Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 105: Sweet Business Method IV

Chapter 105: Sweet Business Method IV


Someone, their face covered with a mask, took a small breath in the darkness and gazed at the target appearing ahead. 

The target, an oversized aristocrat dressed in fancy clothes, was walking happily on the road accompanied by soldiers. He was talking loudly with an eerie smile on his lips.

“Ahahahaha, how much money did you get today?”

“Over 30 talets in total. If I can earn this way every time, I don’t think I will have to worry about money in the future.”

“Surely so. How much I struggled to get my hands on this permanent residence. Now all that remains is to squeeze steadily and accumulate wealth step by step.”

“This is a very wise move. The wealth of the lord is the wealth of this territory. You should do that.”

As the lord excitedly talked and his entourage tried to please him, the person in the mask slowly pulled out the dagger they were holding. Surrounded by magic, the dagger slowly rose into the air, aiming somewhere like a compass.

And then…


The dagger flew through the air with a sharp sound, and…


“What… what is it?”

“Huh.. my lord!”

The lord fell to the floor with a desperate scream. Despite being surrounded by escorts, a dagger had been driven into his heart at an impossible angle. The lord faced death without the others even having time to react. 

Recognizing that the target had been taken care of, the masked person quickly started to leave the place through the back alley.

After a while, they arrived at the entrance of a shabby house. Going down the cellar located there, they slowly removed the mask from their face. 

A woman’s face emerged, looking to be in her late teens despite her age. She entered the room, lightly tidying up her sweat-drenched orange hair.

“I’m back.”

The four people in front of her eyes greeted her with bright voices. All of them were female, but none of them seemed ordinary. 

Two girls in their mid-teens, who appeared to be twins with dark blue hair and black eyes. Although they looked the same, one had a sense of composure while the other seemed restless. There was also a brown-skinned woman with a disgruntled expression on the bed opposite them, similar in age to the orange-haired woman, with green hair and dark green eyes with unusually split pupils. Lastly, a woman with purple hair, pale skin, and odd blue and purple eyes sat in the center, maintaining an expressionless face.

“Work?” she asked in a quiet yet clear voice.

The orange-haired woman responded brightly, “Not perfect. As always, since this Nemea had a hand in it!”V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).𝘤𝑜/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

The woman with purple hair nodded without changing her expression.

“By the way… how much was Mino’s pay this time?” One of the twins asked in a slightly meaningful voice.

To this, the other answered in a slightly trembling voice, “Yes? Ah… that… probably… about 8000 silver… Sister Ken.”

“Only 8000? Did these chicks turn? Put that on someone’s nose!” Ken, the elder sister of the twins, growled.

“Haha… but it can’t be helped. Uh… since Sakiel was half ruined a while ago…” Mino Ross, the younger twin, answered hurriedly.

While watching the twins, the green-haired woman on the bed said in a slightly annoyed voice, “That’s enough, Ken. It’s not Mino’s fault. What can she do about the surrounding situation? We should be grateful for getting anything at all.”

“Cheh… anyway, Mergon is always on Mino’s side…” Ken still showed signs of dissatisfaction. 

Looking at her like this, Godusa Mergon, the green-haired woman, looked frustrated.

No, it wasn’t just them. Even if they didn’t express it openly, the five women in this room were very dissatisfied with their current situation. The members of ‘Predator’, one of Sakiel’s branch organizations in the past, were facing tough times.

After the war with Hangury, Sakiels faced significant changes. They, who controlled the continent’s underground economy, suffered enormous damage, with half of their executives and members, including all of the members, massacred. 

Their power was crushed. 

Although they still maintained vast territories and black commercial districts, their influence weakened considerably.

The reason they could maintain their weakened power was the Beden Merchant Company, who had effectively become their new masters. As a result, the influence of the Beden Merchant Company within Sakiel had been strengthened. Depending on their taste, some businesses thrived while others declined.

Among those that suffered most was the s1ave business, which was declared totally banned, and the contract killing business that ‘Predator’ was engaged in. 

Assassination, always in demand, was now risky and reduced to sporadic requests.

The ‘Predator’ organization, once at the peak of assassination groups, had not experienced a single failure over the past few years. Their notoriety was such that even Sakiel’s officers trembled in fear. However, their glory days ended when the Sakiels suffered a crushing defeat in Hangury. They had refused to participate in the war, believing it was unrelated to their s1ave business. Other assassination organizations participated but faced enormous risks and were massacred.

The ‘Predator’ stayed safe, but the Beden Merchant Company declared the abolition of contract killings, making them unemployed overnight. They realized the seriousness of the situation too late, with no way to openly seek new jobs. Their financial situation deteriorated, and they couldn’t rely on their past reputation to find work. Even their current clients were unreliable.

“Damn! Those who used to tremble at just hearing our name are now mocking us. What are we doing?” Ken expressed his dissatisfaction.

“At least the pr0stitutes, who were also heavily suppressed, are doing better. Some are even making more money now,” Mergon sympathized.

The leader of the Predators, Echid Tifonia, with purple hair and odd eyes, suppressed her boiling feelings. She knew they couldn’t survive like this forever. The financial situation worsened, and most clients were unreliable. They had to find a breakthrough soon.

‘We can’t stay like this forever. This isn’t survival; it’s just slowly drying up and dying…’ 

Echid thought, realizing they had no place to fall anymore. They needed to find a way to change their situation. Looking at her comrades, these precious people who were like family, she knew she had to make an important decision.

That was…

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