Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 135

Failure? Even if Grey and Morgan are somewhat lacking compared to their titles, combined they should be equal to the strength of a fairly substantial barony, no?

I have been informed that they were annihilated. Therefore, I do not know the exact situation It seems the McLaine scoundrels still had some strength left. My apologies.

Heh. This is maddening. As if destroying the army of the Border Count twice over wasnt enough, to have a force remaining in their territory that exceeds that of a viscount How could a mere barony, having snatched away a counts territory through trickery, increase their power so greatly within half a year? Even taking into account that new weapon, does this make any sense?

Juan Douglas heaved a long sigh and muttered as if talking to himself.

Then he came to a conclusion on his own.

They must have been preparing for a long time. Ha It wasnt a bat, but a viper after all.

Even as a mage, the idea of arming ordinary citizens with weapons capable of capturing knights and training them was beyond his imagination.

That was the limit of his thinking, indeed, the limit of many nobles across the continent.

However, at least he did not shirk in his efforts to find a solution.

Accelerate the production of the repeating crossbows. Dont forget to increase their range, and deploy them to the fortifications as they are produced!


And the analysis results of those damned single-use artifacts?

Weve identified a few of the ingredients, but we still need more time to figure out the exact composition.

What do you mean time You mean to say we cant do it. We must secure a substantial amount of samples or find the manufacturer. What about the spies we sent to infiltrate them?

There is some new intelligence. There was a disturbance at the heart of McLaine before the battle we waged.


Juan Douglass expression twisted further as he learned of the events that had taken place within McLaine from his subordinate.

It appears that such an incident occurred. As a result, their security has intensified, making it even harder to approach the vicinity.

What kind of fools are they?! Who dares to make a move without reporting to me! Which imbecilic bastard!!

Well, regarding that matter, there is a peculiar message we received. From the faction of the Second Prince.

The expression of the duke, which had been heated, swiftly cooled down as he heard the continuation of his adjutants report.

And then.

Ha, I never expected such a thing to happen. How interesting. Very interesting. Fine, lets proceed as planned.

Within the walls of Harun Castle, where the First Princes faction was huddled, changes were taking place bit by bit.

* * *

Dragging this out will not improve anything.

The time has come to bring a change to the lackluster battlefield.

Based on the grand scheme he had been contemplating earlier, Logan was organizing his thoughts for a new proposition.

Just as he waited for the opportune moment to initiate a new trend, a bizarre assertion burst forth in the middle of the high command meeting.

I have already conducted all the experiments. There is no way that bomb could be made using the method McLaine passed on. I sincerely hope that McLaine discloses the correct method and allows for the production of the weapon at a factional level!

Roger Bifrosts face turned bright red as he shouted, veins bulging on his neck.

For Logan, it was absurd, but since deliberately passing on a flawed recipe for Liberatio was factual, he could not just remain silent.

Youve conducted experiments? In this situation? Also, Tamil powder and Temes glue are ingredients that dont even grow during this season; where did you acquire them?

Assuming that those were considered in the given faulty recipe.

Luckily, I had privately prepared the ingredients for experimentation. And it had failed miserably.

Are you suggesting that you made a mistake, my lord?

Logan McLaine, watch your tongue! I am a fifth circle mage.

Bang. Bang.

Count. This is a public meeting, so please maintain a minimum level of courtesy.

My apologies.

The fifth-circle mage, with his face still red, sat down with an expression clearly revealing his displeasure.

However, the bomb he had dropped was still active.

And Logan. Although the Count Bifrosts statement was a bit excessive, hes not someone who would fabricate stories. Can you prove that method?

Excuse me?

If you are supplying completed products, it means you have the materials, so it seems like you should be able to demonstrate the production process right before our eyes. A few samples would be alright, wouldnt they?

The count still maintained his status despite being overshadowed by McLaines stature, and his words seemed to sway the dukes heart.

Roger Bifrost then strongly agreed.

Thats right! If he cant prove it, then its deceiving his highness and the faction; McLaine must bear responsibility.

Roger! Too far. I said to keep the courtesy, did I not?

