Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

News that the high noble had vacated his seat in the Maclaine domain did not spread widely outside. However, murmurs began to emerge from within the domain itself as the high noble, who was usually at the forefront giving work instructions and supervising training, had not shown his face for nearly ten days.

Yet, as the Lord who knew Logans whereabouts and the magician Clayton who had aided him kept silent, no one in the domain dared inquire about the high nobles whereabouts. The only problem, though, was that despite the situation, knights from ruined families began knocking on the doors of Maclaine Town one by one.

A neutral powerhouse actively recruiting knights, offering generous conditionsit was an attractive option for knights who had lost their affiliations due to war. Among them were some who sought to exploit the situation. The knights, Tenan, Dylan, and Jacob, now raising their voices in the manor office, were such examples.

We came here because we heard that the high noble was recruiting.

How can it be that the person in question is not present?

Isnt it against propriety?

Having lost their liege in the civil strife, the three, who had met on the way to Maclaine Town and had gotten along despite their recently formed acquaintanceship, were, surprisingly, a good match. The absurdity that the ones seeking appointment were now voicing complaints did not pass unnoticed, but they had their own calculations.

Maclaine had made a fortune through something, and it also took control of the stronghold of the Bifrost, one of the three wealthiest families in the kingdom. In other words, they became incredibly wealthy and were actively seeking to expand their power. With just cause, they could demand better terms, banking on the fear of rumors if nothing else.

or so they thought.

Thus, these three pressured the civil servant accommodating them with polite yet forceful voices. Naturally, the official facing them felt like he was on the edge of death.

But they are guests who have come upon the high nobles invitation.

The bald Regal Hice kept wiping sweat off his forehead and forced a smile.

Ahaha The high noble will emerge as soon as he completes his seclusion training. If you could stay here until then

No. How long are we expected to wait? We need a definite answer before then. Were not in a position to wait around.

Do they think we have the luxury to wait, the scoundrel?

Regal was filled with doubts whether he should earnestly welcome these ruffian knights. At that moment, one influential figure passing by in front of his office extended a helping hand.

Hmm? Regal? Are they guests? Theyre dressed as knights?

Ah! Sir Heinke! Youve arrived at just the right time. These knights have come from the front lines, and they wish to meet the high noble to negotiate terms Ah, knights. This is Sir Heinke, the commander of Maclaines knighthood.

With relief, Regal explained the situation, and the observing knights stepped forward.

I am Tenan from Tainan. Back home, I was known as Tenan of the Strong Sword. Its an honor to meet you.

I am Dylan from Gepfield. Likewise, in my hometown, comrades called me Dylan of the Swift Sword.

I am Jacob from Tehennan. The Brute Force

Ah. Okay, I got it. All of you have epithets, so you must be exceptional. Im envious; I dont have one.

Jacob, cut off, displayed an awkward expression but didnt dwell on it further. He stood before the strong domains commander of the knighthooda man who would become their superior if they were employed here.

All three simultaneously waved their hands dismissively.

No, its just a nickname from the countryside.

My comrades would be the ones acknowledging that.

As for me, enemies found me rather fearsome, but here

Well, we can test that later, cant we? Id rather see skills than words.

Heinkels casual demeanor did not feel out of place.

Yes! Thats right!

Weve heard of Maclaines fame

We know of the commanders reputation

Save the chatter. I have something to say.

Heinkel, with a hand raised, cut them off, his gaze coldly scanning them.

Our high noble values ability and rewards it accordingly. If you want better treatment, prove your abilities. Id prefer skills over words.

Chilled by Heinkels firm words, the three couldnt help but nod awkwardly.

* * *

Load! Fire!

A torrent of quarrels from hundreds of soldiers followed the command, turning the trees before them into swiss cheese. The flood of bolts they had unleashed was unprecedented, and the three knights could not help but express their awe.

The soldiers are well-trained indeed.

Im amazed. I didnt know there were crossbows like this.

Now I see why Maclaine is so prosperous.

Mounting their horses, they clapped their hands in admiration. Thats when Regal inwardly scoffed.

Are these guys knights or flatterers? Why couldnt they act like this with me?

While he aired his grievances to himself, Heinkel soberly corrected the knights misunderstanding.

They are not soldiers. They are the home guards.

Home guard?

Like, the village home guards?

They are not official soldiers even with such equipment?

Thats another great thing about our Lord. Its trouble if youre only impressed by this.

Thinking they were just showing off, the three smiled awkwardly, their exchanged glances plainly expressing their thoughts.

Theyre probably just making it seem more than it is.

There are ten forts, and for only two to three hundred home guards? There must be hundreds of villages.

