Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 159 Commotion

The sound of commotion could be heard throughout the hallway. The workers ran around, saving themselves, while the warriors with their spears moved towards the source of the fuss.

"Stop that thing!"

"Who is she?"

"Healer! Call the healer! Transport the wounded!"

The shouts of the antfolk warriors echoed out, intermingled with the sounds of banging and clashing metal. A redhead woman seemed to be dancing with a large scythe. Each swing of it killed dozens of lives of the antfolk warriors who were trying to stop her.

The ants, they bounced in various directions, their bodies torn apart and blood staining the hallway. Watching their comrades being slaughtered like cattle, they trembled.

There was only one antfolk who could withstand. Yandez, the chief warrior, he fought in the ranks. Even so, the mighty ants were unable to stand the duchess's rampage.

"Scram all of you!"

Alyna roared lion-worthy. She was unstoppable, taking down anything in her way. The woman swung the large scythe in her hand like it was nothing. Bringing down the strongest antfolk in this tower.

In the midst of the duchess's ferocity in slaughtering the antfolk, they suddenly burst into cheers.

"Look! We have help!"


A group of antfolk in gray armor jumped into the battle. They quickly helped Yandez who was fighting alone.

"Attack the target! That redhead alien! Finish it!"

Kaies exclaimed. A line of Queensguard consisting of 50 antfolk warriors rushed at Alyna. The queen's entire guardian force was mobilized. They fought together with the antfolk warriors under Yandez's command.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The shrill sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the hallway. Some of the stone-armored antfolk warriors retreated to the back, securing their wounded comrades and guarding the healers. Others fought alongside the Queesguard.

Kaies and Yandez, those two began to dominate the battle. The queensguard's presence was enough to give the duchess a hard time.

The head queenguard acted as a distraction. His high responsiveness and reflexes allowed him to dodge every deadly attack Alyna threw at him. On the other hand, Yandez, who had great strength but lack of agility, acted as a damage dealer.

The combination of these two different fighting styles made Alyna frown throughout the battle. Besides, the other antfolk were targeting her blind spot.

Actually, Alyna could use lightning magic to wipe out the entire antfolk warriors that surrounded her. However, she chose to save her mana, considering she was alone.

Not a wise decision for an all-out battle.

The battle was not over yet, another troublesome enemy appeared.

A golden-haired woman with oak-like skin appeared at the edge of the battle. The antfolk warriors and healers at the back of the line were glued on the woman.

"R... Queen?"

"The Queen is coming to the battle."

"She came alone."

Instantly, the antfolk warriors were excited. Some of them seemed to be kowtowing to welcome their queen.

Queen Kaileena with a crystal in her hand walked to the edge of the battle. She looked at the condition of the antfolk around her, then a low hiss came out of her mouth.

She mumbled, and soon a magic circle and green light appeared on the floor. The antfolk's wounds healed quickly when exposed to the light. With amazed faces, they found their previously injured arms and legs had recovered. Even some antfolk who had lost one of their arms suddenly grew back.

"My ant warriors! Your queen has come. Come back to fight. Don't be afraid, I am here. As long as I live, you will not die!"

Cheering voices filled the hallway, praising their Queen.




The soldiers' morale has risen. The Queen will definitely not waste this opportunity.

"Attack!" she exclaimed.

The antfolk warriors who had been on the ground got up and charged at their enemy. They assisted Kaies and Yandez who were holding back Duchess Alyna's ferocity.

"For the queen!"

Madly, they threw themselves into death. Alyna might be alone, but the woman was enough to finish off hundreds of antfolk. Her scythe continued cut through the antfolk who had lost their minds.

Slash! Slash! Slash!


Dozens of antfolk were killed in seconds, but they kept charging. Queen Kaileena muttered in the back row, casting healing magic so that the warriors would not fear death.

Kaies and Yandez took this opportunity to catch their breath. They rested, healing their wounds with the help of the healer.

This was the strategy used by Kaileena.

She utilized weak pawns to drain the opponent's power, while her truff cards were saved for later. Queen Kaileena's battle strategy was attrition.

Slash! Slash! Slash!


Three ants were split in two. Some of their blood splashed on the duchess's face.

"Crazy ants!"

Realizing that this battle would take a long time, Alyna decided to retreat for a moment. The strength and mana in her body were draining slowly. If she continued, her risk of death would increase.

"Damn it!"

Slash! Splat-!

After slashing down one antfolk, she quickly retreated. The woman darted like a bullet, away from the swarm of antfolk.

Of course, Kaileena was not going to remain silent.

"Don't let it get away!"




​ Outside the tower, the crystals attached to the cave ceiling were not lit. As far as the eye could see, there was only darkness.

Two demons looked up at the soaring tower. One demon had a human-like appearance, with copper-like skin and white curly hair like sheep's wool. Next to him was a demon that had a human body, but a goat's head.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" replied the human-looking demon. His companion seemed glued on the spire.

"The sound of commotion. There's a battle going on up there."

"Is that Lady Alyna?"

The goat-head demon nodded. "Yes, considering her nature. I heard she burned down a small settlement in Mongolia. That must be her."

The human-faced demon squinted. "You're right. Let's go in."

The two of them entered the tower gate which was unguarded.

On the other side of the belly of the cave, in a line of trees and bushes, a group of black-robed men hid in the darkness of the night.

Among them, there was a man with silver hair. He put both hands on his back waist, his eyes glued on the tower.

"Lord Gavin... Are we going in there?"

His ears caught a soft female voice. A black robe woman stood behind him.

Gavin was still silent. His eyes were still glued to the towering building.

"Should I scan it? To find the baby qilin," said the black-robed woman.

Gavin shook his head. "No. Using your scanning magic will only alert the enemy to an attack. We don't know what's inside the tower yet."

The black-robed woman squeezed one of her hands, she looked curious.

"We'll wait," Gavin added. "Until we have enough information."

The black-robed woman nodded, she returned to the back with the other black-robed men. They were waiting for their leader, Gavin, to make a decision.




Bam! Bam! Bam!


"No! No!"

"Forgive me!"

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Gunshots echoed repeatedly in the throne room. The supposedly luxurious and sacred place was covered in blood. The male antfolks lay on the floor in a mess. Some were already dead. Some were awaiting their deaths. Some had lost their arms and legs. Some were writhing and crying. Some had their guts spilled out.

There was only one ant folk warrior still alive in one piece. The pitiful creature cowered in fear. He covered his face and kept begging for mercy from the white-haired man sitting on the throne.

"Stranger... please... forgive me..."

The white-haired man heard the antfolk's whining, but ignored him. He wiped his pistol which was stained with blood splatters.

"I have said this many times, I am not a 'stranger'. Call me Isaac."

With a trembling voice, the antfolk replied, "Yeah... Isaac... I mean, Lord Isaac."

After all the bloodstains had disappeared from his pistol, Isaac put it in his inventory and stood up. He helped the scared-to-death antfolk to their feet.

"Hey, don't be afraid. I am a villain, not a monster."

The antfolk nodded, his body still trembling.

Isaac put his arm around him, then showed him his dead and dying comrades in terrible condition.

"Hey, you don't want to be like them do you, buddy?"

Seeing their condition, the antfolk trembled with fear. "I-I... don't want to... die..."

Isaac smiled widely.

"Good, my friend. Then show me where the Queen keep her eggs."


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