Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 158 Qilin

Isaac touched the baby qilin rolling on the bed. Its belly felt soft when he tickled it. Suddenly, the tiny creature let out a breath of fire. Isaac was a bit surprised, then chuckled.

"kyu kyu kyu."

The queen looked curious. She brought herself close to Isaac's ear, a soft, seductive voice escaping her mouth. "Do you like it?"

Hearing the whisper, Isaac raised one eyebrow. The demon's attention was still focused on the baby qilin who seemed pleased with his tickling. He turned his head, Queen Kaileena's face right in front of his. They could feel each other's warm breath. Their faces were so close, moving just a little they would have kissed.

"If I'm honest, I want it. This thing is so cute," Isaac replied. Of course what he said was nothing more than foolishness.

Queen Kaileena chuckled, then stood up and straightened her clothes. She walked around the bed and picked up the baby qilin that was rolling around on the bed. Kaileena held it as if it were her own baby.

She stroked it with her cheek. The baby qilin looked comfortable in the queen's arms.

"Too bad, stranger. Nothing can replace it. It is precious, even compared to all the antfolk who live in this tower."

Isaac was silent.

Of course it wouldn't be easy to get a baby qilin, let alone just by asking. They had only just met.

Qilin was a monster that brings good luck. Anything around it would experience good fortune. Women would continue to be fertile, men would continue to be rich, animals would be fat, the soil would be fertile, and plants would bear much fruit. Not except baby monster eggs.

Therefore, Queen Kaileena was very fond of the baby qilin. Thanks to it, the antfolk who live in this tower have a higher quality and level than the average antfolk.

Beside, the baby qilin had a special effect on monster eggs. The little creature was able to make them hatch and grow faster. Even pregnant women could give birth quickly if they were around qilin.

Isaac wanted the qilin to speed up the hatching of his spiritual beast eggs. Spiritual beast eggs took thousands of years to hatch. With the qilin's help, perhaps it could hatch in a few months.

Of course, assuming that the spiritual beast egg had stayed inside the lake for over 900 years.

According to Isaac's memory, Gavin once said that his spiritual beast egg hatched after three months along with the baby qilin.

Spiritual beasts were at the age of children after 200 to 300 years. Although they were not yet adults, at that age they were already capable of bringing terror to the world.

Now, Isaac needed to find a way to snatch the baby qilin out of the queen's hands.

Queen Kaileena carried it to the corner of the room. There was a small cabinet that had four drawers. She took a gold piece from one of the drawers, and gave it to the baby qilin.

The little monster devoured the metal bar like a snack.

"Slow down, baby. You might choke..."

"Kyu kyu kyu"

She released the baby qilin to the floor and let it eat the gold bar. The queen turned her attention to Isaac who was sitting on the bed watching her. She walked over to him.

Sitting on the bed, Kaileena leaned into Isaac. "You seem very interested in it. What makes the baby qilin interesting?"

Isaac glanced into the queen's eyes. The female antfolk seemed to have a curious look on her face.

"In my kingdom, baby qilins bring good luck. Whoever has one will always have good luck," Isaac answered honestly. Lying was not a viable option for this question. Although he was still hiding the truth.

The queen seemed to nod. What he said was not wrong.

They were silent for a long time in the room. The queen seemed to be thinking about something. Isaac took this opportunity to prepare answers to her tricky and interrogative questions.

After a long silence, the queen finally spoke.

"Do you intend to return to your kingdom, after we've driven away the demons that were chasing you?"

The muscles on the demon's face twitched slightly, he put on a serious face.

"Of course. I need to go back and warn them."

Kaileena's face changed. The queen began to distance herself from Isaac. She was not happy to hear his answer. "You know, the reason I'm willing to accommodate and mobilize my soldiers to drive them away, i mean the demons?"

This was an easy answer for Isaac, but he would have chosen not to answer it.

He was playing dumb. "To stop their threat."

Hearing the innocent answer, Kaileena laughed. "You're so funny." Her face turned serious. "It would be easier for me to hand you over to them or throw you out of my territory. That makes more sense than protecting you in here."

'Exactly.' That's what Isaac thought.

