Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 44: Rewards and Promotion

Chapter 44: Rewards and Promotion

Lie Fan: "What do Master Sun and Uncle Lu think if I recruited some men from the 150.000 Yellow Turbans as my army and send them back to Huai'An to be trained there and kept hidden from everyone?"

Lu Zhi: "Why do you want to recruit more soldiers? The world will be at peace now that The Yellow Turbans have lost their leader"

Sun Qian: "Can My Lord describe to me what exactly your plan is, there must be something wrong if you wanted to increase the number of your army"

Lie Fan began to describe and embellish a little that even if the Yellow Turban main leaders have been killed the other Yellow Turban will form their groups and become organized bandits because he found out that their number is more than 2 million after Xu Kai managed to found information consisting of their numbers in which was heard when he was spying Zhang Jiao

He also shows the letter Xu Kai found and gave to him containing information about the Yellow Turbans' contact with the 10 attendants showing some members are working together

Lu Zhi: "Oh my 2 million?! We only managed to defeat 500.000-750.000 including their main army, and great job finding those letters that great evidence we got!"

Sun Qian: "My Lord finding these letters can help our case in bringing down the 10 attendants!"

Lu Zhu: "I also allow you to recruit the yellow turbans but up until 10.000 men maximum, no more or less okay?"

Lie Fan: "Thank you, Uncle Lu! Now let's manage the prisoners and the city, the Zhang brother's head has been taken and sent towards Luoyang with Xu Kai as the Envoy, Sun Qian you alongside my generals recruit 10.000 men with our physical criteria and have them go Huai'An led by Chao Bo discretely"

Lie Fan and the others began to organize the rebuilding of the city, at least the houses and important buildings such as markets and granary is being rebuilt so the people can live safely there.

Lie Fan spent 15 days organizing the rebuilding of the city when Xu Kai arrived at Luoyang and presented the heads of Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Bao to Emperor Ling and everyone at the Imperial Court also bringing a letter to reinstate Lu Zhi back to his position

Emperor Ling: "Hahaha! General Lie is still young but already contributed so much in his youth! Our Han Empire is truly blessed to have such a great general!"

Everyone: "It's thanks to Your Majesty's fortune that the Han Dynasty has received such a great general!"

Emperor Ling: "Great! Great! Call General Lie back to Luoyang to receive his reward! General Huangfu, General Zhu, and General Lu will be called back after they finished their respective task to head back to Luoyang to receive their rewards!"

Zhang Rang: "Your Majesty how about General Dong? He also contributed to defeating the Yellow Turbans"

Emperor Ling: "Hoo I forgot about General Dong, thank you Eunuch Zhang for reminding me to call him back also!"

Everyone at the court despises Zhang Rang as they know he was bribed by Doing Zhuo to whisper in Emperor Ling to choose him as the Leader of the reinforcement even though there's another candidate to be chosen

In the Meeting full of officials, 2 people were intrigued by Lie Fan's actions and wanted to meet him to see for themselves this figure that managed to contribute the most to defeat the Yellow Turbans

Xu Kai who received the decree immediately head back to Guangzhong to inform Lie Fan to go back to Luoyang, he spent 10 days riding almost nonstop to reach Guangzhong exhausting himself mentally and physically

Lie Fan was in the command tent alongside his retinue, Lu Zhi, Dong Zhuo, and Li Ru when Xu Kai arrived giving Lie Fan the Imperial Decree and informing them of what the Emperor said in the court

Everyone hearing the news was happy as that meant Lie Fan and Lu Zhi will be rewarded meanwhile Dong Zhuo was angry as he was only remembered by the bastard dog Emperor thanks to Zhang Rang

As only Lie Fan was the one called by The Emperor to come back to Luoyang Immediately, Lie Fan will return accompanied by Xu Kai, his bodyguards, and Sun Qian alongside 100 men from the Guard Battalion as their guards along the way there

Sun Qian delegate his authority to recruit Yellow Turbans soldiers to Huang Zhong, Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba up to a maximum of 10.000 men, their rations will be provided from the Warehouse that Yellow Turbans had and sent in batches to a small village near Guangzhong and when all 10.000 men are recruited Chao Bo will lead them towards Huai'An and the rest of the army will be under the leadership of Lu Zhi

The next day, Lie Fan and his group ride out from the camp to travel back to Luoyang spending 15 days to finally reach the outskirts of Luoyang. Every time Lie Fan sees Luoyang he can't help but feel awed at the majestic city, capital for countless dynasties in China.

