Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Regressor of the Fallen Family Chapter 134

The first sign of trouble occurred when a porter, passing behind Hammer, suddenly staggered and spilled a heap of straw in Hammers direction.


In a flash, Hammers alarmed shout, a bright flash, and Ronians fist entangled. The porter, who had attempted to stab Hammer with a dagger hidden in the straw, fell lifeless, the light fading from his eyes.

Ugh, spit. Whats this? Look where youre going huh?

Young man seems to have overexerted himself. We should take him to an inn.

Ronian, significantly younger than the fallen porter, grabbed the unconscious man by the nape and hoisted him up. Confused, Hammer tilted his head, feeling uneasy.

The young lord is so

Such a noble act

He will surely be blessed.

The locals watched in admiration, a dramatic change from the first day when Ronians identity as the second prince was revealed, and everyone had prostrated, bringing the market to a standstill. Meanwhile, Ronian, amidst the murmurs, subtly sensed the foes watching him and faintly smiled. When they saw their comrade subdued, they immediately ceased their movements.

They seem flustered.

An ambush by a knight-level or higher force user, capable of easily toppling even superior foes, would have been a shock to them.

But they cant just stand still.

Having captured one, Ronian knew the others would likely continue their assault. He walked leisurely, carrying his prisoner, prompting the hidden presences to start moving again.

Young lord. That man earlier felt a bit off

Youre imagining things.

As Hammer expressed his confusion, Ronian, ignoring his friends dull or perhaps sensitive intuition, focused on the movements of those hiding their force.

How dare they plot in our territory. They wont get away with this.

Even if the others retreated, Ronian could identify their origin from the one he captured. But capturing more was always better.

If they move so openly

As he thought this, a new commotion started in the market.

Hey, what are you doing?

Watch where youre going!

The newly arrived assailants were bolder than the first. A giant, a head taller than Ronian, strode forward and blocked the view between Ronian and Hammer. Simultaneously, a street vendor attacking Hammer with a skewer twisted it towards his neck. At that moment, a streak of twilight light flashed from Ronians hand, piercing the giants back, skewering the attacking skewer, and even penetrating the disguised assassins right shoulder.

Ronians recently mastered Iron Splitting Strike caused chaos in the market.

No ones dead yet.

Ronian grimaced at the dispersing crowd and struck the back of the giants neck, who was stunned by the impact.

As the giant collapsed, an assassin, gritting his teeth, drew a dagger and charged at Hammer. Ronian rushed in, knocked the knife away, and struck the assassins jaw with his palm, rendering him unconscious. At that moment, two force users wielding glowing red daggers attacked simultaneously, targeting Hammer.

Intermediate level!

Ronian sensed their murderous intent, blatantly exposed. Hammers face paled as he staggered back.

Unable to risk capturing two enemies of equal strength alive, Ronian shouted, Taa!

From his waist, the sword Mane emitted four layers of orange force waves.

Although Ronian tried to control the shockwave to avoid harming Hammer, the perfect control of the Sword Art Vision was beyond him. Ignoring the fainting Hammer, he focused on the more immediate threats.

White-robed merchant! Grey staff! Chase them!

Ronian shouted to the surrounding McLaine knights, but a distant explosion changed his expression.

The workshop!? Damn it!

He picked up the unconscious Hammer and ran towards the explosion.

By the time Ronian and the knights arrived at the workshop, it was all over.

Im sorry. Eir, Namor, Tevrn have been kidnapped. We defended the material storage, but a high-grade force user intervened

Thompson, a intermediate-grade knight, coughed up blood, his face pale.

Its okay. We did what we could.

Exposed to a barrage of crossbow bolts without armor, the perpetrator wont escape unscathed.


As Ronian remained stern, Thompson hesitated to mention recognizing the attackers face. It wasnt certain.

In Thompsons stead, a subordinate stepped forward.

Defending the Libertatios material storage was young lord Logans order. Its not solely Knight Thompsons fault.

I know.

Ronians icy response silenced the gathered knights.

The problem is, despite our anticipation and defenses, we were still outmaneuvered. How do I explain this to my brother

Ronian murmured to himself, his rare display of anger creating more pressure than shouting.

Can the kidnapped dwarves make the items?

After a long silence, Tamer gasped in shock at Ronians question.

If you mean the repeating crossbows, possibly. But for Libertatio, they may have guessed some materials but not the mixing method.

Are you sure?

Sure, I am!

Tamer swallowed, seeing the faint madness in Ronians red eyes.

Ronian bit his lip, recalling his brothers words, and then gave orders to intensify the workshops defenses and focus security in the town, especially there.

Interrogate the captured assassins. Find out who they belong to, who sent them. Then, grind them and burn them alive! Let them regret messing with McLaine even in their dying breath.

