Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 246: Heavenly Contract

Chapter 246: Heavenly Contract

Ashlock saw no reason to deny Douglas's request. If the Mudcloaks advanced their cultivation in the Mystic Realm, future construction projects would be completed even faster.

"I have no issues with that, but can I ask why?" Ashlock was curious why Douglas wanted to care for a thousand Mudcloaks as he couldn't imagine their presence would make cultivation easy. It was on par with trying to meditate and relax while taking your kids to Disneyland.

"They have told me stories of their home realm," Douglas said with a distant look, "The Mudcloaks used to live together in a sort of city that spanned the entire continent, but then the kobolds arrived. These ferocious dog-like monsters have enough intellect to avoid the Mudcloak's traps and siege their defenses. While in the mines, I witnessed how outmatched the Mudcloaks were compared to these kobolds. A single one could slaughter a whole group of Mudcloaks with ease."

Douglas paused momentarily before balling his fist, "I want to save them all. These guys are a mere fraction of the Mudcloak population, and every day that passes, the other Mudcloaks are fighting a losing battle. If I don't fight for them, then these will be the last of their species."

"I see," Ashlock replied. "So you wish to enter Dragonite Mines realm again to save more Mudcloaks?"

Douglas nodded, "Yes, and hopefully bring them back here where they can be safe."

"That's a plan I can get behind. Actually, I will even come with you this time. I can't have you waging a war against a superior enemy alone. I would hate for these Mudcloaks to die trying to save their kind."

"You will come with me?" Douglas raised a brow, "How?"

"I will have Willow float overhead. All you have to do is get the Mudcloaks to run aboveground so I can portal them out." Ashlock explained, "Of course, my Bastion will be useless underground in the mines."

Douglas chuckled, "The fact a spirit tree can help me win a war in another realm is already ridiculous enough. If you could also help me underground, that would be even more absurd."

"Well, I might not be able to help you directly in the mines through Willow, but I'm sure Khaos would make short work of those kobolds."

Douglas's eyes widened, "That's... almost unfair. The kobolds are strong compared to Mudcloaks, but compared to your Ents, they are like bugs."

"I was never one to play fair." Ashlock summoned a portal before Douglas that led to Red Vine Peak. "If everything is finished here, then there's no time to waste. As much as I love the Mudcloaks, I don't want the mortals seeing them, so you will have to leave before the mortals can move in here."

"Aye, we will take our leave." Douglas turned to face all the sleepy Mudcloaks, "Wake up! The boss has rewarded us! He is willing to help us wage war against the kobolds in your home realm in honor of all your hard work. With his overwhelming strength, victory will be assured, and we can save every last Mudcloak from the kobold claws."

Ashlock was left in shock as the Mudcloaks that looked half dead, including the ones that were face-planting the ground, sprung up as if revitalized.

"War! War! War!" Some chanted while others were even more passionate, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Douglas led the spirited group through the portal. Due to how many there were, it would take a while, so Ashlock left them to do their thing and focused back on the demonic trees littered throughout Ashfallen City. He had fused his roots with them overnight, so he could now cast his production skills on them much like he had done with those in Darklight City in the past.

The demonic trees already had Blaze Serpent Rose growing from the roots coiling around their tree's trunks, so that was one less thing he had to spend Qi on.

"Honestly, trying to further my cultivation by gathering Qi under the nine moons and avoiding expending Qi is far too slow. My Star Core is so big that it will take months to advance a single stage. I know I cultivate quickly compared to other cultivators, but I would rather hunt and kill for Qi in the Mystic Realm. Much faster, even for me, who likes to laze around." Ashlock paused from a realization, "No wonder cultivators are so grumpy all the time. I would be too if I sat in a cave in silence for a week gathering Qi just to waste it the moment I step out because someone is trying to kill me."

Ashlock activated {Magic Mushroom Production} and highlighted all of the demonic trees within Ashfallen City. "God, this will cost so much Qi, but I already wasted a load on floating hundreds of trees overnight with telekinesis. I'm in too deep at this point, so I might as go all the way to making Ashfallen City as livable as possible."

Scrolling through the production menu, Ashlock found the oyster mushrooms that looked like a stack of grey pancakes he had grown on the trees in Darklight City. Opening the editor, he decided to add some flavor to them. The mortals had suffered enough by having their homes obliterated and their loved ones or friends killed, so forcing them into stone homes with nothing but bland-tasting mushrooms around them seemed a step too cruel, even for his frugal self.

"An earthy yet enjoyable taste should be palatable," Ashlock ignored how the Qi cost almost doubled. "It's fine; once the mushrooms are grown, it takes very little of my Qi to replace them when eatenactually, my offspring should be able to handle upkeep costs now that they are all in the Soul Fire Realm."

Mentally pressing the accept button, he felt Qi being drained from his Star Core through the root network as the oyster mushrooms rapidly grew from the roots that wrapped around the trunks of his offspring.

