Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Panting heavily, they cursed their fates.

Damn it, Im getting used to this madness. It saddens me.

Id say the same, thank you So tired.

Upon arriving at the training grounds of the towns knighthood, most knights could barely think of getting up, let alone actually do it.

While some struggled to their feet, slowly stretching their weary muscles, one was even looking for his wooden sword to resume training.

These tough nuts.

Crazy is more like it. Theyll ruin their bodies at this rate.

They must not have reached their limits yet.

Monsters, the lot of them.

The average knight typically surpassed thirty years of age.

This was a natural result of the awakening period characteristic to most knights, not just the McLaine knighthood.

Therefore, the three teenagers who stood out were inevitably conspicuous.

Though most of the seasoned McLaine knights acknowledged these three as the future aces, the perspective of othersunfamiliar with the triowas quite different.

Arent they just kids? They dont even look fully grown.

Prodigies, perhaps?

And ones a girl Wow, beautiful.

Even as Dylan muttered inadvertently and shrank back under disapproving glares, everyone shared the same awe at these threes raw potential: Incredible.

Ronian, Victor, and Eileen led the training and seemed in the best shape despite their youth.

Their age and gender may have catalyzed some prejudice.

Thats when Heinckel made his declaration.

The test is simple. Choose a knight and prove your skill. Victory doesnt matteras long as you demonstrate your ability, you pass. Though, among our knights, these three are the best.

With that, all gazes naturally settled on the young knights still warming up.

No matter how gifted, at that age

Especially after such an exhausting training session.

They must be worn out.

The prejudice born from appearances and common sense obscured their better judgment.

Each of the three challengers chose the young trio, confirming Heinckels expectation with a nod.

A spar with the new blood. Your opponents are Ronian, Victor, and Eileen.

Ronians face twisted at Heinckels voice. It seemed like a setup, or maybe it was just Heinckels peculiar way of testing, but most newcomers ended up choosing either Victor or Eileen

And the rest chose him.


Maybe they go easy on me because Im from the McLaine family.

If not, he would have been selected even more frequently.

It was somewhat irritatingbeing seen as an easy target.

Still growing, but

He hadnt reached the heights of his nearly 2-meter-tall father or even his 180cm brother.

If only I were a bit taller

No, thats not it. Its just that I seem easy. Im the one whos still weak.

His self-motivating murmur startled nearby knights.

No, not us!

We wouldnt dare, young lord!

Such nonsense

Among the McLaine knights, brother Ronian created the most fear, not the Grey Devil Victor or the Warlord Eileen.

Whenever Ronian spoke, someone invariably wound up carried away, not to return for a while.

Thus came his paradoxical yet fitting nickname.

Ronian walked toward the new faces, leaving behind grimaces of reluctance.

I regret this, but to prove my skill

Before he could finish, Dylans expression contorted as Ronian twirled his wooden sword with an impassive face.

Believing Ronian to be a weary noble too exhausted from recent sparring, Dylan had planned to score some points off the young lord by going easy on him.

But his confidence shifted abruptly.

Why am I in pain

Dylan realized too late that his sword had missed Ronians head by a hairs breadth, just before his vision blurred from the pain of his own efforts backfiring.

With a thud, Dylan hit the ground.

Well done, young lord. That was quite the footwork.


Heinckel nodded, pleased with Ronians response, which outweighed simple dismissals like rubbish or discard.

Ronians evaluation, closer to that of a peer, would resonate more with the onlooking knights and help the new to integrate better.


Tenan and Jacob, witnessing their comrades swift defeat, stiffened as Heinckel signaled them to step forward.

Their regret at their earlier choicenow painfully evidentwas too late to matter.

Tenan lost his sword to Victor within a single exchange, rolling to the ground.

Jacob, foolishly grinning at Eileen, ended up battered and carried away, limp from the dozens of blows received.

Hes hopelessa failure.

The young blood of McLaine continued to grow, and the knighthoods numbers increased as well.

McLaine grows ever stronger, my lord.

Heinckel couldnt help but reflect on the catalyst behind these changes, though a hint of worry crept in due to his unanticipated absence.

It was at that precise moment, unknown to Heinckel, that the very person was already within the towns walls.

* * *

Nothing happened?

Is that so surprising?

No, its just uncharacteristically quiet.

As if you were hoping something would happen?

No, its not that. Just strange is all. Of course, its better if nothing happens.

What did you say?

Forget it. Go on, do your thing!

My lord?! Master

Slamming the door on his overzealous retainer, Rick, Logan shook his head, bemused.

Something should have happened by now.

The lack of trouble bothered him, yet it was preferable to chaos.

Wondering if he was overthinking, Logan quickly washed and headed out again.

Despite his initial desire to rest, he was too eager to sit still with his curiosity piqued.

He lightly grabbed the large satchel that had been his constant over the past ten days and strode towards the heart of the townthe Mage Tower.

What is all of this?

Ah, these are research documents and books from a mages laboratory. I thought they might interest you, so I brought them over.

His explanation seemed nonchalant, but his face screamed otherwiseclearly far too interested himself.

So, you just need to review this material?

Well, if theres anything of potential, feel free to research it yourself. I promise rewarding results amply.

Are you sure these arent confidential documents from another magic tower?

Absolutely not! They belonged to a mage who crossed me and ended up dead.

Well, technically, I did go looking for trouble myself.

Suppressing his thoughts, Logan smirked, and Clayton responded with a weary smile.

Well, then I suppose theres no problem.

I appreciate your help.

Of course, leave it to me.

As Clayton noticed Logan linger, he inquired with a cautious tone,

Arent you leaving? Or is there something else?

Ah about those documents. Can you tell right away?

Clayton, overwhelmed by his employers tranquility in the face of pilfered possessions, blurted out with contained frustration.

At the moment, Your Grace, my mind is occupied with the development of that bomb. Researching this as well will only cause delays. Is that alright?

Logans inquiry had struck a nerve, and Claytons stress from the bomb project was palpable. Expecting Logan to back down, Clayton was met with an unexpected response.

Even so, please check if theres anything useful in those research notes first.

Clayton realized then.

He disappeared to get this, didnt he?

Odds were, the tale of violently acquiring the documents wasnt quite accurate.

Well, if every disruption led to death, thatd be madness.

Carving his employers penchant for dangerous humor into his memory, Clayton sighed and nodded in agreement.

Ill examine the research material as quickly as possible. Will that suffice?

Thank you.

Only after Logan turned to leave did Clayton shake his head in disbelief and settle down with the documents.

But merely three days later

Eureka! A breakthrough, Logan!

An ecstatic Clayton rapped on Logans door eagerly.

Whats the matter?

The documents you brought may revolutionize the realm of magic!

Basking in Claytons excitement, Logans face brightened. Yet he noticed an unease on Claytons features, hinting at an issue.

Whats the problem?

Its of utmost importance, so you must be honest, Logan. Did you really obtain them from another tower?

Somewhat disheartened, Logan chuckled and shook his head.

I guarantee itabsolutely not.

Even with Logans affirmation, Clayton hesitated before delicately broaching the subject.

This research outlines a method for permanently imbuing magic into ordinary metals. Although its not without flaws, the fundamental framework is there. If perfected


The theories conceived by the Massacring Mage were now in Logans graspand there was more.

Even with its current state, this theory could significantly advance the development of the bomb you proposed.

Meeting Claytons anxious gaze, Logan internally cheered without making a sound.


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