Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 48: Banquet At Lie Manor

Chapter 48: Banquet At Lie Manor

In the passing Month, Lie Fan's family finally arrived in Luoyang accompanied by Chao Bo and they bring wagons full of fruit wine, and beers for the banquet which helped as their supply of these drinks are running low

His Mother, Sister, and Ying Yue were the ones coming to Luoyang as his Father was busy handling official duties in Huai'An and commanding the army there to protect Huai'An from the Yellow Turbans remnant in Xu Province

When they first come to the manor, everyone was shocked by the size and luxurious design Yu Yan a former Merchant knew the number of expenses for this manor is enormous.

She hugged Lie Fan and congratulated him on his promotion and is thankful that no harm has happened while he is on the battlefield, Wannian joins the hug by squeezing herself in the middle of the two Lie Fan immediately hugs her and carries her in his arms inciting a giggle from her

Ying Yue is watching everything from the side and when Lie Fan is done saying hello to his family, he walked towards Ying Yue and hugged her tightly quenching the thirst he feels for missing her even though he was distracted by a beauty before *ahem*

Ying Yue feels the hug and was happy as she was scared that Lie Fan's feelings for her will change, she return the hug and smile happily after a long hug Lie Fan released her and take her hand leading everyone to enter the manor

Everyone was shocked when they see the big courtyard in front of them and Wannian was so excited that she begins to run and play in the courtyard, Lie Fan was happy seeing Wanniang playing and remembers the gift he prepare for her which he told the servants to bring it here for her

When Wannian was playing suddenly she heard a barking sound and when se turned her head she saw a little puppy being held by a maid and given to her, Wannian was so eager that she hug the puppy tightly when she achieved the puppy while it's licking her face

Lie Fan and the rest watch Wannian happily play with the puppy who she named Snow thanks to its white fur, Yu Yan called for Wannian to bring Snow and co tinue the tour of the manor

After spending almost an hour showing the major, Lie Fan can see the satisfaction written all over his Mother's face and the admiration including fondness at Ying Yue's face directed at him, when they arrived at the dining room food was already served and they enjoy it together like family

Lie Fan then tells them especially his mother that the banquet preparation is already done and will be held the day after tomorrow, he wanted to introduce Ying Yue as his wife to be which his mother agrees as Ying Yue is the embodiment of a good wife minus the skill to lead a household if Lie Fan married more than 1 wife unlike his father

Ying Yue was happy with how Lie Fan wanted to introduce her to the social circle of the capital but she knew deep down that she is not the perfect candidate as the main wife without the mind to play intrigue she doesn't care as long as Lie Fan love her

Two days passed and Lie Fan's manor now full of guests arrived at his banquet, high-ranking ministers, Civil Officials, and Military Officials are coming in one after the other.

Lie Fan and Ying Yue act as the guest receiver while he introduces Ying Yue to them, many officials are disappointed as the position of Lie Fan's main wife is already taken they wanted to introduce their daughter/sister/nephew/cousin to him

When Lie Fan was welcoming another guest he saw Wang Yun and Xun You come together, he cut the greetings short and bring Ying Yue to greet both of them as they are considered to be an important allies for his cause right now

Lie Fan: "Welcome Uncle Wang and Master Xun You! Thank you for coming to my banquet today!"

Wang Yun: "Hoho! Of course, I have to come as we are now on the same side and can be considered close as you're my Friend son"

Xun You: "General Lie's invitation is the highest honor right now and thanks to General Lie I managed to learn under the wing of Master Wang Yun"

Lie Fan: "Yes that's true we are now on the same side, but Master Xun You is jesting how can my invitation is that important"

Xun You: "Of course it is! General Lie is the rising talent of this generation and many are already saying that General Lie is the next Han Xin!"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha! Master Xun You praise is too high!"

Wang Yun: "Fufu young people nowadays are scarier than my time, by the way, Little Lie who is this beside you?"

