Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 43: Yellow Turbans Downfall

Chapter 43: Yellow Turbans Downfall

Dong Zhuo: "Hahaha! General Lie is still young so I understand what you wanted to do, no need to be shy in front of me it's okay to feel that way when your adrenaline is through the roof Haha!

Sun Qian and Lu Zhi at the side sneered at what Dong Zhuo said, they know that Lie Fan will do something crucial to the battle unlike Dong Zhuo sitting there playing with women

Lie Fan hearing what Dong Zhuo said just smiled at him and turn around and walked away toward his tent accompanied by Xu Kai who was complaining about what Dong Zhuo said also talking that his Big Brother would never do that receiving a smile from him

Arriving at his tent, he can hear a muffled sound of a man trying to talk or shout and when he enters he finally meets Zhang Jiao the famed leader of The Yellow Turbans and the starter of the Han dynasty's demise he instructed Bo Cai to take off the cloth used to gag Zhang Jiao's mouth

Lie Fan: "I can finally meet the famed Sir Zhang Jiao, the great leader of the Yellow Turbans! I expect that Sir Zhang Jiao never even thought that your former movement members join my side"

Zhang Jiao: "Who are you?! How dare you kidnap the leader of the Way of Peace movement! And what sorcery or trickery did you use to trick my Followers to serve Han Generals like you?!"

Lie Fan: "Calm down first, You are the leader of Yellow Turbans let's talk about you surrendering and you letting your brothers live or letting them die with you not surrendering rather than talking about sorcery or tricks that I do"

Zhang Jiao hearing the statement Lie Fan made can sense the intimidation and threat coloring the words that come out from Lie Fan, remembering his biological brothers still in there and his promise to their mother to protect them at the same time the movement he made for the betterment of the world he had to choose between the 2 of them

For Lie Fan, His death or surrender doesn't matter as he will get the merits and rewards from the Court on the other hand he will lose his family or everything that he had built onto this point in time

Lie Fan: "I see that you were put in a tight spot, like between two hard rocks but maybe there is an alternative way that you can consider"

Zhang Jiao: "What is it?"

Lie Fan: "You could join my side as an advisor! Your brothers will be saved but you and your brother will have to change your name"

Zhang Jiao: "Joining you?! Haha, the Han dynasty will fall if not because of me but ambitious people like you! I can see your true purpose you don't have to use a mask of justice in front of me"

Lie Fan doesn't expect Zhang Jiao to know his true purpose, only his closest generals know and Sun Qian is still under the illusion that Lie Fan wanted to protect the Han dynasty but Lie Fan is slowly changing his mindset

Lie Fan: "So Sir Zhang Jiao already knew, so why don't we build a better place together? With my power slowly rising and Your intellect the peace of the world you envision will be achieved"

Zhang Jiao was contemplating his choices unsure of what to choose when suddenly a soldier reported the battle from outside the tent with a loud voice

Soldier: "General! The battle is nearing the end as their Vice Generals Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang have been killed! Master Sun Qian ordered me to report this to you as their head was taken by General Chao Bo and brought towards Master Sun!"

Zhang Jiao and Lie Fan inside the tent were shocked as they don't expect that the battle is nearing the end, especially Zhang Jiao hearing the death of his brothers

Zhang Jiao: "Noooo!!!! You promised me Han General that my brothers will be safe!"

Lie Fan: "That's when I give you the choice and you spend the time contemplating what to choose wasting the time to save them!"

Zhang Jiao: "Hahaha so I don't need to choose anymore as my brother has died! Killed me and receive your reward from the bastard Emperor!"

Lie Fan: "Fine it looks like we can't have a conversation anymore seeing the emotion you're in, Bo Cai take my halberd in the weapon stand and bring it here"

Bo Cai heard his name called by Lie Fan and walked toward the weapon rack which contained Lie Fan's halberd when he holds it he can feel the weight of the Halberd heavier than his weapon but Lie Fan can swing it so fast making Bo Cai admire Lie Fan more

Lie Fan: "Zhang Jiao any last words you wanted to say before you joined your brothers in the underworld where your Yellow Turbans rebellion will enter also?"

Zhang Jiao: "Hahaha! I Hope the Han dynasty will fall and chreignseign everywhere causing many people to lose lost their families just like me Hahaha!"

Lie Fan: "Madman! The chaos you hoped will be quelled by me! So watch from your grave where I will become the new Emperor"

After saying that, Lie Fan swung his halberd to decapitate Zhang Jiao, and Zhang Jiao's head flung to the side falling to the ground while blood spurting everywhere.

