QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 315 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 14

Chapter 315 After Dying, I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 14

Winter was close by and night time arrived earlier. The atmosphere was already windy but, at the entrance of XiGuang stood Shi Meifen with a cloak wrapped around her figure and a lantern in her hand.

Seeing as no one arrived for a long time, she was about to get her hopes up that Bai Yun had forgotten about Lu Jingye when Bai Yun's head servant, Mama Cao, finally showed up with two Lu family guards and two maidservants -holding cloth bags- behind her.

Her heart shrivelled up but she schooled in her expression and lowered her head in greeting. "Head servant Cao."

Mama Cao caressed the hand warmer in her hands as she eyed Shi Meifen haughtily. Her mistress had been in a state of distress ever since the Fifth prince left the mansion so she'd been given the task of ensuring that the cursed child got the punishment he deserved.

Without wasting time, she walked past Shi Meifen with the guards and maidservants. "Where is the Fi-?" She suddenly paused and all six people watched as a blue robed figure calmly advanced towards the entrance of XiGuang with steady steps.

Shi Meifen took a step towards him. It was so cold but he didn't even have a cloak on! She was about to speak up when she paused and eyed Mama Cao and the guards with defeated eyes. They was no way they'd let him have a cloak.

When he finally arrived, Mama Cao's surprised eyes roamed over his features. She'd heard, from the servants below her, of the absurdity of the young man's looks but seeing it herself surprised her a lot. He was quite a beauty but that hair colour and eyes... Tsk.

Truly an ill omen.

After several seconds, she slowly turned to Shi Meifen and beckoned at the servant girls behind her with a curve of her hand. "My mistress is benevolent and had noticed that XiGuang courtyard is lacking manpower so she sent these two."

Without waiting for Shi Meifen to reply, she turned around. "Let's go."

The maidservants inclined their heads at Mama Cao respectfully before turning to Shi Meifen with displeased frowns. They were second rank servants by Bai Yun's side so their bearings were proud and haughty.

Ever since they discovered that they'd been reassigned to XiGuang, they'd been very unhappy but didn't dare voice their complaints before Mama Cao.

Shi Meifen stared at the two of them and smiled bitterly. What extra manpower? Bai Yun had simply been shocked by Lu Jingye's sudden appearance and had sent these two over to monitor XiGuang courtyard!

If she dared boss them around then she would surely face the indirect wrath of Bai Yun. With her eyes on Lu Jingye's leaving figure, she waved at them. "The rooms in the East and West yards are all occupied. Situate yourselves whenever you please in the North yard."

The maidservants rolled their eyes and walked into the courtyard. Shi Meifen's words meant nothing to them. Wherever they found pleasing was where they would stay. They had Bai Yun's backing, Shi Meifen wouldn't dare complain.

Shi Meifen stood outside the courtyard for an unknown amount of time before going in and subconsciously walking over to Lu Jingye's room. When she entered, her eyes went straight to the desk and she stiffened. The boy hadn't carried the buns that had been prepared to pad his stomach!

Holding the small pouch in her hands, she contemplated for a while before turning around and leaving the courtyard.


Mama Cao walked towards the Ancestral hall with her head held high. Every second or so, her eyes would trail to the young man walking in between the Lu guards and an imperceptible frown would cross her features.

When the little group finally reached the East Ancestral hall, they found two people waiting at the entrance. Mama Cao's eyes widened and she hurriedly called out, "Eldest young miss, Eldest young master."

Her eyes went from Lu Peng to Lu Yunyue. As Bai Yun's head servant, she was quite familiar with them so she didn't hold back her distress as she said, "It's quite chilly outside but you're both here in nothing but cloaks. Quickly return before you fall sick." 

None of them moved and she became even more distressed. If they fell sick then her Mistress might blame her. She tried again, "It's such a bad weather. I'll have the servants prepare some ginger soup and send over to your courtyards."

Lu Peng eyed Lu Yunyue in dissatisfaction. He'd patiently waited until after sunset and rushed over here despite the cold. Who knew he'd run into Lu Yunyue as soon as he arrived? At least she was smart enough not to ask questions.

At that thought, excitement tore through his bones. Earlier today, Lu Jingye had been dressed in white robes which made his pale skin look so much paler. Now, he was dressed in blue and he looked so much better! The skies had darkened but the lantern being carried by the guards gave the surroundings an orange glow.

An orange glow that made Lu Jingye look ethereal. Lu Peng clenched his fists. How had such a beauty been hidden for so long?! He felt a stirring at the pit of his stomach.

No one knew but when he'd just turned 14, he'd been wandering about the Lu mansion when he stumbled upon the general servant courtyard.

