Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 234 234

"In that case, I will participate in that ski race and beat you guys!" Kirika said excitedly, and her voice drew the attention of the waiters and several customers in the restaurant.

"No. you can't take part in their races." Tenku firmly refused. Setsuka and the other two girls sighed in relief after hearing his answer, but Kirika couldn't accept it.

"Why!?" Kirika raised her voice and looked disappointed.

"Shouldn't you be shooting for your MV after this? You can't race skis with them and forget about your job." Tenku answered calmly.

"But..." Kirika wanted to reply to his words, but Tenku opened his mouth again before she could continue her sentence.

"If you race skis with them instead of continuing to shoot your MV, then your manager and the crew will be in trouble. The shooting process will be disrupted and will be protracted. If something like that happened, you'd be wasting their time and making things difficult for them.

The longer you finish your MV, the longer you and the others will be in Niseko. Is that what you want?" Tenku doesn't want more girls to join his vacation because three is enough to give him a headache. Also, he wanted to watch Kirika's MV soon because he found her new song quite pleasing to the ear, even though it wasn't as good as what he had in his playlist.

Kirika was speechless and couldn't reply to her words because what Tenku said was true. If she keeps delaying the shooting of the MV, then it will make them stay longer in Niseko. It will increase the MV's cost and exhaust the crew and her manager. Kirika didn't want that to happen.

"How long will you be on holiday here?" Kirika looked at Tenku and asked.

"We plan to stay in Hokkaido for two days. After that, we will go to our next destination." The one who answered Kirika's question was Setsuka.

"So you guys are leaving Hokkaido tomorrow?" Kirika asked another question, and her face clouded over.

"Yes." Setsuka replied curtly. Then, Kirika fell silent again.

"You can do ski races with them another time. Right now, you just have to focus on completing the shooting of your MV." Tenku said softly after he saw Kirika's expression.

"I'm worried that I won't be able to finish filming my MV today. I'm sure you guys won't just stay in Niseko during your vacation in Hokkaido, right?" Kirika smiled bitterly in response to his words. Tenku and the three girls nodded at her question.

"Then where is your next destination?" Kirika decided to finish the MV as soon as possible. After returning to the set, she knew she could not meet Tenku again in Niseko.

Kirika wanted to find another time to be with him. When she learned about Wang Ruyue's identity, she thought Tenku and the others would spend their vacation visiting Japanese cities. That girl must have been curious about the sights at tourist spots in this country. Thus, Kirika wanted to know their next destination.

"We plan to visit Kyoto." Tenku answered honestly. He had discussed it with Setsuka and the others on the plane to Hokkaido. The girls agree to go to Kyoto after they enjoy their holidays in Sapporo and Niseko.

"That's good! Where are you staying now?" Kirika's face brightened after she heard Tenku's words.

"We stayed in a three-star hotel on the outskirts of Sapporo." Wang Ruyue answered Kirika's question.

"Why do you stay in that place? Wouldn't it be better to choose accommodation in one of the tourist spots in Hokkaido? This will be more efficient and make your vacation easier. So you don't need to use public transportation when you want to visit one of this city's tourist attractions." Kirika tilted her head cutely and asked in confusion.

"We've been searching for accommodation in tourist spots with two empty rooms. Unfortunately, we didn't get it." Tenku replied and smiled bitterly.

"I see. It would be difficult to find a vacant room at an inn in the tourist spots of Hokkaido during the winter holidays." Kirika nodded in response. Then she looked at Tenku and opened her mouth again.

"Then, can you give me the address of the hotel where you are staying?" Kirika intended to go to that place after she finished shooting the MV.

"You can't! It would be best to focus on shooting your MV and not think about another matter. You don't need to come to our hotel!" Wang Ruyue quickly replied, and the other two girls agreed with her. Somehow she couldn't keep her composure when dealing with Kirika.

"Believe it or not, I can still get the hotel address where you are staying, even if you don't tell me." Kirika said provocatively.

"Do you want to follow us to the hotel we are staying at?" Wang Ruyue narrowed her eyes after hearing Kirika's words. She had to admit that the girl's ability was very troublesome if used to spy on someone. Wang Ruyue couldn't have noticed Kirika watching them if Tenku didn't tell her.

"Oh, I never said that. I'll leave that to your imagination." Setsuka smiled playfully.

"You…" Wang Ruyue wanted to say something to Kirika, but Tenku's voice interrupted her.

