Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 104: Sweet Business Method III

Chapter 104: Sweet Business Method III

While Yuria and Robert chatted animatedly, Isolda and Ophelia rode alone in the leading carriage. 

Isolda reviewed documents, while Ophelia sat silently. 

After about an hour of silence, Isolda spoke first. 

“You… is it okay to be apart like this? Even in a situation like this, you shouldn’t be away from the side of the escort target, right?”

“It’s okay. There is no problem at this amount of distance.” Ophelia responded without a hint of agitation.

Isolda, having some knowledge of magical powers, frowned slightly but then sighed softly. 

“Ha ha. There’s no way a person like you would neglect Bahamut’s orders.”

Isolda seemed about to say more but then stopped, returning her gaze to the documents. 

At that moment, Ophelia spoke again.

“I’m just saying this since you mentioned my Master…”

“…yes?” Isolda felt some doubts and tension as Ophelia continued to speak.

“What do you…think of him?”

Recognizing the implication, Isolda remained silent for a moment, then responded with her characteristic composure. 

“Well? What do you think? Other people may not know, but you, who have been watching us all along, would already know the answer, right?”

“I want to hear it directly from your mouth…” Ophelia insisted, her tone still calm but with a slight edge.

“Why? Are you anxious? Are you afraid that your beloved master’s heart will turn over to me?” Isolda provoked.

Ophelia’s expression hardened, but she did not respond. 

Isolda continued mocking. 

“Well… unfortunately, unlike you, who has already embraced many men, I am someone who gave my v!rginity to Bahamut. No matter how much hardship one is facing, selling your body is like taking it easy wa…”

Suddenly, Isolda felt suffocated, and she was unable to continue speaking. 

Ophelia had not moved, but the terrifying presence she emanated gripped Isolda’s neck tightly. 

“Keah uh uh uh! Uh uh uh…hukh..kekh…” Isolda gasped for breath as the presence dissipated. 

Ophelia spoke coldly.

“Try to say that one more time. At that time, it might be difficult for me to exercise more patience than this.”

“Ugh…huck…kuh…kukh…ha ha ha..” Isolda suddenly started laughing softly. 

Ophelia looked puzzled. 

Isolda, stroking her neck, said, “To have such a reaction… as expected… you really love my master a lot.”

Ophelia blushed slightly, surprised at the remark. 

Isolda, enjoying the situation, continued.

“Sorry, sorry. Honestly, I wanted to ask that question once. It was a slight provocation, but I didn’t expect such a dramatic reaction. Indeed…as the woman that man loves the most, you have a pure mind.”


“Why? No? Could it be that I misunderstood the situation? Or say no.”

Ophelia, blushing, turned her head away without saying anything. Isolda smiled quietly.

‘I think I know why Bahamut likes this woman…’ Isolda thought. 

Ophelia’s straightforwardness and inability to lie made her endearing, even to someone like Isolda, who usually hid her true feelings.

‘Even though she is also one of my competitors… to be honest, I don’t see anyone more dangerous than Lady Bertina…’ 

Isolda had no intention of giving up Bahamut, but acknowledging the opponent was a separate matter. She smiled lightly at Ophelia’s blushing face.


Arriving at the iron mines of Lugano, Robert was amazed. 

The vast space resembled a huge valley, with iron ore being mined from large shafts and workers transporting it. For Robert, who had only used iron products, seeing the production site was impressive.

“This is the largest mine among the Lugano iron mines. It produces huge amounts of iron ore every year. Most of the iron ore used in the Hangurian War also came from here,” Yuria explained.

“It’s really great… I’ve heard about it, but I never really thought it would be a place like this.”

The sounds of pickaxes, the voices of workers, and small furnaces producing iron items on the spot filled the air.

“And this is the iron ore that was just mined here. See for yourself,” Yuria said, holding out two small lumps. At first glance, they looked like ordinary stones but hinted at a large amount of iron within.

“This must be the iron ore. If I didn’t know, I would have just missed it, right?”

“Iron ore is always like that. Iron is obviously an important resource, but it’s not that precious, right? It’s because you can see it surprisingly often. This area has a higher iron content than other areas, enough to be called a mine.”

“I see… certainly, compared to things like gold or silver, iron is quite common.”

“In fact, iron is more common than copper. Then one problem here. What is the difference between the two iron ores in your hands now?”

Robert examined the iron ores closely. At first glance, both looked like ordinary stones, but there was a subtle difference.

“Coal powder?.. is it? There is black powder on this side, but nothing like that on this side.”

“You have a keen eye. Then you know what that means?”

“Uh…um… that’s… eww… I’m sorry, I’m not good at this.” Robert returned the iron ores, feeling the limit of his knowledge. 

Yuria smiled and explained.

“Even if they are mined in the same area, the quality varies slightly depending on where they are mined. This one was dug up from the surface, and this one was mined from the depths. Can you spot the difference?”

“Ah… that’s why the coal powder…”

The iron ore from the surface was relatively clean, while the one from underground had coal dust. 

Robert understood, and Yuria continued.

“As you can see, mining directly from the surface is easier, but there is one drawback.”

“What is it?”

“The iron ore mined in this way has a relatively low iron content. As it is exposed, a lot of other things are mixed in, making the quality slightly inferior. These need a separate smelting process to increase their strength.”

Yuria lifted the iron ore covered with black coal dust, mined from the underground.

“However, mining deep in the mine along the vein is different. The basic iron content is higher, and these ores have enough hardness and elasticity that they do not need to be reforged once extracted. These are the types of steel used in war.”


“Well… I don’t know the detailed reason, but it’s natural that the ones made with difficulty deep underground are of better quality than the ones made easily outside. Just like how ugly fruits grown in the rain and wind are actually sweeter.”


Robert couldn’t take his eyes off Yuria’s face. 

Yuria, with a friendly smile, continued, “Well, that’s about it. Shall we go over there? There are a lot of iron ores we got this time.”

“Ah yes! All right.”

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