Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 88: SKY

Chapter 88: SKY

The stillness of the South side of Red Iron is disturbed as SKY Ocean Hunter and Lux and key members of the Sunken Reef Chapter. Several swathes of bodies are flung into the air. 

Ori says, "Boss how much longer?" He commands mentally for his Booner to savagely maul a player in the background who has been launching long-range attacks. That players screams of pain and anguish put a smile on his face. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Not much longer they should be here soon." It has become painfully apparent by the number of new players dying on Blue Crystal Island and Yellow Mineral Island that the forces targeting Sunken Reef are set on decimating them. He has just now recalled most new players to join them on Red Iron Island. SKY Ocean Hunter is committed to securing Red Iron Island since most of their guild is here. Styx will just have to make due for now they are a stretch too thin and are bleeding new players. 

SKY Ocean Hunter casts [Healing Aura] his body radiates with a powerful magical energy that appears as flowing moon dust. At level sixteen he can only heal for ten per cent of his health at the cost of fifty magic power and ten sp. The area of effect is a massive thirty meters this covers all his allies. Even those players not in his team but in his guild are automatically covered. This allows Lux and Ori and Alistar to fight even harder. With the support of the Siren Calypso with her soft Naga like features and wonderful singing voice allows the team to not lack magic power. 

In the distance, a young woman bites her nails in frustration and says, "Older brother is not going to be happy. We are supposed to secure all the islands." She is flanked by three players wearing a matching soft linen uniform. The only male amongst them is wearing a bright red mask.

Viper says, "We haven't even started yet this isn't even foreplay." all the woman in his party faces twist. Comments like 'Hentai, prev and sicko!' escape quickly cutting his confidence down. He mutters a few things under his breath.

Timor the big-breasted, eagled eyed sharped toothed Battlemage. In all the right places her medium armour supports her magnificent body. Timor scoffs this roundabout plan of taking advantage of the player kill notice setup by SoulStealer is her plan. Thus the failure is technically hers. Timor says, " At least we are learning about their skills." 

Rattle says, "Fine! As long as my big brother can be proud of me I don't care how we win." She lets her team observe with the encampment coming up soon they have to secure it. 

SKY Ocean Hunter Casts a [Water Blast] with the added support of Calypso who seems to time her songs to match his skills. A wave doubles the size of what SKY Ocean Hunter was expecting thrushes the last of the five teams that were attacking them. Lux lets out a small tired sigh absorbing the blood of her enemies. 

In the distance, twenty players are running towards SKY Ocean Hunter, Calypso, Ori, Alistar and Lux. Each of them is haggard expect of course for SKY Ocean Hunter. He Immediately casts [Rain Fall] the sweet light blue rain brings faster regen across the bridge. The whole team starts to feel refreshed also the subtle glow of power from SKY Ocean Hunter hinting at something much deeper.

This wave of players is low level, for the most part, they all appear to be newly minted level tens and elevens. SKY Ocean Hunter and the black mandrill like Booner are at the forefront of the team. 

Gobowaki shouts, "They're over there! Quick Move!" The new players rush even faster towards the team. Calypso starts to sing a song when Lux stops her. 

Lux says, "Look at them carefully." Each of the team does so to their surprise every person in this wave is a member of the guild. These are some of the reinforcement that he asked for?

The temporary leader is a boy dark as he is Punjabi his strong jaw and brown eyes are a blessing from the Guru himself. Gobowaki is a dark-haired beauty that has Alistar questioning himself. He speaks with a voice deep yet inviting a gentle mix of pepper and chilli. "Sir we are here to help." 

With intense relief, Ori says, "We could have used you guys earlier the enemies are all dead." The team seems to nod at his comment after hours of constantly fighting little rewarding humans. The new players laugh out loud most of them patting moving to formation. In the teams, they have been using since joining the guild. Five teams of three and one team of five. 

Gobowaki says, "Sir the enemies are on the approach we saw at least fifty players heading this all under the command of the Crippiling Dessert." 

Lux says, "Why would some smalltime guild be after us." Of the powers on the Shifting Islands, only Frozen Empire and the Thaws are on her radar at the moment. Frozen Empire has been pestering them because of SKY Ocean Hunter but only a fool would believe that. She quickly figured that they are one of the powers taking advantage of SoulStealers Kill notice. The thaws on the other hand are not to be messed she is just glad they are mainly on Green Stone Island and Orange Gem Island. 

Gobowaki says, "Don't know your guys are in charge." It's only because they managed to kill one of the commando teams from Crippling Dessert that they know who is leading the charge against the guild on the South Side of the Island. The arrival of the Adventure Association has done nothing to dampen the fights between players. If anything they appear to offer some winner missions never losers. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "It doesn't matter let's move the encampment is not far." 

Ori says, "Boss the encampment has stronger enemies we will be fighting on two sides." 

Lux says, "SO what we are Sunken Reef." 

Alistar says, "You guys are crazy." 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Not crazy just determined!" SKY Ocean Hunter slithers forward many of the new players are experiencing the powerful Naga for the first time. Flanked by two gut-wrenchingly beautiful women makes him look regal in a way. The lads are envious while the girls are a little jealous. Ori smiles mistakenly thinking some of the girls are eyeing him. 

SKY Stands at the precipice overlooking the monster encampment. The encampment is around one kilometre big. Filled with monster nests, several covered dens and other housing structures depending on the Kishin that SKY Ocean Hunter can see. The Kishin are mostly in two forms one is the standard human form and the other is their Hyena form. IF the forum is to be believed all the Shifting Island have encampments filled with cursed humans who all possess some kind of therianthrope transformation. THis makes fighting them especially dangerous. 

Alistar says, "How are we going to get down there?" From the cliff edge, the encampment is pretty far down and he doesn't plan on taking the waterfall. 

Lux says, "we could jump!" Everyone seems to find a tree to cling to at the notion of jumping into a shallow river. 

One girl didn't say are her half-demon horns standing as proud as she is. Apolita says, "I can teleport all of us down there." Alistar is the first to use [Magic Eye] the skill augments his vision and allows him to see magic talent. Magic talent is another measure players can use to understand skill as opposed to raw power. Alistar prides himself on being the more skilled player since a cleric somehow has more magic power than him. 

Ori says, "what's your class." He would like to know what she can do since it's rude to ask about skilled he can at least look up her class." 

Apolita says rather proudly, " I'm a Sage" A lot of people around them suck their breath. The advanced class of Sage has one stringent requirement for Magic-user be they, sorcerers or wizards. She must have cleared the seventh rank 0 dungeons with a score of more than a hundred per cent in the elemental arts and passed the combat section with less than one per cent losses to be awarded the tri element magic stone which when consumed gives the player three elements. This is also one of the items Styx needs for his rulership class. 

SKY Ocean Hunter immediately formulates a plan that they can use to their advantage. Many people around him are awed by his boldness and some of the lads are even fawning over him. As they imagine themselves in his position leading the guild. The plan inspires them it is daring bold deadly and risky. SKY OCean hunter doesn't mince his words making clear the odds of success are minimal yet if they can pull it off properly. They will not only beat their enemies but also claim the encampment. 

Rattle arrives some tie later having followed SUnken Reef she says, "They have nowhere to go kill them all." As her men strengthen their resolve a powerful unyielding bone-chilling roar explodes. Shortly afterwards cheers are heard.



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