After walking around in curiosity, he'd ended up at the small river behind the courtyard. There... he'd watched a male servant bathe and had developed a weird fascination to the male body ever since.

At 16, he'd been gifted some bed maids by his father but none of them had moved him. Less than a month later, he managed to coax his first manservant into bed with him but had made up a reason to have the servant killed in order to protect his secret.

Over the years, he'd tasted quite a handful of male servants and even some guards but this young man before him... This man was the epitome of it all. His blood boiled as he thought of all the expressions he could put on that expressionless face.

As opposed to Lu Peng's obsessed look, Lu Yunyue's expression was neutral but deep down... her heart rapidly pumped an unhealthy amount of blood through her veins to match the heat of her anger.

She'd brainwashed herself the last few hours and toned down Lu Jingye's beauty in her mind but ultimately, she wasn't able to restrain herself from coming here to take another look.

Her fists clenched. A man had no business looking that way! A second later though, she calmed down. Fortunately, Lu Jingye wasn't a woman so she was able to get over his looks.

She turned to her elder brother. She had no idea why he was here though. The other descendants hadn't come here because although Lu Jingye's presence had been a shock to them, he wasn't necessarily a huge threat. This brother of theirs had been confined all his life with no form of education whatsoever so what waves could he possibly make?

The more she thought, the more curious she became but in the end, she waved it off. Lu Peng was currently the Eldest young master of the Lu mansion and was next in line for the title of right Prime minister so it shouldn't be surprising that he was this cautious.

In fact, Lu Yunyue felt good about it. Lu Peng wasted his days fluttering around the Lu mansion like a drunk butterfly so it was good to see him show some ambition. Although it would have been preferable if he saved his schemes for Tan Hong's sons... Well, one step at a time.

Helplessly, Mama Cao quit giving suggestions and just hurried along Lu Jingye's punishment so the two ancestors could peacefully return to their courtyards.

Both brother and sister watched as Lu Jingye was led into the Ancestral hall but just before he got to his knees, Lu Peng suddenly cleared his throat.

"This person had disrespected my mother so openly. It wouldn't do to just kneel in comfort. Take off his outer robes!"

Mama Cao paused and even Lu Yunyue looked at Lu Peng in surprise. Her elder brother was really proactive today. This was good. He could just take the fifth son as practice for when he was ready to deal with Lu Chao and the others!

Lu Jingye stood with his back to them and his eyes flashed dangerously. He was already doing this much and they weren't satisfied?

Lu Peng's eyes bored holes into his fifth brother's back. He really wanted to see more of that figure. He tsked impatiently. "Don't waste time and take it off!"


Everyone turned around in surprise to see Shi Meifen dash into the hall with wide, fearful, eyes. Her mind was clouded with worry so how could she think about the impetuousness of her actions?

She pushed past Mama Cao to stand before Lu Peng. "Eldest young master, the Ancestral hall is barely holding up and it's the beginnings of winter! Snowfall would cover the Earth soon and without the warmth of his outer robes, how would he survive a week?!"

Lu Peng sneered and one of the guards came forward to restrain Shi Meifen.

Mama Cao's grit her teeth. "You're really bold aren't you?! A concubine of the lowest rank daring to confront the Eldest young master, do you not fear death?!"

Shi Meifen struggled against the guards. She really couldn't bear to see her son wronged. She choked. "It's my fault he's here, how about I take his plac-"

"No need." Lu Jingye cut in. He looked in the direction of Shi Meifen's voice. If he could at least see outlines during the day, at night he was completely blind so he couldn't make out what was going on and that annoyed him.

He'd already accepted the punishment, how could he let Shi Meifen take over? Even if he felt a little detached from her, he still considered her his mother. He calmly undid his cloth belt and took off his outer robes.

The second the blue robe fell to the ground, revealing the white inner robe, all thoughts automatically flew out of Lu Peng's head through his nose and his head turned blank.

Although the white inner robe wasn't see through, it was still thin so a faint outline of Lu Jingye's body could be seen. Mama Cao and Lu Yun looked away uncomfortably but Lu Peng was too lost in his fantasies to care.

Due to years of impoverishment, Lu Jingye was quite thin but not in a sickly way. He looked a little smaller than his age and had an impossibly thin waist. Lu Peng's body felt hot and he hand to clench his fists to keep himself from rushing over to embrace the beauty.

His eyes moved from Lu Jingye's waist and hovered on his backside. Not enough! It would be good if the inner robes could be taken off too! But he didn't dare say that out loud. Mama Cao and his unmarried sister were present. Giving such an order would be too inappropriate.

Feeling very satisfied, Lu Peng offhandedly waved at the guards. "Take her away."

"No!" Shi Meifen screamed as she was dragged back to XiGuang and Lu Jingye clenched his fists.


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