Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 89: SKY Ocean Hunter

Chapter 89: SKY Ocean Hunter

With the forces of Crippling Desert gathering around them. SKY Ocean Hunter steels his nerves. First he looks around at his teams members disappointingly there is an over abundance of physical class limits his options. At least there is enough healers for each team. He should really get his own Medium Bunz. Her ability to organize people is critical for a growing. He is already seeing some short comings of his guild. If not for the A.I. assistance and people like Medium Bunz they would have to run everything themselves. He sets the teams as he sees fit as a general of many wars. Even with only a surface level understanding of player abilities. SKY Ocean Hunter can use conventional military tactics to give his team the best chance. Since Oydessy is a fantasy setting he will rely on accepted role doctrine. Physical classes in front supported by healers. Ranged players will act as capitains of each squad and provide long range fire support. Finally his team will be a multiple team. Since they have the best coordination they devastate the battle. 

Viper says, " We basically have them surrounded." He is so happy that the idiots of Sunken Reef have walk themselves into a dead. With the cliff behind them the enemy has nowhere to run. He contacts a few streamers this will be make nice news piece that will allow Crippling Desert to supplant the fame of Sunken Reef. 

For her part Rattle is timidly excited, the thought of an overwhelming victory over a cocktail enemy should make her brother proud. Just incase she will send them in waves. This will allow her to whittle them down while minimizing loses. Plus fight in the a sloped jungle means their numbers are quite restricted. The is plenty of potential for things to go wrong. 

Timor rubs up on Rattle teasing her, caressing a cheek kissing her neck. An irate Rattle says, " What the fish are you doing." 

Timor smiles with eyes red with excitement and says, " Keeping myself busy you brought me here. The least you can do is entertain me." 

Rattle says, " Crippling Desert is your pet project. Im just allowing you guys to ride in my slipstream." Timor continues touching and exploring the sensitive parts of Rattle causing her to blush a little. Rattle doesn't mind Timor is her secret weapon. She is a one person calvary charge. 

With a simple gesture from Rattle  Viper sends the forces of Crippling Desert forward. A group of players twenty five strong move forward. Rattle will big her enemies with these small fries before she launches an all out attack on a weakened enemy. 

Ori says, "Booner is his way back the enemy is coming." SKY Ocean Hunter waves at one of the players here with them. While he advanced into a pyhsical class he started as a sorcerer. His advance class Spectre has a detect enemy ability. SKY Ocean Hunter has him in the reserve squad with the back up off healers or supporters like Calypso. SKY Ocean Hunter speaks to the Spectre offering him a way he can contribute espacially picking out targets for the firing squad

In the jungle the teams of three are small enough to work together without needing much orders. SKY Ocean Hunter not only has to make sure his teams do as planned but also they should be flexible enough to make battlefield decision. By keeping the numbers smalls and using mobile captains he can coordinate without needing direct control like in a strategy game.

Crippling Desert means forward chating and joking around to them this is a simple search and destroy mission with their numbers victory is all but a given. 

A thief from Crippling Desert says, " Do you guys hear that?" The jungle has a melody breezing through it. The song makes them all pull out their weapons. The enemy is using some kind of advance bard skill to blanket the jungle. Best of all they can use it as a way to find the Sunken Reef. Several assassin like classes move out leaving their team mates behind. 

Adder says, " Finally!" The guild should be leveling and collecting resources not entertaining some girl. If only Timor wasn't so head over heels for Rattle. He would not be on the front lines. Adder spits at the ground preparing his poison daggers. 

The song that is song by Calypso is the [Calerins Call] its main purpose is to over saturate the area the environment with magic power. Allowing all people with magic power to be twice as effective. 

From SKY Ocean Hunters' position the fighting should start just about. A clank of weapons signals the beginning of the battle. He has spread his teams forward as they get hurt and healing they will pull back to there Capitan who will provide relief and issue his next command.