The death of Zhang Jiao and his brothers signaled the end of the Yellow Turbans, Lie Fan ordered Xu Kai to use the head and showed it to the Yellow Turbans so they can surrender. Xu Kai who obeyed the order before leaving the tent gave Lie Fan the book he found before when they kidnapped Zhang Jiao

Lie Fan receive the book and was delighted to see the content, letters of Yellow Turbans, and 10 attendant members were kept in there. Secret Information and a pact were made between them in exchange for money the 10 attendant members will get from the yellow turbans

Xu Kai takes Zhang Jiao's head and alongside his brother's head were shown to the Yellow Turbans, Yellow Turbans who saw the head of their leaders began to feel despair and surrender to the Han Army as they have lost their leader.

Dong Zhuo curses as all the merits are in Lie Fan's hand and orders Li Ru to investigate where Lie Fan managed to keep the news hidden from him especially with the battle raging on as he got eyes everywhere with his soldiers

Dong Zhuo will never expect Lie Fan hides to have trained expert spies to keep the news hidden at first, when Lie Fan left the tent to go towards the command tent he heard the system notification


[Congratulations Host for Completing the Hidden Quest 'Kill Zhang Jiao' and The Achievement 'See The End Of Yellow Turbans'

Host receives 1.000.000 EXP, 500.000 taels, Lucky Plaque, 5 potions of each attribute (except charm), +2 CHR, 5 anti-aging pills, and Horse God Token

Received the Title Yellow Heaven Subjugator ]

•Yellow Heaven Subjugator

The Man who single-handedly causes the downfall of The Yellow Turbans rebellion ending the dream of the Yellow Heaven replacing the Pale Heaven to bring peace

+50 renown +10 STR +10 AGI +10 INT

+6 WIS +5 WILL

•Lucky Plaque

A plaque that can be used for a business name plaque increasing the Fengshui of the store, bringing 30% more income, and will always have customer

•Horse God Token

The token that was given by the God Of Horses to the host can be exchanged for 5.000 Mongolian horses will be delivered by horse merchants to the host when the token is used

Lie Fan standstill in shock as he sees the rewards he receives as they are the biggest ones he has seen, especially the Horse God Token and the anti-aging pills as this will prevent his physical appearance to grow older longer than others

Bo Cai and Zhang Mancheng were confused as to why Lie Fan suddenly stopped and stood still looking at the front, Bo Cai called for him making Lie Fan remember that he was still outside so he continue to the command tent

Entering the command tent, Lie Fan saw Lu Zhi, Sun Qian, Dong Zhuo, and Li Ru discussing what to do with the surrendered Yellow Turbans soldiers as they were massive in numbers

Dong Zhuo: "Hahaha 150.000 men surrendered to us! Why don't we just kill all of them and be done with it!"

Lu Zhi: "General Dong is too crude, killing that many peasants will only make the people of the country hate the Empire releasing them back to their homeland is the only way"

Sun Qian: "I agree with what Master Lu says, we can give them some rations as their food to journey back to their home, and if this city is their home then we help them build some makeshift houses as a place to stay while the Emperor will send officials to began to rebuild the city"

Li Ru: "Why don't we use them first to rebuild the city without paying and giving food to them, this is their punishment for rebelling against the empire!"

Lie Fan: "I agree with Master Li's plan but we still give them some food as compensation, 150.000 Men the rebuilding of the city will be much faster and the Yellow Turbans have a massive warehouse storing enough food to supply them"

With what Lie Fan suggests everyone agrees and Dong Zhu began to see Lie Fan as an adversary or a threat to his growing power, After talking for a while the meeting ended, and Dong Zhuo with Li Ru left the tent to see his army while Lie Fan told Sun Qian and Lu Zhi to stay as he has something he wanted to talk about with them

Lie Fan: "What do Master Sun and Uncle Lu think if I recruited some men from the 150.000 Yellow Turbans as my army and send them back to Huai'An to be trained there and kept hidden from everyone?"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Turbans Nemesis -> Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 17 Years Old

Level: 11 -> 13

Next Level: 412.000 -> 912.000

Renown: 75 -> 95 -> 145

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 141.700


STR: 325 -> 335

VIT: 105

AGI: 102 -> 112

INT: 114 -> 125

CHR: 88 -> 90

WIS: 74 -> 80

WILL: 50 -> 55

ATR Points: 0 -> 10


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