Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 144

It was fifty-fifty anyway. Its alright. After all, its a privilege to meet the Third Prince. The master can be persuaded in time.

In the citys nighttime streets, Logan comforted himself with these thoughts as he dashed across the rooftops. Although he had failed to secure the definitive winning hand known as the Sword Sage, he had other cards to play.

Itll be as easy as flipping over my hand to persuade the Third Prince

Would he accept his fate of either dying or being imprisoned for life, or would he choose to take a chance on the slim possibility of becoming king? For most people, the latter was the obvious choice.

Logan believed the Third Prince he had encountered would make the same choice. What he needed now was to secure not only his own influence and his familys power but also the support of forces that could stand behind the Third Prince.

Everything should go as planned

After running through the darkness for a while, Logans strides took him into a mansion adorned with an intricate floral design.

This condition is too great to accept; are they really planning to keep their word?

Even in the dead of night when he should have been deeply asleep, Count Roberts Floyd struggled with a headache, unable to rest. Two thin letters had robbed him of his sleep. The letters offered an empty seat among the frontier lords due to the war and beckoned him to their side.

After covering another similar letter with a sardonic laugh, the Count gazed at the ceiling. Rumors of significant damage sustained by both factions in a major clash at Harun Castle a week ago had been circulating.

The aftermath of those rumors were the letters now in his possession. Both factions were reaching out to neutral forces.

Not officially a faction, but the neutral declaration by the Sword Sage meant that many nobles around the capital, especially those in the Esperanza region, had declared neutrality. While not as formidable as the first or second princes factions, they were powerful enough to tip the scales if they sided with one faction.

Thats why neither faction could meddle carelessly, but it was a different story when it came to enticing them with tempting offers.

The Sword Sage wouldnt stop any house from dropping their neutrality unless forced to.

In this situation, the memory of the rascal who had stolen his treasure six months ago also resurfaced.

I was told to stay as neutral as possible. Could he have anticipated this? No, surely not

I did anticipate it.


The sudden voice behind him made Count Roberts Floyd jump out of his skin. Not a particularly strong man but possessing the skills of a Force User comparable to an average knight, he had no choice but to be startled.

He was also well aware of the defensive and warning spells set up around the mansion.

However, the voice that followed caused more shock than the sudden intrusion.

I apologize, father-in-law.

It was a familiar voice, but when the black mask was removed, the face revealed seemed strangely unfamiliar.

young lord? No, that hair color and your eyes, why?

Firstly, I must apologize for visiting so impolitely. It was urgent, and I had to speak to you without others knowing

What followed was a conversation that made the Counts face grow sterner. The first response, as expected from his expression, was negative.

Its an interesting proposition, but this is a matter that involves the fate of our house. I cant make a hasty decision.

While the Count diplomatically expressed that it would be difficult, his countenance grew even darker. If it werent for his daughters involvement with their house, he likely would have immediately shaken his head.

But Logan remained unperturbed.

Thats because you think even if we gather all neutral nobles, our collective strength is still too weak, isnt it, father-in-law?

I wont deny it. Moreover, choosing me as the pivotal figure to unite the neutral forces implies that Sir Felix has already declined, doesnt it?

At Robertss assumption, Logan grimaced.

I plan to persuade the master further. He seems to need more time.

Indeed Given what he has said, whether hell retract his decision

A deep sigh was the Counts weary reply.

Anyway Even if Duke Esperanza and his allies stand by us, and we rally all neutral forces, it will still be a struggle to oppose either faction. Its highly risky, theyre even offering unbelievable conditions in their desperation.

Im aware.

And yet you speak such words? Some families have already joined the factions and are marching to the frontlines.

I know that too.

If things had proceeded as in the original history, Roberts Floyd, the man before Logan, would also have been eager to join the second princes faction.

Its a bit earlier than anticipated.

By the time of Logans plan, the families that hadnt maintained neutrality but succumbed to the temptation of the factions had already been confirmed to have marched out.

All those who could have joined the enemy were already in their ranks.

However, father-in-law, there is something you dont know.

And what might that be?

Our house, the McLaine, possesses enough strength on its own to combat two or potentially even three counts at once.

Im aware of the prowess your family displayed in the Central Battlefields, but that seems a bit exaggerated.

Most recently, our forces even managed to repel Duke Callians army. Of course, that included the elite aided by the Storm Sword.

Although he didnt say so, even the forces left to defend their territory hadnt been accounted for. That was enough assurance to be persuasive.

Is that truly so?

The Counts countenance brightened noticeably.


Elaine, the Lady, was also present. Could you not inquire directly? Perhaps communication will be possible quite soon.

What?! Thats not certain

Did you entice my daughter to a battlefield?! Even to a place where the Storm Sword was present?! You insane!!

Logan spent some time sweating profusely as he tried to appease his infuriated father-in-law.

But after much effort, and when the Count had finally calmed down

So McLaine and Duke Esperanza If we then add the remaining neutral forces, it certainly seems feasible. Its better than gambling away half the fate of our house.


I shall join you. I entrust this to you, son-in-law. Though, this all presumes that the Sword Sage moves as well.

Of course.

Eight months into the civil war.

The head of a notably strong neutral noble house, Count Roberts Floyd of Floyd, accepted Logans offer.

The following day.

Logan used the same route and method as the day before to enter his masters mansion, where he managed to encounter the third prince, who looked somewhat haggard in comparison to before.

