Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 47: Talking with Xun You and Lie Manor

Chapter 47: Talking with Xun You and Lie Manor

When Sun Qian just finished talking, they arrived at the Pagoda Heart Restaurant and Lie Fan told the servant that an Official surnamed Xu is waiting for them and asked to be led toward his room

The servant leads Lie Fan and his retinue to the private room where Xun You is waiting for them, he assigned Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai to guard outside while He, Sun Qian, and Liu Pi enters inside

Entering the room, Lie Fan saw Xun You looking out the window while holding a cup of tea in his hand, and when he heard the sound of the door to his room opening he turned his head to greet them

Lie Fan: "Hello Master Xun You I'm sorry that you have to wait for us even though we are the ones inviting you"

Xun You: "It's okay General Lie, Youre just promoted to become a general and Inspector of a province so many people need your attention"

Lie Fan: "Haha okay then as apologies today's expenses will be paid by me"

Xun You: "Then Xun You humbly accept General Lie's offer"

Lie Fan and Sun Qian take a seat while Liu Pi stands behind Lie Fan, Lie Fan called for a servant and orders the food as well as ddrinskto enjoy while they were talking about many topics

Lie Fan and Xun You talk about many topics like writing and military strategies, Xun You began to show his deep knowledge of military strategies which impressed Lie Fan and Sun Qian making Sun Qian know now why Lie Fan wanted Xun You to join him

Sun Qian also talks with Xun You About diplomacy and foreign relations, showing his specialty where Xun You can talk toe to toe with him even a bit better than Sun Qian

After talking about some light topics with enjoying their food, Sun Qian began to probe Xun You's allegiances to the Han Dynasty by talking about the condition of The Imperial Court now and the future of the dynasty

Xun You speaks of the badness of The 10 attendants and how in the future he would like to participate in the government more when their influence is gone for good or the Emperor suddenly wakes up from his hedonistic days and then demotes all the 10 attendants

Lie Fan can still feel the loyalty Xun You had for the Han Dynasty even though slowly it will go down along with the Han Dynasty's downfall especially when he joined Cao Cao alongside his uncle Xun Yu where ultimately joined Cao Cao's side while Xun Yu still clings to the Han Dynasty in which suicide by drinking poison that Cao Cao gave him the choice between food or the poisoned drink

Lie Fan: "Then does Master Xun You think in the future if suddenly the world is in chaos while our Emperor is ill then suddenly died and all hell broke loose between General He Jin's faction and the 10 attendants who will Master Xun You choose?"

Xun You: "Of course General He Jin faction, eliminating the 10 attendants is good for the Empire"

Lie Fan: "Then what if I told Master Xun You that I have the evidence that maybe can bring the 10 attendants down?"

Xun You: "Really?! Does what General Lie says true?!"

Lie Fan takes out the letters from his sleeve and shows them to Xun You, Xun You takes hold of the letters and begin to read them in which seeing the content Xun You was shocked

Lie Fan begins to tell Xun You that Wang Yun has the same evidence also and he hopes that he can join him together with hang Yun to report this to the Emperor, even though maybe it's futile at least they can shake the Emperor's trust in the 10 attendants especially Zhang Rang who control the Emperors ears

Xun You agree to help in which he began to praise Lie Fan and told Lie Fan that if he ever needs anything he can ask him for help, Lie Fan hearing that began to try and probe Xun You at least to have a foothold in joining his side

Lie Fan: "Well there is something that I wanted to ask from Master Xun You"

Xun You: "What is it, General Lie? You may ask anything as long as I can help I will do it"

Lie Fan: "The truth is I think that the world will be in chaos soon and seeing the genius mind Master Xun You has why don't Master Xun You join under my wings?"

Xun You hearing that was shocked as he can hear what Lie Fan is insinuating, especially the invitation to join under Lie Fan which implies the chaos will be so bad that maybe the Han Dynasty will fall

Sun Qian at the side began to help Lie Fan by persuading and hinting at the fact that right now the Emperor is ill, he got this piece of information when he overheard from the Imperial Doctors as Sun Qian wanted to give the invitation letters to them as they are an important part of the inner palace

Xun You began to tremble for the first time as he doesn't have the maturity and mind of his future self in history so his mind is easier be influenced, Lie Fan and Sun Qian saw the way his body tremble showing that they managed to enter his mind

Xun You: "If what you said is true General Lie, why would you want to invite someone like me to join you as there are greater people you can choose from"

