of our adventuring stories and how we met, that sort of generic thing and grandfather has been lapping it up. Recapping can be so boring but there's nothing else to do right now so might as well. I guess the reason it's easier to converse with this guy is simply down to comfort, it's strange how similar to mother he actually is but it's not bad having another family member I guess. I doubt I'll see him very often if what mother said about him being a recluse is true but might as well make the most out of this. We have been telling stories for quite some time now though.

Thankfully, mother is at hand to stop us having to tell another story, we'll be here for another hour if she doesn't help at this rate.

<Enough pestering Ikarus Aardavar, guests have finally arrived so it's time to make yourself presentable>

<Ah, right Kell... I'll leave you two phoenixes alone while we go to greet everyone>

Is it a little weird mother calls grandfather by name? Maybe he was a shit father to her or just that she always prefers to use names for everyone? It doesn't seem disrespectful but it's a pointless thought. Also, I'm remaining in this current form just simply because this nest was always more comfortable this way, I'm hoping I can get Petra to cuddle into me but should probably focus more on the incoming dragons.

'This is definitely going to be an odd encounter...' 


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