QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 316 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 15

Chapter 316 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 15

After dumping the woman in their hands in XiGuang courtyard and spitting out a few threatening words, the guards walked away.

Shi Meifen stood up but didn't dare run after them. Their words were enough deterrent. She didn't want Lu Jingye to be punished even more so she turned around and dashed towards the West yard with eyes full of tears.

The second she reached Lu Wenduo's bedside, she fell to her feet and cried her heart out. After a while, she shakily stood up and stared at Lu Wenduo's closed eyes with freely flowing tears. "Wenduo... I'm very worried. You two are all I have in this household.

Ni Huo must have been preparing to wipe him down because a warm basin of water was by the side. She stretched her hand to grab the washcloth and dipped it in the water.

Next, she tremblingly wiped him down with red puffy eyes and a runny nose. "The East Ancestral hall is so rundown and leaky and yet they wouldn't even let him keep his outer robes. Talk less of a week, he's probably going to freeze to death tonight."

She paid extra attention to his pale, bony, face and burst into a fresh wave of tears soon after. Having such a helpless mother... the two of them must despise her very much. She choked. "This- this old lady is sorry. You hear me? Your mother is very sorry for being so useless.

-I don't have literary knowledge to teach you or skills to pass on. This one had been a lowly servant all her life and had caused the both of you to be implicated by birth."


The sound was soft but Shi Meifen heard it anyways. She looked up at the roof with a confused frown and listened carefully. Everywhere was silent except the sound of the night wind. She sniffed and looked down at Lu Wenduo once more.

Must have heard wrong.




The moon had come out fully now and the surroundings were no longer dark but it was still quite late. The sharp sounds of moving wind against the increasingly leaveless trees did nothing but accentuate the desolateness of the East Ancestral hall.

Lu Peng's eyes were diligently trained on Lu Jingye's back. The young man was surrounded by broken pieces of wood, dirt and incense ash as he knelt and this gave him a perseverant look that made Lu Peng's body itch.

Seeing that her instructions were finally carried out, Mama Cao cleared her throat at the side and carefully said, "Ah.. It's so late. It's best if the Eldest young miss and Eldest young master returned."

Lu Peng didn't even hold himself back from sneering at her. They did not come here together so if she wanted to leave, what did it have to do with him? When he casually looked to the side and found Lu Yunyue staring at him suspiciously, his senses returned.

He stared at Lu Jingye reluctantly and then his eyes trailed to the outer robes on the dirty ground and his eyes sparkled. With a confident swagger that confused Mama Cao, Lu Yunyue and the guards, he walked forward until he was a step behind Lu Jingye.

With hands trembling in excitement, he lowered his body and sneakily tried to brush the back of his hand against Lu Jingye's backside as he picked up the blue robe on the ground.

Lu Jingye was a step ahead. The second Lu Peng walked up to him, he felt the hairs on his skin rise and when the man lowered himself, he smoothly leaned forward. This caused a few splinters to scrape his knees but aside from a slight furrow in his brows, nothing else was shown.

Lu Peng straightend his posture with the blue robe in his hand and eyed Lu Jingye's body with burning eyes. He was aware that Lu Jingye avoided him just now and that made his excitement reach a new peak.

His fascination over the male body came from a sick thrill to dominate the strong so resistance only fueled his need and made him want more!

Caressing the low quality fabric in his hand, he turned around and sneered at the confused looks of everyone else. "We can't leave the robe here. What if he picks it up when we leave?"

Lu Yunyue raised a brow whilst the confusion on the faces of the rest turned into realization.

Before they had the chance to think things through, Lu Peng squeezed the robe tightly and quickly strode out of the Ancestral hall. He couldn't have Mama Cao trying to take the robe in order to dispose of it.

Mama Cao sighed in relief after Lu Peng left and turned to urge Lu Yunyue. The young miss in question narrowed her eyes on Lu Jingye's kneeling figure before turning around and leaving too.

In a much relaxed state, Mama Cao gave the guards pointed looks and when they both went outside the hall to stand guard, she smiled in satisfaction and crinkled her nose at Lu Jingye before rubbing her hand warmer and leaving.


Lu Peng practically flew over to his courtyard. He was so excited and the feel of the fabric in his hand was the source of that excitement. Thinking of the things he could do to that brother of his was so exciting!

