Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 114: A choice!

Chapter 114: A choice!

A golden window floats majestically before SKY Ocean Hunter. The Naga and guild leader of Sunken Reef is going over his options. The young female Ursine rubbing some of her fur patches in nervous anticipation. She had just spoken from heart explaining why the difference between the people from the village and their beliefs. She hopes the coiling means that naga is truly considering it. SKY Ocean Hunter mission window is making him choose between supporting this new hidden force or follow with his current and give the item to the mayor. 

With his friend Styx guarded the floor, the three young therianthropes are all a bundled mess of emotions. SKY Ocean Hunter doesn't know what each side will reward them. He doesn't mind going either way because there is something odd about the Ursine SKY Ocean Hunter is sure he has seen her somewhere before. He can't place her it's just that her face is so familiar. Tyr doesn't offer any advice his friend is looking to him for leadership. Which is good if he keeps doing things this way it will prevent many problems in the future. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "We will help you guys." He wants to find out how big their force is and what is really going here. If their claims are to be believed the village is a source of evil. The Ursine female lights up and lets out a long sigh. She is truly relieved to pushing back her red hair and smiling. She walks over to the tree from which they took Fruit. She waves her hand into several strange symbols. The roots stand rattling as the massive crystal underneath it becomes a portal. 

Looking at them Minks says, "Follow me we must take that to the temple." The portal is a rotund pulsing mass of magical energy. Styx is first to arrive at the portal his ability to move vast distances is getting better. SKY Ocean Hunter and Tyr are flanked by the Imakandi and the Kisshin are each holding a half of the Averion that was killed. Beyond the portal, the background music changes to something majestic and brave. In front of the boys is a megacity. Huge centipede buses move about the roads and some are climbing up the buildings. The massive buildings are like sky scrapers each a different design with sky bridges. Dragonflight landing zones and Puddle shoots. 

The people can in even more variety, Tyr is surprised these aren't beast-men but rather people who have been cursed with some kind of the therianthrope. Some people have fins and gills others furs and claw even wings and compound eyes. The varieties are endless. Only street floors vendors are selling all kinds of foods and trinkets. People are busy going about their daily lives here. SKY Ocean Hunter grabs onto Minks' shoulder squeezing as he asks.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Where is this place." Red Iron Island size means that the population he is seeing in front of him means that they wouldn't need to wait after securing the island. The running of the island needs the guild to make it inviting enough for NPCs to want to move there. Tyr shakes his head he too is curious in his previous time this place was a waste. Tyr wants to know how such a place fell. All around him is an industries society people travel in all sorts of vehicles using nature as a design template. As a Hercules Bettle drone flies overhead dragging some kind of cargo. 

Miks says, "This is our home, we have had to stay hidden for many years ever since our leader found out the truth about the village. This city is called Langra it is our paradise." She flags down a taxi that is shaped like a lizard. Tyr is interested in these designs they are quite good. As they embark the odd movement is not felt when they are riding inside. The lizard hoops about never stopping. Sometimes it leaps onto the buildings and the carriage they are in twists to compensate. The journey across Langra takes almost two hours. In that time Minks had to explain where they were and going and what she expected them to do. 

They arrive at a rural looking dusty temple structure. Half people with turtle shells mostly and walking about doing chores like in a dojo and wearing all kinds of robes and handling scrolls. Styx smiles the scale of the city was one thing. Here in the temple though he can see a living breathing people with some culture.

Tyr says, " Who are we meeting?" Miks' fur patches move listlessly as she points at a massive painting on the wall. Surrounded by the moon in a protea pattern is a female Ursine black fur patch and a body bigger than those of bodybuilders. She looks serene and powerful. 

Miks says, "That is The Grandmaster of Holy Moon Temple, Tomadar Eride Solnate she prefers to be called Master or if your feeling brave enough you can call her Toriso." Miks even looks around checking for danger. It is clear to the boys that a temple master is a powerful person in the city of Langra. The people here are from all walks of life and some look important, however, those who are waiting are doing so calmly. 

SKY Ocean Hunter towers over most of the people inside the temple. He has already resolved to call the temple master by name. He cant start their first interaction on the back foot. There is something massive going on. Of all the shifting islands the Red Iron Island is the least notable but Tyrs' adamance made them come here. Styx moves almost unseen peaking his head everywhere he can, creating notes in his head. 

Miks pushes her through those waiting in line to meet the master leading her group of people. A man who is maybe a tiger or lion maybe even both. Tries to stop Miks she looks down at him standing a good foot taller than him. The man is wearing a close-fitting tunic that is of a dark colour. Miks says, "Cherished one." Giving the man tiger lion a deep bow. She looks at the boys to do the same yet none of them do. 

The man with his orange and golden fur lets loose a small hiss. A few others who might be guards or companions show looks of offence. One armoured looking light skinned armadillo lady even steps forward before some of the temple guards lightly tap their staff. The tiger lion says, " Who are they?" His eyes roll up and down the boys obviously, he doesn't place the boys in his eye at all. Like his servants who are eyeballing the lot. 

Miks says, "respectfully this is not your concern Cherished one." without waiting for the lion tiger man to respond she walks forward pushing him aside like a leaf. No matter how angry he looks no one overreacts they know better. The lion tiger man hisses again saying something to his minions. Styx says, "We might have some trouble already." Looking and assessing the situation SKY Ocean Hunter does not see anyone who they cant handle. 

Tyr says, " Who was that?" Pointing rudely with his weapon at the tiger lion man. Gasps can be heard but Tyr already has already gotten permission from SKY Ocean Hunter its why none of them bowed. Until they meet the master they will only show strength. Miks smacks his weapon down and pulls Tyr nearly off his feet putting him next to her in front of the doors to the temple master room. 

Miks says, " that is the cherished one firstborn son of The Temple Master and the current mayor of Langra city Rouglda Roklein Rokethel." SKY Ocean Hunter eyes him again a small puddle of disappointment escapes from him. Even Miks is shocked she like every NPC has an understanding of the player races behaviour. She looks at the Cherished One he is clearly beyond insulted and she hopes he doesn't do anything too rash. He has always had a bad attitude. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "No matter let's not bother with the chaff." He said it loud enough to be heard it doesn't appear that the lion man understood the insult truly a pity since it was rather clever. Tyr and Styx are both smiling widely holding back the laughter thou Styx does point at him make clear they are talking about the Cherished one. After another round of growl and glares the door to the temple masters' room finally open. 

Miks Going down on all four and bowing her head to the ground says, " We are here to discuss a sensitive matter concerning the mission that the master sent us on. These are people who are...I have invited them to discuss the matter with The Temple Master as is proper." Only a strange insectoid like clicking can be heard from the other side of the doors. It is too bright to see past the doors. Miks says, "Thank you, guardian." 

She ushers all of them in beyond the light. 


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