Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 247: Starting Over

Chapter 247: Starting Over

"I am surprised that worked," Ashlock mused as he felt heaven establish a connection between himself and Julian. It felt similar to when the Redclaws swore an oath to the Ashfallen Sect. "Since anything to do with Ashfallen is linked to me, they will be oath-bound to me even if they didn't know of my existence through these divine ink contracts."

Ashlock watched Julian spend the next minute expressing his immense gratitude to Elder Brent and the Ashfallen Trading Company for his new position and his surprise to be receiving a house. The man had been staying with his family in one of the servant rooms inside the White Stone Palace. There was no reason he couldn't continue to live there, but Ashlock was keen to separate groups of people as much as possible to avoid sensitive activities leaking to lower chains of command. Even with the ethereal chains wrapped around his heart and soul to enforce the oath of secrecy, not everyone was under a similar oath. Julian's wife and daughter were such examples.

"That heavenly ink contract took a lot of convincing from Kaida as it was a bit of a rushed job, and I woke him up from a nap. In retaliation, he refused to make any more unless he could see the people himself." Ashlock would shake his head if he could. Of course, he could demand the Lindwyrm to make them anyway; Kaida was enslaved by the system, but Ashlock didn't feel like it. He liked to treat everyone under him as equally as he could... well, except Stella. She got special treatment, which was likely corrupting her attitude a bit. Maple was also a bit harder to order around.

"Nobody would believe the daughter and wife if they went around claiming I had a way to turn them from a mortal into a cultivator anyway. Due to the oath, Julian cannot share anything he learns with his family, so it should be fine." Ashlock obviously expected the two ex-mortals to visit Kaida for contracts. "All those trivial benefits I added should entice them to bind their souls to the Ashfallen Sect."

They certainly wouldn't be trivial to Julian, but a single bottle of pills, a handful of spirit stones, and a single fruit a month was nothing for Ashlock to concern himself with.

"You better get going," Elder Brent gestured to the door, "The speech starts soon."

"Thank you again. I will get my wife and daughter to hear the Grand Elder's profound words." Julian gave another bow and then left with measured strides. He was a true businessman who knew how to please his higher-ups.

"He's perfect for the job. Not only does he have prior experience, but he is also easy to win over with such few resources." Ashlock didn't even want to think about how much someone like Sebastian would demand to fill the position. "Also, since he is now a cultivator, if he eventually reaches the higher realms and extends his lifespan, he can hold that position for a long time without us having to waste time finding a new person."

Ashlock watched Julian strode through the hallway of the White Stone Palace and drag his confused wife and excited daughter to the square. Even while not being watched by the Elder, Julian respected the maids and other Redclaws as he passed them by giving them nods.

"Immortal, are you there?" Elder Brent asked the ceiling in the meeting room while eating a Mind Fortress pill.

"Yes, I am here," Ashlock replied through {Abyssal Whispers}.

"I apologize for calling out to you like that, but would it be possible for me to stay behind this time?" Elder Brent requested, "I know I am on the cusp of reaching the Star Core Realm, but I would rather watch over the Ashfallen City's development and ensure everything goes smoothly than go to the Mystic Realm. It simply wouldn't sit right with me."

"Just admit you dislike cultivating," Ashlock replied and held back a laugh when he saw Elder Brent freeze. He had noticed that Elder Brent seemed strangely behind his peers despite all the boosts he had been receiving. "Don't worry. Everyone has their own interests and strengths. I will want you to reach the Star Core Realm eventually, but I was wondering who I would leave in charge while everyone is gone and if you are volunteering..."

Elder Brent wearily smiled and scratched the back of his neck, "I always found cultivating incredibly dull since I was a child and never had much talent for it. So yes, I am happy to volunteer to stay behind."

"Fine, I will have you manage Ashfallen City over the next week alongside the other Redclaws. The place will need some policing as there will be rampant crime. The people are desperate, and the houses are far from secure."

"Thank you," Elder Brent bowed and went to the door to follow after Julian toward the square. The speech was about to begin.


"Darling, where are we going? Are we going to be okay? Hey... speak to me. Did the meeting with the Elder go well?"

Julian slowed his hurried steps and smiled warmly at his wife Catherine, who was a step behind with their daughter Jasmine.

"We are going to meet up with the others from Slymere and hear what the Redclaw Grand Elder has in mind for us." Julian ruffled Jasmine's hair as she also seemed concerned and quiet, "As for the meeting with the esteemed Elder Brent, it went more than well. I've been given a job by the leader of this placedon't give me that faceI have never seen such a generous offer. We are going to be fine, trust me. More than fine."

Catherine's gaze seemed to burrow into his soul in search of lies. They had been together for more than twenty years, so he could only smile wider when he saw the look of relief wash over her after finding his enthusiasm genuine.

