
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The gate of heaven was essentially the door to the heavenly realm. It held a massive teleportation array, that helped transport people to and from anywhere in the earthly realm. Ever since the fall of heaven, the gate itself suffered heavy damage yet thankfully the array itself was almost intact. Due to the damage that befell it, the array would only open once every one thousand years and would remain open for three days and three nights, giving mortal cultivators the window needed to enter the heavenly realm. After the three days, the array would close down and would not open for another year.

Sects and clans from all over the earthly realm send their disciples here in search of fortuitous encounters, the lucky ones might even stumble upon a legacy left behind by the ancient immortals!

"Senior, the gate is due to open for another four months," said Bai Yu respectfully, his head still bowed low.

"Hmm, that should not be a problem," replied Omis, sending a stream of Qi towards the array making to grow bright.

"As expected of senior!" Lightly mumbled Bai Xian, her eyes filled with awe and adoration as she gazed at the young man's back. She knew that he was far older than her master, far older than even the patriarch himself! Yet his perfect face, his long white hair, and his deep obsidian eyes made her heart flutter and her cheeks turn rosy, she shook her head trying to clear her thoughts as she reluctantly turned her gaze away from Omis's back towards her senior brother and master, they seemed to be in as much shock as her.

"Is the array still connected to the mountain of the beginning?" Asked Omis as he looked back at the trio, his eyes locking with Bai Xian's for a second making her lower her head in a hast as her cheeks turned rosy, seeing that Omis lightly grinned. His 'avatar' was indeed quite good looking in the game, yet he never really stood out as all the players had all types of strange and extremely good looking avatars, yet now it seemed he did.

"Yes senior, it is indeed connected to it," replied Bai Yu.

"Good, let us make haste then."

Nodding, the trio moved to their feet and soon followed after Omis's footsteps. Once inside the array, Omis continuously fed it his mana making it grow even brighter. The group soon felt the teleportation force surround them as the array continued to shine brighter and brighter.


On top of the mountain of the beginning, a giant ancient array with complex ruins was carved on the ground. Surrounding said array was hundreds of tents, each occupying an area on the peak of the mountain. These were all representatives of the various sects from all across the earthly realm since there were still four months left before the opening of the gate only minor elders and disciples were situated here. The standings of these sects and clans were easily distinguishable, it was common knowledge that the stronger the sect or clan the closer they would be camped to the array, with the weaker ones situated in the edge or even off the peak of the mountain.

The mood around the mountain was quiet as usual, none of the sects or clans interacted with each other, with their few representatives each choosing to focus on their cultivation rather than other matters. All in all, it was supposed to be another normal boring day for all those present. All of the sudden a giant pillar of golden light pierced through the sky falling on top of the peak straight to the array, the light came so suddenly rendering all those present unable to react as they shielded their eyes from the blinding light.

The pillar, that extended to the void, seemingly splitting the sky itself open was seen all across the realm. It's pressure forced hidden masters out of their hideouts, this was something they had never felt before, the pillar exuded an otherworldly aura, an aura so divine, so heavenly! On this day, countless masters stopped their cultivation and turned to face one direction, the direction of the mountain of the beginning...

On top of said mountain, all cultivators present stood in shock and curiosity, the gate was not due to open for another four months, and even when it did it was never done in this fashion. They all squinted their eyes, as the light started to subdue, trying to make out what seemed like the silhouettes of four people. Once the light fully dissipated, however, all people present found themselves on the ground kowtowing! None had managed to catch a glimpse of who had arrived, yet the pressure and aura alone were enough for them to understand, this was not the aura of a mere mortal cultivator, nor was it one of a monstrous beast. No, this aura was different, it was ancient more so than anything they ever felt before and it was powerful, so much as that nothing could come close to.

Some people present had made their speculations as they laid there kowtowing, yet none truly dared believe it! How could they? It was simply unimaginable! The once quiet mountain peak turned even more silent the sound of the wind howling was the only thing that could be heard. Moments after the aura forced all those present to their knees, a deep strong majestic voice could be heard breaking the silence, and booming through the ears of everyone on the mountain.

"I'm finally back."

Everyone shuddered at the power the voice carried. Most lost all intention to try and raise their head and peek on who the owner was, and instead tried to make themselves look even smaller in hopes of not being noticed.

"Bai Yu, lead the way." Ordered Omis, as he gazed the crowd of people kowtowing to him, a strange sense of pride seemed to wash over him.

"As you command senior!" Happily replied Bai Yu.

Soon, the group could be seen flying away from the mountain. It was not until they were in a significant distance away did the pressure finally disperse allowing people back on their feet.

"Bai Yu?"

"That's the Bai clan's first elder!"

"He called that person senior!"

"Quick, inform the sect!"

Similar hurried conversation erupted all across the mountain, as the representatives pulled out their communication stones and crushed them, relaying the news to their sects and clans.


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