He still made a stupid face. "So what?"

"Because I want you to stay here. To be my lover."

Queen Kaileena wanted Isaac to be part of her male harem. In her eyes, Isaac was a special creature. Of all the monsters she had met, only Isaac came close to her form. A perfect form, not an ugly insect monsters.

Every day, she had to make love to male antfolk with horrible faces. She was fed up with them. She wanted to make love to a creature similar to herself. A being that had the same body structure.

And Isaac was the one.

Isaac had a handsome face and an athletic body. The ideal man for any female fantasy out there.

Kaileena would not let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away.

"I don't know what your kingdom and the females there are like. But if you choose to settle down with me, you'll have a well-deserved position. You will sit beside me. We will rule this kingdom together. How's that?"

She touched Isaac's cheek, staring him with a gentle gaze. The queen was trying to make him fall for her.

However, she got an unexpected response.

Isaac chuckled until he covered his face. Of course, his reaction raised questions for the queen.

Confusion coloring her face, Kaileena only tried to understand Isaac. "Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

Isaac was still chuckling, then he laughed loudly. He couldn't hold back his laughter. After laughing for a long time, he finally opened his mouth.

"Too small."

Kaileena narrowed her eyes. "What?"

The demon merely smiled without answering. Queen Antfolk wondered even more.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The atmosphere melted away instantly.

Sighing in annoyance at being disturbed, Kaileena got up from her bed with curiosity still lingering. She walked over to the door and opened it roughly.

A male antfolk appeared from behind the door. He looked frightened after seeing the upset look of the queen.

"What's wrong? I told you, I don't want any disturbances when I'm in my room. Don't come to me if the situation is not important."

The male antfolk shrank. The antennae on his head lowered like yellow wheat.

"Sorry to bother you, your highness. But we are in an emergency situation."

"What emergency?" asked Kaileena in an irritated tone.

"A stranger is infiltrating our tower. She's making a scene."

Kaileena was surprised. Even more so after hearing the word 'she'. "WHAT? Send the antfolk warriors to subdue her. If necessary, order Yandez to go down."

The male antfolk bowed his head. "But... Chief Warrior has already intervened. One of his men came here to request assistance from the Queensguard. That stranger... I mean that monster... is truly terrifying."

Hearing that, Kaileena quickly turned to Isaac, her face questioning.

"They have come, Queen. You should also get involved immediately. I'm staying here. I will not leave."

The antfolk queen squeezed her hand.

She walked to a drawer in the corner of the room, retrieving a crystal. The woman stood for a moment in the doorway, looking at Isaac sitting on the bed with a sharp gaze. Then she closed the door roughly.

This left Isaac alone in the room.

He lay on the bed.

"Finally that pathetic creature is gone. Leading the tower together she said?" He chuckled. "Don't be silly... that is too small for me."

The baby qilin suddenly jumped onto his chest. Suddenly, Isaac was startled until his eyes opened wide. It seemed to jump up and down enthusiastically, as if asking him to play together.

Isaac stroked the baby qilin's head.

"Hohoho... are you lonely? Don't worry, your old owner is gone. This is our chance to get away from this disgusting place. It's time for us to go!"

He got up from the bed and put the baby qilin in his suit pocket. The tiny creature thought that Isaac was one of its masters, after seeing its interaction with Queen Kaileena.

"You stay hidden here... don't come out no matter what. There are many evil creatures out there."

"Kyu kyu kyu."

Isaac sensed the existence of a demon within this tower. A very familiar demon. He guessed that the demon was not Gavin and his men.

Isaac had expected that Gavin would come here to secure the baby qilin.

This infiltration had been planned from the beginning. He deliberately let himself get caught, waited for Gavin and his men to come to make a scene, and then took advantage of the chaotic situation to get out of the Ant Kingdom without getting caught.

However, something unexpected happened.

"Gavin can't be this stupid. He'll keep playing it safe, until he's sure of the baby qilin's location."

He suspected that there were other demons who came to this place, but he would not be surprised. Since there was a time change, this was a common thing.

Moreover, Isaac sensed the existence of other demons outside the tower. Sooner or later, this tower would become a bloody battlefield.


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