Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 74: Planning Some Moves

Chapter 74: Planning Some Moves

Jia Xu and Chen Deng agree with this as they needed secrecy for this to be made, the fewer people who know about this project the better the chance of their enemy knowing about it almost none as only trusted people know about this.

Jia Xu knows the importance of this project so he drafted a letter to the Oriole members living in Huai'An to prevent rumors from going out when they began to try the weapons and siege weapons that we're made especially Gunpowder that can make a loud sound when exploded

Chen Deng on the other hand began to learn a little from Jia Xu, so began a mentor and mentee relationship between Jia Xu and Chen Deng. Chen Deng originally was a talented youngster with now under the tutelage of Jia Xu can improve his talent far more than the original Chen Deng have

Chen Gui who was working on the main hall received reports from his page that he sent called for Chen Deng that his son was in a meeting with Jia Xu and Lie Fan in the study, he didn't dare to disturb them and the entrance was tightly guarded by Lie Fan's bodyguard.

Chen Gui nodded his head and dismissed him, Chen Gui stood up and stepped out walking towards the study where he wanted to know what they were discussing as maybe he could contribute his knowledge with the experience he had.

At the study, after they finished discussing the weapon's schematics they continued their discussion by talking about the hospital and medical warehouse that right now was being built for Hua Tuo and the coming Zhang Zhongjing if he agrees to Hua Tuo's invitation.

Lie Fan: "Master Jia Xu, how is the progress for the hospital and medical warehouse that I requested?"

Jia Xu: "It's going smoothly My Lord, I have supervised their progress and ensured that it goes according to what you requested. I also ask for Little Deng's help in collecting a small group of farmers to cultivate herbs and medicinal plants that will be needed."

Chen Deng: "Yes, I already prepared a small group of special farmers to cultivate the herbs and medicinal plants. I also requested some animal breeders to breed animals that have some medical value to help us supply the hospital and medicine warehouse."

When Chen Deng finished talking, a voice came from the entrance which was Liu Pi's saying that Chen Gui was there and asking for permission to enter the study and Lie Fan granted.

Chen Gui enters inside and greets everyone in the room then proceeds to take a seat on a chair that was pointed to by Lie Fan for him. Lie Fan was happy that Chen Gui came as he had something to discuss with him.

Lie Fan: "Master Chen Gui is here! I wanted to ask you how the overall progress of our agriculture since the introduction of our policies and projects here in Xiapi?"

Chen Gui: "It's going well My Lord, Since the first result that was shown before it continues to slowly grow higher resulting in more harvest each season! Right now we have a surplus of crops that are stored for emergency purposes."

Lie Fan: "That's great! Right now we don't need a surplus of crops, what do the three of you think we should do with the surplus?"

Jia Xu, Chen Gui, and Chen Deng were thinking about what they should do with these crops ' surplus, Chen Gui still thought it better for them to store it as they would never know when they would need these crops in the future.

Chen Deng on the other hand thinks it's better to sell them to other cities or give them to other cities here in Xu Province as they have lower agriculture production than Xiapi for now.

Jia Xu said to give this to the Emperor as a tribute to show 'loyalty' to the Emperor, receiving merits and maybe they will receive some rewards from the Emperor. No matter if it's a big or small reward, it can help Lie Fan disguise himself as a loyal minister raising his profile in the Imperial Court and at the same time subtly reminding his existence

Chen Gui when hearing Jia Xu's plans immediately agrees with him as this can promote the image that Lie Fan is a benevolent leader and show to the Court that he is neutral but he has the power and influence to make those factions think twice before deciding to deal or invite him

Lie Fan: "Okay then we do as Master Jia Xu says, Even though other cities don't have much surplus than Xiapi at least it is something we can use and another season will end with another harvest so tell them to send the surplus here to be collected and sent towards Luoyang."

Jia Xu: "I think My Lord should send the tribute personally, I think it's time to maybe invite Master Xun You personally and establish our underground faction in Luoyang that was 'loyal' to the Emperor"

Lie Fan: "Hmm I agree, then next month we will do so and Master Jia Xu will follow me back to Luoyang as I need you there. Master Chen Gui and Brother Deng, please keep an eye on Xiapi and Xu Province as a whole Master Chen Gui will become My representative administering Xu Province."

Chen Gui: "Yes My Lord, I will not let you down."

Chen Deng: "Rest easy My Lord, With My Father and me here in Xu Province everything will be fine!"

Lie Fan: "I'm rest assured that both of you are here, maybe while I'm gone the two of you can invite Brother Wang Lang to enter our administration and help the both of you."

After Lie Fan finishes talking, he uses Erlang Shen's eyes to see both Chen Deng's and Chen Gui's attributes while waiting for their response.