"Is it weird that watching this makes me feel like a god?" Ashlock wondered as he switched to {Blooming Root Flower Production}. The place was already warmed up by the fire Qi from the scarlet-leaved trees decorated in roses. But he wanted the place to feel even prettier to mask the soullessness of the housing situation. Darklight City had significantly benefited from the cherry blossoms, so he decided to go with them again.

After another round of Qi was pulled from his Star Core, and the cherry blossoms bloomed alongside the oyster mushrooms, the place finally felt like somewhere worth living. It was almost baffling to think this had been a desolate and flat area outside an abandoned mine just yesterday, but now was a city of twenty thousand homes nestled among a forest of demonic trees.

"Nature really does bring out the beauty in things sometimes," Ashlock was glad he had decided to spend some Qi on the flowers. "You know... Ashfallen City may not be much yet, but I can already see some uses for it. The location would be ideal for running a branch of the Ashfallen Trading Company that sells to mortals, and then the branch that sells to cultivators could be built up on White Stone Peak."

After his experience with Nox, Ashlock didn't want to conduct business anywhere near Red Vine Peak. The more the business and sect activities were removed from Red Vine Peak, the better, as he didn't wish to bring attention to himself.

"I could even have the mortals of Ashfallen City work for my Trading Company," Ashlock realized, "We have been buying pill bottles and ornate wooden boxes from crafters in Darklight City, but perhaps that industry could be moved to Ashfallen City? Slymere was known as the artistic capital of the Blood Lotus Sect, and it's where Stella and Diana traveled to buy clothes so they could make even better goods."

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Ashlock felt much more optimistic about his actions over the last two days. Not only pill bottles and boxes for the pill business, but he could also pay for them to make robes for the cultivators under the Ashfallen Sect.

"What about the Mudcloaks? Do they need cutlery and things? What if they want clothes or shoes?" Ashlock realized he was getting a little ahead of himself, but the possibilities kept piling up. "Though if I concentrate so much on a single small city, that could be risky..."

This would be true if the city wasn't on the doorstep of the very loyal Redclaw family and only a mountain peak away from him. "Not to mention, I could turn one of the trees in the city into a Bastion and fly the city away if it got in trouble. Wow, that is a ridiculous thought. I wonder what affinity the tree should be? A fire affinity tree sounds like a bad idea, as the mortals would be cooked to death by a fire Qi shield..."

A thought for another time. The mortals were still suffering on the mountain peak, and Douglas had finally finished leading all the Mudcloaks through the portal to Red Vine Peak.

Casting his gaze through {Eye of the Tree God} on the White Stone Palace, he soon found the Grand Elder discussing with his Elders.

"Grand Elder," Ashlock said, "Ashfallen City is ready to start accepting the mortals."

His mouth fell open in shock mid-conversation with the other Elders.

"Grand Elder, are you okay?" Elder Margret asked with concern.

"More than okay," The Grand Elder recovered and waved them off, "I just received great news. Ashfallen City is apparently ready to accept the mortals." He then looked to the sky, "Patriarch, is there anything you want me to do?"

"Can you give them a speech?"

"Absolutely, just tell me what to say."

"Okay, it will go like this... oh, also, inform those mortals that Stella turned into cultivators that I have a job for them."


"You have experience in business; is that correct, Julian?"

Julian nodded as he met the gaze of the powerful cultivator opposite him. The man who introduced himself as Elder Brent was at the peak of the Soul Fire Realm. Just a single step away from forming a literal star in his body. An existence that Julian could only bow his head before and tremble.

Yet Elder Brent didn't sneer or look down upon him despite the vast gap between them, which was a stark difference to how he had been treated when interacting with the Voidmind family. Even the servants of that darn family treated us like bugs beneath their shoes.

"I have been told that Mistress Stella took pity upon you and gifted you the ability to cultivate," Elder Brent said simply, "Is this true?"

Julian bowed his head deeply, "Yes. Not only did the esteemed Mistress save my family from deathshe even gifted us a new life. I fear it is a debt that my family and I will be unable to pay back in our lifetime."

"I wouldn't be so sure; you see, Mistress Stella's father is an immortal who runs a sect and an alchemy guild under the banner of Ashfallen." Elder Brent explained while sifting through a stack of parchments in his hand, "Despite Stella's whimsical generosity, I hope you understand turning a mortal into a cultivator isn't something ordinarily possible."

"I understand"

"Actually, forget ordinary," Elder Brent cut him off, "You might be the only family in recorded history since the last Era of Ascension to have shed your mortal shells and stepped onto the path of defying the heavens."

It was that serious? Was a mortal turning into a cultivator really such a rare feat? Now that Elder Brent mentions it, I have never heard of such a thing happening before. Otherwise, the rich mortals I worked with would have become cultivators instead of hiring ones to guard them.

The image of Stella in his mind elevated from a carefree rich cultivator who saved them because she was bored to a mysterious figure with a terrifying background. To do something that hadn't happened in recorded history on a whim was not something that even the Patriarch could achieve.

