Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 73: Collecting Weapons Schematics

Chapter 73: Collecting Weapons Schematics

Mi Zhu: "Looks like Lord Inspector has already investigated me deeply even knowing about me helping my father do some accounting since childhood as no one knew about this except my closest family members, Does Lord Inspector that confidence in my talent?"

Lie Fan: "Of Course! You're very suited to work in the Financial Department! With your talent, it will be not long before you will achieve a high position there!"

Mi Zhu: "Haha then let me think about it Lord Inspector."

Lie Fan: "Take the time you need as long as you like, If you want to accept my invitation then you can just visit me in the Governor's Castle."

Lie Fan and Mi Zhu walk together accompanied by Lie Fan's bodyguard from afar, checking market stalls and the people's condition and how they feel about the market prices

Lie Fan accompanied Mi Zhu to his carriage and decided to part ways there as time was already evening, seeing that the market sts closed down and looked like there was a curfew at night time

Mi Zhu: "Lord Inspector before leaving I have a question I wanted to ask."

Lie Fan: "Please."

Mi Zhu: "Yesterday a man named Jian Yong who was a friend of mine came to visit me alongside a man named Liu Bei and his 2 brothers, Are you familiar with this name?"

Lie Fan: "Liu Bei! I have met him before in a restaurant, his brother caused quite a commotion haha! Why do you ask?"

Lie Fan in his heart was swearing all kinds of swear words he knew, he didn't expect Liu Bei to approach Mi Zhu even though Jian Yong was the one who introduced them together

Mi Zhu: "Then what do you think of this person?"

Lie Fan: "Virtuous, calm, and benevolent but hidden behind it is an ambition that's burning like a fire that will never die shining so bright but its brightness can blind someone."

Mi Zhu: "I see, then how does Lord Inspector describe yourself?"

Lie Fa: "Hmm, I like to describe myself as a chess player. I like to make every move carefully and consider the big picture."

Mi Zhu nods his head and says goodbye to Lie Fan enters his carriage, Lie Fan salutes him and then walks alongside his bodyguards back to the governor's castle to take a rest

Lie Fan is thinking of buying Mi Zhu restaurant as he doesn't need to spend too much money to renovate it which is a plus even though he has plenty of money but he knows that in the future his expenses will skyrocket to fund his soldiers

He needed large funds for siege weapons and weapons that could give an advantage to his army like the Chu-Ko-Nu which is the repeater crossbow that Zhuge Liang made to improve the old crossbow which gave Liu Bei's army an advantage, especially with Liu Bei's territory in the Land of Shu which protected by mountains

Strolling back toward the Governor's Castle, he saw the walls that separated the city from the castle which also shone his mind to make the trebuchets that could help him in sieging a city, with the book of knowledge in his hand he could collect all type of schematics he wanted so he hurried up back towards the castle

When he arrived back, he called for Jia Xu and Chen Deng to meet him as he wanted to discuss this with them. The two of them have military minds with Jia Xu rich in experience and Chen Deng still a green leaf but can give a new perspective

Lie Fan goes to the Governor's Study and sits there while waiting for Jia Xu and Chen Deng to arrive he takes out the book of knowledge to begin searching for advanced weaponry that can help him and is easy to make for the craftsman of this era

Lie Fan began to search for Chu-Ko-Nu schematics first and began to copy them onto a book which would contain all the schematics in the future, He copied the design, the steps to make it, and what materials he needed

If Lie Fan craftsman could make the Chu-Ko-Nu way before invented by Zhuge Liang then the advantage would be on his side even though it would eventually be copied by the other warlords as who doesn't want to have such an amazing weapon

He also searches the recipes to make gunpowder to be used as a bomb in the future, as the bomb they have right now is too weak only an alcohol bomb which has a small impact in destroying stone walls, It also can help him make an artillery weapon called The Nest Of Bees which was made in the 11th century by the Chinese when they experimented with gunpowder and rockets and mostly used by the Ming Dynasty

It consisted of hexagonal tubes filled with dozens of rocket-tipped arrows, the tubes would broaden at the top to aid in the dispersal of the arrows once the nest opened. This weapon could fire off more than two dozen arrows at a time in the same direction, with thousands of these deployed at the same time can rain death upon the enemy.

