Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 50: Diao Chan-Ying Yue and Spying

Chapter 50: Diao Chan-Ying Yue and Spying

Ying Yue sees Lie Fan talking with Diao Chan first and not saying even a single word to her makes her feel sad but she holds this feeling as she knows that Lie Fan is destined for greatness and will have more than one woman as his wife

Lie Fan can feel the sadness that was radiating from Ying Yue and the furious gaze from his mother, he glanced at Ying Yue full of love that he thought only Ying Yue can see.

Diao Chan from the side saw the interaction between the two of them and she knew the reason now why Ying Yue is giving her the cold shoulder since they first meet

When Lie Fan introduced Ying Yue to everyone as his soon-to-be wife Diao Chan arrived late and because of the tension when Wang Yun teased him in front of Ying Yue making Lie Fan ended the introduction right there

Lie Fan left the room after informing everyone, leaving Diao Chan and Ying Yue together while Yu Yan as the hostess accompany the guests leaving the two of them alone

Diao Chan: "Hello Sister may I know your name?"

Ying Yue: "Hello My name is Ying Yue, Sister Diao Chan and I'm 17 this year, Sister doesn't need to introduce yourself I know who sister is"

Diao Chan: "Oh? Sister Ying knew my name but ignored me from our first meeting until now, is it because of a certain person?"

Ying Yue hearing the teasing in Diao Chan's voice turned bright red and glared at Diao Chan like a little cat showing her fang when its toy was taken from it

Diao Chan sees Ying Yue's reaction giggles and knew the reason why Lie Fan loves her as her reaction is too adorable with her pure heart in which she apologizes to Ying Yue to cool her down

Ying Yue: "Sister Diao Chan misunderstand, I just feel a bit sick today so I decided to stay silent"

Diao Chan: "Fufufu Sister Ying don't need to lie, I'm older than you by 2 years and I have seen the same things happening when there's in a lady's gathering"

Ying Yue: "Then If Sister Diao Chan knew what I feel then you should know that Young Master and I will be married soon!"

Diao Chan: "Oh really? That makes me sad but I don't know if General Lie accept another wife fufu"

Ying Yue: "I don't care if Young Master has another wife than me, while I'm just a lowly maid that was lucky to be loved by Young Master but if you dare to approach him for other agendas or to hurt him then even if you're a noblewoman I will fight you!"

Diao Chan seeing the sudden outburst from Ying Yue feels like having a little sister with her emotions out in the open easy to read and she doesn't know what will happen to her in the future when Lie Fan has another mistress if they are sinister woman's

Diao Chan put her hand on Ying Yue's head and stroke her head lightly, Ying Yue was startled by what Diao Chan did and with her innocent heart began to feel that Diao Chan is not that bad after all

Diao Chan: "I will be honest with Sister Ying, Big Sister is interested in General Lie, he is the first Young Man who managed to impress my Father and even work together and he is not bad in the eye also fufu"

Ying Yue: "It's up to the heavens and Young Master Lie whenever Sister Diao Chan can be with Young Master"

Diao Chan and Ying Yue began to converse with each other after addressing the issue they got, Diao Chan acted like a big sister to Ying Yue and began to teach her how to conduct herself like a lady and how to speak like a lady

Yu Yan after escorting the ladies of the officials come back and was dumbfounded by what she saw as Diao Chan and Ying Yue is now talking with each other with a smile on their faces like they were close friends

Yu Yan go toward them and joined their conversation, Diao Chan was a bit nervous as maybe in the future Yu Yan can be her mother-in-law if she can be sure that the feelings she had for Lie Fan are love not just a short-term interest

While in this room the atmosphere is in harmony with laughter can be heard, in the study of the manor it feels tense as Jia Xu was sitting on the right side not caring about Wang Yun's glare and Xun You is conversing with Sun Qian about the statement that Lie Fan said that surprised him before

Sun Qian knew how Xun You feels as he already saw everything that happens firsthand and more bloody than what Xun You saw, since his first battle following Lie Fan and how his Master Lu Zhi was demoted just like that thanks to an eunuch slowly his loyalty began to shift from Han Dynasty and Lie Fan to just Lie Fan

Lie Fan arrived at the study and feels the tense atmosphere seeing it from the opened door, especially between Jia Xu and Wang Yun but when he wanted to enter Xu Kai arrive from behind calling for him

Xu Kai: "Big Brother! I have the information you wanted that Master Sun told me to search for!"