"Eldest young master?"

Lu Peng's mind finally returned and he looked around him in surprise. He'd been too excited to even notice that he'd arrived at the entrance of his room!

The person who had called out was Lu Peng's manservant. He was a sickly looking young man with a thin figure and a missing eye.

At some point three years ago, Bai Yun had noticed that her son's manservants always ended up dead one way or the other.

Such a thing didn't look good on his image and would've been damaging if it got out but she couldn't figure out where the problem was -even after investigating. With no other option, she looked at the one thing all the dead manservants had in common and that was.. well they were all handsome men with good figures.

Helplessly, she'd bought Min Shin from a slave ring and sent him over to her son and ever since, the sickly young slave had been the only one to survive this long.

Lu Peng eyed Mi Shin with an annoyed look. His manservants had always been the best of male servants in the Lu household but when his mother suddenly brought Mi Shin, he had reluctantly accepted because he didn't want his secret getting out.

The slave was unappealing to him and more importantly, he looked so weak. What kind of satisfaction would he get from dominating such a person? Tsk.

He waved impatiently. "You may retire for the night."

Min Shin lowered his head obediently. "Then this slave would take his leave now."

Lu Peng ran his hands all over the blue robe and opened his room door but then paused. The robe was good but what could he do with just a robe? He turned back. "Min Shin?"

The manservant stiffened and turned around.

"Find me a good servant of about 176 to 178 cm. Also..." After letting out a more peculiar request, he cleared his throat and ended with, "Be back here in 15 minutes."

Min Shin shakily nodded and walked away.

15 minutes later:

A young male servant tremblingly stood before Lu Peng.

Min Shin calmly dropped a bundle of cloth on the table, cast the male servant a complicated look before slowly leaving the room and retiring to his quarters.

Seated carelessly on a futon, Lu Peng eyed the male servant from head to toe. The servant was neither as tall as Lu Jingye nor as handsome. He also had more flesh on his bones and his skin was much rougher in comparison but... He'd have to do. He reluctantly threw the blue robe at the servant. "Take off everything and wear it."

The male servant shakily caught the robe and under Lu Peng's watchful eyes, he shamefully did as instructed whilst sending prayers to his ancestors. This might be his first time here but he'd heard hushed tales from the other male servants about the Eldest young master's peculiar tastes.

Once the servant was wearing nothing but the robe, Lu Peng stood up and opened the cloth bundle Min Shin had dropped on the table to reveal large chunks of white hair.

He wanted the experience to be as close as possible so he'd instructed Min Shin to find any old servant and cut off all of their white hair. It looked so dry and ugly compared to Lu Jingye's shimmery silver hair but again, it'll have to do.

The male servant winced in pain when Lu Peng suddenly grabbed him by the hair and began tying firm knots at the roots with the bundles of white hair.

Finally, Lu Peng admired his masterpiece. Tsk. Not good enough but if he narrowed his eyes a particular way and looked throw the slits... His body immediately reacted and his excitement came back in full force.

He quickly pushed the male servant on the bed, face down, lifted the robes and directly plunged into the young man with no hesitation whatsoever.


The male servant screamed and directly fainted from pain.




Inside the Ancestral hall, only Lu Jingye remained. With nothing else to do as he knelt, he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of the wind hitting the walls and the dilapidated roof of the hall. He shivered a from the cold but other than that, he was fairly okay.




Lu Jingye's eyes opened. The sounds had been faint admist the wind but with his keen ears, he'd heard it clearly. His brows furrowed.

Someone was here.

He was aware that Bai Yun would never let him spend the week peacefully but he had no idea she'd make a move this early! His heart rate increased slightly as he quickly lowered his hands to the ground and felt around him.

Decayed wood, small stones, sand, something soft and-


He'd accidentally pressed his hand on the broken pieces of what felt like porcelain and cut his skin.

Lu Jingye withdrew that hand but then his ears twitched when he heard soft footsteps so he quickly extended that hand again and carefully moved until he grabbed a fairly large piece. His other hand also extended to grab the soft thing he'd touched earlier. It was the cloth belt he'd taken off with his outer robe.

The lanterns were gone and he couldn't see so hiding was out of the question. He simply clenched the items in his hands tight and relaxed his posture to seem oblivious as the footsteps drew nearer.


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