It has been a while, Your Highness.

Despite being startled by a sudden voice from behind, the Third Prince calmly turned around as if he had been expecting it.

Then he gave a wry smile upon seeing Logan unmask himself.

Yes, it has been a while, Sir Logan.

I trust you have been well, Your Highness. I have come because I believe it is time to keep a promise I once made.

Haha A promise

The princes pale face turned sharp as his blue eyes glinted, scrutinizing Logan.

Logan, without hesitation, went straight to the point.

Just as I told you that day, Ive dealt with Roger Bifrost. Now, I wish to make you this countrys ruler. That is, should Your Highness desire it.


The princes demeanor brightened slightly at the mention of a sovereign.

But Rogers von Grandia, the Third Prince, did not readily speak after a lengthy pause.

Currently, I am confined to a dukes residence rather than the royal palace, and you, with your noble lineage, must hide and wear a mask to meet someone like me. Can it truly be done under these circumstances?

It can be done.

With no trace of hesitation in his immediate response, Logan saw the princes gaze become sharper.

The factions of the first and second princes are too preoccupied with fighting each other, which means their strength continues to diminish. And I am preparing forces that can wipe them out in a single strike.

How exactly?

Our familys might has already been proven in the central battlefields. And we have over twice that firepower waiting in our lands.

What?! Can this be true?

Although Logan had only mentioned double, the princes eyes sparkled at the prospect.

Youve been attentive to the wars intelligence, havent you? Good, its desirable.

A smile crossed Logans lips.

Moreover, if the master can persuade the neutral forces to act, we can easily sweep away the remaining might of the battle-wearied factions.

And they will ultimately support me?

The Third Princes eyes began to brighten even more.

Yes, Your Highness. No noble will refuse the opportunity to claim a place in a new kingdom.

Even if your master refuses to help?

McLaine already has ample strength, Your Highness. And as time passes, the situation will increasingly work in our favor.

It was a straightforward but solid strategy. For the first time in a while, the Third Princes face blossomed with a smile.

Rushing to persuade the master now could backfire. Its better to return and convey my thoughts via occasional communications. From now on

From that day, Logan spent the next several days secretly meeting with the leading figures of the neutral forces who had staunchly maintained neutrality during the civil war, even falling into destitution by its end, to use them as a stepping stone for his most assured plan.

* * *

Increase the production of Liberatio and the repeating crossbow as much as possible. Also, expand the training of the defense squad.

Logans orders to his territory right after declaring his withdrawal from a faction. By the time Logan had arrived in his territory, after a stint in the capital, these tasks were already well underway.

The production of crossbows, cartridges, and Liberatio has been increased more than 1.5 times, and the defense squad is close to reaching 20,000 members. There is some discontent due to increased training time as the harvest season approaches, though

Thats okay. Youve done well, Ronian.

Not at all, brother. It was my duty, after all.

Logan patted his younger brother, who had grown quite sturdily over the years, on the shoulder.

What news from the central front?

Since the last clash a week ago, theres been a lull.

What? Why?

It was too soon. They shouldnt have suffered such severe damage yet.

Facing Logans puzzled gaze, Ronian looked uncomfortable.

To be honest, Im not sure either. Perhaps theyre each drawing on more reserves to gather strength?

Right, that must be it.

Though slightly uneasy, Logan knew he couldnt fully inspect the situation at the front from here. Instead of worrying needlessly, he decided to focus on bolstering his familys forces.

Good. Youve done very well in our absence. Heres your reward for it.


Take it. Consider it compensation for keeping our lands safe.

Ronians gaze settled on the sword Logan extended toward him.

The blade, with runes engraved as ornate decorations, emanated a chilly blue aura. Even at a glance, it was clear the artifact was high-grade.

This is the sword that Knight of the Moonlight, Franz, used. Its named Frigus, which means cold in ancient language. Seems to be at least 4th class.

Why give it to me? You could use it, brother

Lux has awakened the elemental magic. I wont need it.

Oh! It was actually possible! Wow!!

Ronians eyes widened in amazement as he repeatedly uttered exclamations of surprise.

However, he soon shook his head again.

No, no. I should not accept this.


Give it to your fiance instead. I am happy with Mane. Who knows, maybe Mane will awaken to elemental magic like Lux.

Lux was a masterpiece that contained a dwarf masters soul. Mane, which could be considered a lower form, was fundamentally different from Lux.

Hammer probably couldnt deliberately create another one.

But his brother wasnt ignorant of this fact.

Thats for you. You have the merit of protecting our family during our absence. Its alright for you to use it.

Heinzel had already given the sword, of one grade lower than the one Aslan lost, Velocitas.

Logan naturally thought that his brother should accept this sword.

Then all the retainers should receive it. Not just me.

Huh. This guy

As I said, it was my expected duty. The safety of the future lady of McLaine is certainly more important, right, brother?

Thats you Hmm.


No, its nothing. Perhaps youre right.

Regardless of her being the fiance, Elaine was also a talented individual with potential to become an extraordinary being.

If not from Ronian, then giving the sword to Elaine wouldnt be a bad idea.

Oh, you look amused, brother? Surely thinking of the lady

You impress me, kid! Young man!


Facing an unpredictable future amidst impending turmoil, Logan managed to smile genuinely for a moment.


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