Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 233 233

"How? Did you like the way I solved this problem?" Kirika said and smiled sweetly. Her expression was gentle, different from what she had shown before.

The faces of Setsuka and the other two girls darkened because Kirika ignored their presence, and her eyes were only glued to Tenku. But before they could say anything to her, Tenku opened his mouth first.

"Yeah, I like it. It's better than having to make a scene in this restaurant." Tenku replied helplessly. He sensed the hostility of the three girls towards Kirika. He was confused because Kaede reacted like Setsuka and Wang Ruyue. But Tenku didn't want to think about that too much.

"That's good! Then, can I eat together with you here? I haven't had lunch because I was filming my MV. You know, right? I feel your presence when you come to my shooting location. What do you think of my new song? Does it suit your taste? Is that pleasing to your ears?" Kirika became chatty and bombarded Tenku with questions. She wanted to take an empty seat at the table, but Wang Ruyue quickly stopped her.

"Wait a minute! Why are you taking a seat before we give permission!?" Wang Ruyue said in annoyance. She didn't care if Kirika was an idol. Wang Ruyue didn't like her attitude of ignoring them and openly showed her interest in Tenku.

"Huh? You are..." Kirika turned her eyes to Wang Ruyue. She remembered that the girl was the person she had seen with Tenku but didn't know her name. Then her face clouded over after she recalled Wang Ruyue and Tenku's closeness.

"I am Wang Ruyue, and I come from Beijing. I am the granddaughter of his martial master. I can be said to be his best friend and senior sister." Wang Ruyue introduced herself to Kirika and emphasized her relationship with Tenku.

"Ooh, so you're from Beijing. No wonder I didn't see you at Suisei High School." Kirika finally finds out Wang Ruyue's identity and her relationship with Tenku. She was relieved after hearing that they were just friends.

"Ah, he has also helped me to win the martial arts competition and cancel my marriage agreement with a certain family. Since he had won the competition, it passed to him. In other words, me and Tenku have a marriage agreement." Wang Ruyue said shyly and blushed.

"Cough!" Tenku choked after he listened to Wang Ruyue's statement.

On the other hand, Setsuka and the two girls were shocked and opened their mouths wide. Not long after, they finally came back to their senses.

"You… Can you repeat your words?" Setsuka said incredulously. Out of the three girls in that place, she was the one who was the most devastated after hearing that.

"Tenku and I have a marriage agreement." Wang Ruyue repeated her statement and smiled.

Afterward, the three girls fell silent again. They were at a loss regarding how to respond to Wang Ruyue's words.

"Hmm... Yue'er. You're not kidding, are you? I never heard about it from your grandfather." Tenku asked. He didn't mind having a marriage agreement with Wang Ruyue as he also had special feelings for her. But he had to ensure his words were true because the news left him shocked and confused.

"I'm serious. I'm not going to joke about this matter. My grandfather probably forgot to tell you about the matter or didn't want to distract your training. You should know that he often forgets about important things at his age." Wang Ruyue replied.

"You're right. But can you tell me about the matter in more detail?" Tenku asked another question. He had to know about the bet between the Wang and Gu families in the martial arts competition. Kirika and the other two girls focused on Wang Ruyue and waited for her explanation. They are also curious about it.

"Of course. This matter was not spread to the public, and only a few people in the Wang family knew about it because we were pessimistic that we would win the martial arts competition. So what people outside know is that the winner will determine the fate of the marriage agreement between the Wang family and the Gu family." Wang Ruyue replied.

"Then what is the content of the agreement? No, this wasn't an agreement but more like a one-sided promise." Tenku urged Wang Ruyue to explain further.

"Yes, you're right. The patriarch of the Wang family promised to transfer the rights of the marriage agreement to the winner of the martial arts competition. But it will only apply if both parties agree to it. Suppose one of the Wang family's disciples wins the competition, then the marriage agreement will continue if I want to marry him.

Patriarch said that to boost their fighting spirit because he knows our chances of winning over the Gu family are small and almost nil. But he didn't expect that the Wang family would become champions in the martial arts competition. Because of that, the marriage agreement still exists, but the male partners are different." Wang Ruyue smiled and answered.

She didn't mention the matter to Tenku because she knew his situation. Tenku struggles to get stronger because he wants to go to Arcadia to find his sister. Thus, Wang Ruyue didn't want to disturb him and distract his focus from his practice. But she was forced to say it after two formidable love rivals appeared. Wang Ruyue had to take out her trump card against them.