"Okay. This is the address of the hotel we are staying at." Tenku sighed and sent the address to Kirika through his dimension watch. He felt the situation would become troublesome if Kirika secretly followed them. It might disrupt their vacation, and Tenku must prevent that from happening.

Wang Ruyue and Setsuka didn't say anything else after Tenku spoke. They had the same thoughts as him and knew why he had given Kirika their hotel address. Wang Ruyue and the others didn't want their vacation ruined because of that girl.

"Thank You! In that case, I will return to my shooting location now. See you again!" Kirika said happily and quickly left the restaurant. But she didn't forget to give Tenku a flirtatious wink to provoke Setsuka and Wang Ruyue.

"Flirty idol!"

"Thieving cat!"

Setsuka and Wang Ruyue shouted simultaneously, and Tenku couldn't help but sigh.

"By the way, do you know why that girl looks so happy and excited after discovering we're going to Kyoto?" Kaede suddenly asked Tenku a question.

"Ah, that's possible because her residence is in Kyoto." Tenku answered calmly.

"What!?" This time all three girls reacted in unison. They were shocked after hearing that. If Setsuka and the others knew Kirika's residence was in Kyoto, they would prevent Tenku from telling the girl the next destination for their trip.

They couldn't cancel their visit to Kyoto suddenly because they had made their vacation plans in detail and had already bought plane tickets for tomorrow night's flight.

"Alright, we should leave this restaurant now if you guys still want to do the ski race." Tenku smiled and got up from his seat. He wanted to avoid interrogation from Setsuka and Wang Ruyue. They must have asked him for an explanation as to why he had told Kirika the destination of their trip after he found out that it was her hometown.

"Wait, Tenku! Where are you going in such a hurry!"

"You have to explain it!"

"You can't just leave us without saying anything!"

Setsuka, Wang Ruyue, and Kaede quickly got up from their seats and chased after him. It was seen by the people in the restaurant and made the men jealous.

After they left the restaurant, Setsuka and the others quickly put their skis on and got ready to race. Tenku will act as the referee and choose one of the highest pistes in the Niseko Village Ski Resort area. The race is only one time, and whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner.

"Are you ready?" Tenku asked the three girls.

"We are ready!" Wang Ruyue and the other two answered simultaneously.

"Then the race will start after the count ends." Tenku said and started to do the countdown.

"Three... Two... One... begin!" Tenku signaled the start of the race, and the three girls slid down the piste.

The one who took the lead this time was Setsuka, and Wang Ruyue looming behind her while Kaede was in last place. But then Setsuka's pace suddenly became fast, leaving the two opponents far behind.

"What!?" Wang Ruyue was startled and tried to chase after her, but what she did was useless. Setsuka manages to arrive at the finish line first and becomes the winner. Afterward, Wang Ruyue caught up, and Kaede secured third place.

"The winner is..." Tenku was about to announce the race results, but Wang Ruyue's voice cut off his words.

"You cheated! You used your skills in this race!" Wang Ruyue said angrily.

"Huh? I don't remember that we made a rule against using abilities in races. Have you forgotten about it?" Sesuka smiled. Not long after the race started, she used her ability to control the ice. Setsuka made the snow under his skis much smoother and provided a boost so he could slide at top speed.

"You!" Wang Ruyue was irritated by Setsuka's words. She wanted to say something to her but quickly swallowed back her words. After that, Wang Ruyue turned his eyes to Tenku.

"She cheated, Tenku! Shouldn't her victory be annulled!?" Wang Ruyue complained like a spoiled little girl to Tenku. Blue veins popped out on Setsuka's forehead when he saw her act.

"I can't say anything about it. I only serve as a referee, but you decide the rules. So I don't know whether Phantasmal objects' abilities can be used in this race. Have you and Setsuka talked about this matter?" Tenku said helplessly.

"That is… I didn't discuss it with her because I thought that this race was purely using our skiing skills. So I don't forbid the use of the power of the Realizer." Wang Ruyue replied in a low voice. She knew that she couldn't blame Setsuka or Kaede for that. If Wang Ruyue had known this would happen, she would have prohibited using the ability, or she would have used it in the races.

"In that case, Setsuka will still be the winner in the race because she didn't cheat." Tenku said softly and patted Wang Ruyue on the shoulder to calm her down. Then, he looked at Setsuka.

"What prize do you want?" Tenku asked. Setsuka looked at the other two girls. Kaede nodded, and Wang Ruyue reluctantly followed.

"We agreed to ask for six hours of your time as a prize for this ski race." Setsuka answered and smiled.

"What?" Tenku looked confusedly at them.


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