But as they headed to the practice field and saw such groups time and again, their thinking inevitably began to change.

Surely not every group is from a single village?

That would be a stretch, even for us.

Ah, yes, of course

They are assembled in units from three villages.

Three villages?

In the last few days, its been collective training. Most are gathered nearby. It also doubles as preparation for a new town construction, so youll see many on your way.

Speechless they remained, and upon arriving at the knight training grounds, their words had completely vanished.

Try to block this!


Ill leave you with your life, at least!


Shut your mouth, or youll lose your teeth!


The violent noise belied it was a sparring session with wooden swords. The air seemed to tear with each swing, and the imbued sword force in the blows was palpable.

Most knights possessed such techniques, and their basic forms were also alarmingly similar. As knights who had been on the field for years, Tenan, Dylan, and Jacob knew the implication of what they witnessed.

The knights appeared to be on par with them, yet clearly, they displayed a level of skill far beyond.

Arent those average knight swords imbued with unusual strength? Could there bea mid-level swordsmanship exclusive to Maclaines knights?

Thats right.

Then, if we join, we could

Of course, itll be taught.

We would like to join!

No, we wish to join!

Just meet the minimum requirements!

Their previously haughty attitude had vanished. However, Heinkel didnt nod in agreement.

Its up to you.


We cant take in every knight who comes looking, can we? We have to test them.

Knights should just be accepted.

With training, theyll become adequate.

If they dont turn out right, then deal with them then.

Ignoring the straightforward and harsh philosophy of his lord at this moment, Heinkel had not taken a liking to their conduct in the manor.

Well do whatever it takes!

Test us, please!

What should we start with?!

Ignoring their eager responses, he said, For now, watch the training. After the official session, well hear your thoughts and proceed with the test.

Will they maintain the same attitude then, Heinkel wondered, his cold smile making the three knights eyes quiver.

Knights who had injuries from the wooden sword sparring were quickly healing with provided potions.


Theyre using potions during training?

Is that real?

Of course, its real. Though they are diluted potions.

Even that was a luxury compared to ordinary knighthood training. However, the limit of a low-grade diluted potion was clear, and a few knights with broken bones had to withdraw from the training.

And yet, these knights seemed eager, burning with spirit for another go.

Garren. Next time, itll be your ribs!

Ha-ha, lets see in a few days.

A few days?

Heinkel happily clarified for the bewildered three, Theres a temple in Bifrost serving Maclaine Town and here well, this will soon be the second town. In any case, we have a clinic with priests stationed to attend to us. A fractures nothing, only a few days to heal. Priests wont join the war, but they assist in training.

More astonished admiration bubbled up within them. With an advanced mid-tier swordsmanship offered, despite the rigorous training, the welfare seemed exceptional. Again, a desire to join welled up inside them.

End of training! We ride back to Maclaine Town.


As Heinkel clapped, the knights ending their rest were forced to let out a groan.

The knights passion is impressive.

Is it disappointment that training is over?

Haha. I should work hard too.

They stayed excited, praising the atmosphere, until they watched the weary knights not mount their horses but pick them up and run.

They said it was horseback training, didnt they?

Our horseback training involves the horse riding the person.

Silence fell over them.

What nonsense is this?

Heinkel smirked, reading their thoughts. Youre not in our knighthood, so dont worry. Regal, take your time riding back.


Alright, lets go!


As Regal responded, Heinkel too lifted his steed and started sprinting back the way he had come.

The three stood dumbfounded, then followed suit, though they couldnt bring themselves to actually ride and leap with their horses.

Hold on! What about the horses you rode?

The administrative officers voice failed to catch up with the galloping knights.

Damn it. Why does everyone have the same reaction?

Muttered Regal, but a faint smile played on his lips.

The knights who had recently come to Maclaine were not the first. Their reactions alone made it clear how strong the domain was becoming.

And soon enough, their choice would be the same.

Filled with pride for his noble house, Regal led three horses leisurely back the way he came.

* * *

Leading the charge on foot, holding the reins of the knights horses, Heinkel soon caught up with the front of the knighthood. Yet it wasnt a tiresome exercise for him, having reached the advanced stage of Force users. Instead, he comfortably checked on the knights, taking delight (perhaps) in their distorted faces.

Particularly in the young three leading the group, who showed a stark change in behavior and skill after the Bifrost seizureor accurately, since Tomodos defense. Among them, one was the Lords son, and another, a female knight no one had imagined in this place before the siege.

Whatever lesson they got from Tomodo

As long as they didnt overdo it, it wasnt a concern.

With their faces set in grim determination, running harder than anyone else, the visages of these three knights embedded themselves deeply in Heinkels mind.


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