If the gunpowder can be made, he also can make the Fire Lance which was a spear-like weapon that combined a bamboo tube containing projectiles and gunpowder. When fired, a charge ejected the projectiles, sometimes darts, a few meters away.

He also copied ballistas and counterweight trebuchets for siege weaponry, which can be used as the city defense but also sieging other cities. Lastly, when he wanted to close the Book of Knowledge he saw the arched saddle which could boost the effectiveness of his cavalry

Even though saddles have been used long even since the domestication of horses, a saddle with a higher pommel and cantle prevents a rider from being thrown from his horse in battle. The arched saddle enabled knights to wield spears and lances underarm, rather than overarm, which prevented their charges from turning into pole vaults or dismounting them to allow riders to charge on a full gallop and gave birth to shock cavalry

When Lie Fan finished copying the arched saddle, Jia Xu and Chen Deng arrived and entered the study. Lie Fan seeing that closed the book of knowledge and put it in the inventory while doing movement of putting the book in a drawer

Jia Xu and Chen Deng each stand in front of Lie Fan waiting for his instruction, Lie Fan told them to take a seat as the discussion they had would take a long time so it's better for them to sit down.

Lie Fan: " I called for both of you today because I found someone with a brilliant mind, he doesn't want to be revealed but he chose our side and gave me this book."

Jia Xu took the book and began to read what was contained inside it, Chen Deng beside him read it together with Jia Xu, and the both of them were shocked by it as it contained schematics and recipes of weapons they had never known

Chen Deng: "My Lord this is an amazing schematic of weapons and siege weapons! If our craftsman can make this according to what it described then we will become invincible!"

Chen Deng: "I agree with what Little Deng said, but I'm more curious about the person who gave this to My Lord. Are My Lord sure that he is truly on our side and not on the Han Dynasty or other people?"

Lie Fan: "I'm sure as I have investigated this man with the help of my bodyguards, he can be trusted and he has a grudge against the Emperor as his family died due to the starvation problem that happened leading to the uprising of the Yellow Turbans."

Jia Xu: "A man that has nothing to lose and is influenced by revenge is a man that we can trust as long as his target is not us, but as a precaution do I need to send some oriole members to keep him in check?"

Lie Fan: "No need Master Jia Xu, we need to trust him as he gave us this trove of weapons that we can use against our enemy in the future. So what do we need to make first from this list?"

Chen Deng: "I think we need to focus on this arched saddle first My Lord as tho can help our Cavalry on the battlefield and accelerate the time needed for the cavalry unit to march!"

Jia Xu: " I agree with what Little Deng said, also This Chu-Ko-Nu can boost the firepower capabilities of our archers and even maybe make specialized units consisting of archers using chu-ko-nu."

Lie Fan agrees with what both Jia Xu and Chen Deng said as amazing the gunpowder and siege weaponry, they needed a long time to make them as perfect as it can while the arched saddle and Chu-Ko-Nu could help them immediately which maybe can be made in one year

Jia Xu: "My Lord if this gunpowder can be made then I recommend making this Nest Of Bees, from what it described this can be more effective than raining down arrows on enemies in formation."

Lie Fan: "I agree Master Jia Xu, but we better use them when the Han Dynasty falls so our enemy will not force us to relinquish this knowledge!"

Jia Xu: "I Agree My Lord, so who will My Lord appoint as the supervisor to supervise the making of these wonderful weapons?"

Lie Fan thinks of sending these schematics to Huai'An under the supervision of his Father, as Huai'An is far from populated areas which can help them hide this beautiful weapon and a large area that they can use to try these weapons. Also, experienced and senior members of the Oriole there can help keep an eye on this project

Jia Xu and Chen Deng agree with this as they needed secrecy for this to be made, the fewer people who know about this project the better the chance of their enemy knowing about it almost none as only trusted people know about this.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 212.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 461

VIT: 194

AGI: 205

INT: 224

CHR: 90

WIS: 189

WILL: 145

ATR Points: 0


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