Lie Fan: "Yes there are many people to choose from but they are either too stubborn to change or too greedy, but you Master Xun You have an advantage over them that you're still young and have a flexible mind"

Xun You contemplate in silence for a while and after a while, he said that he will answer his invitation in the future after they managed to dethrone the 10 attendants from their position in which Lie Fan agrees as he knows Xun You needs time to think

Due to the heavy subject they just discussed, They decided to end their meeting and before leaving Lie Fan invited Xun You to join his banquet in which he agree to the invitation and will visit his manor when the banquet is held then they part ways

Leaving the restaurant, Lie Fan and Sun Qian enter their carriage and go towards Lie Fan's new Manor he got from the Emperor in which Xu Kai and Zhao Hong should be guarding the seals and tokens representing Lie Fan's new position

Arriving at the Manor, Lie Fan saw a big and luxurious Manor twice as big as his Family Manor in Huai'An. They enter the mansion and see the courtyard was so big, a servant was there to welcome them and introduce himself as the butler that was assigned to Lie Fan by The Emperor

The Butler named Yu Tu began to give a tour of the rooms to Lie Fan and his retinue, Lie Fan felt like he is literally in a movie set of historical Chinese drama as they were almost the same design-wise making him happy as this represents the influence that he will hold in the future

After spending 20 minutes touring the manor, they finally arrived at the study where Yu Tu tell Lie Fan that Xu Kai and Zhao Hong is waiting for him inside when they arrived introduced as Lie Fan's retinue delivering important belongings of Lie Fan

Lie Fan dismissed Yu Tu and enter the study with his retinue, there he saw Xu Kai and Zhao Hong sitting while guarding the seals and tokens. Xu Kai and Zhao Hkng seeing Lie Fan entering the study greeted him standing up from their chair

Sun Qian: "My Lord tho study is almost twice bigger than the one at My Lord's ancestral Manor"

Lie Fan: "Of course! This will become our base of operation making a web of intrigue in Luoyang, Xu Kai you can begin recruiting new members for the Oriole and investigate the building we can buy for expanding our Sereniti Inn and Dragon's Fang Tavern here in Luoyang"

Xu Kai: "Okay Big Brother!"

Sun Qian: "My Lord, If I remember correctly don't you still have a boon where Your Majesty can approve whether you request as long as it was between his reason?"

Lie Fan: "Ah yes! I forgot about that part thank you for reminding me Master Sun, what should I request from the Emperor hmm?"

Sun Qian: "Hmm, how about 10.000 Yellow Turbans prisoners as part of a labor rebuilding Xu Province even though they will be used as an army in the future?"

Lie Fan: "That's a pretty good suggestion! Maybe we can ask for that seeing the situation right now Emperor Ling will allow local governments to raise an army to eliminate the Yellow Turbans' remnant"

After discussing that, Lie Fan takes hold of the seal and token indicating him as the Inspector of Xu Province and began to realize that he finally has the strength to change history he knows before to a new page he will write

Sun Qian and Lie Fan began to prepare decorations and plan what they need for the banquet they will hold the next month, They also send letters telling Lie Fan's family to bring some batches of Fruit wine, and beer to become the main beverage of the banquet

With that a month passed by and some things happened, Lie Fan and Wang Yun alongside Xun You petition Emperor Ling about the evidence they found indicating that the 10 attendants are colluding with the Yellow Turbans.

Emperor Ling saw the evidence and was angry promising to punish them, especially Zhang Rang but they doesn't see or hear any big action from the Emperor in which he only scolds them making Wang Yun and Xun You despair as they can foresee the Han Dynasty will be doomed if this situation doesn't change in which Wang Yun began to investigate the 10 attendants deeper

While Lie Fan's army under the leadership of Lu Zhi still stayed at Guangzhong rebuilding the town but they will finish it in 5 days and then return to Luoyang

In the passing Month, Lie Fan's family finally arrived in Luoyang accompanied by Chao Bo and they bring wagons full of fruit wine, and beers for the banquet which helped as their supply of these drinks are running low


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old (184 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 125

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 345 -> 355 ( STR Potion)

VIT: 115 -> 125 ( VIT Potion )

AGI: 122 -> 132 ( AGI Potion)

INT: 135 -> 145 ( INT Potion )

CHR: 90

WIS: 90 -> 100 ( WIS Potion )

WILL: 65 -> 75 ( WILL Potion)

ATR Points: 10


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