Tenku and the others fell silent after they heard Wang Ruyue's explanation. They have their own thoughts about the marriage agreement.

Initially, the three girls felt pity when they heard Wang Ruyue's story. But then they became jealous of her after she finished his words. Tenku saved her from marrying someone she didn't love. It was like a story in a novel they had read before. Not long after, Setsuka opened her mouth and broke the silence.

"If what you say is true, then the marriage agreement is not valid because it is only a verbal promise from the patriarch of the Wang family. In the first place, the patriarch of your family said that to motivate the disciples to strive in the martial arts competition. So you don't have to take it too seriously." Setsuka commented.

"I agree with her. Didn't you say the marriage agreement will only happen if both parties have the same intention? So it requires approval from you and Tenku, am I right?" Kirika nodded and added another sentence.

On the other hand, Kaede couldn't help but remain silent because the two girls had already said what she wanted to say.

"Yes, you are right. I also don't know if the patriarch was serious about saying that or just wanted to use me to raise the students' morale before the competition started. Since it requires the consent of both parties, then I don't mind.

After all, I'm also pessimistic that the Wang family could win the competition. So I thought it would be fine if I married someone else as long as it wasn't a member of the Gu family." Wang Ruyue stopped her words. She drank the water on the table to clear her throat and continued her story.

"At that time, I had resigned to my fate and intended to commit suicide on the wedding night if the Gu family won the competition. But I didn't expect that a miracle would come to me. Tenku appeared in front of me and won the martial arts competition.

After that, the marriage agreement between the Gu and Wang families was void. That way, Tenku has the right to accept the patriarch's promise. It does require approval from both parties, me and Tenku. I'm sure you already know my answer to that without me having to say it." Wang Ruyue smiled, but her words still didn't end.

"So what I'm waiting for now are words from Tenku. I don't want to force him because I know his situation. You should have known about that, right?" Wang Ruyue looked at the girls at the table and stopped at Setsuka. After that, he turned his eyes to Tenku.

The other three girls also turned their attention to him and waited nervously for his answer. If Tenku also wants it, they will be bound by a marriage agreement.

Even though it was just a marriage agreement, Setsuka and the others had to admit that Wang Ruyue was one step ahead. They will find it difficult to approach Tenku in the future. But they won't give up just because of that.

Someone as strong as Tenku would attract attention from the opposite sex, and they were ready for it. After all, in the current era, polygamy is not prohibited. Instead, creating strong offspring from the combined genes of the father and mother is recommended. Therefore, the most important thing for them is not to be the only one but to be number one and occupy a large part of Tenku's heart.

Tenku felt overwhelmed by the gazes of the girls. He tried to keep his composure, but the cold sweat on his forehead betrayed him. Tenku was at a loss as to how to respond to Wang Ruyue's words in front of the other girls.

If he wasn't careful in his words, he might hurt Setsuka. Tenku didn't want that to happen. Although he was shocked after hearing Wang Ruyue's explanation, it didn't mean he was unhappy. Sooner or later, Wang Ruyue would tell him about the matter. Tenku knew that he had to answer and couldn't avoid it.

"I..." Tenku wanted to speak, but his words were cut off because the waiter came with the food they ordered. He secretly sighed in relief within his heart.

"Okay. We should eat this food first while it is still warm. We can talk about the matter another time." Tenku said softly to the girls. Wang Ruyue and the others could only nod and did not pursue the answer further. They knew that Tenku couldn't say anything about it yet, and they didn't want to force him. Tenku smiled and turned his eyes to Kirika.

"You can eat with us here but must return to your shooting location after that. I know you haven't finished it yet." Tenku had checked Kirika's shooting location and found that the crew and her manager were still there. In other words, the girl came to the restaurant before the MV shooting ended.

"Thank You!" Kirika smiled broadly and said excitedly. Kaede and the other two girls couldn't complain after Tenku made his decision. Not long after, Kirika's order came, and they started to enjoy their food.

Tenku and the others didn't take long to finish their food. Afterward, he looked at Setsuka, Kaede, and Wang Ruyue.

"Then, are you ready for the ski race? We still have time before night." Tenku asked.

"Of course!" The three girls answered in unison.

"Huh? Do you guys want to do a ski race?" Kirika felt interested when she heard about it.

"Yes, we will have a ski race to get a prize from Tenku." Setsuka answered calmly.

"In that case, I will participate in that ski race and beat you guys!" Kirika stood up from her seat and raised her voice.


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