Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 51: Changing Perception Showing The Ambition

Chapter 51: Changing Perception Showing The Ambition

Sun Qian: "I don't know that My Lord managed to hide so deep, from the way p ambitions that I don't know of?"

Lie Fan: "Master Sun is one of my closest confidants, so I will trust you with my true goal that I have had all this time, my true purpose is to become bring peace to this country living safely like before leading it to a new era with my hand."

Sun Qian hearing that was alarmed, he knew that Lie Fan wan to bring peace to the land but never thought that he harbored an ambition to become the new Emperor and he said that he will bring a new era.

Sun Qian: "My Lord this path is too treacherous and dangerous to be taken! We aren't even sure that the Han Dynasty will fall!"

Lie Fan: "Trust me, Master Sun, Han Dynasty will fall but not by our hand, we will only give a push to the pawns to do the bidding while we wait and take the benefits starting with eliminating the 10 attendants."

Sun Qian began to see that Lie Fan's maturity is too fast which only genius or talented people had shown which means that Lie Fan is not just an ordinary or lucky man, what Sun Qian doesn't know is that his ambition all along when coming to this world but he hides it as he still needs the Han dynasty to stay strong while he acclimated power.

Beginning with upgrading his safety on the battlefield, Lie Fan's mentality is now focusing on bringing down the 10 attendants with means that this era has never seen before playing bigger chess where he will dictate the pawn to welcome the Warlord era in his way.

Jia Xu's cynical answers and statements about how he used every means necessary to achieve something pushed his perception to finally realize that in this era only the survivor will win and the survivor always used anything he can to survive no need to play by the rules anymore as no one has.

He can't takes everything easy anymore and tries to act honorable as he holds the position to grow his powerbase stronger than Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will have, this era is different from his other life where you have to be polite and politically correct, this era is where the size of your fist dictates how you will enjoy your life.

Sun Qian can feel that Lie Fan's aura is changing from like a Sun shining bright with compassion to bring help everyone now turning to a Sea that can help people and swallow people if you mess with it, he can't understand if before is just an act that he used to talk with people like him who still uphold the teaching of Confucianism.

After talking both of them left the study and go towards the main hall where the banquet is being held before, they meet with Wang Yun and Diao Chan who were saying goodbye to Ying Yue and Yu Yan with Xun You and Jia Xu nowhere to be seen.

Lie Fan sees that Diao Chan and Ying Yue interact like they were close sisters saying goodbye to each other and promising to meet up together soon.

Confused Lie Fan walks toward them to apologize to Wang Yun also as he knew that Wang Yun is offended by how he agrees with Jia Xu

Lie Fan: "Uncle Wang, I'm sorry about what I said before I hope you forgive me, but that's how I feel about what's happening right now"

Wang Yun: "Little Lie every people have a diverse opinion, but I hope you know what you're doing in the future as right now we are still in the same camp to bring down the 10 attendants."

Other people there except for Lie Fan and Sun Qian were surprised to hear the tone Wang Yun is using, a bit more alienated than before which showed that there was something that caused a crack in their relationship.

Diao Chan: "Father is there something wrong? Why do you look a bit upset?"

Wang Yun: "It's okay Chan'er now let's go home, Madam Yu thank you for gracing us today with the Banquet"

Yu Yan: "It's our good fortune that Sir Wang Yun graced us with your presence joining our banquet, be careful along the way"

Lie Fan: "Wait! Lady Diao Chan remembers to use more clothes in the future when going outside at night"

Wang Yun who was leading Diao Chan out take a halt and turned his head to look at Lie Fan not knowing what was inside his head, while Diao Chan smiled at Lie Fan's concern and gives a shy smile at him saying thank you for his concern and she will remember his suggestion the continue walking towards the entrance holding Wang Yun's hand

Ying Yue standing beside Lie Fan slowly raised her hand to Lie Fan's waist and twist it with all her strength causing Lie Fan to shout attracting Yu Yan and Sun Qian's attention toward him asking if there was anything wrong

Lie Fan says everything is okay and suggests everyone go back to their room to take a rest after doing an activity today, Yu Yan and Sun Qian take their leave while Lie Fan and Ying Yue was standing there

Ying Yue: "Looks like my Husband has forgotten about me when you're in Luoyang"

Lie Fan: "It's not like that Wife, you're always the most beautiful in my heart"

Lie Fan hugged Ying Yue after declaring his love, thinking that his little wife is growing fiercer and not as gentle as she used to be not knowing that it was Diao Chan who trained her to do that as a way to vent her jealousy

Ying Yue: "Really? Then what do you think of Sister Diao Chan?"

