Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 132 Tale of the Mauryan Empire and the Unfortunate Spy!

Chapter 132 Tale of the Mauryan Empire and the Unfortunate Spy!

The Gupta Kingdom, a huge territory encompassing a land which was about a fifth of the current Mauryan Empire's size. Situated to the north of the Eastern continent, it boasted fertile lands and prosperity, making it a really perfect region for people to flourish.

Positioned with the great expanse of the Great Northern Sea at its rear, the Gupta Kingdom strategically leveraged its access to maritime routes, fostering change and trade not only with the Eastern continent but also with different distant lands throughout diverse continents.

However, there was an enormous hazard that loomed ominously over this thriving land. 

And it dated back to about 300 years in the past. It was a time when the Eastern continent was composed of several small and massive factions, with five major effective kingdoms preserving sway. 

These kingdoms were the Nanda Kingdom, the Chola Kingdom, the Pallava Kingdom, the Anga Kingdom, and the Gupta Kingdom.

While there had been occasional minor conflicts among these kingdoms, they commonly coexisted in concord, adhering to the herbal order of things. 

As the age-old saying goes, "Nothing lasts forever," and this adage held true even for the tranquility that had reigned over the Eastern continent.

The Pear and tranquility of the eastern continent was disrupted as a turmoil started brewing within the Nanda Kingdom. 

The Nanda Kingdom, a nation encompassing more than a fifth of the Eastern continent, was governed by a mighty monarch. Nevertheless, the entire realm crumbled in the span of a single day, all thanks to the actions of a solitary figure.

This mysterious figure, formerly unknown to all, rose from obscurity and, with the help of a former minister from the Nanda Kingdom, dismantled the as-powerful kingdom. 

The method and the motives behind this sudden fall remained shrouded in mystery, but it took just one day for the once-powerful Nanda Kingdom to crumble.

The surprising disintegration of the Nanda Kingdom dispatched shockwaves throughout the continent. 

However, when the other four kingdoms finally became aware of the situation, the Nanda Kingdom had already succumbed to the control of this new ruler, who promptly rebranded the old Nanda Kingdom as the Mauryan Kingdom.

This bold twist of events left the neighboring kingdoms deeply disturbed. Fueled by their anger at the unexpected changes, the rulers of the four kingdoms arrogantly demanded hefty tributes from the fledgling Mauryan Kingdom each year.

They knew full well that these demands were practically impossible to meet, especially considering the internal challenges faced by the newly established nation. But underneath it all, their true intention was to find a reason for a collective invasion.

Their plan was a coordinated invasion, with the collective goal of triumphing over the Mauryan Kingdom. However, they had gravely underestimated the newfound state's strength. 

In response to the tribute demands, the Mauryan Kingdom issued a daring challenge. Their message conveyed a bold provocation, stating, "Mauryan only respects the strong. Send four representatives from each state, and our champions will duel with each of them. If you emerge victorious, we will provide the requested tribute. If not, the head of our King will be yours to claim!" This message left no room for ambiguity, effectively challenging all four kingdoms and putting the life of their king in jeopardy.

Enraged by this audacious declaration, the four kingdoms accepted the challenge, believing that the new king had grown arrogant while enjoying the comforts of the throne. They dispatched their most formidable warriors for the impending duels, which were scheduled to take place in the heart of the Eastern continent, within the Chola Kingdom.

On that momentous day, the Eastern continent bore witness to an event of historic proportions—the rise of the Mauryan Kingdom. 

Four individuals, including the audacious young king himself, arrived at the designated duel site. 

True to their word, they arrived alone, devoid of any visible fear in their eyes. The duels commenced, and the formidable warriors clashed in battle. 

While their opponents were far from feeble, they made the critical mistake of underestimating the strength of the newly established kingdom. The outcome was nothing short of astonishing—every one of the four warriors from the Mauryan kingdom, including their resolute king, left the dueling arena with their heads held high, proudly displaying the severed heads of their defeated adversaries.

