Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 113: The Cave

Chapter 113: The Cave

Styx slides on his knees dodging the mad claw strike of Averoin throat gargled trills escape as it speaks in that unknowable ancient language of battle. They go around battling each other trying to end the others life. Cuts and skills exchange in a dance between killers. SKY Ocean Hunter uses a more reserved tempo his hulking mass built for power more than speed. His Trident forcing the Ursine back she is a close combat fighter. Her bright red claws struggling to be as effective as the trident. A Water explodes from SKY Ocean hunter trident blasting forward. She is flung into the spinning like a divine top. Somehow she lands on her feet and shoots towards SKY Ocean Hunter in a mad bear frenzy. A visible aura of blood around shaped like a warm cloak. SKY Ocean Hunter the ursine tumble with each other in the cave. Stopping even Tyr from winning his battle Tyr had been wiping the floor with both his opponents. They can't match his mastery and excellent use of skills. 

The spectacle escalates as she swipes for his life striking all along SKY Ocean Hunters' body. Ripping roaring red claws are crash against blue scales SKY Ocean Hunter slithers doing every other attack she throws. Being this close he can't stab at her but he can swing his trident. She is too ferocious though forgoing defence in hopes to overwhelm her opponent. She expends every skill she has in a fury of slashes. The fight is a lop side thrashing of the Naga who doesn't go down. Dripping blood his health stabilised around the thirty per cent mark. No matter how much she attacks his health doesn't drop any further. 

The Averion, Imakandi and Kisshin are all shocked mouths wide open at eh impossible sight before them. In desperation, the Averion tries to launch a sneak attack on SKY Ocean Hunter leaving his back open to Styx. 

The Ursine shouts, she had already noticed they are losing and with no for her to defeat her opponent she was going to try and negotiate for the fruit back and for all their lives. Her scream of 'no' echoes through the cave. A huge colourfully animated slash tears the Averion in half. In two flaps of his wings, his body drops in three different places. 

The Urisne shouts, "Lammasu! Krok! Stop this instance." The Ursine looking at SKY Ocean Hunter with deep fury. She is mad at herself for not being able to defeat her foe. SKY Ocean Hunter only waves at the boys as they move besides. Together their regen jumps exponentially SKY Ocean Hunters' healing aura doing its work. Lammasu the Imakandi take a handful of blood from the body of his dead friend also removing the king feathers from his head. Lammasu also whispers a short prayer. The Ursine is analysing The boys the whole. Her judgement of them slowly changing, the words of her master ringing in her heart about how they are often too quick to attack. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, cutting off the Ursine, "Start with your name then what it is you want from us." 

The Ursine says, " My Name is Third Brood Harrow, you can call me Minks. This is Lammasu and that there is Krok." Krok is stiff holding himself back even if he is going to die. The body of his friend is right in front of him and he must have satisfaction. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Minks it is then, your boy there needs stop. He is about to do something that he can't back." SKY Ocean Hunter can see the Kisshins' knuckles lose colour his veins building his eyes watering. The Imakandi moves to his side putting his hand on the shoulder of the Imakandi. 

Lammasu says, " We look after own unlike you immortals death is permanent for us. Excuse him if he is a little grief-stricken the Supreme Being didn't make us from her body. We are the spawn of her spawn." The Imakandis' voice is thick with grief for his friend and a tinge of bitterness at what is about to happen. 

Minks says, "Lammasu take Krok back to our encampment." Tyr shakes his head and in a flicker and the blink of an eye Styx is standing at the only exit besides the sky hole letting light bleed into the cave. The stillness is thick now, as the therianthropes realise they are the ones in a deadly situation. Minks does manage to compose herself. This is her team after all and while she is new at leading she can see a small slither of hope that they can make it out alive. Of course, SKY Ocean Hunter is entertaining this line of conversation because Minks will probably lead to a different quest. Then he can balance out the rewards and decide which he wants to do. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Unfortunately we can't allow your boys to go and seek reinforcements. Immortal does not mean stupid." SKY Ocean Hunter is healing in front of her, his wounds closing themselves like Sunflowers at night. She has seen people heal but the stories of the chosen ones are no exaggeration. 

Minks says, "We understand our people are here. Even if you kill us doesn't mean you will make it out alive we are but children in our power." Like them, immortals value levels, having gotten here without raising alarm means they arent confident enough to beat the masters. Unlike them, they have been training their abilities for many years and have gained many advantages from their transformations. Minks is even confident enough to use ten per cent her cloak is but a shadow of her true power. Her master in particular is a fierce fighter and Rodeos' father. 

SKY Ocean Hunter smiles the girl is smart if a bit naive. Tyr nods whispering in SKY Ocean Hunters' ear. While it would be hard with the three it is not impossible to beat a master. at most, in a place like this, the level should only be ten higher which is well within their ability. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "You have yet to tell me what you want." The movements of the players mean they are ready if this descends into another fight. Plus at the door, Styx can now keep an ear out for any reinforcement. His blades are extended pulsing with his purple power. A wicked smile on his face as Styx leans against the door pretending to be uninterested in what is going on. Like the water, tree and light Styx is a wallflower.

Krok and Lammasu stand back controlling their emotions after being so thoroughly beaten they are mix of anger, shame and grief. Lammasu more as he is even afraid he doesn't want to die. He has things he wants to do. 

Minks says, "You know what we want." SKY Ocean Hunter shaking his head, Tyr steaming next to him as his flaming body finally settles down. Plus he had forgotten it was on. This means that when he went to whisper into SKY Ocean Hunters' ear he burnt him a little. Luckily SKY Ocen hunter was able to control himself and dance around like a mad man. This means they still have the high ground. While they can make it out. There is a real danger that if they meet stronger enemies they could die. Losing levels and the fruit as it drops upon death and means they might fail the mission. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Of course I know what you want child. But I'm giving you the chance to present your side. To explain to me why I should break the contract with my employer and most importantly for you to me what I get if I do." His trident swings around dancing about as he waves his hands. Minks moving her back to make sure not to be hit by the Trident. Her cloak shimmer a dull red now she too has hold herself nothing would be worse than if they all lost control. 

Minks says, "You are serving evil. The fruit you removed is scared and took many sacrifices to grow from my people. We want you guys to let us go..." having that first makes SKY Ocean Hunter raise an eyebrow she values their lives more than the Glitter Fruit..." We are the rulers of this land and if you return you will be our honoured guests... SKY Ocean Hunter smiles reputation rewards are rare this means that the GLitter Fruit is highly valuable for these low-level people to speak so certainly about the reward. Still, he is the guild leader of Sunken Reef and that means he must ask for more. He can see the Ursine is trying and is in a disadvantaged position ist is only right as a player to try to get as much as he can from the little bear girl. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Evil is a matter of perspective, change mine..." 


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