
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"This is it, Senior." Spoke Bai Yu respectfully, as he stood behind Omis along with his disciples.

"It certainly has hmm, changed..."

The trio behind just nodded vigorously, their eyes filled with respect along with a hint of fanaticism. How could they not? The teacher in front of them, with a casual look, had managed to see through Bai Yu's cultivation base flaws! And with one comment had helped him breakthrough from the middle stage ascended to the late stage! This was simply unbelievable! If this news was to be spread in the earth realm, cultivators from all around the realm would flock towards the mentor.

It was understandable, the ascended realm had long since been the cap ever since the destruction of heaven. Any type of progression past it was almost impossible! Yet Omis had managed to do the impossible by helping Bai Yu successfully breakthrough. Part of the reason why he had been successful, was of course due to Bai Yu's hard work, he had been stuck in the middle stages for a long time, and all he needed was that final push. Omis provided that, by helping guide him towards the right path, and that was the final straw that Bai Yu needed to complete his breakthrough.

After Bai Yu's successful breakthrough, the group then decided to leave for the earth realm. With Bai Yu and his disciples leading the way, the group soon reached the famed gate of heaven. Long gone was the majestic gate that Omis was familiar with, in its place stood a ruined one nothing but a fragment of its former glory. The once huge golden gate, served as the door to the heavens, from it cultivators ascended and descended from the earthly realm. In a sense, it served as a giant teleportation array that connected heaven to the outside world.

Yet ever since it's fall, the gate was cleanly split in half. Its holy golden color was tainted by an ominous bloody red, giving it a demonic feel in contrast to its previous holy one. The gate stood on top of a giant celestial mountain, at the very edge of the realm. This mountain was once known as the mount of immortals, as by passing through it you would essentially shed your mortal body transforming into a full-fledged Immortal.

As he stood on top of the mountain looking at the ruined gate, Omis felt a strange sense of sadness wash over him. Bai Yu and his disciples, stood behind him their gaze filled with complicated feelings as they looked at the man in front of them, he seemed to have an air of melancholy surrounding him. They stayed silent as they watched him walk over to the gate and gently caress it's broken frame, as soon as his finger touched it however something extraordinary seemed to happen, the gate that had long since lost its holy color and was tainted by a more reddish one, started to glow at an alarming rate shocking the trio as their eyes opened wide, they could feel the holy aura radiating from the gate and could even hear the faint sounds of celestials joyfully laughing, for a moment they felt as if they had been transported to the ancient heaven's and were standing amongst the Immortals themselves!

Bai Yu was the first to recover from his initial shock as the gate's golden glow dimmed leaving behind it's broken frame, yet it seemed that ominous red that once tainted it was now gone! He turned his gaze to the man that stood in front of it, his back so straight and broad, it seemed as if it could shoulder the entire world! Bai Yu's heart jumped in his chest, as a complicated feeling rose inside. This was a real Immortal, this out of the world feeling he gave, this feeling of strength and dignity as he stood there was enough to overwhelm him, soon he found himself on his knees bowing in respect, his disciples followed after him. They were nowhere near the same level...

Omis was shocked, he did not know what exactly had happened. As soon as they reached the gate, he could hear faint voices coming from it! He did not know why, but as soon as he saw its ruined form, his heartfelt heavy in his chest. A deep feeling of sadness of loss threatened to overwhelm him, it did not make any sense to him, there was nothing that attached him to the gate, so why? why did he feel so sad when he looked at it? why did he feel as if he lost...lost...a friend?

Shaking his head, he slowly walked towards the gate, and almost subconsciously moved his hand to touch it. As his hand came to rest over it a bright golden light erupted momentarily blinding him, and with the light came the voices. They talked to him, whispered to him of injustice done to them, they cried out for justice, they cried out for...him? As his Qi made contact with the gate, the red glow shrank back in fear as if it had met its mortal enemy. He continued to surround the gate with his Qi, cleansing it from whatever had tainted it. As he did so, he could hear the voices sigh in relief as they thanked him and laughed happily before slowly disappearing.

With the golden glow subduing, Omis stood there in confusion. 'What happened?' he asked himself, he did not know what he did or why he had done so, it was done so naturally as if there was a hand guiding him, telling him what needs to be done he had only followed it. It felt as if it was the right thing to do, why? What exactly was this red light? Who were those voices that he heard? And what exactly happened in heaven?

Turning his attention to his new companions, Omis found them kneeling on the ground in respect. When he had first met them, he felt it was strange and almost uncomfortable, the amount of respect and worship their eyes carried towards him. Yet as time passed, It only seemed more and more natural. What was happening to him?!


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