Lie Fan: "Really? That's great so how is it?"

Xu Kai: "I and some oriole members managed to infiltrate the Manor as servants and an old lady is living in the manor coming with him to the capital to cure her sickness and looks like he also has a family but all of them are living in his hometown when I asked the servants there"

Lie Fan: "Good Job Xu Kai you have done well, go and hire some group of mercenaries acting as Imperial Soldiers led by a member from Oriole of your choosing to transport them to Luoyang"

Xu Kai: "Huh? Why would we do that Big Brother? Aren't you wanted to recruit him?"

Lie Fan: "Yes that's true but this man is cunning and sly by nature and also doesn't like to be the center of attention so he will try to weasel out of my invitation either by pretending to be sick or going back to his hometown, by bringing his family here in Luoyang and inviting them to Huai'An is my safest bet"

Xu Kai: "Isn't it too extreme doing that just to recruit someone to join us?"

Lie Fan: "No and Xu Kai you're a leader of an intelligence group, you will do many unspeakable things in the future and this is just the tip of the iceberg, if you don't want to lose then you have to do any means necessary to take down your enemy"

Xu Kai: "Okay Big Brother... I understand what you mean"

Lie Fan: "Good, hire the best mercenary company you can find and pay them half first when our guest arrived safely then the other half will be paid"

Xu Kai: "Will do Big Brother, I'm sending the brothers to search for the merc company while I continue recruiting and training new brothers and sisters"

Seeing Xu Kai leaving, Lie Fan enter the study and greeted everyone there with a smile in an attempt to ease the tense atmosphere, Sun Qian stood up from his seat and walked toward Lie Fan gesturing that he managed to put some seeds inside Xun You so they only need to wait

Lie Fan acknowledge what he said and told Sun Qian to take a seat, he wanted to make at least the people in this room on the same page especially Jia Xu as he is a bit cynical

Lie Fan: "Everyone, let's all calm down and be on the same page as the 10 attendants are our common enemies now"

Jia Xu: "Aha-haa General Lie is jesting, it's the enemies of all of you, not me so why was I included in this conversation?"

Lie Fan: "Why Of Course because Master Jia Xu is joining under me right? You don't want something to happen inside your manor?"

Jia Xu hearing that was stunned for a second and continued acting like nothing is wrong but inside he was angry at himself as he is not cautious enough and not expecting Lie Fan also willing to use underhanded means

Wang Yun, Xun You, and Sun Qian heard the threat in Lie Fan's sentence which puzzled them as Lie Fan was never been this aggressive this is the first time they saw Lie Fan acting like this even when facing the 10 attendants

Lie Fan: "I know why you come back to Luoyang Master Jia Xu, what If I told you that I have something that can cure the illness?"

Jia Xu: "I don't know what General Lie is saying, but If General Lie had that kind of medicine then it's better to hold it for yourself"

Lie Fan: "Haha! That's true but I have sent people to bring the others to Luoyang, I don't know if Master Jia Xu is impressed by my action?"

Jia Xu hearing that began to feel panic for the first time, as he never expects Lie Fan to be the same as him, he investigated Lie Fan and found out that he act honorably with kindness even when facing despicable people like Dong Zhuo but he never expects that all of that is a cover considering the age Lie Fan had

While he is impressed by the guts that Lie Fan had showing that he is not being muddled by the Confucianism teaching and with the talent he had Jia Xu knew he will reach a high position in the future even if the Han Dynasty still stand tall.

Lie Fan: "What about like this, I give Master Jia Xu some time to think about my offer at least until the others arrived at Luoyang maybe in 1 or 2 months, If you agree the illness will be cured and don't try to run as many eyes are watching you"

After saying that Lie Fan tell everyone that they will continue discussing the plan to bring down the 10 attendants another day, Wang Yun and Xun You take their leave after hearing what Lie Fan said while in their hearts began to realize the true Lie Fan that was hidden inside was much different than the facade he is using

Jia Xu also takes his leave and before exiting the study he turned around taking a glance at Lie Fan with respect and interest alongside fear because he controls his family

Sun Qian: "I don't know that My Lord managed to hide everything so deep, from the way My lord acts looks like My Lord has other ambitions that I don't know of?"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 125

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 355

VIT: 125

AGI: 132

INT: 145

CHR: 90

WIS: 100

WILL: 75

ATR Points: 10


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