Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 181: Standard of life

Chapter 181: Standard of life

"Is that really what you decided?"

Contrary to the other students who would leave Fen alone after the lessons, the same couldn't be said about Cleo. Sticking right to his side ever since the entirety of her class moved to their other daily tasks, she was so clingy that even Nadia threw her a few as surprised as curious glances. 

"Yeah. Investing in the existing elites would not only be extremely costly but it would also openly upset the balance of forces within the city. And I don't want to appear as a potential threat to the public eye just yet."

As the two of them walked through the main trading street of the city, Fen surprisingly couldn't care less about being careful with his words. The chances that anyone in this bustling crowd would ever bother to listen to what he said were just too abysmally small to take it into account as a serious possibility.

"But I really have to say. Now I understand why people crave the stable life of the teachers at the academy. And that also means I just discovered the main reason behind the stagnation of the arcanism."

Even though Fen already saw this place before, the Pearlane district of the capital was amazing indeed.

Formed outside of the city walls, it occupied both sides of the Khunda river, the same body of water that carried Fen over from the Imperial lands to the Republic back in the past. Contrary to the trading areas within the city, the shops here didn't really need to bother with the limitations of their size. After all, this entire place was set up just to service both the academy staff and the mercenaries providing all kinds of resources for them!

"And what that might be?"

Despite not being an idiot herself, Cleo preferred to just listen to Fen's words instead of actively seeking the answer. But it was clear that it wasn't her laziness that made her like that, but a simple realisation that with the amount of experience behind his back, Fen's words were just that valuable for her. Instead of being passive, Cleo simply didn't dare to allow for an opportunity where she would miss a single word of his.

"Comfort. If the things that I'm seeing right now and the knowledge that I already do have are not but an illusion, I can't imagine someone living on this level would ever allow for this kind of lifestyle to be endangered."

Saying those words, Fen looked around as if to prove his point. While most of the crowd was made up of workers and mercenaries, whenever an academy staff appeared, the sheer amount of wealth that would exchange hands was mindblowing.

On his path to arcanist proficiency, Fen never really relied on external items. But that didn't mean they were of no use. With his royal bloodline, the young arcanist has yet to face an obstacle that he couldn't overcome not because of his talent, but lacking energy. Sadly, the same couldn't be said about nearly everyone else who ever attended the academy of any sort.

"But if this kind of social situation is already set in stone, just like you mentioned if all of those at the top are willing to kill and slaughter just to maintain their situation How do you want to overcome it?"

Fen's plans to create a country with more arcanists than others was no secret. It may be related to how his sole military experience came from operating in a purely arcanist mercenary group, but the effects of his tactics spoke for themselves. So far, using the low numbers of arcanists proved to be easier and more efficient than leading huge armies of peasants. 

And as strange as it might sound, Fen found the idea of focusing the military of the new mercenary kingdom on the arcanism, to be a relatively cheaper alternative.

"The thing is, I'm not going to oppose them directly. But what you forgot to mention, is that only those at the top are in favour of the existing system. Imagine yourself Nevermind. Since you are a student of this academy, you should realise how the only way to obtain real valuables and resources lays in selling yourself to a sponsor. Do you?"

The function of a sponsor was something that even Fen made use of. While the one time he had a chance to cooperate with the office was aimed mostly at opening up his way for more financial help from the academy, his quick career in his group brought him to a whole new level of economical prowess on his own.

"Well, that's public knowledge. If one wanted to obtain the flask of the simplest energy solution with the contribution points alone Three months. That's how long it would take. Given how those flasks are literally nothing when compared to what one can get right off the bat with sponsorship"

Shrugging her arms with a helpless expression, Cleo proved that this problem was no secret for her.

"Exactly. You can't just achieve something by working hard. Even the people with the greatest talents won't be able to properly grow without selling their freedom to someone else. Don't you think this kind of situation is bound to brew some unrest? Some desperation?"

With how hard it was to properly hear the other person in the crowd surrounding them, Cleo initially wasn't sure whether she heard properly. Watching as Fen approached one of the stalls that presented the goods available in the huge shop behind it, she could only stare at his back for a moment, before approaching the young man and tugging on the back of his mercenary uniform.

"Fen, what did you mean by that? What are you planning?"

From the tense look in her eyes, it was clear that Cleo comprehended Fen's words. But what was even more important, was that she understood the meaning behind them. Right now, she was just making sure whether or not her guesses were in line with the actual idea of the young mercenary commander in front of her.

"Instead of messing around in the academy, I do plan to create one of my own in the north. Once the situation calms down, those who will initially follow me there will have a huge chance to jump on the ship right in time to fill the important spots. But what's even more important, is the initial batch will establish themselves on the land and let us properly govern it"

Picking up an empty flask with a small description on a small note attached to it, Fen could feel the gratitude for his past efforts to learn how to read and write. With this ability, he could see that this 'Potency Fluid' cost about as much as one would have to spend to buy a small house in the suburbs. And for a single flask at that.

"I will take ten of those. Additionally, do you maybe have Catharsian Brew?"

Stopping the dialogue with his student and most likely lover, Fen turned his attention to the vendor in front of the stall. Given the small quantities that he wanted to trade with, there was no point in entering the palace-like shop behind the stall.

"Sure thing. It will be two Imperials and five Golden Crowns."

Scribbling a few words on the note, the vendor passed it to one of the aides that stood on standby behind him. In turn, as soon as he received the note, the young man who received the task rushed into a nearby warehouse with a clear and obvious intention.

"Here, twenty-five crowns."

Even with all the power and influence that he had right now, Fen opted out of using the Imperial coinage. While it was just the matter of standardisation implemented all the way back in the Old mercenary kingdom, it just didn't feel real for Fen to use the currency that national treasures operated with.

Surprisingly, as soon as the golden coins changed hands, another aide appeared with a special, stiff bag, filled with the wares that Fen ordered.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

Sending his most recent client off with this standard sentence, the vendor proved that Fen's shopping was simply too insignificant to treat him in any special way. Just another proof of how hermetic this place was for normal people.

"Back to the topic. I don't know exactly what direction our country will take once the snow melts and the temperature rises, but there will be war. That's one thing I can say for sure. And what's the better place for letting young arcanist gain both experience and riches?"

Smiling to his own thoughts, Fen quickly noticed Cleo's curious stare directed at the bag he was holding.

"As for those This is a special homework just for you. Please, be so kind and spread the news that those who will come best prepared for the next lesson, might already receive some help."


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