"Oh, thank the heavens," Catherine looked down at Jasmine, "Did you hear that Jaz? Daddy has got a job with the cultivators."

"When can I be a cultivator too?" Jasmine asked innocently while looking between the two of them with expectant eyes. "I want to fly!"

Julian crouched down to meet his daughter's eyes and grinned. He was almost too excited to tell them the good news that his precious family would also be able to cultivate, and best of all, he could watch them progress from the side rather than down in a mine working off an impossible debt.

"You will be able to cultivate soon. It's a very expensive process, but Elder Brent said that you and Mommy can also receive pills and guidance for cultivation if you meet Kaida and sign a contract like I did."

"Kaida? Who's that?" Jasmine practically had stars in her eyes. Every kid's dream was to soar through the sky on a sword and challenge the heavens, so he wasn't surprised at her excitement.

"I'm not sure myself, but I'm sure we can meet them sometime soon." Julian reached out his hand, and Jasmine took it. "Now come with me to the square. You can ride on Dad's shoulders to get a good view."

The rest of the journey through the long, straight hallways of the White Stone Palace was walked in silence. Julian nodded to everyone he passed, whether mortal servants or members of the noble Redclaw family. The fact he could even walk these halls was a privilege, and he knew his place.

What's with this pressure, though? Julian wondered. It's like something up ahead is weighing down on the world.

"Dad, why is walking hard," Jasmine said while panting a little.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

"Perhaps a powerful cultivator is nearby" Julian caught his tongue as a door to his side swung open, and a tall man in white robes stepped out. His hair, which looked like real strands of silver, cascaded down his back.

What is a Silverspire doing here? Julian held his breath. Wait, that's a stupid question. How else would the Ashfallen Trading Company function without a connection with the Silverspires?

The cultivator didn't react to their presence and simply walked past. A floating snake of liquid silver orbited his body at all times, and as he left, the pressure subsided.

"Daddy, who was that."

"Not now, Jasmine." Julian picked up Jasmine, put her on his shoulders, and increased his pace to reach the square in time for the speech. Elder Brent made me forget that not all cultivators will look you in the eye with a smile.


The large market square where the rest of Slymere's populace had been camping out since the rescue was bustling with activity. Redclaws stood at the entrance to each street leading off the square and simply waved Julian and his family through without much fuss. Glancing around, Julian saw thousands of people in large groups, likely people from the same neighborhoods judging from their clothes.

A warm blanket of air was spread over the entire square to help the people resist the winter winds that were more than brutal at this insane height.

Slymere was only half as tall as this mountain, and even then, we needed expensive formations around our home to deal with the winter winds.

"People of Slymere, I request your attention." A sudden voice boomed over the entire square, causing everyone, including Julian, to look to the skies. Floating overhead on a sword wreathed in crimson flames was a man donning a dark red robe.

"I am the Grand Elder of the Redclaw family, and I come bringing good news." The man cleared his throat, and nobody dared to utter a word when such a man spoke. "Those who wished to return to Slymere have already left for Darklight City to await the next airship transport. Therefore, all of you here have decided to leave Slymere for good with no plans to return."

Everyone exchanged exhausted and sad glances, and Julian felt a pang in his heart. He was the lucky one here as he had run into Mistress Stella and been given a new lease on life after facing near-certain death. But these people have been waiting patiently to hear their fate. The heavens were rarely kind to those deemed unfit to wield the unlimited power of the world's Qi. As an ex-mortal, Julian knew the despair of the people before him. They did not have the power to change their fate and instead had to rely on the godly cultivators for guidance and protection.

The Grand Elder spread his arms, "As you all choose to remain here, let me warmly welcome you. The wrathful lightning storm over Slymere may have been sudden, and our decision to save you all was potentially rash. But fear not. Our esteemed leader of the Ashfallen Trading Company has used his immense powers and resources to construct a new city overnight to house you all."

What?! Julian exchanged a look with his wife, and she seemed equally confused. A city for all of these people in a single night? Is that even possible? I have overseen construction projects before, and it would have taken hundreds of earth cultivators to pull that off. How deep are the Ashfallen Trading Companies' pockets to create a city overnight to house mortals? Also, I was under the assumption we would be shipped off to Darklight City, not given a new home...

Excited murmurs broke out despite the Grand Elder not having finished speaking. This showed how baffled everyone was since they dared gossip when a powerful cultivator floated overhead and wasn't done talking.

"The reason for the city's construction is simple." The Grand Elder continued, silencing everyone. "As many of you left your homes with nothing but the clothes on your back and little coin, sending you all into Darklight City would cause the mortal council that oversees the city a headache."

"With this in mind, the Ashfallen Trading Company has decided to provide free housing and also free food to you all throughout the winter. Now, don't get too excited; the houses are nothing but stone huts. The food will mostly consist of mushrooms you can eat from the trees, though we will also provide daily produce from the villages to the east."

