Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 182: Lecture shenanigans

Chapter 182: Lecture shenanigans

"Let's start with the homework I left you off with the last time. Who is ready to tell me whats the estimated ratio for arcanists and physical soldiers in the standard deployment?"

This time, the lesson was taking place outside. While there was a cost associated with renting the room for private affairs like Fen's lesson, this wasn't the reason why he opted to gather his students on a field outside of the city. The fact that he splurged most of his funds for the rewards for his students didn't change this fact at all. 

"You there, tall ginger."

Seeing the raised hand of the same person that he jokingly bullied before, the corner's of Fen's lips moved up. It seemed that this person could see the value in what he was conveying during those meetings. That or the rumours about the potential rewards were enough to coax him into suffering through the expected effects of his inborn trait. 

"From the sources I found, it's estimated that during its golden age, the old mercenary kingdom preferred to have a single arcanist for every three to four physical soldiers. But if I may build on that a little bit more, sir"

Seeing how the young student was moving the weight of his body from one leg to another, Fen forced his smile to be an internal one before nodding his head.

"I think it would be wrong to judge the way in which the standard deployment was executed from the peak time of the country that implemented it. By that time, they had no real enemies that would warrant the usage of such expensive units, especially with how their vast lands required all the hands in the administration that the old regime could get. What I think should be the better estimate, is one to two, or even one to one if someone can afford that."

Shaking his head with acknowledgement, Fen now openly smiled. Finding someone who could come to this conclusion meant that as long as he could coax him into joining, their mercenary commandment would obtain another valuable officer.

"You are exactly right. It's true that in the current situation, keeping a huge number of arcanists in the standing army would be seen as a financial behemoth to tackle. But I hope no one dared to forget about the opposite. Keeping huge physical armies can be a little bit cheaper overall, but once we take the reality of the war into account, it can quickly reach figures that no arcanist-oriented army would ever need to fork up."

Adding this part to the student's explanation, Fen made sure to look over the entire student body instead of directing his eyes at the ginger alone.

"Young man, that was a marvellous answer. I can see that you did the work that I asked you to do. What's your name?"

Instead of instantly showering the student with the prepared rewards, Fen decided to get a more personal approach. Not because he was stingy, but because the number of cultivation resources that he could provide for the class was greatly limited. Even with the immense amount of funds that he could obtain at any given moment, doing so would mean decreasing the potential financial support for the creation of the academy in the north. 

It was rather easy to notice that doing so would defeat the purpose of spending money on the students in the very first place. That's why Fen had to ensure to make the most out of every gift he would give away. Because in any foreseeable feature, there wouldn't be any more things for him to give away.

"It's Marcel, sir."

Receiving the answer that he sought for, Fen smiled before moving a few steps forward. Reaching the backpack where he stored the rewards, the young arcanist pulled out a single flask before moving towards the red-haired student of his. 

"This is a flask of Potency Liquid. If someone doesn't know what this item is, then no, it doesn't influence your nightlife. It can be used to enrich your flames or whatever other arcana you might be using. Keep in mind, that it's not the academy providing it for you. It's me and my friends doing so. Here, that's your reward for working hard."

Handing over the flask, Fen could see how Marcel hesitantly accepted it, staring down at the item as if he couldn't believe that he actually received it. But instead of letting the atmosphere fully centre around the idea of getting rewarded for their hard work, Fen quickly returned to the place from where he conducted his lesson before. 

"Now, let's not waste any more time. While this reward was the easiest to obtain, it's not like it will be the last one. Everyone, do your best to form the standard deployment now. You can take as much space as you want, you can pick whoever you want to be your commander. And yeah, you have five minutes."

Not even bothering to explain anything further, Fen simply sat on the ground before resting his back against the snowy ground. With his fire keeping him warm from the inside, not even wet clothes in the winter could pose any danger of illness or discomfort.

Contrary to the peaceful expression of the young mercenary, the surrounding area quickly devolved into chaos. With people rushing about like madmen, it seemed that they would kill each other first before actually forming the proper formation.

