Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 143

The night sky over the capital city of Gran was eerily peaceful, uncharacteristic for a nation beleaguered by war. As the moon brightly lit the night, an middle-aged man gazed out from an old-fashioned manor at the streets below. Suddenly, his countenance tightened in annoyance.

Whos there!

His low voice carried a formidable air, the overwhelming presence of the kingdoms most powerful aura user ensnaring the intruder who had slipped through the shadows. The figure, clad from head to toe in black and masked, then spoke with a familiar voice.

Its me, Master.


At that, the austere aura dissolved, and the shadow swiftly removed the mask to reveal Logans brown hair and eyes. Duke Felix Esperanza knit his brows as he addressed Logan, concerned.

Whats with this disguise?

I needed to avoid others eyes for my task.

Huh I didnt teach you the technique of the ghost shadow for such activities.

It was necessary. Which is why Ive come to you, Master.

Tsk. It seems like its not an honorable request, sneaking in like a thief.

Despite his rebuke, the swordmaster laughed lightly. Logan, however, had a serious demeanor.

Yes, Ive come with a request I cant ask openly.

A sense of resolution could be seen on the Masters face upon hearing Logans words.

What is it?

Before I ask, please dont be angry with me. Think deeply about it, urged Logan.

What could it be that requires such a preamble, so unlike you. Just spit it out.

Do you remember, back when I entreated for your help to safeguard the Third Prince, you said you would heed a favor from me?

Yes, I remember.

Please think deeply about it, even if you want to refuse.

Your insistence is making me uneasy.

It certainly was no ordinary request between master and student. The foreboding in the Masters heart grew as Logan continued,

Perhaps youre unaware, but Im returning from orchestrating a collision between the main forces of the factions backing the First and Second Princes. And in the midst of that, I aim to gather a neutral force to strike at the weakened factions.

As feared, the feeling of dread hadnt missed its mark.

And, Master, I wish for you to be the fulcrum of it.

The Master could only sigh deeply at such a request, his frustrations already mounting amidst the dire straits engulfing the kingdoms internal affairs.

I see So youre asking me to join this war, he intuited.


Ive publicly vowed not to meddle in the succession. You were the one who suggested it was the best course! Have you forgotten?

At that time, it was indeed the best moveto protect the Third Prince. And now, the favor I ask of you, ultimately, serves the prince as well.


I plan to make the Third Prince a king, whether you help me or not.

The Master felt he might have misheard, but the earnestness in Logans eyes soon left him exhaling in resignation.

Do you honestly believe this is possible? The McLaine would have to fend off both factions if it came to pass.

If you assist me, itll be easier, otherwise more difficult.


Even in the worst-case scenario, Im confident of eliminating the First and Second Princes, even if it means sacrificing everything my family has.

Such definitive words changed the Masters expression entirely.

Blasphemous! Logan, do you even realize what youre saying?

Yes, I do. Thats why Im telling you this. It would be much smoother and less bloody with your help.

If my plans succeed, with both heirs having young children, the royal law will naturally grant the crown to the Third Prince. And you, Master, will have no choice but to fight against the factions to protect him.

This levelheaded claim by Logan sent chills through the swordmaster.

Are you threatening me now?

Im simply stating reality.

Hearing Logans words brought further turmoil to an already troubled heart, but the Master had long since committed to his path.

Still, I cant. Ive made a pledge, and I have no intention to violate it.

I knew you would say that.


That is why I am asking you to reconsider, given the risk of the nation falling into ruin.

Duke Esperanzas face reddened, his voice rising with indignation, but Logan remained steadfast.

I do not truly know the weight of your honor, Master. But surely it is not heavier than the fate of our country. Please, consider the current state of our nation.

Im disappointed, Logan. Leave now.


Youre ignoring my entire life.


The Master conveyed his unwavering stance with a deep look in his eyes.

Why do you think everyone heeds my words? Because Yordan or Juan are fools? Or because the lifetime Ive built can be so easily disregarded?


Honor is not about stubbornly refusing to change ones words, Logan! Its about the life Ive lived, what Ive stood by, my very existence.

The Master paused, then continued,

I have always upheld my words, even the most trivial, throughout my life. For essential matters, Ive staked my life, upholding them at all costs. Everyone came to trust me because of it. Though our visions differed, they respected my words, and that became my strength, my honor. That is my life, and my life is my honor.


Logan tried to speak, but the Master cut him off with a shake of his head.

To ask me to go back on my pledge is not merely changing a word. Its demanding that I deny my entire life! Do you understand?


Would I be content to watch the country collapse? If breaking my oath could save it, of course, Id actexcept that I do not see a solution. What do you see that makes you so certain?