•Chen Gui

INT: 675(Max) WIS: 110 VIT: 48 CHR: 78

•Chen Deng

INT: 535 WIS: 88 VIT: 78 CHR: 75

Chen Gui nodded his head when Lie Fan told them to try and invite Wang Lang, he had heard of this man here in Xiapi who was filial toward his master and had a talent for personnel administration having him could reduce the burden share between him and his son as for now only the both of them can be trusted by Lie Fan and looks like Wang Lang was also trusted by Lie Fan

The meeting ended on that note and Lie Fan dismissed them to prepare for the tribute collection, Lie Fan feeling that he would stay in Luoyang for a while decided to visit Hua Tuo to say his itinerary and if Zhang Zhongjin visited to halt his stay here in Xu Province until he comes back

Lie Fan walked toward Hua Tuo's quarters accompanied by his bodyguards and when he arrived he heard Hua Tuo talking with what sounded like Cai Yong about Cai Yong's illness that had been cured and he could leave Xiapi at anytime

Lie Fan hearing this was surprised because if Cai Yong left them his chance to get closer to him and the Cai Clan would be gone losing him a capable talent to work in education or the rite department as he was an expert in both fields and with the connection the Cai Clan have it will help him enormously in Luoyang.

Lie Fan knocked on the door and made known to Hua Tuo that's it him visiting, Hua Tuo was inside his quarters talking with Cai Yong and heard that allowed Lie Fan to enter the room.

Lie Fan entered inside and saw Hua Tu and Cai Yong both sitting down on their stools with a circular table at the center, Lie Fan greeted the both of them and took a seat on one of the stools.

Hua Tuo: "Inspector Lie what a surprise, is there a reason why you visited me this afternoon?"

Lie Fan: "Yes Master Hua Tuo, maybe in a month or two I will go back to Luoyang bringing tributes for Your Majesty so I wanted to ask for your help when Master Zhang Zhongjing finally visited Xiapi that you halted him from going anywhere and stayed in Xiapi until I came back."

Hua Tuo: "I see, I will not promise anything but I try to do my best as that old man is stubborn. How is the progress on the hospital and medicine warehouse?"

Lie Fan: "Rest assured Master Hua Tuo, it's going smoothly and will finish in a month. While waiting Master Hua Tuo can continue experimenting with the medicine recipes I gave to you before."

Hua Tuo hearing that immediately became ecstatic, he explained that even though he had tried to replicate some of it and failed it broadened his mind on how medicine can be made. The failed products are defective and he doesn't want to experiment with them afraid of unknown side effects.

Cai Yong at the side was surprised to see Hua Tuo talking with such gusto, while staying with Hua Tuo he had never seen Hua Tuo talking so excited as he always had this calm and cool demeanor.

He began to become more interested in Lie Fan even though he didn't really understand what the both of them talking about but it was definitely because of Lie Fan that Hua Tuo was so excited. He was also stunned to hear that Zhang Zhongjing was invited by Hua Tuo to come here in Xiapi.

Cai Yong: "I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation between Master Hua Tuo and Inspector Lie Fan, I wanted to excuse myself to go back to my room."

Lie Fan: "Wait Master Cai Yong! I have something I wanted to discuss with Master Cai Yong."

Cai Yong hearing that sat back down and gestured with his hand for Lie Fan to tell him what he wanted to discuss with him.

Lie Fan: "Master Cai Yong why don't you stay here in Xiapi? I know that Master Cai Yong left the Capital because of the eunuchs and hid in the Land Of Wu but it's a waste of Master Cai Yong's talent and not safe with bandits alongside the Yellow Turbans remnant roaming the land."

Cai Yong: "I'm stunned that Inspector Lie knows my situation so detailed, I'm honored by your invitation but I don't want to implicate Inspector Lie with the wrath of those eunuchs."

Lie Fan: "No need Master Cai Yong, I'm the Inspector Of Xu Province and one of the most influential people in the land with the Emperor and the three excellencies above me, those eunuchs don't dare to touch me now with their factions fighting against General He Jin factions. So what does Master Cai Yong think of my proposal?"

Cai Yong goes silent and begins to think about what Lie Fan said, he indeed goes into hiding to hide from the eunuchs to not implicate his family and his daughter whom he left in the Capital, living in hiding in the land of Wu is indeed very dangerous and he needs his wit to stay alive and it's boring as he doesn't have anything to do so Lie Fan proposal is very tempting


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 461 -> 471 (STR Potion)

VIT: 194 -> 204 (VIT Potion)

AGI: 205 -> 215 (AGI Potion)

INT: 224 -> 234 (INT Potion)

CHR: 90

WIS: 189 -> 199 (WIS Potion)

WILL: 145 -> 155 (WILL Potion)

ATR Points: 0


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