The aftermath of this dramatic showdown sent shockwaves throughout the four kingdoms, leaving an indelible message: "Never underestimate the Mauryan."

News of these remarkable duels quickly spread far and wide, carrying tales of the Mauryan Kingdom's burgeoning power.

And it didn't take long for numerous smaller factions, once independent, to pledge allegiance to the Mauryan Kingdom. With this surge of support, the Mauryan Kingdom underwent a transformation, formally adopting the title of the 'Empire'. 

The once-unassuming young leader, now a force to be reckoned with, ascended to the imperial throne, marking the birth of the Mauryan Empire amid the tumultuous times.

In the wake of these pivotal events, the neighboring kingdoms approached their interactions with the Mauryan Empire with caution. 

Nevertheless, the ensuing era was characterized by a notable absence of large-scale conflicts. 

The Young Mauryan Emperor, it seemed, had little appetite for warfare, choosing instead to focus on internal matters and refrain from active involvement in external disputes. 

He refrained from using the might of the empire to suppress other kingdoms or waging wars against smaller factions. Instead, he actively pursued peace. He further cemented this commitment to peaceful coexistence by negotiating a treaty with the four kingdoms, ushering in a period of relative stability in the history of the Eastern continent.

Yet, as the timeless adage reminds us, "All good things must come to an end." After enjoying two and a half centuries of seemingly unbroken tranquility and peace, the once-dormant kingdoms began to rouse from their slumber.

They could no longer endure the title of "empire" being granted to a faction born long after the establishment of their own kingdoms. With no imminent threats on the horizon, they set out on a course of provocation, deliberately challenging the existing order.

One act of provocation fueled another, plunging the Mauryan Empire into conflict once more. The formidable Chola Kingdom, strategically located in the heart of the Eastern continent, bore the brunt of the empire's fury. War erupted, and despite the valiant efforts of the Chola Kingdom's defenders, they ultimately succumbed to overwhelming force. The once-thriving kingdom now lay in ruins, its vibrant cities reduced to smoldering ashes.

Amid this chaotic backdrop, two indomitable figures rose to prominence, inspiring both fear and awe: the Lion of the Mauryan, Leopald Von RoZental, and the Devil Duke of the Mauryan, Arden Von Agnus. Their extraordinary power cast a long, foreboding shadow over the neighboring kingdoms once more, compelling them to confront the imposing might of the Mauryan Empire.

With two of the five kingdoms now vanquished, the remaining three realized that facing the Mauryan Empire alone was an insurmountable challenge. In a desperate bid for survival, they forged the Three Kingdom Alliance, a pact aimed at providing collective defense against the Mauryan Empire should it choose to escalate its aggression.

This time, however, they harbored no illusions of receiving leniency. Seated upon the Mauryan throne was Kaiser Von Brittan, an unyielding monarch driven by an insatiable thirst for blood. This sobering realization left all three kingdoms sleepless, prompting them to actively seek assistance from various regions and powers. Among the potential allies that captured their attention was the enigmatic Yalindor, a region that had successfully resisted even the ambitious Mauryan Empire's attempts at conquest.

Thus, an envoy was dispatched, comprising representatives from the three kingdoms, tasked with the mission of seeking aid from Yalindor. 

Despite their earnest efforts, negotiations with Yalindor were met with refusal, as Yalindor had already entered into a peace treaty with the Mauryan Empire. Faced with this setback, the Three Kingdom Alliance attempted to provoke conflict, but their actions had unintended and disastrous consequences.

The entire envoy dispatched to the Yalindor region met a tragic end, with only one survivor who managed to escape and seek refuge in the Mauryan Empire. This sole survivor was none other than Ian Flemming, the distinguished representative of the Gupta Empire. 

Having miraculously survived in enemy territory, Ian skillfully maintained his covert identity, seamlessly blending into the prestigious Freljord Academy as Joshua Sanders, a respected and esteemed professor. Here, he adopted the persona of a dedicated educator, all the while remaining vigilant in the land of his most formidable adversaries, driven solely by the desperate need to ensure his own survival.



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