Within his sigh lingered the inner turmoil he had suppressed for so long. Sensing this, Logan finally revealed part of the truth he had so dearly concealed.

Im not certain, Master. I just know it must be done.


Because if this civil war doesnt end soon, and if we dont weed out those blind with power, our nation will fall to the Empire.


Such unexpected words left the Master frozen in astonishment.

The death of our Late King. Did you not find it peculiar?

There was no evidence that the Empire was responsible, neither in his past life nor now.

The events within the Grand Nobility following his death, the precipitous escalation of the civil war. Didnt you find that odd?

Adding his knowledge to the mix,

Ive recently undertaken a covert mission to the Empire. There, I became convinced.

This was merely a trip to the countryside to eradicate a future threata mage, in fact.

The Empire is preparing for war.

This much was nothing but the truth.

The reason behind all drastic measures Logan had taken since his return:

To prevent an outcome where most of the kingdoms citizens were exploited or sold into slavery, where the kingdom itself became a testing ground for the Empire.

Therefore, Logan felt justified in his dubious pretexts.

After a long moment, the Master sighed softly,

Indeed, there were unexplainable discrepancies. But your claims? Far too grave to just take your word for it.

You need not believe it outright, Master. Just see the chaos engulfing our nation with your own eyes. I have a plan to stabilize it as quickly as possible.

Speak then.

With clenched fists, Logan calmly conveyed his master planto restore and renew the kingdom by making the Third Prince king, sharing every detail without reserve, in hopes of convincing his Master.

However, after his lengthy explanation, the Masters expression remained stern, and his response after a prolonged silence came as a disappointing surprise to Logan.

Still, all I hear is an intention to exacerbate the civil wartoo little evidence.


Even if it all unfolds as you say, it sounds like you plan to manipulate the Third Prince in the same way Juan and Yordan do with their charges, relegating me to a powerless old man.


Caught off guard by an accusation that hit too close to truth, it took Logan a moment longer to respond.

Its not I mean to say!

He bit his lip as he realized his mistake, but the Master had already made up his mind.

It would seem otherwise.


Juans way has been clear since his youth, but Yordan was different. More akin to you.

What does that mean?

Always brimming with spirit, adamant in enacting his agenda. He often spoke of the right direction for the countrys reform. I witnessed his sincerity back then.

Caught off guard by these startling words, Logan found himself at a loss for words.

Yordan changed after inheriting his title, after his daughter bore a prince. The saying goes power corrupts, and I felt that most acutely with him. Yet, you believe youre immune?

I am not like them.

How can you be so sure?

Ive seen too many of their kind.


Now it was the Master surprised by Logans response.

The more a person has, the more they have to lose. As ones life improves and becomes more enjoyable, the fear of losing it all intensifies. To avoid loss, people often resort to extreme measures, even wicked deeds.

Its a common path from ordinary to villainthe corruption.

Especially those with the power to excuse their actions.

Yordan, a duke, ended up like that?

In his past life, Logan had witnessed countless nobles become corrupt.

The concept of not harming others for personal gain, seemingly intuitive to the average person, becomes obscured for those who wield power.

And Logan, having spent half his life as a mercenary, a rebel, in the underworld of society,

Endured much torment at the hands of such men.

Therefore, he was confident.

I cannot predict the future, hence I cant be certain I wont change. But even if I do, it wont be as the Master fears.

How can you be so confident?

Nobody becomes what they detest.

The sincere flicker in Logans eyes conveyed this wholeheartedly. The Master sighed quietly in response,

Yordan said something similar.


Even if things turn out as you say, I hope you remain unchanged. Not that you seem the type to easily change.

There was a tinge of reluctance in his words, but the Masters tone had softened.

Emboldened, Logan clenched his fist, only to meet an unexpected response.

However, Im still not convinced that the situation you describe warrants breaking my vow. Show me you can do it without my help. At the least, I wont stand in your way.


And more importantly, if you wish to crown the Third Prince, have you considered his own wishes?

Ah Of course, thats a given.

Caught off balance by the unexpected course of the conversation, Logan hastily nodded then was caught off guard by the Masters next words.

The Third Prince is currently at my manor. I will arrange for you to meet without prying eyes. Speak to his will tomorrow at this location, same time. And as of today, Ive never met you. Will that suffice?

Thanking the Master, Logan regretfully exited.

After his departure, an echoing sigh revealed the Masters inner conflict.

What truly is the right path If that boys right, then I

Only his heavy sigh lingered, embodying the tumultuous emotions within the conflicted swordsman.


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