Nothing is free in this world. What's the catch. Julian had experienced the Redclaws and Ashfallen's kindness, but even he was still skeptical no matter how basic the homes and dull the food. No cultivator gave mortals things for free. I thought they only treated me well because I am now a cultivator, but perhaps that kindness even extends to mortals?

"Now, I am sure everyone is skeptical. Why would we provide such things to you? Well, there are two answers." The Grand Elder paused, and Julian felt like he was hanging on his every word, "The first is because we can. Making homes was easy for us, and there is plenty of food due to the lively forest that covers the land that stimulates crop growth. The second reason, however, is a little more practical. The Ashfallen Trading Company has been outsourcing its work to the mortals of Darklight City, but they are jobs that would better suit the people of Slymere. Therefore, in the coming months, the Ashfallen Trading Company will offer jobs to the citizens of Ashfallen Cityyour new home."

A portal rippled into existence directly under the Grand Elder, much like the one Julian had used to escape the city days earlier. Through the purple hue rift that tore through space, Julian could see a wide stone road flanked by buildings on either side and red leaf trees?

"Before you all explore your new home, there are a few things I want to say." The Grand Elder said, "We ask that those who plan to run shops inhabit the houses closest to the road to stimulate commerce. There are also houses up in the mountains for those who prefer a quieter existence away from the noise of a city, and there are also some below ground in the mine. To make living underground more appealing, those who reside down in the mine will have complete access to the mine with no taxes."

Julian noticed a more shifty group of industry workers exchange a knowing grin.

"Food will be delivered at midday and distributed from carts on the central road. You can travel and work in Darklight City if you wish, and you can also upgrade or change your houses however you want within reason. However, you may not harm or chop down any trees." The Grand Elder's piercing gaze swept over everyone present, "I have no doubt crime will run rampant. My family, including an Elder, will keep watch, so approach them with any issues. Let's keep safe and make it through this winter alive while making Ashfallen City a place worth living."

A silence fell over the square as everyone waited for the Grand Elder to finish.

"Oh... and it's first come, first serve on the housing, so best of luck."

More portals rippled to life across the square. It didn't even take a few seconds for people to dash toward their nearest one.

Julian grabbed Catherine's hands and jogged toward the nearest portal that had appeared just behind them. Jasmine clung to his head tightly.

"This is crazy," Catherine shouted over the stampede, "How can they decide who lives where this way?"

"I agree, but how else could they do it? Off money? Status? Age? There are a hundred thousand people here, and the cultivators certainly don't care enough to talk to each of us and assign housing."

"Honey," Catherine squeezed his hand, "Did you forget we are cultivators too?"

Julian turned to smile as they ran through the portal, "We may be in body, but not yet in mind. Look at us; we are running to go live with our fellow mortals rather than staying up here."

The world around Julian rippled, and he felt his ears pop as the air pressure changed. The temperature also went up alongside the overwhelming smell of nature. On either side of him were the rows of the houses that flanked the main road.

We don't need a house near the main road. I want somewhere safe and quiet where we can all cultivate. Julian looked up at the towering mountain and saw houses nestled among the trees. Deciding that was perfect, he made his way through the chaotic, narrow streets and began his climb.

"Not getting tired?" Julian asked Jasmine after a while, and the little girl shook her head. "Really? These steps are steep."

"I don't get tired anymore," Jasmine declared with a grin, "Cultivators can run forever!"

She's not wrong. I haven't felt this full of energy in all my life. We are at the bottom of the barrel of cultivation, yet I already feel like I could run up these steps as if I were decades younger.

After a while of not seeing anyone, Julian looked over his shoulder and saw a few groups of people far behind, also moving to higher ground, and they all had one thing in common. Their clothes were of high quality.

They are all the nobles of Slymere. I even recognize some of them. Julian couldn't help but laugh. Was it so ingrained in Slymere's noble culture that the higher up the mountain they were, the higher their social standing? I suppose I am doing the same, though it was for a different reason.

"Darling, how about this one?" Catherine's voice drew his attention. She was standing before a stone house that looked identical to all the others they had passed, but it was built on a rock outcrop that jutted out of the mountain, and it was hidden from the houses above it by the beautiful scarlet-leaved tree that overshadowed it.

"It's perfect," Julian walked into the empty shell of a house. There were no windows besides the doorway and a hole that led into the basement. Jumping down to look, he saw it was just as bare as the upstairs, except there was a hole in the corner that was likely the toilet.

"Okay, we will take a walk to Darklight City first thing in the morning," Julian called up through the hole and chuckled when Jasmine poked her head through with a cute smile. "We might as well use some of our funds to flesh this place out.

"I agree," Catherine replied as she scooped up Jasmine in a hug, "At least a door would be nice."


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