Ronians grim command made everyone tremble.

Despite the successful defense, the pressure of the situation weighed heavily on Ronian.

Dont let your guard down with these demonic seeds.

These words of the unconscious workshop manager, Hammer, echoed in Tamers mind, strengthening his resolve not to engage in any trickery or defiance.

Unfortunately for Ronian, there was no time to interrogate the captured assassins due to an emergency message from the main forces on the battlefield. The entirety of McLaine Town was on high alert.

Enemy forces under Marquis Kaihl, led by Lords Grey and Morgan, are advancing towards McLaine Castle.

This information was relayed by scouts from the eastern side of the castle.

An attack from both inside and outside, then. These bastards

Ronians eyes blazed with anger.

All knights, assemble. All militia, assemble. Well smash the invaders surrounding McLaine Castle!

A state of emergency was declared throughout the territory as wars sparks had landed on the McLaine lands, whose main forces were engaged on the central front.

Hmm, there should be hardly any knights to contend with. This will be easy.

Chris Morgan enthusiastically agreed with Joe Greys words.

The armies of the two lords were previously engaged in a standoff with Count Ersens forces under Prince Walters faction on the central front. Despite their titles, their forces were significantly inferior. As neither was part of the main force clashing on the central front, the faction leaders considered them mere sentinels watching over the northern and southern fronts.

Then, a sudden command came in: Abandon the standoff and strike McLaine.

Although specific demands were attached, those were to be addressed after securing the territory. Assurances were given that they need not worry about Count Ersens forces should they exploit their absence to push forward.

Thus, they eagerly marched southward. Even if their title exceeded their might, their combined forces were nearly eighty knights and close to two thousand soldiers a considerable threat to a barony missing its main army.

However, as they approached McLaine Castle and entered the open fields, they were confronted by an immense army, seemingly endless in number.

What is all this?!

Looks like over ten thousand

The two lords were momentarily panicked, but relief washed over them as they noticed the approaching armys equipment. Most soldiers were armed only with small crossbows and shabby armor.

These are just conscripts! Ha, how irresponsible. Just as one would expect of the McLaine. Prepare for battle! Dont be intimidated! Theyre just a rabble!

Joe Grey tried to boost morale, but both he and Chris Morgan felt an unease they couldnt shake off.

Surely those crossbows arent those, right?

McLaine wouldnt be insane enough to arm mere conscripts with weapons capable of killing knights. And even if its a crossbow, it requires considerable training. Its just a bluff to intimidate us.

Nevertheless, they couldnt fully dispel the nagging doubt and decided to play their hand.

Knights, raise your prepared shields!

Theyre just conscripts! Dont be tense, crush them!

They pointed to hundreds of well-equipped soldiers and dozens of knights in flame-emblazoned armor. In their logic, defeating this regular force would inevitably lead to victory.

But as their knightly battalion began to advance, a dense barrage of black quarrels shattered their expectations.


The sky darkened under the relentless volley of crossbow bolts. Knights with iron kite shields barely withstood the onslaught, but their horses were already downed, transformed into porcupines.

The repeating crossbow barrage was more horrific than rumored.

Hold on! Keep advancing!

Joe Grey, realizing the madness of his command, clenched his teeth and turned back, only to confirm that the madman was indeed his liege. Reluctantly, he ordered the advance.

As they progressed, hope glimmered perhaps they could break through. But as the crossbow fire ceased, a young man with red hair and eyes, emitting a sunset-like force, appeared, hurling blazing stones.

Magic explo!!

Before Jayden could fully comprehend, he was engulfed in flames. Too late to realize, his head was swiftly severed by the young warriors sword.

Destroy them all!

The decisive command echoed across the battlefield.

The invaders have been annihilated, brother.

Well done.

Ronian, however, regretted the dwarves kidnapping.

Its not your fault. We strengthened our defenses, thats what matters. As for the captives

The captured assassins had all committed suicide, a failure Ronian bitterly acknowledged.

Seeing Ronians darkening mood, Logan shifted the topic.

What about the militia? Any issues?

Their morale is high, thanks to no casualties. The battle has even increased training volunteers.

Good. Train them thoroughly. In the worst case

Logans voice trailed off, and Ronians expression hardened.

Ill prepare thoroughly, leaving no room for disappointment.

Ronian, youve never disappointed me. Stop saying that.

Ronian insisted on meticulous preparation, determined to prove himself.

With their conversation ending, Logans father, Patrick, expressed concern about their daring plan.

Are you really going to do it?

Yes. We cant let this war drag on.

Despite the risks, Logan was resolute, determined to force the Dukes hand.

Alright. If you say so.

As Logan looked towards the central pavilion, he pondered the upcoming proposal that could turn the tide of this stagnant war.


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