Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 131 Journey to Yalindor(1)

Chapter 131 Journey to Yalindor(1)

Selena Everhart. A fourth year student of the Frejlord academy who possessed extraordinary magical abilities, including the rare gift of holy magic, which was treated as a precious ability. Hailing from the household of Everheart Marquise, she had reached the pinnacle of 5-star mastery as a mage and was on the verge of reaching 6-star level. In terms of sheer strength and battle ability, she held a prestigious position within the top 20 students among the fourth-year class, it was even when considering that her ability lies in support rather than engaging in combat. 

Alongside Selena was Elric Ironforge, a prodigious talent ranked 11th among the fourth-year students. Hailing from a renowned Baron family of skilled blacksmiths, he not only boasted immense physical prowess but also wielded a deep understanding of magic. Elric was among the select few who pursued the way of both magic and sword, walking on the unique path of a Magic Swordsman. And with his powers being at the early stages of 6-starm he was the strongest and the most formidable member of their group.

Their ranks also included Ezio, the quiet freshman proficient in close combat with his unique weapons, the Chakram. While not matching the strength or powerful background such as his senior peers, Ezio held an intermediate 3-star level, an impressive accomplishment for a newcomer.

Lastly, there was Eren Pendragon, the young hero of the empire who had recently gained fame by thwarting rebels at the heart of the Mauryan empire with his rifle, earning him the moniker of "the sleeping dragon." 

Although Eren possessed the least amount of power among the team, being at the early stages of 3-star, none of his teammates treated him as weak. Ezio was especially aware of his powers since he had witnessed it first hand, but even the seniors acknowledged Eren's prowess, as the recent rumors of him blowing the arm off a 7-star knight with a single bullet from his rifle was not something they could neglect. In addition, the rumors circulating after ranking battles, where he had used the <Black Sun> skill to destroy the battle stage itself, had only reinforced his reputation, commanding respect and vigilance from all.

However, the respect he received also weighed heavily on Eren's shoulders, casting a palpable heaviness over the atmosphere. 

As the four of them stood outside Professor Joshua's office, awaiting their mission briefing, Eren couldn't help but feel the awkwardness of the silence.

'The atmosphere feels heavy,' Eren mused silently.

Their mission had been assigned, and they were instructed to depart promptly. However, information about the Yalindor region, their destination, was scarce. To bridge this gap, they had decided to consult with Professor Joshua, a man known for his extensive knowledge. But Eren had another reason for suggesting him.

In the eastern continent's northern reaches lay the Kingdom of Gupta, a stronghold that led a three-kingdom alliance steadfastly opposing the Mauryan Empire's relentless advances. In Eren's previous existence, he had uncovered the intriguing truth that Professor Joshua had served as a covert agent for the Kingdom of Gupta. This revelation fueled his desire to glean insights from Joshua about Yalindor, given that Gupta, much like the Mauryan Empire, had once sought to conquer this enigmatic region. Eren believed that Professor Joshua might possess valuable information that could prove invaluable for their upcoming mission.

Nevertheless, returning to the present, an awkward silence hung over the group as they waited for Professor Joshua. None of them dared to initiate a conversation, and the silence outside the professor's office grew more uncomfortable by the moment.

Just as the awkwardness was becoming unbearable, the sound of approaching footsteps filled the air. Professor Joshua emerged, appearing as though he had just concluded a class. But his face showed no signs of fatigue; instead, an aura of elegance surrounded him.

The four students rose to their feet as Professor Joshua approached. He glanced at them but said nothing, making his way into his office. Two second-year students acting as his assistants followed closely behind him—a girl and a boy who both appeared utterly drained.

"Are they... zombies?" Ezio couldn't help but wonder as the two second-year students trailed into Professor Joshua's office behind him.

These newcomers appeared as though they had endured countless sleepless nights. Dark circles clung to their eyes, their disheveled hair hinted at a restless existence, and they seemed on the brink of nodding off at the slightest hint of respite.

Despite their seemingly exhausted state, they dutifully followed their professor into the office.