The dukes single comment made Rogers face redder.

Yet even in such a situation, the glare he shot at Logan, who was wide-eyed with bewilderment, made Logan wonder.

Why is he so confident?

If Rogers assertion turned out wrong after causing such a scene, it would be impossible for him to handle the aftermath.

Especially as his standing had already been shaky, any further mistake would utterly diminish his factions regard for him.

He must be so certain. But there cant be any equipment for experiments here, and theres no separate space to conduct one either. He couldnt have actually tested it. So, how did he?

Suddenly, Logan was reminded of a conversation he had through a communication tool with his brother about a piece of hearsay involving a knight.

And brother, its not certain, but according to the knight

In Logans mind, two uncertain pieces of circumstantial evidence combined into one solid assumption.

It was you.

Not the faction of the First Prince, but Bifrost.

If he compared the ingredients spoken by the dwarves Coogan had kidnapped with the recipe Logan had handed over, it could prompt such a reaction.

Even without actual tests.

A renewed anger boiled within, yet there was no sign of exposing these feelings in this unsound alliance.

Such is this so-called alliance.

Save for defeating the enemy, but keep the damage to oneself minimal.

Rather, they wished for other allies to suffer a greater share of the harm.

The selfish impulse was evident in this perforated coalition.

It was another reminder of why such a flawed alliance was doomed, but naturally, Logan did not show any outward clumsiness.

Fortunately, we managed to repel them, but the enemies within that fortress could be preparing something else. As you know, there have been previous attacks on our territory by regional forces of the First Princes faction.

Speaking thus, Logan looked around, but among the Border Count, the dukes, and the marquesses, no one seemed surprised.

They knew all along.

Certainly, Logan had first received a message from Marquess Esren of the Second Princes faction, who had been locked in confrontation.

However, they did not notify him at all.

What kind of alliance is this.

The enemies within longed to defeat one another, but they did not wish for their own losses to run too deep.

It was a blatantly selfish sentiment, visible within this poorly stitched coalition.

As the duke subtly shifted the conversation, Logan pressed forward with his planned suggestion, as anticipated.

In that sense, I have a proposal to make.


That unnecessary sacrifice, we McLaine will undertake it.


Amidst the shock resonating in the dukes voice, every gaze in the room settled on Logan.

They must be wondering why I would do this.

Especially now that McLaine, with its newfound might, held the advantage in the Second Princes camp.

Even in my past life, it wasnt until after this winter that the chaos truly began.

Though somewhat different in present circumstances, there comes a moment when an implicit consensus forms on the longevity of the conflict, changing the nature of the war itself.

Outcome-oriented assassinations and power struggles are added to the protracted war, with standoff tactics complemented by squeezing out all available resources to devastate the opponents territories and maximizing the use of mercenaries and conscripts in a full-scale total war.

Naturally, the next years agriculture is destroyed, resources forcibly conscripted, causing internal migrants to rise, which eventually form pioneer settlers or bandits, creating a nationwide issue.

The entire kingdom becomes a stage for war, with all manners of horror unfolding.

I must conclude the civil war before that happens.

This was precisely why Logan was taking a stand in his strategy.

We, McLaine, will take the lead in the most dangerous position and assault the Harun castle.

The confidence in his declaration changed the dukes gaze.

Explain in detail.

We will circumvent through the southern mountains, avoiding the enemies sight, and head towards the eastern walls of the fortress. It will take a few days, but if the main forces execute a well-prepared feint, we can strike unexpectedly against the Harun castles eastern gate. If our attack is coordinated with an all-out offensive from our main forces, it will exert pressure on the enemy trapped within, without a retreat.


Logans words suggested a straightforward but compelling plan.

Everyone was reluctant to sacrifice, leading to a stalemate, but if someone willingly made a sacrifice, the situation could change quickly.

That may be valiant, but wouldnt your side be in danger? If the trapped forces attempt a breakout, they would likely head toward the eastern side.

It meant that, if everything proceeded smoothly, McLaine would have to withstand the final struggle of the First Princes forces.