Lie Fan enters Luoyang with the sun above their head indicating it's already afternoon and they still have time to meet the Emperor as he was noticed to meet him immediately, they ride towards the Imperial Palace immediately

Arriving at the Palace, Lie Fan was met with a 40-year-old man getting off a carriage Lie Fan who wanted to have a great social connection in the Capital decided to say hello to him as he never saw this man when he cultivate relations before in Luoyang

Lie Fan: "Hello Sir, My name is Lie Fan, son of Lie Shang prefect of Huai'An, I'm General of the Imperial Army may I know your name please?"

Wang Yun: "Hello General Lie Fan, I have heard of your name and you're Old Lie son! I'm Wang Yun the Inspector Of Yu Province, I thank you for freeing Yu Province from the Yellow Turbans alongside General Zhu Jun"

Lie Fan was happy when he heard the name, as Wang Yun is one of the people he searched for before he wanted to meet the famed beauty Diao Chan that will bring Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu into a rivalry that in the end Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo

Lie Fan: "Ah! So it's Master Wang Yun! I wanted to meet you when I'm in Luoyang before but I heard that you have left Luoyang to go to Yu Province"

Wang Yun: "Haha, yes that's true but you can call me Uncle Wang may I know why General Lie wanted to meet me?"

Lie Fan: "Okay Uncle Wang you can call me Little Lie, Well I wanted to cultivate relationships with famed scholars in Luoyang which means including you and Master Cai Yong"

Wang Yun: "I see, so what brought Little Lie to the Palace? Shouldn't you be at the battlefield right now?"

Lie Fan explained the reason why he is not on the battlefield right now, he also insinuates that he knew why Wang Yun come back to Luoyang and what he has founded as he also finds the same thing

Wang Yun was shocked at what Lie Fan said because anyone except him shouldn't know what he found at the same time Lie Fan also found the same thing he found, Lie Fan said to Wang Yun to not report it today, and after he comes back from the palace can he meet Wang Yun at his manor

Wang Yun agrees to Lie Fan's suggestion as he thinks It good to have allies to convince the Emperor especially a General that has contributed many merits to the downfall of The Yellow Turbans

Wang Yun goes back inside his Carriage and heads back to his manor while Lie Fan accompanied by his retinue enters the palace while his 100 Guard Battalion waited outside

Lie Fan meets Eunuch Lu on the way and informed him that he wanted to meet the Emperor while giving him 20.000 taels as a gift, Eunuch Lu immediately smiles and led him towards the Emperor right now.

Lie Fan and his retinue was brought to the east garden of the Palace where he saw Emperor Ling accompanied by who looked like the 10 attendants member and Officials of the court

Eunuch Lu: "Your Majesty, General Lie Fan has arrived to receive Your summon"

Emperor Ling: "Hahaha! General Lie has arrived back! We should celebrate your accomplishment in bringing down the Yellow Turbans' leaders! When we heard what you did we were very happy to receive such a great General!"

Lie Fan: *one knee kneel* "I'm nothing but a lowly general that wanted to defend the integrity of Your Majesty and the Empire! I can accomplish what I have done thanks to. Your Majesty virtue and luck that was bestowed by the Heavens!"

Emperor Ling: "General Lie is too humble, With your accomplishment I reward you with 150.000 taels, an Imperial Manor in Luoyang, you're promoted to the rank of General of the army with the title General Of The Left, and appointed as the Inspector Of Xu Province"

Everyone in there except Lie Fan was shocked by the Emperor's reward to Lie Fan, as Lie Fan is still young but the promotion he achieved is the fastest with the age of 17 years old and already becoming a general and an inspector of a province

Zhang Rang: "Your Majesty, I think that General Lie's promotion is elevated too fast as he is still young, why don't we aim to sign as the Governor of Xiapi or Langye?"

Emperor Ling: "Eunuch Zhang how can we see people of their age?! General Lie has contributed many merits with what he has done for Us! I think that becoming an Inspectornat such young age will be closer to the people than some old timers!"

Emperor Ling is angry when heard what Zhang Rang said, even though he likes Zhang Rang but that doesn't mean he can tell the Emperor that he is wrong so inciting his wrath and everyone there immediately kneel when they saw that Emperor Ling anger


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old

Level: 13

Next Level: 912.000

Renown: 145

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 335 -> 345 (STR potion)

VIT: 105 ->115 (VIT potion)

AGI: 112 ->122 (AGI potion)

INT: 125 ->135 (INT potion)

CHR: 90

WIS: 80 -> 90 (WIS potion)

WILL: 55 -> 65 (WILL potion)

ATR Points: 10


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