Lie Fan: "Ah yes, Uncle Wang and Master Xun You let me introduce you to my soon-to-be wife Ying Yue"

Wang Yun and Xun You hearing that were stunned as they don't expect Lie Fan already have a prospective wife, Wang Yun especially as he wanted to introduce Diao Chan intimately to Lie Fan with the hope of marriage so that's why he brought her here

Wang Yun: "So that's how it is! Hello Lady Ying Yue I'm Wang Yum but you can call me Uncle Wang like Little Lie"

Ying Yue: "He-hello Uncle Wang, thank you for coming here today"

While talking at the front entrance, Lie Fan suddenly sees Diao Chan with a maid getting off the carriage that Wang Yun used and he began to panic even though he hadn't done anything wrong yet

On one side he loved Ying Yue dearly and doesn't want to hurt her heart but on the other side it's Diao Chan whose beauty and elegance capture his heart at first sight, even though he knows having more than 1 wife is okay but he still panicked as he hasn't told Ying Yue yet and doesn't want his chance with Diao Chan extinguished before it even started

Ying Yue who was beside Lie Fan can feel that he is distracted and when she turned her head in the direction that Lie Fan is seeing she can see a beautiful lady who was more beautiful than her and more elegant, Ying Yue noticed that began to feel sad at first but then cheered herself up as Lie Fan still love and care for her with the action in the last 2 days as they never separated from each other

Lie Fan: "*ahem* looks like Uncle Wang brought Lady Diao Chan with you"

Wang Yun: "Of Course! Isn't what you implied to me when you Invited me to the banquet to bring Chan'er here?"

Lie Fan was sweating when Wang Yun said that, he turned his head and take a peek at Ying Yue's face and saw that Ying Yue's face is calm but the eyes are wide and shaking making his heart hurt, changing the subject Lie Fan takes Wang Yun, Xun You, and Diao Chan enter the room where they held the banquet

Wang Yun and Xun You position near where Lie Fan is sitting, Ying Yue led Diao Chan to another room where the ladies of the guest is hosted by Yu Yan as the lady of the house since Ying Yue is still not Lie Fan's official wife

Sitting in his place, Lie Fan first welcomed everyone and say his gratitude for coming to this banquet while hoping in the future he can learn from all of them as he is still new in his position

Everyone gives applause and congratulates Lie Fan on his promotion, Lie Fan drink a glass of wine as a salute to all of them and told them that the banquet commenced telling the servants to serve the food and more wine

Lie Fan: "Uncle Wang and Master Xun You, I'm looking for someone and maybe both of you know this person or can help me look for him?"

Xun You: "Who is it you're looking for General Lie?"

Wang Yun: "This person must be important or skilled as you're looking for him"

Lie Fan: " I'm looking for a gentleman by the name of Jia Xu from Wuwei Commandery, he was appointed as a Xiaolian to serve the Imperial Court as a Gentleman Cadet before, and know he is Chief Commandant of Pingjin do the both of you know him?"

Xun You: "Ah I have heard of his name, I heard that he is incorrupt and filial to his parents and I heard rumors that Yan Zhong the official who recommended Him praising him as extraordinary and even remarked that Jia had the brilliance of Zhang Liang and Chen Ping"

Wang Yun: "What high praise to be called the same as Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, even though I have never heard of him but I can help you by asking if he joined your banquet?"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha then I relied on Uncle Wang to help me search for him"

Wang Yun laughed as well and said to wait for him while he gets up and begin conversing with others asking about Jia Xu or maybe someone who knows Jia Xu

Xun You: "What makes General Lie want to meet Sir Jia Xu? Is it because of the rumors saying that his mind is like Zhang Liang and Chen Ping?"

Lie Fan: "I wanted to meet him cause I think Sir Jia Xu's talent is wasted by serving as Commandt Of Pingjin and better suited under me eliminating Yellow Turbans in Xu Province"

Xun You: " Does General Lie not optimistic about the condition of the Han Dynasty just like when you offered me to join your side as you feel the world will be in chaos?"

Lie Fan: " Yes! that's one of the reasons and Master Xun You have seen yourself how the Empire is slowly corroding from the inside, Officials are corrupt, rebellion is everywhere with the Yellow Turbans being our biggest yet, epidemic and hunger everywhere, and Our Emperor with his hedonistic lifestyle not caring if the people with the 10 attendants enriching themselves at the expense of our government stability"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 125

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 355

VIT: 125

AGI: 132

INT: 145

CHR: 90

WIS: 100

WILL: 75

ATR Points: 10


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