If that desperate struggle concentrates in one direction, not even the Border Count, perhaps even if theyre a duke or a marquis, might need to be prepared for potential eradication.

A risky strategy, foreseeable by everyone, yet accompanied by an unpredictable level of danger.

Were willing to take all those risks.


This provided music to Yordan Valtermiens ears.

Though it might be thanks to McLaines new weaponry, if McLaine was willing to go so far, he found no reason to insist on a siege.

Yet it also aroused his suspicion.


Why indeed? You offer to sacrifice?

When youre already slated to be the premier contributor with the accomplishments youve made so far?

Yordans brief query was laced with many meanings.

Logan, however, had the magical word to dispel all his questions.

In return, if this strategy successfully ends the war, in addition to what you promised before, I would like to ask for an additional reward.


A word to diffuse the suspicions of the greedy.

Yordans gaze shifted again at the mention.

A reward? What do you desire?

I want the title of Marquis for McLaine and the entirety of the Callian Marquisate.


Roger Bifrosts inadvertent expletive reflected the assemblys agreement to the absurdity of such a proposal.

Yet Logan was not done.

If you and the prince reassure me with a written promise, I will throw myself and my entire house into ensuring success.

With the attachment of additional conditions, the dukes complexion tensed.

Heh Thats excessive. A written promise? You mistrust my word?

Its not that, but I also need evidence to justify the call for sacrifice to the people of my house. I would appreciate your understanding.

An unreasonable request for exorbitant compensation.

Logan believed this would quell the dukes suspicions, but the dukes greed and doubts were greater than he anticipated.

Very well. However, before you commence the operation, leave three carts of those magic bombs here. If your house is absent, I worry the siege firepower here might dwindle.

After pondering for a while, the duke finally spoke.

Upon hearing these words, Logans pupils trembled slightly.

A refusal now would only extend the timeline to execute his carefully crafted plan.

That means hes still considering what Bifrost said. Hmph. In any case.

No matter how many originals you possess, it will be impossible to deduce the production method.

Just as with the previous lifes Empire.

Moreover, McLaine would no longer be present here by that time.

So, Logan was able to nod easily.


Finally, the duke smiled and nodded in approval.

Good. A highly commendable decision. On the day that great accomplishment is achieved, everything youve asked will become reality. I will gladly leave a paper trail.

Thank you, your grace.

Logan, too, smiled as he bowed again, but an unexpected offer followed.

The Bifrost will also undertake a solo attack on the southern gate of Harun castle.

Roger Bifrost abruptly interjected with a stern expression.


Logan looked at him in disbelief, and the same sentiment reflected in everyone elses gaze.

After all, the current McLaine house was handled with the same regard as when combining the strength of two or three border counts, or that of a marquis.

Given Bifrosts current foundation-less situation, the gap with McLaine was growing wider by the day.

In other words, it was absurd to claim that what McLaine could do, Bifrost could too.

Roger Bifrosts offer seemed tantamount to suicide.

Roger, are you overextending yourself?

Absolutely not. Please entrust it to me! I do not seek an excessive reward. I simply wish to sacrifice in sincerity for the great task at hand.

Oh. You of all people?

That seems unlikely.

If hes not insane, then he must have a different ulterior motive.

Certainly, there must be one.

As Logans lips curled into a meaningful smile, Duke Yordan laughed and nodded.

Heh, heh. Well, if youre so confident, thats good. Lets plan the operation based on your suggestions. Lets end this civil war right here.

Sounds good! T

here were no further objections, and the meeting concluded with praises for MacLean and Bifrosts voluntary sacrifices from other changelings. As the meeting came to an end.

Do your best. Well, the outcome is obvious anyway. I look forward to what our relationship will be like after the war, my lord.

Logan whispered with a sly smile. It had all been a deliberate provocation, masked as a plea for cunning strategies.

Of course. It would be nice to have a friendly competition while undertaking this great endeavor together. Roger Bifrost responded with a nonchalant smile, unable to completely hide his firm expression. However, through that, Logan could be certain. The guy was undoubtedly up to something.


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