"That truffle you and your family enjoyed is rare. Even most of our Redclaw family, who have served the immortal and the Ashfallen Sect for a while, have yet to get even a slice of one." Elder Brent continued without ever breaking eye contact, making Julian feel locked in place, "Suffice to say, despite it being given on a whim and in good faith, we hope you will serve the Ashfallen Sect and Trading Company to pay back this immense debt."

Julian bowed deeply once more, a tactic he had learned when dealing with cultivators. They demanded respect above all else, and their words were not disputable. Even though he was now technically a cultivator, he knew his place.

"This humble one understands. Just say the word, and I will strive to fulfill your wishes." Julian said, "It is a debt my family can never hope to repay, so say the word, and it will be done."

I may be locked in a life of slave labor to this man or this Ashfallen Sect, but at least my future children will have a higher chance of awakening as cultivators. They can carry my family name far into the future while I watch on proudly from the afterlife.

Elder Brent smiled and placed a parchment before him, "I am glad you are so understanding, Julian. This here is a contract drafted in heavenly ink. If you insert some of your Qi into the words, the contract will honoured by the heavens and sealed to your soul."

Julian shivered. The dreaded slave contract was worse than he feared. Raising his head, he respectfully picked up the contract as if it were the most precious thing he had ever held and carefully read the terms. Not because he had plans to deny whatever was written here but to buy time. He found it far too embarrassing to admit he had no idea how to circulate his Qi.

"Take your time reading over it."

Julian let out a sigh of relief and did just that. It didn't take long for him to grow confused. Where was the slave contract? Other than a clause that demanded his secrecy regarding anything to do with the Ashfallen Sect's higher-ups and operations and his loyalty to the Ashfallen Sect, nothing else was written except benefits. Such as how many cultivation resources he and his family would be allocated each month.

This wasn't a slave contract at all... it was a very generous work contract. His position was apparently 'Head of Logistics' for the mortal branch of the Ashfallen Trading company.

"Is this real?" Julian uttered in total disbelief. "I thought I had to repay the debt for the rest of my life? Why are there employee benefits and pay listed here?"

Elder Brent shrugged, "The immortal has odd ways of doing things sometimes. Personally, I wouldn't complain and sign before anyone reconsiders."

Julian glanced down at the parchment again. Only the top two paragraphs that spoke of his loyalty and secrecy were written in an ink that seemed to shimmer under the light and carried a hard-to-describe profoundness. The rest of the contract about his benefits was written in faded ink that he was so used to reading.

So, the top part is written in heaven-binding ink and should act like an oath. Meanwhile, the benefits are written in ordinary ink, so the Ashfallen Sect isn't heaven-bound to pay me. It's not ideal, but it's far better than expected. I am still baffled they don't want me to work in the mines till I die to repay them.

"Elder Brent, I must confess, as much as I want to sign..."

"Mhm?" The man raised a brow, "What's the matter? I believe the terms are more than fair."

"It's not that! The terms are almost too good to be true. It's just... I have no idea how to cycle my Qi."

Elder Brent had a look of realization and stood, "As a freshly awakened cultivator, that was to be expected. Let me teach you." He walked around the table and grabbed Julian's wrist between two fingers.

"Just relax. Breathe in and out; I will handle the cycling."

"Okay." Julian closed his eyes and did as instructed. A liquid warmth spread through his body from his wrist, leaving a strange tingling sensation.

"Your spirit roots are still undeveloped and that of an untalented cultivator despite awakening. Without further assistance from the immortal, you would stall in the middle of the Soul Fire Realm due to impurities no matter how hard you tried." Elder Brent explained, "I have stimulated your spirit roots, so Qi should flow naturally now."

"How can I control it?" Julian asked.

"Control not with your mind, but rather with your soul." Elder Brent said slowly, "Use your willpower to command it. Qi is often mistaken for blood because of how it flows through the body, but that couldn't be further from it. Qi is a spiritual energy that's unbound by the flesh."

Julian attempted to do as Elder Brent instructed. Instead of trying to command the Qi like he would his lungs to breathe, he tried begging it to move to his fingers. It was sluggish, but he felt the tingling sensating flow from the center of his body and down his hand to his fingertips.

Planting his hand on the parchment, he tried to force the Qi into the ink, and his eyes widened as the ink at the top began to glow a heavenly gold and seemed to jump off the page and into his chest. A cold spiritual chain wrapped around his heart and soul, and he could feel the weight of the heavens judging him from above. The oath of secrecy and loyalty to the Ashfallen Sect and Trading Company had been imposed.

"Welcome to the Ashfallen Sect, Julian," Elder Brent said while patting his shoulder, "Now, if your wife and daughter wish to sign a contract with the Ashfallen Sect to receive benefits and perhaps even a job, they should visit Kaida."

"Kaida? Where can I find this person?"

Elder Brent chuckled, "Kaida is no person. He is something much more... but that's beside the point. The Redclaw Grand Elder is about to give a speech in the square and show everyone to their new homes. You wouldn't want to miss out on being allocated a home, right?"

Julian blinked in confusion. "Wait, I get a house?"


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