Instead of guiding them as to how to properly decide on who should lead, who should stay at the front or back, Fen simply enjoyed his moment of respite while diligently counting the passing seconds. Surprisingly, this short moment of rest was the only free time that he could find in his schedule in the foreseeable future.

"Okay, the time is over. Everyone, stay where you are. Whoever moves away from their spot, is out of the group."

Given how desperate Fen and his friends were to get as many people with the potential to their side, there was one quality that absolutely all mercenary candidates had to possess. When given order, they had to listen.

Opening his eyes as soon as he announced the end of the timer, Fen noticed with satisfaction that every single student of his was frozen in place. If someone were to walk on the lesson, they would most likely find it curious why this group of nearly thirty youths pretended to be stone figures.

"Okay then"

Standing back up, Fen used a quick burst of his fires to dry his clothes before approaching the nearest student.

"Why are you standing in this place?"

There was no hint of hostility or anger in the young mercenary's voice. Just a clear curiosity.

"Sir, after your lesson and my own study, I noticed how the entire standard deployment was designed on the base of the triangle. Two people at the front are supported by a single person behind them, and two defenders are assisted by the arcanist behind them. After noticing how my friends stood, I just filled the role that seemed to be the most lacking."

Hearing to the words of this random female student of his, Fen's eye opened wide. In this standard training exercise, he didn't expect for someone so bright to appear. But it didn't mean that he would reward the girl right away. Accepting her explanation with a simple nod, Fen moved forward, asking the same question to every single student in the group.

"Okay then, to sum things up."

After the teacher of the class was finally satisfied with the exercise, he quickly ordered the group to assemble around him like before.

"We had three potential leaders, out of which only two managed to gain the proper following. Cleo, for the fact that you gave up on your ambition for the sake of the unit cohesiveness, you are getting the reward. But don't worry, it's not over yet."

While there was a chance that someone would discover the fact that the two of them lived together and had an explicit relationship, Fen wasn't as stupid as to let that part of his life to influence his decisions right now. As expensive as it was, this exercise had two insanely important meanings hidden underneath the official facade. And those aspects enjoyed Fen's entire focus.

"Now, for the two other leaders, you managed to each gain a following but ended up splitting the entire group apart. But the fact that you took the responsibility for organizing your friends, remains. While both of you will be rewarded with flasks, they are not for your personal use here, but to be shared with the people that followed you. Cleo, the same applies to the second flask that you will receive, but wait for me to explain it in a moment."

With five flasks already distributed or reserved to some people, Fen effectively got rid of half of his rewards. At least, seeing how the faces of the students changed as they attempted to understand the meaning of Fen's action was proof that this tactic worked pretty well.

"Now, you there, blonde I approached first. You used the knowledge you obtained to support the entire unit. Instead of going for front or back row, ones that are easier to notice, you did something that benefitted the entire formation. I like your sense of responsibility and quick wits. You get a flask."

Handing over the precious bottle as if it was nothing, Fen finally returned back to his usual spot, once again focusing the attention of the entire class on himself.

"From now on, only those who are truly interested in following me are ought to remain. The rest of you are free to go. As for those who will remain"

Keeping the suspense a bit, just for his personal enjoyment, Fen could see how the faces of his students tensed up in the wait for the reveal of their next task.

"Both of the leaders and Cleo will be now appointed as the class officers. Once again, it's all up to you to decide how you will split, as long as all groups will end up equal in number. Cleo, the other flask that you received is to be shared with the people you will end up overseeing."

After explaining the next task, Fen could see how everyone started to steal glances of the other people, trying to gauge the situation. Given how generous Fen was with his rewards, it was obvious that they were hungry for more, turning their brains up a notch in order to gain an advantage over the others.

"As for the last thing for today, I have a word to the leaders. It's entirely up to you how you will share your flask or if you will share it at all. Now, dismissed!"


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