With Booners extraordinary senses and the spectre in the trees coordinating with Ori. They have killed two assassins Ori can see the advantage his Booner has over other pets. In the jungle being part baboon and panther it is the perfect predator. Coupled with his beast link Ori has perfect control over his pet. 

On other battlefields, the members of Crippling Desert are doing quite alright. The teams of Sunken Reef can't kill most members of their team outright and after three minutes they tend to retreat back. The most annoying thing is their inability to follow when the teams retreat. Two ranged players launch all out attacks preventing them from following through they focused fire from range also makes it hard to push forward. So in the ten minutes since the fighting started Crippling Desert has made little progress. 

Rattle bites her lips besides the odd death here or there most of the causalities are on her side. She can can three members of Sunken Reef as confirmed kills while on her side it is almost ten. She doesn't mind since as she planned she whittling them down only the numbers should be much closer. 

Rattle says, "Timor thats enough, find their bard and kill him." It just hit to check to the battle log the Calerian Call is a subtle but powerful skill that is extending the combat prowess of the range units. Most of them in Sunken Reek are magically classes. Plus the with an attacking and defending physical class working together makes it hard for her team to run over them. 

This back and forth dance continues, SKY Ocean Hunter, Lux, Alistair and Apolitical move out. With every one of his teams engaged in battle SKY Ocean Hunter decends onto the battlefield. 

SKY Ocean Hunter starts with helping Ori and Booner they are fighting a group of six player from Crippling Desert. The six are pretty good. Several blood dripping darts fly through the air smashing into several players. Lux smiles as she uses [Blood Shock] the darts tunnels into the victims cause a stun for three seconds. Booner is quickest to attack slaughtering a player with his savage [Triple Attack]. 

Ori and a monk from Sunken Reef take on another two players as Alistair launches [Dark Bolts] at the others. SKY Ocean Hunter receives an update from the spectre. He lifts his arm pointing away rom his current battlefield. Two Sunken Reef members rush past him.

Then SKY Ocean Hunter uses [water blast], the current of water slashes in half the players from Crippling Desert. Then he casts rainfall with heal. Given the doubling effect of Calerian Call and rainfall. SKY Ocean Hunters' heal is twice as effective and the range boost meannhe doesn't need move around much.

Alistair says, " This way sir, our team was wiped out." This is why they moved out from providing long range support. A entire team range support and all got wiped out. Since there was no massive explosion or clear indication as too what happened exactly. 

They all rush towards where the players just died were. It doesn't take too long to arrive. Their is a beautiful busy woman holding a long spear in tight medium armor. Like a streak of blood Lux dashes forwarded. 

Screaming, " You cow!" A blood sword slashes at the figure of Timor. Timor keenly aware of her disadvantage, steps back. Lux continues, " Fight me!"

Timor, "tsk tsk little girl." Timor spins away from the blood darts and the blood sword slashing madly at her. Her spins darts forward threw thing the neck of the Lux. She still pushes her attack forward forcing Timor to move further back. 

SKY Ocean Hunter would love to follow Lux but Calyspo is following him and if they move any further forward. Calyspo will be out of position and unable to help the rest of Sunken Reef. SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Apolita get started I want you ready at any moment from now. With lux going ham it's about time we show them our power." 

Callerian an is a passive songs sung at low tunes, meant to affect every person in the area. Calypso now switches rhythms singing a war song. The one she learnt is called [Victory is life]. This skill has two main effects first it provides a flat attack boost of seven per cent and for every enemy defeated it adds another two percent. 

Alistair shots a dark bolt into the air. All the range players move towards their playing an active with the increased attack power. They steamroll the enemy given the constant support from the healers and off healers no one is dying anymore. Sunken Reefs' Sudden explosion of power puts Crippling Desert on back foot. The sudden lose of the effects of Callerian call has sent them into disarray. This was part of SKY Ocean Hunters' plan now his team Presses forward almost unchallenged. 

Rattle in anger says," Kill them all" Twenty five fresh players rush into the chaotic battlefield...


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