Lie Fan: "A beautiful Woman that's all! And the daughter of Uncle Wang Yun and a sister to me!"

Ying Yue: "Liar! Sister Diao Chan already told me how you react when both of you meet before"

Lie Fan can only cry dry tears and doesn't know how to handle this situation as this is his first relationship in both lifetimes, so he used the way he learned from his past life to distract Ying Yue that is kissing her

Ying Yue who was talking suddenly kissed by Lie Fan shocking her, the feeling of their lips touching makes Ying Yue stand there frozen with Lie Fan leading their movement from just a chaste kiss slowly turning into a passionate one

Ying Yue's face is turning redder and redder by the second and slowly closes her eyes to reciprocate Lie Fan's kiss, but suddenly she feels something slippery trying to enter her mouth and that's when she opened her eyes pushing Lie Fan so she can get out from the embrace and run away closing her face.

Lie Fan seeing that just smiles as he knows that the anchor of his consciousness that dictates his action is his family, as long as nothing happens to them then he will never do anything lowly like Dong Zhuo making them his inverse scale

Lie Fan goes back to his room after taking a bath and sits down on his bed happy that his perspective on this era will change but at the same time feels cautious as he doesn't want to use the knowledge he remembered fully now rather than before he just remembered some pieces to act as a walking textbook guiding him in this era as history already beginning to change thanks to his actions

While thinking of that he finally feels exhausted and lies down on his bed to sleep, the next day Lie Fan woke up in the morning with his new perspective on this era he remembered that he ordered Xu Kai to check for buildings that are sold for expanding his business/Oriole Headquarters

He called for Xu Kai and asked if he had managed to find the buildings he asked him to search, Xu Kai reported to him that he had managed to buy 2 buildings located in the commercial district where it's strategic and full of people spending 85.000 taels

Lie Fan is happy with Xu Kai's initiative and reminded him to keep watching Jia Xu's activities to not lose him after that Lie Fan walks toward the dining room where his mother and Ying Yue are sitting there waiting

Lie Fan greeted both of them and give Ying Yue a special wink which evoked her face to turn red, taking his seat Lie Fan told his mother about the buildings that he has buy and asked for her mother to take over this matter like before in Huai'An.

Yu Yan happily agreed and told him that she will bring Ying Yue with her to learn about the trade as well in which Lie Fan ask if Ying Yue wanted to do that and she said yes, while talking with each other Wanniang finally arrived with a sleepy face walking towards her seat holding Snow the puppy

Everyone is enjoying breakfast together, smiling happily and talking about funny topics when Sun Qian entered the dining room and apologizes for interrupting their time to tell Lie Fan information that Emperor Ling has finally ordered the Armies to come back to Luoyang

Estimating the time, Zhu Jun's, Lu Zhi's, and Huangfu Song's armies will arrive ranging from the shortest 1 month to and longest in 2 months according to their distance to the Capital

Lie Fan nod his head at this information, he told Sun Qian to take breakfast first and to meet him in his study alongside the others as he have something to be talked with everyone

Sun Qian acknowledge it and take his leave, Lie Fan then continue enjoying his time with his family and urge his mother to speed up their renovation of the building and send the letters back to Huai'An to send batches of fruity wine and beers to Luoyang until they make the winery here

Yu Yan began to nag Lie Fan, she is worked like a horse by her son making Lie Fan embarrassed a little but then smile while replying that Yu Yan loves to do this thing

After breakfast is done, Yu Yan brought both Ying Yue and Wannian with her to check the building they have now in Luoyang while Lie Fan goes towards his study where his retinue that is present is waiting for him there.

Lie Fan is thinking that with the army called back to Luoyang it means that the central government is going to delegate its power to the local government to eliminate the Yellow Turbans which means that in 4 years maximum the battle between He Jin and 10 attendants will start resulting both of them died while Dong Zhuo will seize power


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 125

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 355

VIT: 125

AGI: 132

INT: 145

CHR: 90

WIS: 100

WILL: 75

ATR Points: 10


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