Neither Eren nor anyone in the group dared to intervene, understanding that it would only incur the professor's ire. Instead, they patiently stationed themselves outside the office, anticipating Professor Joshua's summons.

As expected, after a short period of waiting, the female assistant emerged and directed her attention to the group.

"Professor is ready to see you."

Upon hearing her words, the quartet rose to their feet. Elric took the lead, as he had somewhat naturally assumed the role of leader due to his superior strength among the four and none of them seemed to object to it too.

Upon stepping into the office, they were met with an aura of sheer opulence. The room had been meticulously designed to ensure a perpetual infusion of sunlight, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout. The windows provided an awe-inspiring view of the forbidden forest, its dense canopy stretching as far as the eye could see. Every nook of the office was adorned with small, lovingly tended plants, contributing to the overall atmosphere of refinement and serenity.

Amidst this verdant splendor sat Professor Joshua, his presence seemingly melding harmoniously with the lush surroundings.

The four students carefully observed the room, particularly Ezio, for whom every detail held vital information for his upcoming mission.

Without wasting a moment, Professor Joshua inquired, "Why are you guys here?" He remained engrossed in some important-looking documents as he spoke.

Selena was the first to respond. "Professor, we were assigned a mission by the towers..."

"And?" Professor Joshua interrupted.

"We thought it would be wise to seek your guidance before embarking on the mission," Selena continued.

Professor Joshua stopped looking at the documents and tuned his head up gazing at Selena.

"Hmm, good thinking," he acknowledged, surprising everyone with the uncharacteristic hint of approval in his tone. Without further ado, he resumed his focus on the documents spread out before him.

Eren, Selena, Elric, Ezio, and even the second-year assistants, who had been diligently aiding Professor Joshua, were all equally flabbergasted by this unexpected display of praise from their typically reserved professor.

They barely had time to dwell on the peculiar praise from Professor Joshua, for he swiftly redirected the conversation to the matter at hand. "So, what is the mission?" he inquired with his usual directness.

His words served as a jolt, snapping them back to the present moment. As they regained their composure, Elric, the group's de facto spokesperson, stepped forward to elaborate on the mission. "We've been tasked with traveling to the Yalindor region to..."

Abruptly, Eren's hand clamped down on Elric's arm mid-sentence. Elric jumped, his gaze shifting to Eren in surprise. However, Eren's wide-eyed stare was fixed intently on Professor Joshua, who wore a look of profound astonishment.

Elric, a senior at the academy for nearly four years, found himself bearing witness to an unprecedented sight.

  "Professor Joshua..."

The cautious voice of the female assistant broke through the palpable tension as she addressed the professor. She couldn't help but notice the pallor that had washed over his face and the expression that mirrored that of someone who had just encountered a ghost.


(The Quest Union)

The representatives from the seven towers had gathered at the Mauryan Quest Union, following their departure from the academy. Here, they delved into the quests assigned to the students as part of their practical experience.

One of the representatives commented, "Investigating the signs of a high-rank demon? It sounds like this quest is going to be quite challenging."

"Well," another chimed in, "it might prove difficult if they happen to encounter the demon. However, they're only instructed to investigate, so as long as they stick to their mission parameters, there shouldn't be any issues."

"Besides," yet another representative added, "the students tasked with this mission are the cream of the crop from Freljord Academy."

Meanwhile, a blond woman from the Tower of Purity carefully examined a mission document, her gaze shifting to an elderly lady from the Tower of Wisdom.

"You don't need to scrutinize me so intensely; I know what you're thinking," the perceptive elderly woman remarked, breaking the silence that had befallen the room, as if they had all been waiting for this moment.

"Regarding the decision to assign a mission related to the Yalindor region to academic students, you might be wondering why I made such a choice, especially when it holds such high importance," she continued, as if she already knew what was on the blond lady's mind.

After a brief, contemplative silence, she raised her index finger. "It was an order from higher up, an order I couldn't possibly refuse."


The room fell into a stunned silence. An order from someone she, the wife of the prime minister, couldn't refuse? The representatives present could only think of one individual.

But none of them dared to utter that name aloud.



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